Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3053: Anti-killing cat

In order to make the small poisons stronger, Qin Yun used two billion yuan of Shenyu Jinshi, which was transformed into energy by the gods of the gods, so that the small poisons can be absorbed.

This kind of poisonous insect can only be manufactured on a small scale. If you want to make a large amount of it, even if you spend hundreds of billions of gods, you can't get much.

Moreover, outside the poisonous beads, a layer of Shenyu Tiangu water is formed, which is used to increase the strength of the beads, so as to prevent the beads from being destroyed when flying.

This consumes 30 yuan of Qin Yun's gods, but fortunately, these gods are all from the human body.

Qin Yun made these poisonous insects, mainly for dealing with dozens of cats and ears, but it was very expensive.

Of course, three or two billion is not a big deal for Qin Yun, but he has more than 700 billion in his hands.

Also, if you can get rid of a lot of cat ears and get the gods from them, then there is no loss.

The gods of the gods are very old. Even if there are powerful foreign forces coming in, as long as those forces do not oppress the local creatures, the native creatures will not be greatly affected.

Now, the cat-eared people come to the gods and the gods to plunder the gods and the golden stone, and they are still enslaved to abuse the gods, this is the contradiction between races.

The alien community kills the local ethnic group. As a **** god, Qin Yun can sit and watch it?

"The Cat Kingdom, no matter where you hide in the universe, I will destroy you completely!"

Qin Yun secretly gritted his teeth.

Qin Yun has been busy for a few days and nights without rest. He is also physically and mentally exhausted. What makes him feel awkward is that many of these people have been bullied in these days, and some even died.

Qin Yun forced himself to rest for two hours, so that he had an excellent state.

"The Great King, the Cat Kingdom, you all have to finish!"

Qin Yun looked at the strange cat king city being built ahead.

Ba Taiyin has already flown over and started to act. He knows that the poisonous insect beads produced are very strong, but I don’t know what the final effect will be.

After Qin Yun used stealth surgery to stealth, he flew behind Ba Tai Yin.

At night, Ba Taiyin entered the king of the cat, and he had the invisible character made by Qin Yun.

Originally, Qin Yun planned to let Ba Taiyin assassinate the nine heavens of the gods, but after killing a few, the group of the gods and the ears of the nine-eyed cats were aware of them. Now they are all grouped, basically all ten. Individuals together.

A high-rise building was built in the city of Qijiao Wangcheng. One of them, the King of the Great God and a few cats and ears of the gods.

"Yang Dawang, are you not the great **** of the gods?"

You said that the little **** king brought people to find the cat king city, then you tell us, where the little **** king hides! ”

A cat ear asked.

"The Daluo Empire is in Tongyun, if you catch Qin Yun and hand it over to the Da Luo Empire, you will get a generous reward. Do you think I don't want to find the bastard?"

The great king sighed: "Qin Yun this little bastard, it is really very difficult to do, or else he has been killed by me."

The cat said: "The guy who is surrounded by the gods in his world, what is it?"

Is the **** of the empire from the universe? ”

The Great King nodded and said: "Yes... This is what your cat ears said. The cats and ears were easily killed by the guy.

By the way, if it is really the empire of the gods, can you deal with it? ”

"As long as we have ten on this side, it is not a problem to deal with the empire's sacred world. I am afraid... I am afraid that the Daluo Empire sent to protect Qinyun.

The ghost knows what the **** is doing on the empire. ”

The cat-eared person was very angry: "There is no action for the imperial people, and we will not inform us at all. If we accidentally anger them, it is a dead end."

The Great King shook his head and said: "The empire should not protect Qin Yun! Qin Yun is a human being recognized by Jiuyang Faling. Although it is still very small, the Daluo Empire decided to arrest him, which indicates that Qin Yun is a potential threat. .

Qin Yun is a man of scheming. He may decide what sorcerer to use to control the imperial person.

I know this very well. I have a lot of loyal men. They have betrayed me and helped Qin Yun to fight against me. It is because Qin Yun used sorcerers to confuse them. ”

A loyal man?

Under the command of the great king, there is no hate for him! The Taiyin emperor, the moon evil spirits, and the heavenly gatekeeper who were killed by Qin Yun all hated the great king.

"The imperial man didn't come over this time. He just grabbed some of the gods and the eight heavens. After our gods were in the ninth place, he would not come."

The cat ears laughed: "So, we can wait until the reinforcements come."

"How did you do the Cat Kingdom?

Actually, Qin Yun, the **** of the two worlds, is forced to this kind of situation! ”

The great king of kings is very disdainful: "You are all nine gods in heaven!"

"Yang Dawang, I don't look down on you. In our eyes, you are far worse than Qin Yun, the little **** king."

How is your great king in the end? ”

The cat is ridiculed.

"No way, Jiuyang Faling is more concerned with Qin Yun."

The Great King snorted. In fact, he received a lot of care, but he did not use it well before he was beaten by Qin Yun.

In addition, many things that Jiuyang Failing handed over to him, he did not do well.

Ba Taiyin entered the city to find the nine heavens of the gods, while Qin Yun was outside, to save those gods.

The gods are enslaved, and they are forced to work at night. The gods who are resting are very tired. They are sitting on the ground at this moment, eating some junk food given by the cat ears.

The cat ears who are responsible for the care of the gods are not very strong. They are all five or six heavy.

Of course, this kind of man-made cat is very strong for Qin Yun. Qin Yun has to do his best to make it possible to kill one.

Now, he has poisonous insect beads in his hand. As long as he can successfully release the poisonous insects, he can fix these cat ears that are not more than the seven heavens.

At night, on an open space, two cats, laughing, happily smashing some poor gods, they are happy because they are bored.

Qin Yun, who is invisible, first goes over the past.

After he sneaked close, he took out two poisonous bead beads and, after releasing it, controlled the poisonous insects to burst open.

After the explosion, the dense insects, like the light spots, hit the two cat ears, and then quickly penetrated into the body of their head holes, very fast.

It was only for a moment that the two cat ears fell to the ground, and the flesh and blood in the body were swallowed up, leaving only the bones and clothing.

Qin Yun quickly took out two boxes and controlled the insects into the box. When he created these bugs, he was branded with his spiritual mark. These poisonous insects also listened to him.

Qin Yun took out the nine-Yang Qingtian Tower stealth, let Lingyun come out, arrange those women to enter the tower, and heal them.

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