Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3111: Big devil

Although the Golden Claw chief moved out the Jiuyang Fa Ling, but his heart was panicked to death, he is now scared to run Qin Yun with very hopeful hope.

After Qin Yun heard it, he laughed loudly: "The Golden Claws, who are punished by Jiuyang Fa Ling, should be you.

Foreign enemies attacked us and invaded our gods and enslaved our gods.

As a part of God's wilderness, you will not be able to resist foreign enemies. Actually, you will also help foreign enemies to take away a lot of gods. ”

Before the Golden Claws, they helped the cats to catch a large number of gods and people, and they were enslaved by General Meng Hao.

Then, he helped the cat-ear man to attack the peacock treasure land, and let the cat-ear man enter the golden claw treasure to build the singular cat king city. This is a series of help for foreign enemies. If Jiuyang Faling is to punish, it must be the first to punish them. .

As a **** king, Qin Yun rescued the gods and savages, confronted the powerful cat kingdom, and finally punish the golden claws. This seems to be taken for granted, and he is doing very well.

In the eyes of other strong people who are desperate, Qin Yun is very beautiful! "Qin Yun, although you are a **** king, but you have not been recognized by the gods and gods, then you are not a **** king! You are not a **** king, what qualification do you represent the gods?

Why do you make justice for the gods and ridicules? ”

"You said that the Cat Kingdom is a foreign enemy?

But they are all powerful civilizations. They come to the gods and gods to help the powerful creatures of our gods. ”

"The arrival of the Seven Kingdoms and the Daluo Empire is allowed by the Nine Yang Fa Ling. Our Golden Claws receive the Cat Kingdom. Why not?"

"My golden claw family, I will never recognize you as a god!"

The chief of the Golden Claw shouted loudly, to let the spies of the various forces outside hear it.

Qin Yun counted as a shameless face of this golden claw patriarch, and actually said this kind of thing so arrogant.

"Do you agree with me, what does it matter?

My Qin Yun is a **** king, and you don't need your wicked death to recognize! ”

When Qin Yun’s voice fell, Ba Taiyin immediately rushed to the next level, directly smashing the golden claw patriarch from the top of his head into two halves, and at the same time grasping the soul of the golden claw patriarch.

"Kill, one does not stay!"

Qin Yun ordered, let the two hundred gods soldiers go down and rush.

There are not many people in the Golden Claws, and the equipment is not very good. The golden claws of the nine-heavy gods are far less powerful than the cats.

They face the king warrior, just like the power of the hand, they are spiked in an instant.

Qin Yun was under the protection of Ba Tai Yin, flying to the Qi Mao Wangcheng, directly blasting a chaotic shell.

This singular cat king city is much smaller than the previous two, so it was blasted.

The cat ears in the cat king city are also dead and wounded! Before Qin Yun grabbed a few spies, they also had gold claws and cat ears, which allowed Qin Yun to understand the strength of the Golden Claw.

The Golden Claws have evolved very well, and they are breeding faster, which seems to be the cat's ear to help them evolve in the dark.

The golden claws use the energy under the treasure to condense into giant eggs. The golden claws coming out of the eggs are all adults. They are very majestic and are very killing males.

After the birth of these golden claws, they can instill a lot of memories directly into them, all of which are mainly killing, fighting, and plundering. Therefore, the golden claws cultivated in this way are very cruel.

Qin Yun learned from the cat's ear Detective that the cat ears used the golden claws to do experiments, and the gold claws that were cultivated were all deprived of fear, meaning that they were not afraid of death and would be very crazy when fighting.

Of course, these golden claws are easy to lose their minds and become a violent fighting demon.

They are not afraid of death, facing the powerful King of the Warriors, are the goods that are spiked.

The spy outside the golden claws is not only surprised that Qin Yun really won the golden claws, but even more shocked his **** warriors.

There are many spies who come from empire and kingdoms, such as the Dala Empire, the Big Blue Empire, and the spies of the Fire Ling Empire. They all know that the King Warrior is terrible.

The super-powerful gods cultivated by their empire are nine-fold, and I am afraid that they need two dozens to defeat a king warrior.

The Great Blue Empire and the Fire Ling Empire did not send personnel to Qin Yun, which they promised the Da Luo Empire.

Other spies are also very certain about this, because even the Big Blue Empire and the Fire Ling Empire can not cultivate this level of the nine heavenly strong, and there is equipment, but also very powerful.

Where did these **** warriors come from?

The number is only two hundred, indicating that it has just appeared soon?

Is it Qin Yun cultivated?

If so, it is terrible! If there are more and more such kings and warriors, Qin Yun can really control the destiny of the gods and sit on the throne of the gods. Even the Daluo Empire must use a lot of resources to compete against Qin Yun.

This is a very important piece of information that must be reported to the empire! The three empires do not want to see Qin Yun in charge of the gods, because in their eyes, the gods are a huge piece of fat, even if the three empire eat together, they can eat.

If it is controlled by Qin Yun, the resources of the gods and gods will be distributed to the gods and gods.

Once the various families are strong, worship Qin Yun as the king of the gods, and there are nine yang spirits to help each other. When the gods and gods form a large army, they will fight for multiple universes, and other empire will be destroyed.

If it was before, other empire would not have such concerns, but now that Qin Yun is so powerful, and the Qi Mao Kingdom is smashed in the underground, it is necessary to reassess the strength of Qin Yun.

Half a day passed, the golden claws of the scenery were smashed, and the King Warrior was searching for the entire golden claw.

Qin Yun released ten pairs of eye-catching eyes, shrouded the entire golden claws, and even penetrated deep into the ground, to find out all the enemies hidden in the treasure.

They spent another half day working in the finishing touches, and the powerful bodies were sent to the yangyangzhu.

Ling Yuner and Mi Luer are busy, they have to separate the Shenyu Tiangu in the body, and then send the body into the sun.

The Golden Claws have been controlled by Qin Yun, which will be his starting point in the era of the evolution of the gods.

Soon after Qin Yun just took the golden claws, he felt a faint shock from outside the golden claws.

Then, I saw a golden mountain, moving quickly to the golden claws.

This majestic mountain, the golden light shines, and in a far distance, the light that is released is very dazzling.

Qin Yun saw this giant mountain and felt very surprised. This is actually an altar of heaven. Heaven is coming.

The altar of heaven is very different, not only becomes bigger and bigger, but the whole mountain is like a reborn.

"The two goods of Tiandaozi, come over at this time, are you staring at my golden claws?"

Qin Yun is very puzzled, why Tiandaozi always appears at such a good time.

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