Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2641: Negative continuation

Although Qin Yun can pass three rounds in a row, his heart is still very uncomfortable. After all, this alchemy competition is open, and it also charges so many Shenyu Jinshi as the registration fee, but the Taiyin Protoss is doing it in secret, or one after another.

This shows that the Taiyin Protoss is too greedy, and very despicable, earning a lot of Shenyu Jinshi does not say, but also do not want to give up the desert purple ginseng. Do not

It’s just Qin Yun. The alchemy teacher who signed up for the competition, even now, is stunned and has no good impression on the Taiyin Protoss. that

Although some alchemists have closed their alchemy all the year round, they have lived for a long time, but they are not fools. Naturally, there is definitely a shady scene behind them.

Therefore, they all admire the jade face rat king, and they can actually pass through the road. Such as

If Qin Yun can get the first, those alchemists are still very happy, at least the finalization of the purple ginseng did not fall into the hands of the three major forces. another

The outside is that the old Dan gods of the three major forces have also lost their reputation because of this game.

After fifteen alchemists on the field, they all produced Tie Jing Shen Dan, and then everyone ate the Shen Dan that they had made.

Just just eating it, their skin began to whiten.

Qin Yun's skin is the fastest white, and it is pure white, showing that the quality of his iron crystal Shendan is the best. its

His fourteen old Dan gods, after their skin became pure white, have been a lot slower. "

It’s a jade face rat, it’s still so beautiful after it turns white! "The hibiscus has a pair of eyes, and the light of appreciation is seen. Look at Qin Yun. Qin

Although the cloud is easy to pass, he makes his appearance more ordinary, but he doesn't know how, even if his appearance is ordinary, with his eyes, and the invisible momentum of his body, it will make him look Very extraordinary.

Especially now, after he enters the state of iron crystal, in comparison, it is more powerful than those of the old Dan. Enter

After entering the state of iron crystal, the body will become very strong and last for a long time, mainly depending on the quality of Tiejing Shendan. Such as

The quality of the fruit **** is good enough and will last longer. One

The iron crystal Shen Dan that can be bought on the market lasts for a long time, and most of the time is half-column.

It is a good quality that lasts for a while. very

Fast, the time of a fragrant incense, the old Dan God and Qin Yun on the field, their iron crystal status is still there, and there is no sign of retreat. This shows that this state will continue for a while. Qin

The cloud did not expect that the effect of this iron crystal Shen Dan was so strange, he thought his body was very strong and would not have too good effect. but

It seems that his Dan has a very good effect. After his body enters the iron crystal state, it becomes very strong and the whole body is as hard as a tin crystal.

When you enter the iron crystal state, your muscles and bones will become very hard. Even if you are attacked by some powerful soldiers, it will be hard to hurt.

Of course, there are also drawbacks to entering the iron crystal state, that is, the physical action will become slow, after all, stiff.

Eating this kind of Dan is mainly when you are fleeing, or used to defend. Entering the state of iron crystal, I also want to be as flexible as a monkey, that is impossible, otherwise this kind of Dan is too bad. shape

After the state subsides, there will be no side effects, so whether it is non-human or human, as long as you can afford it, you will buy one or two tablets.

If you can't beat it, you can hold it for a while and wait for the rescue to come. too

There was some urgency in the Yinshen family, because they saw that the iron crystal Shendan that Qin Yun refines is obviously of good quality, or else it will not support the sign that a column of incense has not subsided. Qin

The cloud just passed through the sky and saw that the old man had sealed the iron crystal **** Dan, and it was still two.

"These guys are really cheating!" Qin Yun was secretly worried, and he was quite worried. If he did not have the old Dan, he would lose. "

Wait, why are they only storing two tablets in the body? If there is more storage, is it better and lasts longer? "Qin Yun's understanding of Tiejing Shendan is still too little.

Qin Yun let Ling Yuner use the magic mirror to ask Nangong Shuiru.

After asking, he realized that if you eat Tie Jing Shen Dan in succession, the firmness of the body will drop a lot. Generally speaking, when the second grain is used, the firmness will begin to decline, and the third grain will drop a lot.

If the fourth is the whole body, although it is white, it can be clearly seen that the body is very soft. "

These guys are also afraid of stuffing! "Qin Yun smiled in the heart, after all, there are many excellent alchemists.

If the Taiyin Protoss is too much to be seen, then it will be messed up, and it seems that they are afraid to wear it. very

Fast, the time of the two pillars will pass! Qin

The cloud has already seen that the firmness of the body of other old Dan gods has dropped significantly!

"It seems that their iron crystal Shen Dan, one can only last a little more than a column of incense!" Qin Yun sneered in the heart: "They eat a total of three, to support the time of Sanxiang?"

The firmness of Qin Yun’s body has not declined at all. ratio

There are a lot of alchemists under the arena, especially those who have been eliminated. They have doubts at the moment and have talked about them.

