Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3135: Real-time situation

The Scorpio people only came to three hundred. If they are all the same strength of the Balong Army, it is very difficult to win them.

Therefore, Ba Taiyin is now in a hurry. The Scorpio people suddenly attacked the golden claws, and it is very likely that they are testing the defensive power of the Golden Claw.

Although there are many more gods and soldiers in the Golden Claws, the strength is not up to the level of the Balong Army.

It is impossible to count all the kings of warriors who have moved the golden claws.

"The gods of the gods outside are supposed to be at the level of the Balong army. They have all surpassed the heavens and the universe, and now they are retreating."

Qin Yun has not yet come to the edge of the enchantment. It is possible to judge by sensing the movement outside.

The three hundred days of warriors are madly attacking the enchantment of the Golden Claws, so that the enchantment has been reinforced by the heavenly altar, or it will certainly not last long.

The so-called Balongjun level is that it once surpassed the Shenyu Jiujiu. Later, after repairing it as a retrogression, Shenyuli and the body gods were in the stage of the Shenyu Jiuzhong, but the physical and spiritual strength did not regress.

The strong men of the empire and the kingdom, after the power in their bodies is taken back by the cosmic spirit, the repair will be regressed to the heavenly world.

Therefore, Qin Yun will face more fighters of this level in the future.

"Boss, their equipment should not be as good as the Balong Army!"

Ba Taiyin said: "They are all naked, the lower body is blind, and they have natural armor.

I don't know if they will wear armor when they are fighting. ”

Although the equipment from the kingdom is not comparable to the empire, it must not be underestimated.

Qin Yun took out a bead and injected his own spiritual power. Then he launched it against the huge heavenly altar of the Golden Claw, and contacted the heavenly son in the altar.

"There are people who are attacking our enchantment. Can you block their offense?"

Qin Yun asked.

"Of course, even if I come back ten times, I can stand up!"

Tiandaozi smiled confidently: "Qin Ye, you have to look down on my ability."

"Heavenly, don't brag at this time!"

Qin Yun really does not believe in the words of Heaven.

"My heavenly altar is also a treasure, a movable treasure! Jiuyang Faling took special care of me. Although I can't contact him now, he has been helping my altar to be strong."

Tiandaozi said.

Qin Yun was more surprised. Jiuyang Failing actually transformed the Tiandao altar. If this is the case, the words of the Taoist day are quite credible.

Not long after, Qin Yun and Ba Tai Yin came to the edge of the enchantment, and those Scorpio people madly attacked the enchantment outside.

The Monkey King looked at his eyes and took the stick. He couldn’t wait to rush out to fight.

Qin Yun released the eyes of the sky, covered a large area outside, found that there are other Scorpio people suspended in the air, and holding a crystal bead in his hand, seems to record the 300-day warrior attacking the golden claws.

"The Kingdom of Scorpio should start using the mirror!"

Qin Yun frowned: "Do they want to spread the process of attacking the Golden Claws in the real time?"

Luo Wei said before, the mirror array has been completed, and covers the gods.

It is not surprising that empire and kingdom executives can use magic mirrors.

"They really are testing our defense!"

Qin Yundao: "Ba brother, adjust two hundred gods to come!"

"Boss, only two hundred?"

Is this enough? ”

Ba Tai Yin was shocked.

Although the outer Scorpio people are not equipped, their flesh is very strong, and the body's gods and bones have all been strengthened, and they have been the middle-class people who surpassed the heavens.


Qin Yun said: "The two hundred gods, go out and collect the bodies of three hundred days, you said enough?"

Ba Taiyin and the Monkey King are stunned. Are the two hundred **** warriors coming to collect the corpse?

How do you get rid of the 300-day-old warrior outside?

They have no doubt about Qin Yun’s words, but they are very similar to knowing what Qin Yun will use to kill the 300-day warrior outside.

Ba Taiyin immediately went to the King of Warriors.

... In the mountains where the gods are so secret, there is a spacious and comfortable large stone room inside the cave of a mountain.

On a bed in the stone room, there was a woman sitting cross-legged, it was Princess Luo Shu.

She wore a mask and looked at a large mirror in front of it, showing the golden claws at the gate, and there were three hundred days of warriors attacking.

Luo Yan stood by the bed and whispered: "Princess sister, that is Qin Yun... He doesn't look anxious!"

"Is this guy, call me a monk?"

Princess Loushuo’s voice is very light and cold. She said this sentence should have been very angry, but she did not feel that she was angry. She did not seem to be angry.

At the beginning, Qin Yun said in front of Luo Wei, let her go back to tell Princess Luo Shu this slut... I didn’t expect Luo Wei to tell Princess Luo Shu the process.

"I just handed over the information of the Scorpio kingdom to the gods of the gods. I didn't expect the Scorpio soldiers to come to the door!"

Luo Wei said: "Sister Princess, do you think he can block the three hundred days of warriors?"

"I don't know. The method used by this person in the gods of the gods is very weird. It is not on the scene. It is impossible to see what tricks are there."

Princess Luo Shu shook her head: "Of course he can hold it."

"Is it the Prince who asked the Kingdom of Scorpio to attack the Golden Claw?"

Luo Yan frowned: "The Prince is not saying that Qin Yun will not be able to do it in a short time?"

"The energy of the prince is placed in the holy land of Jiuyang. It is the action of King Scorpio. He will take the golden claws before the singer's attack on the golden claws."

Princess Luo Shu said: "And, the whole process should be spread out in real time, in order to cause concern, let the Prince think about him, or let the Taishi forces notice him."

Luo Wei said: "And, this can indirectly humiliate the cat king.

The singular cat king wants to assemble the fleet before attacking, and his scorpio king only dispatched three hundred days of warriors, and he will be able to sway the golden claws, so that the kingdom of the scorpio will be out of the limelight, and by the way, step on the cat kingdom! ”

"We just look at it. If Qin Yunlian can't stop the 300-day warrior in this area, then he won't cooperate with me!"

Princess Luo Shudao said.

"Scorpio warriors can be middle-level people. They used to be nine-fold beyond the realm of the gods. Their cultivation is regressing to the heavenly world, but it is far from being comparable to the lower-level people!"

Luo Yan said.

Princess Luo Shu secludedly said: "Hey, if the golden claws are taken down, you will rush to save Qin Yun as soon as possible. He is the **** of the gods. After we save him, it is equivalent to the God Moon family owing us. Human feelings."


Luo Yan nodded.

In the dark space of the dark universe, tens of thousands of kilometers of black giant ships are slowly flying to the gods.

In the largest warship, Qi Mao Wang looked at a large mirror, which was the picture of the 300-day-old warrior attacking the golden claws.

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