Nine Sun God King

Chapter 506: Female wrath

The East Super has always been very calm, seeing the war at the touch of a hair, just like the wind flying away!

He took out the sword and used his sword to fight the three warriors!

The angry Yangshuo Hao is also fighting with the cold of the sky!

Oriental Super uses the device to cut off the sword in the hands of the other person!

"Big brother, they have a device!" a Tsing Yi man shouted in horror.

The sword they got from the sword pool is now damaged, meaning that they have lost their qualifications!

Yang Haohao, who is fighting with the cold of the sky, also saw a cold knife and a big knife!

The big knife fell down, the knife was fierce, and a cold air was rolled up, causing Yang Haohao to tremble!

"The Taoist...what is the singer of your slut?" Yang Hao's eyes were red, but his heart was terrified.


If the sky is cold, he is shouted, and his heart is angry, and the big knife is mammoth, and the arm of Yang Haohao is fallen.

"Give me a wait!" Yang Haohao resentful sorrow, and quickly fled.

"Big brother, wait for us..." A young man just finished speaking and was killed by Qin Yun.

Qin Yun quickly took out the Xuanwang cannon, aimed at Yang Haohao, and shot a round of cannonballs!

Yangshuo Hao flying in the air, suddenly settled, my heart is even more fearful!

When he was falling, he also saw that Qin Yun attacked him in the distance!

If the cold has already caught up, one pierced into the body of Yang Haohao, and easily broke the armor!

"You want to kill me?"

Yang Haohao never thought that he would die. He was always on the high, and he only decided to let others live and die.

Qin Yun also fell into the air, stepping on the face of Yangshuo Hao.

"Ah, ah, ah..." Yang Haohao was trampled with pain, screaming again and again.

His younger brothers were also killed by the East.

If the sky is cold and cold, "Why can't I kill you? I can't wait to destroy your Yang family!"

Yang Haohao was stepped on by Qin Yun, and his heart was humiliated to the extreme, and the constant anger struggled.

The Orient Super went over and took Yang Dao Hao's Dao Dan and handed it to Qin Yun.

He knows that Qin Yun’s Xuanwang cannon needs Dandao as a cannonball.

" are offending our Yang family!"

Yang Haohao felt that Dao Dan was taken out, crying desperate, angry, and fearful.


If the sky is cold, the head of Yangshuo Hao will be squatted, and then the body will be thrown into the swamp.

Qin Yun picked up Yang Haohao's storage bag and pulled out five wolf horns from the inside. He looked disgusted: "It's only five!"

"Not bad!" Dong Chao laughed.

In the next few days, Qin Yun, three of them, cooperated with each other and killed many horned wolves.

They have more than 90 wolf horns in total!

"There are two more days to finish, let's go back!"

If the cold feels almost the same, they only have three people, evenly divided into more than 90 wolf horns, certainly can enter the top fifteen.


After a long time of rushing, they came to the exit of the red evil wilderness!

Here, there are actually several teams waiting!

Among them, the team of Yuewu, Longwu, and Yangshuo are here, and their players have some injuries.

"Long Yuwei, it's your turn!"

Dragon does not know why, I am very happy to laugh.

Long Yuwei is also a child of the Dragon family. His team has eight people and his overall strength is not bad!

Yangshuo Tian also smiled and said: "Long Yuwei, I really didn't expect that after the turn of you, there would be a cold garbage team!"

Long Yuwei is very tall and thin, like a bamboo pole.

"What smile do you laugh? Qin Yun has a device armor. If I kill him, the device is mine too!" Long Yuwei cold channel.

If the sky is cold, I understand what these squads are doing here!

They are here waiting for the team to come back and then rob the teams!

They discussed it well and took turns to rob the team that appeared.

Now, it is the turn of Long Yuwei to rob.

"Long Yuwei, the strength of the cold is still good, do you want to fight with her?" Yue dance smiled.

There are so many people who want to grab the armor of Qin Yundao. Even the powerful dragons and the Yangshuo are very eager to shoot, but they are very jealous.

If the true strength of the sky is cold, it is still quite terrible!

"If the weather is cold, you will surrender three wolf horns!" Long Yuwei bit his teeth and said: "Otherwise, you will wait to be destroyed!"

If the sky looks cold to the dragon, the cold voice asks: "If I killed Long Yuwei, what will happen?"

"The consequences are very serious, and we will definitely be wanted by our dragon family!" Long said: "Even if I am, kill you!"

If the sky is cold and silent, it is clear that the consequences are very serious.

"Long Yuwei, I have twenty wolf horns, how many do you have? How come we gamble!" If the weather is cold, everyone will move.

Because if the sky is cold, they only have three people, and there are actually twenty wolf horns!

After hearing the words, Long Yuwei suddenly looked greedy and laughed loudly: "Bet fight? Fart! I just want to take you, twenty wolf horns are mine!"

"You are forcing me to kill you!"

Long Yuwei laughed and said: "Ha ha ha... If the sky is cold, even if I kill you, your heavenly family will not be enemies with our dragon family!"

