Nine Sun God King

Chapter 524: Jiantangtang

Where the knife house was very smooth, he bought the first option.

The disciples of Knife Hall felt very sorry because they could not go to see the battle of the knife.

Many of the disciples who were present were scarred.

Being injured in the defensive war now also affects their offensive martial arts.

Thinking of this, the disciples of Knife Hall felt that they were very disadvantaged, but there was no way.

The disciples of the martial arts are in excellent condition, and then they can resist a large group of injured knives and disciples. It can be said that it is very easy.

Everyone feels that the elders of the Sword Mountain Villa are obviously biased towards the martial arts.

"Where the knife yard, you want to attack the sword court?" asked the male knife.

"Yu Tian Jian Yuan!" Tian Ruo screamed.

Everyone is moving, the first game is to attack the Royal Heavenly Swordsmen of the Spiritual Martyrs!

If they can really defeat the Royal Heavenly Swords Court, then all the top swords in the Kendo Church will certainly not be able to withstand the knives.

"Okay, you can go now!" The male knife could not pass, because he had to arrange the attack of the knife yard.

When the knife walked in front, the heart was secretly excited.

During this time, he also knew the strength of Qin Yun, Tian Ruo Leng and Yue Wu.

If you cooperate with a powerful knife, it is not difficult to break through the Imperial Court.

Behind Qin Yun, they followed a large group of people who were full of expectations.

It is a group of people who watch the fun and are also a special group in the Sword Mountain Villa.

Dan Yaotang's main refining medicine, alchemy and medicine, will certainly not participate in this fight.

Qiwentang is responsible for the formation of the squadron, and these things related to the singularity are not involved in the battle.

The disciple of Wang Pinyuan is the backbone of the Sword Mountain Villa.

Specially help Qizhitang and Dan Yaotang to do things, such as collecting materials or something.

Usually, a group of disciples of Wang Pinyuan will be left behind and guarded here.

The elders of the Presbyterian Church are all a group of directors. Because of the offensive and defensive wars, they are relatively leisurely.

Yutianjianyuan, very style, the buildings are brand new, and also very large, there are small lakes, rockeries, Jiuqu Bridge or something inside.

The enchantment of the martial arts here is also 100 meters wide!

Qin Yun, Tian Ruo Leng, Yue Wu, three people, have long known that Shangpinyuan is more luxurious.

But after seeing it with my own eyes, I realized how shabby they were in their own lower house.

Suddenly someone shouted: "The lord of the martial arts is coming!"

The owner of the sword hall is actually a teenager!

Qin Yun was a little surprised. He was only the owner of the martial arts hall. The name was Jian Lang, who was a swordsman.

Jianlang is one meter tall and seven meters tall. The eyebrows are star-studded. They look very young and tender, wearing purple gold jade crowns, wearing luxurious white clothes, and hanging beautiful purple gold scabbards.

From beginning to end, he feels very exaggerated and extravagant.

The most impressive thing is that he has a sword-shaped earring on his left ear.

"You are Qin Yun? Do you have an ancient sword?" Jianlang's voice is flat.

He has no momentum at all, and he does not feel his breath.

The owner of this martial art does give people a strong and mysterious feeling.

"Yeah!" Qin Yun should be.

"We are in the martial arts hall, but in your knives, you have lost a lot of points. Rumors, if you are ready to blood wash our martial arts hall, are you?" Jianlang asked slowly.

"Blood wash is not enough, but let your martial arts know that you want to abolish us to get a reward, it is a price!"

"Abolition of the three of you, you will get 100 million Amethyst coins! Since you are rewarded with such a high price, you can see that you are powerful!"

"Qin Yun, you are rewarding the heads of the two family owners of the Long Family and the Yang Family, but using the ancient road sword as a reward?"

Jianlang asked very curiously.

Jianlang is a spiritual place, and the Tao is also very attractive to him!

"Sword, knife, gun, armor, you can choose two!" Qin Yun smiled: "The premise is that you can take the head to find me!"

Everyone took a deep breath and felt that Jianlang had that kind of mind.

"I just asked, not to kill the two owners!" Jianlang smiled and smiled.

The elders of Longjia and Long Yufan were also relieved.

"The sword lord has a sword of the life, only to see those dao!" Long family elders sneer.

"Not necessarily! The ancient sword, maybe there is a legendary sword, I need this kind of thing!" Jianlang looked at Qin Yun and asked: "Can you let me see, your ancient sword?"

Qin Yun was also very generous. He took out the ancient road sword and handed it to Jian Lang. Then he asked: "The sword lord, I also saw the disciple's disciples to participate in the assessment. Why don't you let them directly enter the martial arts hall?"

"The disciples of our swordsmen are all in the spirits of the real thing, never after the back!"

Jianlang carefully looked at the ancient sword and sighed: "There is no sword!"

He returned the sword to Qin Yun!

"If there is a sword pattern, will you kill the owner of the Dragon Family and the Yang Family?" Qin Yun asked after collecting the ancient road sword.

