Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3046: Daluo

The Daluo Empire may not have used these kingdoms as running dogs, but it has been suppressing their growth. ratio

For example, this time in the actions of the gods, the Daluo Empire allowed them to come to the gods, on the condition that they would build a super-city. to

In other cases, the Da Luo Empire will not be in charge. king

The hatred between the countries is very deep. After they build the super-city, they will surely continue to fight in the wilderness. By

By the power of the kingdom, it will surely draw the great and strong people of the gods, and then get involved in the war. As a result, the gods of the gods will die in the war. Big

The Los Angeles Empire will not be very direct, but will use a method within the rules to suppress the growth of the middle and lower layers of life. except

No, there are really middle and lower layers of life to break through the suppression. At that time, it was the time when the Da Luo Empire shot.

The Daluo Empire is the only upper class in the universe. They are high above and rarely shot. he

What we like most is to make a variety of rules, and then use the power of the rules to suppress the parties, so that all the creatures of this universe will survive according to the rules they have established.

"Before, there was a group of your cat ears, and the King of the Kings joined forces to **** a mine. The group of cat ears was finally killed by the destroyers. Do you know this?" Qin Yun asked.

"Know, how did you know about this?" The cat-eared man was a little surprised. "

Because it was what I saw with my own eyes, I was nearby. I heard the few cats and ears said that the destroyer came to catch a little girl and said that the little girl had appeared in the Jiuyang Holy Land. Qin Yun asked: "Do you know what kind of little girl is that?" ”

The cat-eared man frowned: "There was a group of devastators who were looking for the little girl in the gods... but they still haven't found it, but now they have to leave, and I don't know if they will come after the little girl, but this is Will anger the Jiuyang Fa Ling."

What kind of little girl will make the Da Luo Empire act so many destroyers? Qin Yun asked.

"The father of Xiaotoutou is the royal family of the Daluo Empire. After he combined with our cat ears, he gave birth to a baby girl. This angered the entire Dalu Imperial royal family. The parents of Xiaotoutou were finally caught. It is said that they finally The Da Luo Empire was tortured and tortured for several years and there were rumors that they did not die," said the Cat Ear. Qin

The cloud is very surprised. Mi Luer actually has such a life experience. The cat ears are black, and the Mi Lu is white, and it also has the ability to resist the sky. It turns out that she has the blood of the Dalu Imperial royal family.

At this time, Qin Yun was even more shocked by the strength of the Imperial Empire. The Miluer was so special that it could make the spiritual strength ten times burst, and it would be easy to bite the Shenyu stone. The body is very powerful and can easily shuttle the space. Is this? The power of the royal blood of the Daluo Empire?

"Then they catch the little girl, is it to scribble the roots?" Qin Yun asked. "

The royal family attaches great importance to their blood, and they do not allow their royal members to combine with the middle and lower classes. Once they are discovered, no matter who they are, they will die. The little girl is very powerful. It is said that the blood is mutated. It is stronger than many royal members of the Daluo Empire... so she must be destroyed, lest she pass the precious blood to the middle and lower classes.

"Actually, we middle-class people are also restricted, and they are not allowed to be combined with the lower-level people. If they are discovered, they will be destroyed by the whole family." The cat-eared man said.

Qin Yun looked at Ba Tai Yin and asked: "Ba brother, is there such a rule in your hometown?"

Ba Taiyin’s eyes are weird, saying: “There are also such regulations. There is no intermarriage between the upper middle and lower classes. It is not allowed to communicate with each other. As for why, I don’t know.”

It turns out that you are from the outer universe empire! "The cat ears immediately decided, said. Qin

The cloud suspects that Ba Taiyin’s life experience may be similar to that of Mi Luer.

It can be seen that the power of the blood is very important in every universe. The blood of the Daluo Empire royal family is very strong, which can make Mi Luer's small gimmicks superior in ability, and can escape the pursuit of many destroyers, and flee all the way to the gods.

"After your kingdom enters the gods, will it kill the local people?" Qin Yun asked, he has been worried about this.

"I don't know, maybe, maybe not... It's hard to say. After all, human nature is very complicated." The cat ears don't dare to say, because he knows that the lower class is in their eyes, just like the ants.

Of course, the Qin Yun in front of you is not counted! "

How many people will you send to the gods of the cat kingdom? This is what Ba Taiyin asked.

"The first batch, about a million, is still flying in the universe, they are coming." The cat is human.

Qin Yun was shocked. The millions of cats and ears were not more than the nine heavens. So in their original hometown, they should be considered as the bottom. If

Among the millions of cats and ears, as long as tens of thousands are extremely vicious, it will certainly bring great confusion to the gods. various

Many great cities in the wilderness of the gods will not be able to withstand the powerful cats.

"How many gods are there in the universe? How many?" Qin Yun asked. "

I don't know very well. The gods are nine-fold, and there are a lot of them in our strange cat kingdom. "The cat ears said: "The first batch has millions, the second batch should have two million, and there will be more behind... In the end, at least 200 million cat ears will come to the gods." "to

Less than 200 million cat ears!

Qin Yun heard that the head is big, and this is absolutely great for the gods and gods. Want

I know that although these cats are very abolished in the Cat Kingdom, they are born with a god. various

The natives and creatures in the wilderness are simply unable to resist them. again

There is, in addition to the Chihua Kingdom, there are several other kingdoms, and their number is certainly quite a lot. when

Of course, the gods are very big, and even if they hold tens of billions of people, they will not appear crowded. most

The terrible thing is that the gods and gods are still growing, and this will really become a super huge heaven. "

The gods are very old, and the space transmission is limited. The native spirits are scattered and can survive. "The cat-eared man said: "Moreover, our kingdoms come to the gods and gods, and come to the resources. When they can compete for resources with us, they are other kingdoms. ”

"It means that between the various kingdoms, will it be beaten by blood? But at the same time, the emperor's palace of the Daluo Empire is built?" Qin Yun asked.

"Although we have to build the Imperial Palace of the Daluo Empire together, this does not prevent us from fighting in other places." The cat-eared man said: "Yesterday, several of our kingdoms jointly organized the empire to do things. After they finished, they will be able to fight you tomorrow. This is the normal state."

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