Nine Sun God King

Chapter 452: Ancient sculptist

Qin Yun is now more curious about the identity of this old man. Even so many years ago, he predicted that Jiuyang would fall.

"Cloud brother, let's go! I feel that he is very dangerous!" Shui Tianzi saw Qin Yun coming over, and quickly took him with vigilance.

The old man sighed: "Jiuyang will fall after all!"

Purple Allure frowned and asked: "How do you say this?"

The old man smiled: "It seems that you still don't know about it... So, I haven't been here for a long time!"

"Why old predecessors, why did Jiuyang fall?" Qin Yun asked.

"It's not because some guys have been licking the power of Jiuyang, wanting to completely control Jiuyang!"

The old man laughed happily: "Those guys didn't think that Jiuyang actually released his own soul! The soul is falling into the nine wilderness. As long as it is not found, it will not be swallowed up, then Jiuyang will not have anything! ”

Qin Yunmeng thought of the sun spirit he got, that is a big bead. He didn't know how to use the power of the soul.

"Predecessors, why are you locked here?" Shui Tianzi looked around: "Being in this place, you can still live!"

The old man smiled and said: "I have a martial art, called the sleeping martial arts, which can make me fall asleep, like a dead person!"

Qin Yun felt that this old man was not bad, but he could not be further determined.

"Predecessors, there is a tomb in the wall, there are several zombie kings, how to deal with it?" Qin Yun asked: "If we want to leave, we must pass the tomb."

Purple Allure said: "We don't have a sleeping martial arts, we can't stay here!"

The old man said: "Young people, you just lost the town ghosts? It is no problem to deal with the more ordinary zombies, but it is still worse for the zombie king!"

"If there is a stronger town ghost, there is nothing wrong with it!"

Qin Yun frowned and asked: "Xuan Fuxing can't?"

The old man said: "It should be enough! Do you have?"

"No, but I can refine now!" Qin Yunlian can refine it, not to mention the metaphor.

Just when he thought it was ok, he thought that he had no ghosts!

"Oops, I only have the top quality, and there is no ghost in the town!" Qin Yun patted the head and sighed.

The old man was a little surprised: "I didn't see it, you turned out to be a singularist. Actually, the crepe has no grades, but the singularists are going to be more complicated in order to let more people learn. The singularity is simplified."

"The singularity of the simplification will be much weaker, but the advantage is that it is easier for beginners to master, and then gradually and gradually master the complex and deep grotesque!"

Qin Yun frowned: "Predecessors, what do you mean by saying that you can transform the spiritual pattern into a mysterious pattern?"

"Yes! But this requires a very high level of understanding! There are also many singularistes who, through the perception of low-order grotesque, constantly trim the low-order grotesque, making it a high-order grotesque, which is a kind of practice grotesque method!"

Qin Yun didn't think of it before, but now he is greatly inspired.

"Predecessors, are you a singularist?" Purple Allure asked quickly.

The old man laughed and said: "Yes, I am a strange tracker!"

The odd-grain Taoist is also very powerful!

This made Qin Yun all surprised. Like the eccentricist in the ancient times, the singularity of the master was very strong.

The old man said: "The cemetery next door, the people inside are the dragon family! They came from the spiritual wasteland and were appointed here to build this huge fairy tomb! Later in the process of construction, many things happened, leading to death. many people!"

When Water Tianzi listened, he quickly asked: "Is there a dragon family with dragon blood?"

The old man nodded: "Yes! Because they have rare dragon blood, so after they die, they will become zombies! Before they were, they were forced to eat a zombie evil, and after they die, they will become zombies!"

"In the fairy tomb, really buried the immortal?" Qin Yun asked, this is also the mystery in his heart.

"The tomb owner in the fairy tomb is basically a close relative of the immortal emperor, or a good relationship with the emperor!" The old man's eyes are full of helplessness: "Even if the people around the emperor, they escape The fate of death!"

Zi Qingcheng looked at Qin Yun and asked: "Predecessors, have you heard of the funeral figure? Since there are many fairy tombs here, what is the fairy tomb? What is the tomb? Who is Xiandi?"

After the old man heard the funeral figure, his face changed and he did not answer immediately.

Qin Yun only knows that it is the place where the daughter of the magical hen is buried, and the relationship with Xie Qirou is very big.

"The fairy tomb pointed to by the funeral figure, the person who was buried should be the daughter of the emperor!" The old man said slowly: "Because of his daughter's business, many of the powerful immortals died. Be buried here!"

Qin Yun frowned: "The daughter of the emperor? Shouldn't it be so easy to die?"