Everyone immediately looked at Jianlang and looked at him with a breath.

"Yes!" Jian Lang smiled and said: "But the sword pattern is only a legendary existence. In the spiritual wasteland, it has never appeared! Even if it appears, it may have been hidden by people."

"Not much to say, you are ready to start!" Jianlang said, and also left the enchantment.

Yutian Jianyuan is the eight middle-aged headed by Long Yufan.

They were armed with long swords and armor and walked out of a pavilion.

They saw Qin Yun and two beautiful women appearing, and when they felt an accident, they also secretly confessed Qin Yun.

The moon dance is one of the five beautiful women in the proud star state selected by the singular hall.

Specifically, how to choose, everyone is not clear, in short, many women in this name want to get.

Now, the moon dance and the coldness of the sky, and Qin Yun in a knife yard.

Even if they didn't happen, outsiders thought about it.

"I didn't expect you, these three dogs and men, come to us in the first game! You bought the option with a big price, right?" Long Yufan sneered: "You are afraid to waste those purple crystal coins." It!"

If the sky is cold, I can hear the words "dogs and men". Some of my face is brushed cold and full of murderousness.

Qin Yun is quite calm, because waiting for a moment, you can learn the dragon jade.

"We just used two million Amethyst coins! Anyway, your Dragon family lost to me 1.5 billion!" Qin Yun laughed and said: "Thank you for the Amethyst coins donated by your Dragon!"

Moon Dance looked at the elder of Jin Long, a dragon family, and smiled: "This dragon parent is old, do you want to win the ancient road, and the 1.5 billion purple crystal coins?"

"Why, do you want to gamble with us?" asked the elder of the Dragon family, cold face.

"I really want to, but I am afraid that you can't afford it!" Moon dance smiled smugly and smugly, his eyes full of ridicule: "You have lost 1.5 billion, and can you gamble with us?"

The elders of the Dragon family were furious and wanted to say something, but they could not say it.

He lost the 1.5 billion and was blamed by the Dragon!

"One of the five clans! A group of poor ghosts, who lost 1.5 billion, completely ruined!" The moon dance, the light laughter, was contemptuous.

Jianlang began to enchant and shouted: "Begin!"

The enchantment battlefield is a 100-meter wide circle.

Very spacious, the eight middle-aged of the Royal Heavenly Academy, also immediately spread out, distributed in eight places.

As a result, Qin Yun, the three of them, need to knock them down one by one, which is very time consuming.

A column of incense in the past, as long as there is a person standing in the Royal Heavenly Academy, even if the defense is successful.

"Big sister and second sister, Long Yufan handed it to me!" Qin Yun calmly smiled and said: "The church owner of the sword hall is watching here. You should be gentle to the disciples of the sword hall!"

If the sky is sneer, the smile is full of murder.

She rushed to a chunky middle-aged, waving the cold knife in her hand and slamming it down!

The long and big cold cloud knife slammed down, releasing an incomparably strong ice and cold force, and suddenly the fat middle-aged, iced body covered in frost.


Chunky middle-aged cross-swords, to stop the cold knife under the arm.

The sword was very thin, and it was very stingy compared to the cold cloud knife. After the "when" sound was heard, the blade actually collapsed!

If the sky is cold, it is just a knife, just put the sword out of a gap!

The most terrible thing is that the cold cloud knife can pass the sword and **** the inner strength of the short middle age.

If the sky is cold, there is no gentleness, and only the fierceness can be used to describe her offense!

Brush a few knives and drop the chunky middle-aged arms.

The white long knife pierced into the middle-aged abdomen, the white knife went in, the red knife came out...

Not a few times, the fat middle-aged, fell to the ground, in a state of semi-dead!

The armor they wore had no use at all, and was easily broken like paper.

The moon dance is also similar here. Her slender Liuyue knife, between the two, released a dizzy power, let the tall middle-aged, in a short dizzy state.

In the state of dizziness, the tall middle-aged, unable to run the body's strength to defend.

Therefore, the moon dance can be very easy, break the middle-aged armor, and dance the Liu Yue knife lightly.

Liu Yuedao crossed the tall middle-aged body and brought out a blood of the stock, floating in the battlefield, Yan Yan and full of blood!

"The lord... continue, our genius will be abolished, you can help them!"

The teacher of Yutianjianyuan pleaded with grief.

"Hey! You attacked three young people in the knife factory, and they also wanted to abolish them. Now, you have tasted it!" Knife sneered.

The sword wave slowly said: "In the sword attack and defense war, the person who was abolished is not a genius!"

In this sentence, let the teacher of Yutian Jianyuan be ashamed!

If the sky is cold and the moon dances, a middle age that is quickly abolished, continue to attack the next one.

Those middle-aged, all of them are full of fear, flying above the battlefield.

Qin Yun holds a black knife and slowly moves toward Longyu.

Long Yufan looked at his teammates down, but still calm.

Because, he is a martial artist in the spirit of the martial arts, as long as he does not fall, they can win!


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