Nine Sun God King

Chapter 220: Tianjiaoyuan

"This is a legend, my teacher told me." Pan Dawei took a sip of food, very Sven's eating, can not see him a fat man, at the dinner table will be so Sven.

Du Ghou finally swallowed everything in his mouth and said: "I also heard my teacher say a legend. He said that inside the Xingyang Baoshu, what treasure is hidden."

Pan Dawei sighed slightly and said: "These are legends, and they can't be confirmed! Because even we can't sneak into the deepest part of the Wanxing Lake, but I heard the old dean said that the Wanxing Lake was originally a city because Some reasons fall into the following, the dragon is the patron saint of Wanxing Lake."

"I don't know when those old people are not dead, are they making stories to lie to us." Du Ghost looked disdainful: "I have lived in Xingyang Baoshu for so many years, and I have not found any treasures, except leaves are leaves, even hair. nothing."

Pan Dawei frowned: "I think the legend of Longniu is true, because there is not much powerful Warcraft that dares to approach Wanxing Lake. There is no World of Warcraft in this period."

Qin Yun smiled and said: "Our Star Xuanwuyuan's defense is strong, and Warcraft does not come normally."

Pan Dawei shook his head and said: "No! You can also know that Tian Xuanwuyuan and Lingxuanwuyuan have been attacked many times. The Great Emperor City has also been attacked many times. Even the Blue Lingxing Palace is hard to escape. Several powerful beasts were besieged."

"And our Star Xuanwuyuan, when the World of Warcraft is coming, there is World of Warcraft close, and then it has not happened. Now Tianxuan and Lingxuan are both envious of our tranquility."

After eating the wine, Qin Yun and Du Ghost returned to Xingyang Baoshu.

On the way, he learned that Meng Feiling had already gone to the imperial city to join the army of the demon king, sweeping away the Warcraft in the Tianqin Empire.

Returning to Xingyang Baoshu, Du Ghost guides Qin Yun to practice the gods and gathers the gods, and hopes that he will become a powerful god-killer in the future.

After two days of study, Qin Yun learned a lot.

Du Ghost knows that he is eager to use the King Kong Spirit, and he will not delay him.

Qin Yun took out a large tank in the secret room deep in a tree hole and placed it in the middle of the secret room. Then, take out a large animal skin pad under the big cylinder.

There is a spiritual pattern on the animal skin, which constitutes a array method, which can absorb the special aura in the Xingyang Baoshu and condense the spirit liquid.

After he opened the animal skin, a cluster of cyclones gathered around the tank, like a cloud. After a while, a lot of crystal clear liquid dripped.

Not long after, the big tank is full.

Qin Yun took out the King Kong spirit, poured it into the big tank, and jumped in and began to soak the King Kong spirit.

The King Kong spirit is golden, like the gold that is melted. When you enter the big tank, you will dye a whole tank of clear spirits into gold.

Qin Yun was soaked in the big tank and felt very stinging. He could bear it too. Like this pain, he had suffered too much before, and he could get through the bite...

Soaking the vajra pith, can quickly quench the body, the process is also very painful, after all, this is a way to quickly practice, must pay.

In the martial arts seven-fold gold skeleton, it is necessary to quench the diamond bone to make the gold bone gas into a liquid, that is, to condense the diamond bone marrow. This is mainly used to contain the Wuhun, making the Wuhun into a Vajrayum!

Once the Wuhun becomes the King Kong Wushen, it is the martial arts eight-fold, you can make the Wuhun to strengthen the internal force!

Qin Yun is soaked in a large tank. Although the body is stinging, it can feel that the diamond bone is rapidly increasing, especially the release of the golden bone, the color is deeper.

"Don't I have the reason for the nine yang gods? So I took more medicine from the marrow of the King Kong?" Qin Yun secretly surprised, if so, he can speed up faster.

Five days later, the golden water in the big tank became ordinary water, meaning that the potency had been absorbed.

Qin Yun came out of the big tank, poured out the water, and continued to condense the spirit liquid, ready for the next time.

"After soaking a bottle of King Kong pith, I can quench the diamond bones to the peak!" He did not expect the effect to be so good.

Sure enough, as he estimated, after soaking the King Kong pith, you can condense the diamond bones inside the bones through the golden bones.

Because he cultivated the mysterious heart of the Xuanhuang, so the diamond bone also contains the mysterious yellow gas, which can be more solid.

"I have three martial arts souls, this is not good practice! First, the heart will be shocked by the martial arts martial arts." Qin Yun in order to quickly condense the diamond bone marrow, continue to soak in the big tank.

There are three bottles of King Kong Spirit in his hand!

Now, he only needs three days to absorb a bottle.

"After reaching the bottleneck, Wuhun absorbed a large amount of King Kong bone marrow and reached a saturated state. It could not continue to absorb, but it did not evolve into a Vajrayum." Qin Yun came out of the big tank and muttered to himself.

Nowadays, he can only temper the martial arts of the martial arts in Dantian and the thunder of the arms.

Qin Yun spent a few days, running out of the remaining two bottles of King Kong spirit.

The three martial arts in his body have reached the bottleneck and cannot evolve into King Kong Wushen. I don't know what the problem is.

"Only a little, I am the martial arts eight!" Qin Yun has not broken, but it is a little excited.

The level of his martial arts is very high. Once it is golden, it means that the martial arts will be strong, far more than the same level of martial arts!

When Qin Yun retired, he went to find the devil.

