Nine Sun God King

Chapter 550: Lion soul inheritance

Xiao Yuelan, they just watched and did not speak.

She is not worried about Qin Yun at all, even if Qin Yun can come out, she can escape alone.

More and more people are coming.

Some even just sent in to study the enchantment of this mansion.

After they learned that someone had entered, they also put the news back.

There are also other teams in Xianbing City here.

Because the people who entered were the temporary disciples of their Fairy City, the Fairy City was very concerned.

After Qin Yun entered the house, he quickly entered a big house.

That big house is also the largest building in the entire mansion.

When Qin Yun was outside, he had a very careful observation.

The big house was made of special pale gold stone, and the color of the pale gold stone disappeared because of the age.

So it seems that there is a feeling of faint yellowing.

"This Tianshi Xianfu, what is there?" After Qin Yun entered the big house, he took out a luminous stone and illuminated the dark inside.

After illuminating, the surroundings are empty.

On the stone wall, there are many reliefs of Tiens.

These reliefs, he is also familiar with, have the characteristics of the Tiens totem.

"I don't know what this is!" Ling Yun shook his head: "It seems to be very old!"

"Are you not a meditation elf?" Qin Yun said.

"This is what Xianfu, I have never heard of it!" Lingyun whispered: "Go inside and see, there is something!"

Inside the big house is an empty lobby, nothing.

After Qin Yun walked to the middle, he suddenly felt a slight tremor.

Then, the dark lobby lit up.

The surrounding walls are lit with a touch of golden light, and the entire lobby is illuminated.

"A long time, I finally waited for someone to come!" Suddenly there was an old voice.

"Who are you?" Qin Yun was shocked and looked around.

Then, in the middle position, there was a faint golden lion virtual image.

The virtual image of this lion seems to give a very gentle and kind feeling, just like a kindly elder.

In particular, the eyes of Tiens are filled with a kind of aura, and the eyes are full of vicissitudes and affinity.

This lion's virtual image is not very large, only five or six meters long.

The overall look is also very powerful.

But when I saw the eyes of Tiens, I felt very relieved, as if I was with a kind old man.

Chu Binyu also looks very kind and harmonious, but there is a kind of other light in his eyes, not the kind of natural kindness.

The virtual image of this lion is as natural as it is.

"You are... is it human?" Qin Yun saw a Tiens, but he thought it seemed to be a person.

"What I don't matter is important. What's important is that we can communicate peacefully!" Tianshi's old voice laughed heartily.

"Then I will call you a predecessor!" Qin Yun smiled: "Predecessors, this Tianshi Xianfu, what is it? Is it built by people?"

"I built it that year!" Tiens said: "I built this fairy house, just to wait for the younger generation to come here!"

"But I am human, not your descendants!" Qin Yun also heard that the lion is rarely rare, almost extinct.

"I am also very surprised. Why do you have the blood of the lion? It is reasonable to say that this blood should not appear on humans! What is even more strange is that you actually cultivated the celestial body."

In the voice of Tiens, there is also incomparable curiosity.

Qin Yun simply told himself the passage of the blood of the lion and told the old Tiens.

After listening to Tiens, it was also amazing.

"That can only say that this is a rare opportunity!" The old Tiens sighed.

“Predecessors, did Tiens encounter the disaster?” Qin Yun curiously asked: “Why is there rarely?”

"It's not a disaster, but it's just because luck is so good, it leads to the extinction!" The old Tiens said it was awkward.

"Good luck? Kill the family?" Qin Yun heard a fog.

The old Tiens said: "Let's say it! Our Tiens were very strong in the past, almost invincible in the nine wilderness, shocking other beasts. Later, we were sealed as a beast, and I was invited to enter the gods! ”

"The original looks very good, but then I realized that after I went to the gods, the lions in the holy wilderness were killed. I was also sealed in a sun and became a town. Yangshen!"

Zhenyang beast?

Qin Yun thought of the nine-day bird.

"Predecessors, nine days of mysterious birds, is it a Zhenyang beast?" Qin Yun asked.

"No, nine days of mysterious bird is a soul! My duty is to guard the soul of the sun, not let the soul go out, but in the end it is still not guarded, so I am also punished, always sealed in the sun."

The old Tiens sighed helplessly: "For many years, I didn't expect that I was left behind here, but I was awakened!"

