Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3284: Unable force

Ling Yuner was worried about death, and now seeing Qin Yun’s body is gradually reborn, finally relieved.

She is not very clear about what kind of cultivation Qin Yun is doing, only to feel very powerful, because Qin Yun gave up his original body and then reborn, which is definitely stronger than before.

Qin Yun also worried before, what if it fails?

Later I thought that if it really failed, then there are still many ways to reshape the flesh.

With the resources of the gods now, as long as they work harder, they can quickly cultivate a strong flesh, let alone Qin Yun.

Not long after, the blood of Shenyang was only as big as the pigeon egg, and Qin Yun’s body also appeared. When he saw that he stopped absorbing the blood of Shenyang, the spirit was happy to rush over and hold Qin Yun’s body tightly. .

"A new body, great!"

Ling Yun held the arm of Qin Yun, and smiled.

Qin Yun touched the pretty face of Lingyun, and then took out his clothes and put it on, laughing: "Yue, you are also a gods in the world?"

How many ceilings does your **** power have? ”

"I have a ceiling of 450,000, and I still have a meditation, I can be strong!"

Ling Yun looked at Qin Yun, and then could not help but reach out and pinch Qin Yun's handsome face.

Qin Yun’s handsome face is white, much younger and full of vigor than before. He must be more mature and stable before. If he has a little beard, he is a handsome little uncle.

Now, he is a handsome young man, at least not being called uncle by a child who is not sensible.

"I don't have any gods in my body!"

Qin Yun smiled.


What kind of power is that? ”

Ling Yuner was curious, she just touched Qin Yun’s face and went to secretly explore Qin Yun’s body.

Qin Yun did not stop her from exploring, but she still couldn't find anything. She only felt that Qin Yun's body was very strong, and her spiritual strength was difficult to flow in Qin Yun.

"I am temporarily called the power that cannot be, and will not be bound by the laws of the universe!"

Qin Yun said: "This kind of force can still only be in this universe, and it is impossible to jump out of this universe... After I practice it, I may be able to break the confinement of the universe."

"What is the difference between your current strength and the gods?"

Ling Yun took the palm of Qin Yun and gently touched his palm and asked: "Can you put it out?"

Qin Yun released a little bit out, it was a touch of gold, it looked very gentle.

Ling Yuner also released a **** force, and then palms pressed against Qin Yun's palm, just for a moment, her gods were torn apart! It seems that her strength is stronger, but after touching the soft power of Qin Yun, she is actually broken and torn.

The force of the pale gold that Qin Yun released was still in the palm of his hand.

"I am in the realm of the present, for the time being, I am not completely at the beginning, my spiritual strength and soul, but also experienced the original as the flesh."

Qin Yun has a strong sense of his own strength and does not have a specific understanding. This requires a comparison to know.

At present, among the gods, the most powerful ones are still unclear, because the great empires and the great powers of the Taishi forces are madly practicing.

The other is the cosmic protoss, but there is the cosmic spirit behind it.

Under the guidance of the cosmic law, the power of the new human beings will certainly be very strong, but they will be stronger, and the power of the body will eventually be recovered.

"Xiaoyun, you are fine, I just worried about dying you!"

Ling Yun saw that Qin Yun was fine, but it was still strong, and my heart was very happy.

Qin Yun kissed the spirit and then went out with her.

Waiting for the purple allure, I saw Qin Yun coming out and found that he was very different, but did not ask.

Qin Yun loved her beautiful face and then held her in her arms.

“Are you doing something very dangerous again?”

Purple Allure snorted: "Always mess!"

Zi Qingcheng and Qin Yun have known each other for so long, and they know Qin Yun very well, so she can guess from Qin Yun’s words and deeds.

When she was holding Qin Yun, she also explored his body, because Qin Yun had a very strange feeling, like a new look.

Zi Qingcheng and Ling Yuner returned to the Ziyangzhu of Jiuyang Shenque. After Lingyun entered, they told her that Qin Yun’s cultivation was going on... Qin Yun’s retreat was not many days, but he still does not intend to go out of Jiuyang. Optimus Tower, he is afraid that when he goes out, there will be many things to deal with, or he can't help but participate in the complicated affairs of the Wanshen court.

If it is not a big deal, he really does not need to shoot.

Next, what he has to do is to continue to learn the word of the sky, and this is not difficult, too old brother can be passed to him soon.

Qin Yun does not need to learn the complicated and incomprehensible Yushi Tianfu. The Tianzi word is a combination of the signature of the Yushi Tianfu and the squiggles derived from the **** sky box.

In the nine days of Jiuyang Optimus Tower, Qin Yun mastered the word of the sky and the various exercises to master himself.

Because in the future battle, he mainly relies on the flesh to go to melee. He is now in the early stage of the returning to the early stage, the flesh is the strongest, and the inability of the body is still weak, and the ability to release the inability in the distance is extremely expensive for him. Big.

Therefore, when fighting, let the inability to flow in the body, with his powerful body of rebirth, can burst out of stronger power.

These days, he is not busy every day, the charm, the water and the purple city, will come out from time to time to find him kiss me and me.

Qin Yun discovered that the use of the sun and the moon is weak.

During this time, he is also thinking about how to help the spirits to enter the original.

Or, the gods who led the entire Wanshen court entered the original state. Only in this way, the Wanshen court can surpass the universe and become the strongest existence of the gods.

What surprised Qin Yun was that Mi Luer’s soul had a great change. Her spiritual strength could grow endlessly. Tai Shi’s older brother asked him to observe the soul of Mi Luer.

After Qin Yun let Mi Luer return to Jiuyang Shenque, he wondered how to find Shenyang blood, which is what he must cultivate.

"Qin Yun, there is a big trouble, we can't make it."

Queen Phoenix yelled outside.

Qin Yun immediately went to open the door and let her in. He smiled and said: "What big trouble?"


How do you turn white?

Getting younger? ”

After the Queen of Phoenix saw Qin Yun, she was surprised to ask.

“Is it a lot more handsome?”

Qin Yunxiao laughed.

The Queen of Phoenix snorted, and she really felt that Qin Yun had changed, but did not say it.

"Dragon Turtle King did not take people to catch the Prince of Fire before?

This guy has not been disposed of.

The Fire Ling Empire is now sending people, let us let go, if not let go, then the Fire Ling Empire will attack the Suzaku treasure. ”

Queen Phoenix said: "You should be able to settle?"

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