The devil wore a rough set of linen clothes, stood under the star-yang tree, closed his eyes, and did not know what to do. He noticed that Qin Yun came out of the tree hole and opened his eyes.

"Teacher, I have reached the bottleneck. My martial arts can no longer absorb the diamond bone marrow, and can't evolve into the martial arts soul." Qin Yun saw the devil, and hurriedly asked.

Du Gui had known that there was no problem with Qin Yun’s Wu Hun. His mental strength was so strong that he could sense the fluctuation of Wu Qin in the body of Qin Yun, so he was not surprised.

"You have reached a critical juncture. You need to feel the spirit of the martial arts, make your mind and the soul of the martial arts unite, and achieve a spiritual resonance. Only then can the martial arts recognize you and evolve the martial arts soul. ""

"Because, once the Wuhun evolves, it means that you can leave your body and be exposed to the outside, which means there is a great risk. The Wuhun has its own spirituality. You need to guide the Wuhun to make a decision."

After Qin Yun listened to the story of Du Ghost, he fell into meditation and wanted to break through to the martial arts. It was not as easy as he imagined, but he also had a direction.

"Don't be too anxious! You haven't been in the martial arts for seven years. Now it's very fast to reach the top of the seven heavy, and you are only sixteen now." Du Gig smiled: "It's still safe to improve."

Qin Yun nodded.

Du Ghost said: "You may not be interested in something, but I still want to tell you! Our three sects of martial arts will join the Blue Lingxing Palace to establish a Tianjiaoyuan, mainly focusing on cultivating some talented students. ""

"I am very interested, can I go?" Qin Yun blinked and smiled.

Du Ghost did not expect Qin Yun to be so energetic, and said: "This Tianjiaoyuan... will be sent to the mentor from the three major martial arts courts and the Lan Lingxing Palace. These mentors are all martial arts! Among them, Tian Xuanwuyuan, Ling Xuanwuyuan and Lan Lingxing Palace are a bit contradictory to you."

"Of course, because the environment of our Star Xuanwu Academy is good, the placement of Tianjiaoyuan will be here. Now we have created a yard. The disciples of other military courts and the Blue Lingxing Palace will come one after another."

Qin Yun is more interested, and smiled: "Is there any competition? I am looking forward to it, and I want to see how my strength is now?"

Du Ghost shook his head and said: "I don't know how the Tianjiaoyuan is going to work. I haven't figured it out. You have no problem to go. If it is not appropriate, you will quit. I heard that if it is in Tianjiaoyuan. Good grades, you can get mysterious points, and there is a need to go out and kill the Warcraft with the mentor, there is still some danger."

Qin Yun decided to go and asked about the location of Tianjiaoyuan. He went back and put on a set of white clothes, and then rushed to the west of Xingxuanwuyuan. There was a long-lost compound there.

The compound is across the river and can be seen after crossing the bridge.

The courtyard was abandoned for many years. After the renovation, it became very new. At the door, there were also plaques with the words "Tianjiaoyuan".

If you want to enter Tianjiaoyuan, you have to meet certain conditions. First of all, there must be a martial arts seven-fold repair, aged under 25 years old, Qin Yun fully meets these conditions.

Tianjiaoyuan is very large, there are many pavilions, and there is a more than 100-meter-wide performance martial arts field in the middle. In the middle of the military field, there are many students in groups of three and five, who are talking about it.

When Qin Yun came in, he saw Xiao Yang Long wearing a dazzling blue armor!

Xiao Yang Long is a martial art, and he is the chief disciple of Lan Ling Xi Gong. He will be here, and he is very likely to be a mentor.

Xiao Yang Long also saw Qin Yun coming in!

"Cloud brother, you are finally here." Huo Zhong ran over with a smile, wearing a black armor, very spirited.

Murong Daren is also here, wearing the blue robes of the Blue Lingxing Palace, with a folding fan in his hand, and smiles toward Qin Yun.

Qin Yun is here, which makes other students and disciples of the Blue Ling Palace quiet. Many of them have never seen Qin Yun, but they have heard the amazing things that Qin Yun has done.

"Huo Laosan, Murong second child, you have come! Thank you, boss? He won't come?" Qin Yun asked with a smile, and they also saw that they broke through to the martial arts.

Huo Zhong smiled and said: "Thanks to the boss can be awesome, but now the Blue Spirit saints, go out to kill the soul of Warcraft."

Murong Daren whispered: "Cloud brother, Xiao Yanglong this guy is also there, and the guys of Ling Xuanwuyuan, also very hate you!"

Qin Yun killed the prince of the Tianling Empire, and the grandfather of this prince is the vice president of the Ling Xuanwu Academy. He has a very good position in the Ling Xuanwu Academy, so it is not strange to be enemies by Ling Xuanwu.

Xiao Yanglong saw Qin Yun coming, his face was cold, his eyes were murderous, and he did not speak. Here, the one who hates Qin Yun most is him.

In the next two days, Qin Yun and Huo Zhong and Murong Daren were together, waiting for Tianjiayuan to officially start.

There are more and more students arriving, a total of two hundred people, all of which are more than seven martial arts, and ten are martial arts.

And the mentor, there are actually fifty, all of them are martial arts. It can be seen that Tianjiaoyuan is highly valued!

The most unexpected thing about Qin Yun is that this group of martial arts teachers, the youngest is not Xiao Yanglong, but Lan Fengqi, she also came.


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