Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3137: Shocked parties

In the eyes of the empire and the kingdom, the golden claws are no different from other treasures. Even with strong enchantment protection, as long as they are under attack, they must be broken.

The golden claws are suddenly a heavenly altar, but no one knows what power the heavenly altar can bring.

The arrogant Tianzhu people did not agree with the heavenly altar, because in their hometown there were buildings that were more spectacular than the Tiandao altar.

Scorpio people think that they will definitely win the golden claws, spread the whole process through the mirror, and then make a big splash.

But now, those Scorpio people are like a worm, as if they are stuck in a spider web, and the body is stuck on the enchantment.

The king warriors stand in the enchantment, and their weapons can attack the outside from the enchantment, and easily pierce the body of the Scorpio.

Scorpio people are really arrogant. They don’t wear equipment. They want to show their powerful strength to win the golden claws. Otherwise, the King Warriors are not so easy to pierce their bodies.

The big buddies who saw this scene through the magic mirror, while being surprised, were laughing at the Scorpio.

The Scorpio people had to go out of the limelight through the magic mirror. I didn’t expect it to be shameful now.

The broadcasted video was quickly interrupted.

And now everyone knows that the Scorpio attacked the golden claws and completely failed. The three hundred strong Scorpio soldiers were all killed, but Qin Yun was unscathed.

The Scorpio Warrior was cut off his head and limbs, and then the King Warrior ran out to collect the corpse.

Their body gods have been dug out, they will be made into a super-powered bead by Qin Yun, and can accommodate hundreds of thousands of gods. It is indeed a very good material.

Even Ba Taiyin did not expect that the altar was so powerful. He had seen the madness of the heavens before, and he thought that this was a second thing that was not normal.

It seems now that he needs to have a good relationship with Heaven.

... The singular cat king saw that the Scorpio warriors were all killed, and laughed loudly: "Great, great! Next, the Scorpio kingdom will definitely be eager to attack the golden claws than us, let them fight both defeats!" ”

"The king can expect Qin Yun to be so powerful, and the king is really wise!"

The old general took a horse and smiled.

"Just let the Scorpio kingdom to test the power of Qin Yun, forcing Qin Yun to shake all kinds of yin tricks, which is very beneficial to us!"

Qi Mao Wang said: "We can wait for peace of mind, we will be able to destroy Qin Yun, and flatten the golden claws."

The million-strong army was destroyed by Qin Yun, and the golden claws were lost. This is the shame of the strange cat king in the gods, and also the place where he fell.

If he wants to climb out, he will have to kill Qin Yun and recapture the golden claws.

Where did you fall, where did you get up?

...... Princess Luo Shu was slightly surprised: "This Qin Yun, really can't underestimate him! It is so blocking the attack of the three hundred days of warriors."

"Sister Princess, don't you say that he might block the fleet of the cat king?"

Luo Yan asked.

"I don't dare to make a conclusion now! Qin Yun is a **** king after all. The **** of heaven in his hand is terrible."

Princess Luo Shu sighed: "I hope he can live forever."

"Next, the Kingdom of Scorpio will definitely madly retaliate against him!"

Luo Yan said: "Even if he can block the revenge of the Kingdom of Heaven, it can not stop the fleet of the cats."

Princess Luo Shu said: "I hope he can make a miracle... Is his **** month family not backed by the Phoenix kingdom?

I wonder if the Queen of Phoenix will help?

If necessary, we will help him secretly! ”

... Qin Yun killed the three hundred days of warriors, but also let the Queen of Phoenix is ​​very unexpected, and Yue Xiangyun has no fluctuations in her heart. In her opinion, this is a normal thing.

"Xiang Yun, you really know him very well, no wonder it will make him a **** of the gods!"

The Queen of Phoenix smiled softly and said: "I hope this tribe, don't use the power of the gods, or else I will get involved in it!"

"Queen, if the God of the Moon helps Qin Yun, and you need to help, will you help?"

Yue Xiangyun asked.

"Of course, this is the basis for my cooperation between the Phoenix Kingdom and the Shenyue family. We help each other!"

Queen Phoenix smiled: "But I don't want to participate in his battle."

Yue Xiangyun nodded.

... Qin Yun got a lot of celestial bodies, he immediately began research, through the God of Heaven and the Taishi Mirror, to analyze the virulence of the Scorpio.

Those poisons are very dangerous. Xie Wufeng and the gods, they were very troublesome when they got a little bit of poison.

The Scorpio people who came this time are very strong, and their virulence is stronger. If the King of the Warrior sticks to a point, it may be that the flesh and blood will be eroded.

Qin Yun used a lot of steps, using a lot of resources, in conjunction with the God of Heaven and the power of the **** sky box, finally allocated a lot of liquid.

These liquids are injected into your body, and you can make your own flesh and blood bones to withstand the terrible virulence of the Scorpio.

Qin Yun immediately called the gods and soldiers, and let Ba Taiyin help them, injecting the liquid into their bodies and integrating them into their flesh and blood.

Next, Qin Yun wants to give them the fifth generation of blood and sky.

After the evolution of the **** king Tianyin, the five generations of blood can be given to the sky, which can make the gods of the king warriors have a higher upper limit, and the gods can strengthen the bones faster.

In the other two treasures, each has a hundred gods, Qin Yun personally went to a trip, giving them the fifth generation of blood and sky.

Then go to the two lakes and enhance the grotesque of the lake, which will make Xu Xiaoba, Xie Wufeng and Pipi pig stronger.

Qin Yun did not get the bleeding venom through the body of the Scorpio, because the Scorpio people used to be poison masters, they are not afraid of poison.

He used three hundred days of human body to carry out various tests to find the weakness of the Scorpio.

Scorpio people are very afraid of the flames! In particular, the flame he extracted from a **** sky box has a miraculous effect on the powerful body of the Scorpio.

To this end, he raised the flame into a large number of Dan pills, and then placed the Dan pills on the arrow of the bow and arrow.

He prepared a lot of bows and arrows for the King of the Warriors.

Next, he will take the initiative to attack the treasures occupied by the Scorpio, instead of waiting for the Scorpio to come to the door.

Under the joint of the gods of space and space, the transmission array was built, which can be quickly transmitted in several treasures and in multiple spaces where the gates are located.

In this way, even if the treasure land is lost, the people in the treasure land can still quickly evacuate, can go to the heavenly gate or the four gods, and are not afraid of being attacked.

Two days later, Qin Yun was well prepared.

Xie Wufeng, Xu Xiaoba and Pipi pigs all came out of the lake, and their overall strength increased greatly, which made Ximen Dazhuang very depressed.

If he jumped into the lake at the beginning, he is now as strong as the Pippi pig. He is now a lot behind the Pippi pig.

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