Nine Sun God King

Chapter 387: Medicinal spirit

It is also a challenge for the stranger to refine the medicinal herbs.

There are not many strange spirits who can refine medicinal instruments, because this requires mastering the rare refining patterns.

The singular spirits who have no refining patterns can only refine the utensils and then let other singular artists to engrave.

And good medicinal instruments, you need drawings!

For example, Qin Yun is now refining, there is a complete set of drawings, and the appliances are still diverse.

"I will refine the most commonly used ones!"

After Qin Yun became familiar with the refining star pattern, he felt that he would follow the drawings to refine the appliance, and he would not encounter any problems.

Refining star patterns are rarer than other refining lines.

As for the effect, Qin Yun himself is not clear, which requires him to understand the process of alchemy pharmacy, in order to understand the bad points with others.

"Commonly used appliances can be used to compare various types of elixir into powders and liquids!"

Qin Yun is now refining a jar.

Special refining instruments are used to refine special elixir and are not commonly used.

The jar he refines now has a more common shape, just like a jar, and the refining star pattern is carved inside the jar, not the appearance.

There are two kinds of refining star patterns that need to be engraved. When these two refining star patterns are combined, the elixir can be turned into a powder.

Such refining instruments are generally referred to as refining spirits.

The refining of pharmaceutical liquids is called the liquid medicine.

Qin Yun refines four cans with the best bone steel. In order to prevent failure, he refining four in one breath.

The next step is to engrave the refining star pattern.

Because of the special nature of the star pattern, when engraving, it is enough to engrave the two refining star patterns, and the time required will not be too long.

Qin Yun grasps the mysterious pen and carefully engraves and discovers the smoothness of the accident!

"This spiritual star pattern is so simple!" When he was carving, he could not believe it.

He is even more skeptical that the main purpose of the Xingyang Heart Sutra is to be able to easily control the star pattern and the moon pattern.

In just two days, he carved a jar.

He stayed in the secret room for ten days and refining four refining instruments.

Powder milling and liquid medicine appliances, two each.

After he finished, he took a hot bath and then went to rest.

Resting until dawn, he put on his gray underwear and rushed out of the room.

In the morning, it was raining over the medicinal garden. It was a colorful rain.

Yuan Yuying is very skilled in controlling the two flag arrays.

Whenever it is time to pour the elixir, she takes out the amethyst, put it in a position, and then starts the flag array.

"Brother, these ten days, are you retreating?" Yuan Yuying laughed.

She was wearing a thin red dress, playing in the rain in the medicine garden, making her wet, and sketching the beautiful curves of her body.

Qin Yun smiled and said: "Yu Ying, I have refining two refining instruments. Do you want to try it?"

"Okay, okay!" Yuan Yuying listened, very happy, and quickly ran over.

Qin Yun looked at her wet, smiled, and released a strange warmth, covering her curvaceous wet body.

Not long after, the clothes on Yuan Yuying's body were dried.

Qin Yun and Yuan Yuying, sitting on the threshold of the bronze ancient building door, banging the two jars.

"It is reasonable to say that the use of utensils to refine pharmaceutical powders and liquids does not require the use of flames. Just inject a certain amount of energy and let the refining lines in the appliance run!" Qin Yun handed to Yuan Yuying a jar and said : "This is a smelting spirit!"

“What level is it?” Yuan Yuying is even more impressed by Qin Yun, who can refine very expensive refining instruments.

"I am not sure!" Qin Yun shook his head and smiled.

Because it was made with star patterns, there is no standard of evaluation at all, and he can't tell what level it is.

Yuan Yuying also read many books on refining medicine, so she also knows a little about it. She quickly took out a fruit and put it in a jar.

She said: "This fruit is a royal medicine, can solve a lot of poison! If you can make a powder, apply it to a poisonous wound, you will get better soon!"

"Wang Pin Ling medicine! Yu Ying, where did you get it?" Qin Yun asked with some surprise.

"I found it in the wilderness, it was the big tiger head that brought me to find it!"

Yuan Xiaoying smiled, his hands on both sides of the jar, then closed his eyes and used mental power to sense the strange lines inside.

After sensing the strange lines, she injected her internal force into it.

"Responsive!" Yuan Yuying opened his eyes in surprise and looked at the jar that was trembled: "The effect seems to be good. It can refine the king's medicine, but it is Wang Pinling!"

After that, she was shocked to look at Qin Yun!

Can refine the king of the spirit, that is the strongest singularity, the king of the singularity!

Yuan Yuying also does not believe that Qin Yun is a king-level stranger, and his heart is in doubt!

In the sacred temple, the assessment of the king-level singularity of the sorcerer was carried out, and it was all in a fixed time to unify the examination of multiple singular spirits.

The assessment of the king-level singularity of the sorcerer requires time and unity, so that the invigilator will not be so troublesome.

It is said that the assessment time will sometimes last up to one month!