The magic mirror also began to discuss, saying that the iron crystal Shen Dan can support a column and a half-fragrance has already been in the sky, but now after two columns of incense, there is still no sign of the decline of the state of iron crystal. through

After the discussion of the public, they came to the conclusion that the alchemists on the field both cheated and ate a lot of iron crystal gods.

The big powers of the three major forces were also very surprised. They knew that the old Dan gods were cheating, because this is their territory, so they can arrange very well. and

The jade face mouse king of unknown origin is not, and there is no need to say through three rounds of black-skinned games, and this is the stage of testing Tie Jing Shen Dan, actually still so strong! he

They are worried about encountering some hidden masters. They don't believe the rumors circulating on the mirror, because they have never heard of any squirrels.

In their view, even if there is a rat, it should be hidden in the hole, and will not be so swaying to participate. ratio

The old man in charge of the supervision on the field suddenly said: "I know that everyone has doubts, and I am the same! Otherwise, we will test the firmness of their bodies. If they eat a lot of iron crystals, the body Firmness will definitely drop!" Qin

The cloud is dark, but he is not worried, because his physical firmness has not declined.

"Everything, you use our Taiyin sword to stab their bodies. If they can pierce, they are cheating!" the old man shouted.

Yin Tianyi, who is handsome and handsome, jumped onto the playing field and pulled out a cold and green sword from the scabbard. This

After the sword was squirted, the entire venue suddenly became a bit cold, and the tens of thousands of non-human beings who were watching the scene were also shocked by the sword.

"Everyone is desperate, this sword is just a fake Taiyin sword, not a real Taiyin sword!" An old man of the Taiyin Protoss laughed: "Really Taiyin Shenjian, within the Jiuyang Holy Land!"

It’s imitation, it’s so terrible, is it really worth it? Yin

After Tianyi went up, he stabbed the old Dan gods one by one. Before the stab, they asked them if they were cheating. If they admit it, they would not stab.

Those old Dan gods naturally would not admit it, so Yin Tianyi used swords to stab them. Yin

Tianyi seems to use a lot of power to stab the sword, but he can't pierce the body of the old Dan.

Every time he went to stab the sword, there was a cry out of the field, worried that the sword would pierce the body of the old Dan. Qin

The cloud darkly opened the eyes of the sky, and when Yin Tianyi was stabbed, the power of release was strong. But that power will eventually be absorbed by the imitation of the Taiyin Excalibur, resulting in the stab out, only the strength of Yin Tianyi's body.

This kind of **** soldier, the blessing of the loss of divine power, will greatly weaken the power, and the natural stab does not wear the body of the old Dan. and

When it was Qin Yun’s turn, Yin Tianyi flashed a smog in his eyes. He asked if Qin Yun had not cheated, and he injected a strong power and stabbed it with extra force.

"Yin Tianyi, this **** bastard!" After seeing it, Fox Meier also felt weird and shouted.

Luo Yaofeng is not worried, because it is Qin Yun, it can certainly be resolved.

Qin Yun was only slightly frowning. After his body was stabbed with a sword, he was stabbed back more than ten steps and was not pierced. but

Everyone can see that when Yin Tianyi was stabbing the jade face rat, the power used was stronger than before! only

If you are not a fool, you can see that such an obvious difference is treated. This suddenly caused many non-human races to watch the game.

What they don't know is that when Yin Tianyi stabbed the old Dan gods, but the control of the Taiyin Shenjian converges on the power of the gods, but when the Qin Yun, it does not converge. "

I was not ready yet, so I don't count! I will have another sword! "Yin Tianyi talked, has stepped up, once again quickly stabbed Qin Yun.

This is unexpected for everyone. They see that Yin Tianyi treats the jade face mouse king differently, but he did not expect it to be so excessive. He still has to come back with a sword. "

You are too much! "Qin Yun Shen channel, he ate the iron crystal Shen Dan, the body became very slow, but he is Qin Yun after all, still can be dodged by the pace.

Of course, he couldn't completely avoid Yin Tianyi's stabbing sword, but he could control his body to swing, let Yin Tianyi stabbed him under his arm, and then he used his arm to grip the sword.

This sword is not stabbed!

Many of the masters present were able to see that Qin Yun’s action was slow, but he still controlled the body accurately, and Yin Tianyi’s sword stabbed him. most

Surprisingly, after the Taiyin Excalibur was caught, it could not be pulled out!

Yin Tianyi's face changed, and he suddenly remembered that this mouse is proud of the family, but it is not so easy to deal with.

Hu Meier suddenly shouted: "We should let these alchemists who have been eliminated from the test go up to test!"

She immediately took out her own sword and jumped onto the stage and said, "My sword is not a good sword. Old generations, don't be afraid!"

During the speech, her sword has been squirted and stabbed to an old Dan. she was

Suddenly jumped up and did not say, but also quickly pulled the sword to the old Dan God, this sudden action, so that the Taiyin Protoss was caught off guard.

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