Nine Sun God King

Chapter 385: Jiu Cai Ling Yu

Qin Yun entered a quiet secret room and took out a lot of animal skins, ready to make the flag needed for the flag array.

"Probably need fifty flags to cover the entire medicine garden!" He looked at the hides in his storage space and was still enough to use.

Originally, he planned to refine the pillars, and the array of pillars was arranged, and the effect was much better than the flag array. However, it takes a long time to refine the column.

Because of the refining of a column, the materials needed are hard materials, and the grade requirements are also high, which cannot be completed in a short time.

If it is a refining flag array, it is only necessary to make a flag.

Now, Qin Yun is sorting out the hides.

After a long time, Yuan Yuying also poured water into the medicine field.

Qin Yun opened the door of the secret room and asked her to come in and help.

Yuan Yuying is a martial art, and she has helped to deal with those hides, which can save Qin Yun a lot of time.

Qin Yun is now only a flag used to refine the flag, and does not need to deal with the skin like the refining animal skin.

Because the animal skin is to carry a strong energy, it needs to be refined into the bone steel to stabilize.

Because there are a lot of flags scattered pressure, the flag array does not need to be as cumbersome as the bone steel when making the flag.

However, there are still some treatments that can make the animal skin fit the spirit, and it will be more different when carving the spirit.

The process of treatment is relatively simple. After cutting the animal skin, the diamonds injected into the martial arts will enter the body, let the skin hide the energy, and then the animal skin will be fired once, so that the skin can absorb the energy and fit the spirit.

Finally, it is enough to engrave the spirit on the flag.

With the help of Yuan Yuying, Qin Yun can make ten flags in one day. They are all one-high pennants. The flagpoles can be used with ordinary iron bars. They can be inserted into the ground.

The flag is made well and you need to engrave the spirit, which is the hardest part.

In five days, Qin Yun and Yuan Yuying made fifty flags.

"Now engraved on the spirit pattern!" Qin Yun took a deep breath and also had some headaches.

It is really a headache to paint the same spiritual pattern on the fifty-faced flag.

"Brother, your grotesque level is very high! Although I don't understand, but many of the singularity masters I have heard of are powerful!" Yuan Yuying saw Qin Yun's hand and sacred pen, and wrote a pen and water, slightly exclaimed .

Qin Yun just smiled.

The spiritual pattern that he needs to engrave is very cumbersome. The first is to engrave a set of spiritual lines needed for the Jiuyang Gathering, to a small flag, and then into the water array.

This is the fusion of two spirits!

It is not difficult for the two spiritual arrays to be carved separately. The hard part is that when the spiritual arrays are merged, they do not conflict with each other, and they can help each other.

Jiuyang Poly Lingzhen is responsible for gathering a large number of Jiuyang Aura, and then the water pool quickly absorbs the Jiuyang aura that is gathered and condenses into a spirit.

Qin Yun doesn't know if he can make it. This is just his idea.

"It seems that we need two sets of flag arrays!" Qin Yun carved a line of thought while thinking.

After condensing out the Jiuyang spirit liquid, a flag array is needed to gather these spirits to float into the air and evenly spread on the medicine field of the medicine garden.

"Plus a cloth rain spirit array will do!" Qin Yun said to Yuan Yuying: "Yu Ying, you go to the second elder, ask him if he has a rainy spirit!"

"Good!" Yuan Yuying hurried away.

Ordinary cloth rains, only gathering water in the air, and then landing ordinary water, is also a very simple kind of spiritual array.

This array is generally a flag array, because it can cover a large area, after all, it is necessary to rain.

If the two elders have, Qin Yun will not have to refine.

Yuan Yuying soon returned, and he took out dozens of flags from the storage bag.

"The two elders said that he had not used it for a long time. Before using it, he needed to use internal force to comb the spirits!" Yuan Yuying said.

"Well! You are profitable, this will be handed over to you!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "It's a very simple matter!"

Under the guidance of Qin Yun, Yuan Yuying also mastered the technique of combing the spirits. This is really very simple. After all, it is only a spiritual pattern on the flag.

Qin Yun looked at so many flags waiting to be painted, and I couldn't wait to go to Xuan Gu to help the blue phoenix.

After all, he is still too young, and it seems quite impetuous to carry out this kind of repetitive and highly concentrated flag production.

Fortunately, he can quickly overcome the impetuousness of his heart and quietly and carefully paint.

He has a mysterious pen, and it is much faster when he is carving the spirit.

The fifty-faced flag means that he has to paint fifty times of the nine-yang polysoul!

How cumbersome a large array of spiritual patterns can be imagined. Now he wants to concentrate on a flag!

It took him five days to make a good flag.

For other strange spirits, Qin Yun is very fast!

The most important thing is that other grotesque artists can't engrave this tedious pattern on a small flag!

In fact, to make a set of flags, you don't need to have the same spirit on the flag. It is possible to engrave multiple sets of spiritual patterns required by a large array on different flags.

For example, if you have ten flags, use a set of spirits! If a large array requires seven sets of spiritual patterns, then a set of spiritual prints on each of the ten flags can achieve a large array of effects.

