Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3117: Tianyin re-emerges

Qin Yun is considering whether to let Taicao help.

He is worried that if you use a lot of Shenyu Jinshi and you can't succeed in the end, isn't it a big loss?

Of course, if it succeeds, even if you use a lot of Shenyu Jinshi, it will definitely not lose.

Take the thirty tyrants, just the equipment on them, they can almost return.

In addition, the Balong warrior has a high research value.

“How many gods and stones do you need?”

Qin Yun asked.

The ten generals of the Chihua Kingdom were killed by him. Each of the generals had 100 billion yuan of Shenyu Jinshi, which is one trillion yuan of income.

There are two hundred billion in the body of the singular cat, and the end of this war is a total of one thousand two.

Qin Yun himself had two or three billion yuan. Before the upgrade of God Wang Tianyin consumed a lot, and now it has returned blood.

"Five hundred billion Shenyu Jinshi!"

Tai Shi said: "Put the 500 billion Shenyu Jinshi into the God of Heaven, you can start right away."

Qin Yunxin is sore, but he thinks, even if he uses 500 billion, he still has almost one trillion in his hand, enough for him to practice.

"Well, 500 billion yuan is 500 billion!"

Qin Yun would like to see what the Balong warriors are like, the five generations of blood and sky, and the fact that they are all deviated beyond the realm of the gods, it is worth studying.

In addition, Qin Yun should study their weaknesses according to the blood and armor of the Balong warriors, and study the bleeding veins to target them.

"Would you like to get them together?"

Qin Yun asked, he was madly going to God Wangtianyin to put Shenyu Jinshi.

"The Balong warriors keep a distance from each other because they know you have chaotic shells, so they won't get together!"

Too began to say: "It is very difficult for you to get them together, so we can go and kill them one by one."

Qin Yun is calculating, if using 500 billion Shenyu Jinshi, how many chaotic shells can be created?

Chaos cannonballs are very easy to use, and they are almost invincible in the realm of the nine heavens.

Qin Yun knows that the Cat Kingdom has a very powerful battleship, and the Cat King will soon have another avatar coming over and bring the fleet to revenge.

Qin Yun is having a headache, what way to fight against such a powerful battleship.

"The God of the Kings listens, we have to move as a whole, keep the shield and move quickly, you should be able to do it!"

Qin Yun said.


Qin Zhong, Qin Yi and Qin Cheng all nodded quickly.

Qin Yun does not have to worry about the peacock treasure, the peacock people have already hid.

Under the command of Qin Yun, the three hundred gods and soldiers, together with the release of layers of shields, turned into a huge light group floating in the air.

The attacks of the Balong warriors were not as intensive as they were at the beginning, and they continued to use a large amount of divine power, which was very expensive.

But they are the Balong Army, and there must be super power beads.

The Balong warriors also underestimated the defense power of the King of the Kings. For them, this short-term attack can not be attacked for a long time.

The main reason is that the number of Balong warriors is too small. If there are one hundred, Qin Yun can only slip.

Qin Yun and the Three Hundred Gods Wang Jun are all within a huge ball of light.


After Qin Yun specified the direction, the light ball moved immediately and the speed was extremely fast.

Qin Yun passed the eyes of the sky to determine the location of a Balong warrior.

At the time of flying, the Balong warrior was also aware of the danger.

Qin Yun used the gods of Heaven to press behind the mirror of Taishi, shooting a light and falling on the Warrior.

The Balong warrior couldn’t move! "Use the mysterious gods!"

Qin Yun shouted.

Only a dozen **** warriors passed, and the swords in their hands penetrated the armor and directly penetrated into the body of the Balong warrior, reinventing the gods in the body.

The damage of the gods in the body of the Balong warrior, even if it is strong, is also abolished in front of the king warrior.

Got it! Qin Yun immediately took out Tianding Town, Tianding, and put the Balong warrior into it.

Then he immediately rushed to the next one! Other Balong warriors are very surprised, because in their view, these weak lower-level people, even if many people join forces to besiege the singles, they can also kill the encirclement.

However, the Warrior fighter just did not escape, and even the resistance did not resist, he was taken.

Soon, Qin Yun killed another one! This is the **** of the gods, which is motivated by the gods of the gods. It is indeed very powerful and can set the powerful fighters to death.

However, this is not cheap. If you illuminate it, you need to burn almost one hundred and seven billion gods.

After Qin Yun succeeded, he made the country's spies stunned.

What happened to the Balong warrior?

Actually standing there like a stupid bird, stupid being taken down! Evil door, too evil door! This is definitely the magic of Qin Yun! This time, the Balong warrior has a very difficult task, which is to save the avatar of the singular cat king and win the Qin Yun. If they can't, they can't go back.

This is a dead command, either die or a mission! Therefore, the Balong warriors did not run.

The tactics they had discussed before were to spread the attack and avoid being killed by Qin Yun’s powerful and mysterious weapons.

However, after they are now separated, Qin Yun still has the mysterious tricks to deal with them.

The Balong Warrior started a group of several people and formed a small team.

They believe that Qin Yun’s tricks cannot set a few powerful fighters at once.

A few powerful fighters will surely break free.

However, they are wrong! The power of God's Heavenly Seal is not even imaginable by Qin Yun, let alone the Warrior Warrior! The **** of heaven and the seal with the Tai Shi mirror, the glare of the shot, suddenly settled five Balong warriors.

Later, all the spies saw that the Balong warrior was stupidly taken down.

"I am doing... Qin Yun, this guy, what do you have in mind?"

Actually, you can suddenly kill the Warrior! ”

Gao Linqing exclaimed.

"Qin Yun is really invincible in the gods of the gods?

Jiuyang Faling did not give him any help. Where did he get the powerful power? ”

Before Jiang Ming, some people looked down on Qin Yun, but now they are afraid.

"He is, after all, the **** of the gods of the gods. Without any skill, it has already cooled down!"

Gao Linqing whispered: "I heard that he is strong, it is the **** Wang Tianyin... God Wang Tianyin, but after millions of years of hardening, I do not know what is made!"

"Your big blue empire, is it for you to take the task, let you get Qin Yun's **** Wang Tianyin?"

Jiang Ming said.

"Your Huo Ling Empire must have such a mission!"

Gao Linqing said.

Between them speaking, Qin Yun killed more than a dozen Balong warriors.

There are only ten fighters left now! Although Qin Yun used a lot of Shenyu Jinshi, it was very valuable.

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