"But you killed me, even your heavenly family, you will take you to calm down the anger of our dragon family!"

Qin Yun brows and wrinkles, and understands that Tianjia faces the Dragon family and is in a weak position.

The people of the Dragon family are also very arrogant because of this!

"I originally only intended to have you three wolf horns, but now, you must hand over twenty wolf horns!" Long Yuwei smiled with excitement.

"Captain, give him!" Qin Yun sighed softly.

"I have no opinion!"

Dongfang Chao also nodded. Even if he gave twenty wolf horns, they still had a lot of them, enough to enter the top fifteen.

If the sky is cold, the beautiful and beautiful face is gloomy and the eyebrows are twitching.

Finally, angry, she still took out the wolf horn!

Twenty wolf horns, handed to the face of Long Yuwei!

The dragon is dusty and the sun is stunned.

Because the batches they had robbed before, they don’t add up.

"If the weather is cold, I will give you another task to take down the armor of Qin Yun!" Long Yuwei took over the twenty wolf horns and then put them on the ground to check.

Qin Yun no expression, he has been suppressing an anger since the beginning!

He was previously ridiculed by the dragon and the dusty Yangshuo, and he was very angry.

Now here, I saw these two people he hated again, and the anger in my heart was once again ignited, but he was still suppressed!

However, this dragon Yuwei has borrowed himself to be a child of the dragon family, and he has to take a step in the foot. Even if he is a cold child, he can only swallow his voice!

"Hurry!" Long Yuwei looked at the sky and shouted: "Do you want to fight with me? If we fight, we must die! You can't kill me, so you will only die!"

If the sky is cold, you can't kill Long Yuwei!

Once she kills Long Yuwei, she will be abandoned by the family!

Moreover, it will be wanted by Tianjia and Longjia!

Qin Yun saw the difficulty of the cold, and pressed down the anger of his heart.

He slowly took off his coat and revealed the golden soft armor inside!

This is the armor of the device!

"If the weather is cold, have you slept with Qin Yun? He is willing to hand it over for you!" Long Yuwei smiled.

"If he is willing to give me a device, I am willing to sleep with him!" Moon dance sighed gently.

Long Yuwei saw that he was about to get the armor of the road, and he laughed even more arrogantly.

Also reached out to touch the cold and beautiful cheeks of Tianruofeng.

Long Yuwei looked at Qin Yun and said with a smile: "Qin Yun, I will wait for the woman who wants to sleep, haha..."

"You can die!"

If the cold and cold sounds of the sky, such as the cold edge, revealing incomparable murder.

She slammed out and smashed the body of Long Yuwei into two halves.

"Long Yuwei, you bastard, I want to marry you!"

If the sky is cold and sullen, murderous, the big knife in the hands dances!

Every moment she pulls out dozens of knives! Crazy to smash the body of Long Yuwei!

Everyone is stunned, watching the madness of the sky!

Even Qin Yun, there are some fears!

After a while, everyone did not say a word, quietly watching!

Long Yuwei has been smashed into a broken meat!

If the sky is cold, it will return to calm, and the twenty wolf horns will be collected.

"If the knife in the cold hand is a Taoist device!"

"Is Qin Yun given? He has so many Taoist devices!" The beautiful Yu Yu of the Moon Dance is full of envy.

The dragon was not supposed to be shot, but it only took two steps and stopped!

The children of other families have swallowed!

The children of the Dragon family were really killed, and they died so badly!

" killed our big brother, I want to avenge my brother!" A child of Lu family shouted: "Revenge for the big brother! She only has one person, can't beat us!"

The seven players of Long Yuwei fiercely surrounded the sky!

After Qin Yun put on his clothes, he flew past and banged out and punched the body of the disciple of Lu.

"She is not alone!"

Everyone looked at the hole in the Lv’s disciple and took a deep breath!

Qin Yun of this Yang Lingmai, the strength is not weak!

If the coldness of the body is cold, the six people will be frozen!

Then a big knife waved, and the heads of the six people fell!

"Who wants to **** my team and stand up for me! If I am cold, I will not die with him!"

If the sky is cold, holding a big knife, shouting arrogantly.

She is full of murderous beauty, locked in the dragon clean and Yangshuo days!

"If the weather is cold, you are finished!" Long Duo sneered and said: "As long as the Dragon King's Golden Dragon is ordered, you must live for only one year!"

Qin Yun is cleaning up the few dead family members.

Suddenly, a tall young man from Lu’s family came out from the Yangshuo’s team and said to Qin Yun: “You just killed our Lu family, I am looking for you to revenge!”

"If you have a kind, don't let the woman protect it, and fight with me!" This tall young man pointed to Qin Yun and shouted.

"Sorry, I don't fight with the dog! You are the loyal dog of Yangshuo, and he certainly won't allow me to hurt his dog!"

Qin Yun looked cold and cold to the sky and shouted: "Take your dog well, don't let him yell at me!"


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