After Yuan Xiaoying had carried out for half an hour, he opened the lid and there was a smell of powder.

She quickly took out a jade box and poured out the golden powder.

"Brother, you see, the quality of this powder is very good, crystal clear!" Yuan Yuying is very happy.

"These two jars will be given to you! Later, you have to refine a little more powder and liquid medicine, so you can earn a lot of amethyst coins! If I don't have amethyst coins, come back to you!" Cloud laughed.

Yuan Yuying nodded happily, clutching the two jars tightly, and couldn't put it down.

"The wild donkey, what is in the jar, is your pickled sauerkraut? How can you laugh so happy, can you eat it?" Outside the gate of the medicine garden, there was a kind of kind laughter.

Qin Yun and Yuan Yuying, who sat on the threshold, quickly stood up and looked at the entrance to the medicine garden. They saw an old man in a gray robe flying over.

The old man has a short hair and a long wrinkled face. He is full of kind smiles and looks very spiritual. This old man is Wei Zhongzheng!

"Teaching!" Qin Yun and Yuan Yuying, shouted with joy.

Wei Zhongzheng’s injury was so good that Qin Yun and Yuan Yuying were relieved.

Wei Zhongzheng was seriously injured, but also caused by Qin Yun. If it is not good, he will be very embarrassed.

"Xiaoyun, you are really hidden, but it is still a very powerful singularist! Tell me, what level of singularity are you now?" Wei Zhongzheng's hands are placed on the head of Qin Yun and Yuan Yuying. I looked at them with affection.

Yuan Yuying laughed and said: "Brother, I also want to know what level of singer you are!"

Qin Yun took out a white gold badge with three stars on it.

"Advanced singular sorcerer!" Although Wei Zhongzheng had prepared for it, he was still deeply scared.

There are still some martial arts that are less than twenty years old!

The singularity of the 20-year-old is very rare, let alone the high-level sorcerer!

Yuan Xiaoying, who was laughing and laughing, suddenly disappeared and became very surprised. He was shocked to open his mouth slightly and couldn’t speak!

Wei Zhong is looking at the two jars held by Yuan Yuying, frowning: "Is it a refining instrument?"

Yuan Yuying, who was surprised, nodded quickly and said: "The very powerful refining equipment can refine the royal medicine, which is just refining!"

Wei Zhong took a sigh of relief and then took over and looked inside.

After a closer look, he was again horrified.

"野丫头, when you use these two refining instruments, you must keep it secret! It is best to use it only in the medicine garden!" Wei Zhongzheng is serious and very serious, Yuan Yuying.

Yuan Yuying nodded quickly.

Wei Zhong is looking at Qin Yun, and also said: "Xiaoyun, you must not expose the strange lines! I and the four elders, even if they know, will not say it!"

Qin Yun also knows at this time that Wei Zhongzheng saw that it was a star pattern.

In the wilderness, the star pattern and the moon pattern are all taboo grotesque.

Although some people still hold it, they never reveal their mastery and don’t know why.

Wei Zhong’s serious look disappeared and smiled. He said: “Xiaoyun, we can help you with your help, and you will be able to rise quickly!”

After that, he took out a book and handed it to Yuan Yuying, and continued: "Nosy, you use those two jars, try the medicine according to this book!"

"I will go out and buy some good elixir seeds, and we will plant better medicines by then!"

"Thank you for teaching, I will definitely study hard!" Yuan Yuying took the book and smiled with excitement.

Wei Zhong nodded gratifiedly, then looked at Qin Yun and said: "Xiao Yun, the two elders and I said the Hongwu Palace! Your friend invited you to a feast, right?"

"Teaching, there will be a game of the medicinal master of the medicinal herbs, do you go?" Qin Yun asked.

"Of course! Go! Let the group of guys look down on us and let them know that I am still living well!" Wei Zhongzheng smiled and said: "I will go with you!"

Qin Yun suddenly worried a little, because the purple frost black grass is given by Feng Honglan. If Jian Xuanshan knows that the nine masters have recovered, there will be doubts.

Now, he can only hope that Feng Honglan's elders can leave this matter.

Wei Zhong circulated some things to several elders, and took Qin Yun away from the nine Xuanmen, to the Wangcheng of Hongwu Kingdom, Hongwu Wangcheng!

Qin Yun sat on the flying boat of Wei Zhongzheng. He was very comfortable. He planned to have time to refine a good flying spirit.

"Xiaoyun, the two elders will give you nine hearts! Have you cultivated?" Wei Zhongzheng asked.

"Cultivating! I... I have made nine internal forces!" Qin Yun arrived.

Wei Zhongzheng is just a shock in his heart. Now, he can be sure that Qin Yun has a high understanding of the exercises and strange patterns!

He nodded with satisfaction: "You can cultivate nine internal forces just fine! The latter ones need you to comprehend yourself. For example, the dragon's palm will produce different strengths according to different people!"

"And, you can also combine the martial arts you have learned before, and merge into a homemade dragon!"


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