The old man’s eyes are full of memories, saying: “This is a long story! There are many children of Xiandi, but there is a daughter, very unacceptable! It was born by Xiandi and Moji, and later by the other powerful Wuxian As far as I know, I went to crusade the Emperor, and even the relatives around the Emperor Xian were also enemies with the Emperor... Finally, there was a fierce battle."

"In the end, the daughter of Xiandi died, and the fairyland was peaceful! So the Emperor Xian built the fairy tomb here, so that they would not be harassed by the immortals and the spiritual people, because they could not come to Wu shortage!"

Qin Yun said: "But there is a space crack in the demon and the beast, and the devil has swallowed the beast!"

After the old man heard it, his face was dignified: "I heard that Emperor Xian got an artifact called Jiuyang Shenque! And Mo Ji got another artifact called Jiuyin Shen. So their daughter, It is the body of the demon that is very against the sky. It is said that this can bring disaster to the fairyland, so it caused a disaster."

"When the daughter of Xiandi was born, Jiuyang Shenque and Jiuyin Shenyu also became funerary objects!"

Jiuyang Shenque is in the hands of Qin Yun, and now he can be sure that Xie Qirou is the daughter of Xiandi.

The old man said again: "The body of the fairy is very powerful, it will never die... I don't know the specifics. In short, the fairy tomb is not responsible for our construction."

Purple Allure looked around and asked: "So the predecessors, who is the fairy tomb you built? It is in a wilderness, and it is very large!"

The old man shook his head and said: "Who I buried this fairy tomb, I don't know. I only know that it is a relative of the Emperor, because after we built this tomb, we will die inexplicably. Someone will come in and die. The immortals were buried in it."

Water Tianzi frowns: "This immortal is not a good thing, it is so grassy!"

The old man sneered: "There was a rumor in the past, saying that Emperor Xian had killed his daughter for self-protection! Because he worried that the dead daughter would become a powerful zombie, he had to use the Jiuyang **** to suppress it, and seal it here. !"

"There are rumors that the relatives of the Emperor who were buried here are also killed by the Emperor! If they become powerful zombies, it is only a scourge!"

"As for whether it is true or not, I don't know! I only know that the people who commissioned us to build the fairy tomb came from the spiritual wasteland, obeyed the Emperor, and later killed everyone involved in the construction of the fairy tomb. Because I made mistakes at the time. Only after being detained here, the zombies you just killed are also my men!"

In the mind of Qin Yun, the words "Qi Wen Dian" suddenly appeared.

He couldn't help but doubt that it was the sacred temple that was responsible for this matter. After all, the sacred temple came from the spiritual wasteland, and after many years of development, it became a tyrant in the wilderness!

Purple Allure said: "Qin Yun, do you have a way to refine the Xuan Fu? Can we go out and see you!"

"Even if it can, it takes a long time!" Qin Yun looked at the old man and asked: "Predecessors, do you have a ghost of the town?"

The old man said: "Of course I have it, but I am looking like this, I can't give you anything!"

Qin Yun thought for a moment and said: "Predecessors, if we let you out, can you take us out?"

The old man smiled: "I don't fear when the zombie king is alive, let alone die!"

"But how can we believe in you? If you let them out, what do you do to kill us?" Qin Yun was very vigilant.

"Kid, I am trapped here, but it is very easy for me to kill you!" The old man laughed, and his eyes glowed red, then shot two strong beams and hit the wall.


The wall was beaten with a bang, and it trembled fiercely!

Qin Yun was a little scared: "Is your strength not sealed? How can you make such a strong force?"

Purple Allure and Water Tianzi can also see that the breath of power is the king of Wuwang!

"That's my skill! Of course, I don't expect you to let me out! It's too far away for you!" The old man smiled and said: "The little devil, you only have two or three martial arts." I still want to refine the metaphor, it is simply whimsical!"

"If the two gimmicks know the rules, I still believe it!"

Qin Yun said: "Don't look down on people!"

The old man laughed happily: "I don't look down, but it goes against common sense! Just rely on your martial arts two or three energy, can support you to make a metaphor?"

"Predecessors, if I can release you, how do you say that?" Qin Yun looked serious.

Purple Allure and Water Tianzi, and some do not believe that Qin Yun can see this powerful old man rescued.

The old man smiled and said: "You can let me out, I will take you to the tomb of the tomb owner! Then we divide the things inside! Rest assured, I will sign a soul contract with you first, so you are not afraid of me to eat!"

This tomb is so huge that it is certainly not easy to find the tomb of the tomb owner.

And this old man is one of the builders involved, or a singular Taoist, certainly knows exactly where the tomb owner's tomb is.


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