Of course, the more dispersed, the weaker the strength of the flag.

And Qin Yun's approach can make the flag array very powerful.

The benefits of the sacred pen are like the mysterious pen and the user's heart.

After Qin Yun is familiar with a kind of strange pattern, he uses the rhinoceros pen to engrave the strange lines, so you can directly draw it without using your brain.

Driven by the magical ability of the mysterious and mysterious pen, his body consciously injects the power of the soul of the blood, and the hand and the mysterious pen seem to blend with the essence, sliding naturally, and can quickly depict complex and deep spiritual lines.

After Qin Yun made two flags, the speed is getting faster and faster!

It took five days to mark the lines on the flag, but now it is only three days!

The more familiar, the faster

In the back, he can make a good flag in a half day!

The fifty-faced flag, the total time spent, was only a month or more, much faster than he expected!

After doing it, Qin Yun asked Yuan Yuying to invite the two elders to insert the flag.

When the two elders came, they picked up the golden flag of Qin Yun refining and looked at it. They almost stunned their chin.

"This...this...this, what did you make?" The chubby and surprised look of the two elders made Yuan Yuying look at him.

"Well, I just made it!" Qin Yunxiao smiled and said: "This is also the first time I made a flag array, so please ask the two elders to put the flag together!"

"First time?" The two elders were shocked again.

Of course, he can see that this is a very brand new flag, but I did not expect it to be Qin Yun’s first production.

Qin Yun nodded: "I see that the process of pouring water into the medicine field is very troublesome, so I want to make her convenient!"

"If there is no accident, the flag array I made, together with the two elders, the rain flag array, I think ... should be able to quickly gather the nine Yang spirits into the Jiuyang spirit liquid under the control of people. Then, like rain, irrigate all the medicine fields in the medicine garden!"

The two elders had a pair of eyes rounded up: "Xiaoyun, do you know what it means?"

"What does it mean? This should be very common, and other Xuan-class sects must be there!" Qin Yun smiled.

The two elders were amazed and sighed and said: "This kind of flag array is only available to the king level sect! If it is really successful, it means... we have a medicine garden that is only a king-class sect!" ”

"Other Xuan-class sects, and only a good gathering of gas and water pool, still have to be done by a department, can not do a whole set!"

Qin Yun frowned: "I think it is necessary to do it step by step, and use the flag array to complete it automatically. The effect should be similar! I just want to make it so time-consuming and laborious!"

After Yuan Yuying heard it, he laughed with a smile.

The two elders shook their heads: "It's totally different! Collecting gas, collecting water, and watering. This is a three-step process. In the interval, the aura will dissipate a lot, leading to the final watering of the spirit, which contains the nine-yang aura. many!"

"If you can get a very high quality spirit liquid at a time, and you need less resources, it is very cost-effective! It can also increase the number of watering, let the elixir grow quickly! The quality of the elixir is also very good!"

"And, some elixir need to absorb multiple spirits to grow! If you have this flag, then we can plant some elixir that is difficult to grow!"

Qin Yun did not expect that there are so many doorways in this medicine.

Yuan Yuying also nodded again and again: "Brother, your set of methods can make us a bright rise!"

"Don't say it, try it out, can you succeed!" The two elders were also very excited. They quickly and Qin Yun arranged the flag array in the medicine garden.

They used it for more than an hour and inserted the flag.

At this time, it is the noon, the most violent moment of the nine rounds of Liyang!

"Need to put some Amethyst coins in the middle, let the flag array absorb, and urge those spirits!" When the two elders inserted the flag, they also asked Qin Yun's production process.

The process described by Qin Yun is very simple. It is like painting. Let the two elders have a feeling of wanting to die. He also found that Qin Yun’s strange talent is terrible.

The two elders put 10,000 amethyst coins in the middle of the medicine garden, and then nodded to Qin Yun.

Qin Yun activates the spiritual pattern inside a flag, and then the entire set of the flag of the Jiuyang Lingyu array shines.

Soon, there was a layer of colorful clouds over the medicine garden.

Oh la la! It's raining!

The rain that descended was golden, and with the aura of nine colors, it was a very pure Jiuyang spirit liquid!

Yuan Yuying is happy to dance!

The two elders also entered the rain and smiled with open arms.

"Successful, successful!" The two elders laughed.

After a small half hour, the big array stopped.

The whole piece of medicine garden is covered by nine color clouds, it is very beautiful, like a fairyland in the world!

"Every time you open a big array, you need to consume 10,000 Amethyst coins! It's a good deal! Three times a day, it's 30,000!" said the two elders.

"One month, you need nearly a million purple crystal coins, which is also cost-effective?" Qin Yun was puzzled, frowning said.

"Xiaoyun, you don't know, if this is half-watered, the elixir matures once every six months, and it can sell tens of millions of purple crystal coins! This is a steady earning!" The two elders laughed and said: "If it is a species For a better elixir, you can sell it at a higher price!"

Qin Yun was also shocked. He was not too familiar with the medicinal herbs. He couldn’t think of the flowers and plants that Yuan Yuying poured every day.


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