Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3071: Chaos cannon

"Dry, dodge!"

Qin Yun whispered a sentence.

After the bullet was avoided, it continued to shoot forward, but it was very strangely wrapped around a circle and then continued to accelerate.

After the bullet turned, it quickly swung back. This was very abnormal, which led to the accident that the Daluo warrior was very accidental.

The soldiers of the Great Blue Empire, seeing this scene, know that Qin Yun shot, to interfere with the Da Luo warriors.

Daluo warrior yelled at the heart, but he didn't know what it was, but he couldn't fix the particle bomb with a strong spiritual force. He could also sense that the bullet had a strong energy and could not be hit.

Daluo warrior left and flicked right, began to avoid the particle bomb, but also faced the attack of the big blue warrior.

In this way, it didn't take long for the Daluo warrior to be concentrated by the bullet! boom! A loud bang, bullets impact on the helmet, a strong burst of power, although the helmet did not penetrate, but the head of the Daluo warrior burst into pain.

The Big Blue Warrior seized the opportunity and quickly slashed dozens of knives, attacking each other's defenses and killing each other.

The warriors of the two empire fought, and finally there were casualties, and the soldiers of the Daluo Empire were killed! Other Dalu warriors were shocked. In their view, although the Big Blue Empire is strong, it will not be hurt if it is careful.

However, now, one of them, somehow, was suddenly hacked to death.

The warriors of the Big Blue Empire are only slightly weaker than the Daluo Warriors. The Daluo Warriors are well equipped and a little more, so they take advantage.

As long as the Da Luo warrior is harassed, the big blue warrior seizes the opportunity, the big blue warrior can kill the other side.

"Great, the ability of the King's gun is not disappointing!"

Qin Yun was very happy and then continued to shoot.

When he aimed at one, he fired a shot and didn't see if he could interfere.

The bullets that the King of the Kings fired out were like being attached to the soul. They seemed to have self-awareness and did not swear by the target.

On the battlefield, suddenly there was a very strange thing. The soldiers of the Daluo Empire were successively knocked down. It was only a short time ago that more than a dozen were killed.

The spies who watched the war in the distance, especially the spies from the kingdom, thought that the Da Luo Empire had taken the shot. The result of this war should be that the overall situation has been fixed. I did not expect a reversal.

Other Dalu warriors on the battlefield, they all saw their companions are avoiding a golden bead, which is the bullet that Qin Yun hit out.

The Daluo warriors did not escape the bullets in the end. They were all hit by the head. After being hit, the explosions and shock waves generated caused great interference to the Daluo warriors. After all, the Huadan furnace absorbed a lot of energy. Out, the power is still not small.

That is, the Daluo warrior is strong enough. If the gods of the five or six heavy-eyed cats are hit, they will definitely be headshot.

"The Daluo warriors have a total of one hundred and ten. If they only have eight or ninety, the situation can be reversed without my intervention."

Qin Yun continued to shoot. His bullets are not many. He wants to reduce the number of Daluo fighters to less than 90%.

The Da Luo warriors are really good. They know that weird bullets are interfering with them, so they no longer dodge, but use a knife to smash.

With the power of the Daluo warriors, their weapons can indeed hit the bullets, so that the bullets can be detonated in advance, and they will not be hit by the head and cause interference.

This made Qin Yun’s several particle bombs not interfere.

"Well, I will feed you three!"

Qin Yun opened three shots in a row against a Daluo warrior.

The three-particle bomb is in the past, and it is from three directions, and the speed is very fast.

The bullet seems to know what Qin Yun is thinking, and it can make the trajectory become very confusing. When attacking the Daluo warrior, the bullets begin to dodge.

"The bullets are fine!"

Qin Yun went through the sights and was shocked.

The King of the Kings has the power of the God of Heaven, which is mainly derived from the sky pattern of the Taishi Blood Vessels.

This kind of sky is very powerful, and the ability to be branded into the sacred gun can give the sacred gun a bullet.

Under the cooperation of the three-particle bombs, the Daluo warrior was finally hit. After being disturbed, the one who greeted him was death.

Also died a big warrior! "I knew I had a little more bullets!"

Qin Yun did not expect that the Da Luo Empire would send so many elite warriors.

According to the information he has mastered, the soldiers of the Daluo Empire will mainly be concentrated in the Jiuyang Holy Land, because the Daluo Palace was built in the center of the Jiuyang Holy Land, and is close to the passage into the barbaric universe.

"This kind of warrior is a warrior. It should be nothing for the Da Luo Empire. They must have a large number of such warriors!"

When Qin Yun knew Ba Tai Yin, he knew that in the empire, the gods were as heavy as dogs.

However, in the case of the gods, especially in the case of restrictions, the nine heavens are the strongest existence.

The gods of the universe are nine in the gods, but they can walk sideways.

The cats and ears are going to retreat at this moment. They still have two or three hundred gods and nine heavens. Ba Taiyin and their brothers will definitely not be able to take them.

There are still more than half of the cat ears. Although they still have tens of thousands of them, they have no courage to fight, because the momentum of the two empire’s gods has already scared them, not to mention that their generals have been taken. under.

Tens of thousands of cats are gathered together and are retreating in one direction! This made the spies sigh, Qin Yun did not show up from beginning to end, and did not bring many people, but let 100,000 cats and people collapse, the odd cat king city is destroyed.

Qin Yun saw the tens of thousands of cat ears to run, and sneered in his heart: "I have invested so much in this battle, do you want to run like this?"

How? ”

This group of cat ears did not know at all. They were the gods in the eyes of Qin Yun. They were the living gods and bones. Qin Yun played this war, not only to save the gods, but also to save the gods. I have to make a big deal.

Qin Yun immediately turned the gun of the **** into a shoulder-shouldered cannon, and then put a small chaotic Shenyang shell.

"First come, aim at the nine heavens of the gods, don't smash them, their gods are still very precious."

Qin Yun whispered, hope that the King of the Gun can understand his meaning.

The gods of the cat ears are all gathered together, mainly because they are afraid of Ba Taiyin and they have several raids.

They all know that Qin Yun has a few elite empire masters in the heavens, but the number is too small, and they dare not attack them. This group of gods is so heavy, so if they gather together, it is safe.

"Cat ears, you Qin, I am coming to the war, how can I let you go?"

Qin Yun played a small chaotic Shenyang shell.

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