The old Tiens was only a beast in the past, and he became a man here and built this mansion. Also arranged a strong enchantment, and later rushed into the gods...

It can be seen that this has gone through a long time!

Qin Yun feels that this house still exists, it is a miracle.

"You are a human being, you can cultivate the blood of the lion and the mysterious body of the lion. It is also the only blood of our lion family in the nine wilderness. If so, I will give you this sorrowful soul!" said the old lion.

"Remnant soul?" Qin Yun did not know what the use of the remnant.

"This remnant soul is only a trace of my spirit, and will soon be wiped out! Then you will treat the remnant soul as a beast soul, and also have some experience in my practice, maybe it will be useful to you!"

The old Tiens said: "If you need it, you can also borrow the Tiens force temporarily, which can make your strength improve a lot, but the body also suffers great pain, and it takes a while to be used once!"

When the old Tiens finished, the virtual image gradually became smaller, and finally became a small Tianshi beast soul.

Qin Yun quickly caught the Tiens beast and then absorbed it into the body through the practice of refining the soul.

"Xiaoyun, this is best used as your bones!" Lingyun suddenly said: "You have the blood of the lion, the totem of the lion, the celestial body of the lion, if the bones are the bones of the lion, then it is perfect!"

When you are in the spirit of the spirit, you need to integrate the powerful beast soul to strengthen the bones and gain the power of the soul.

But now, Qin Yun has not reached the stage of Kailing.

He can only temporarily save the Tianshi beast soul in the Mingyang Dao.

"As long as I am successful, I will be able to integrate the Tiens Beast Soul and condense the bones!"

Qin Yun can't wait to refine more bones and bones now, but the herbs are not enough.

What he didn't expect was that the enchantment of this Tianshi Xianfu was suddenly gone.

After the outside person felt it, the inside rushed in.

They first rushed into the big house.

As soon as I entered, I saw that it was empty, and the four walls were all bas-reliefs.

Only Qin Yun stood there in the middle.

"Beard man, you... you have actually removed all of this stuff!" someone shouted angrily: "Hand over the things!"

"I didn't get anything. I didn't have a spirit in my body. I don't believe you to check it! I just accidentally touched an organ, and the enchantment was closed!"

Qin Yun is also a big man, thinking of ways to get out.

A middle-aged man quickly stepped forward and said: "I am Ke Mingjiang, the right-hand disciple of Xianbing City!"

"You can rest assured that I will protect you! Whether you have something or not, our Fairy City will not ask you something!"

"Xianbing City, you are really nice! Hahaha... After you go back, you will use torture and force him to surrender those treasures!" Someone sneered.

Ke Mingjiang is not angry, and his heart is calm: "We are not as sinister as you are!"

"There is really nothing here. If you don't believe it, I can let you search!" Qin Yun just got the Tiens Beast Soul.

"This is what you said! Ke Mingjiang, you go to the side!" A young man quickly came over and took out a piece of jade piece and slammed it back and forth on Qin Yun.

Then there were several young people who used their instruments to check Qin Yun’s body.

If Qin Yun is physically, if there is something in the spirit, it will definitely be found out.

In the middle age when the drug Xiangu died, it was checked that Qin Yun’s body had no storage.

After several inspections, those people did not find anything in Qin Yun.

"It's a bad thing..." A middle-aged frown.

They just saw it. It didn't take long for Qin Yun to enter this big house. If there are good things in the big house, it is really impossible to take it away in a short time.

"Everyone, there seems to be some big houses in this mansion. Don't you go and see?" Qin Yun suddenly said.

"Right, let's go and see!" someone shouted, and quickly walked out of the big house.

Everyone also didn't want things to be taken away and immediately went to other houses.

Even the people of Yaoxiangu did not go to the middle-aged who killed Qin Yun at this time, and rushed out of the big house.

After going out, suddenly someone shouted: "Beast bones, I found the bones of the beast...hahaha..."

The houses in the mansion are all large stone houses, and there are more than a dozen houses, like large warehouses.

After someone discovered the bones of the beast, everyone suddenly became enthusiastic and went to open the doors of those huge stone houses.

In almost every stone house, there are celestial bones.

Because of this, some fierce battles have taken place!

Originally said that after coming in, they can't fight each other, but whoever manages so much now.

Those who fight each other are disciples of the Five Great Xianmen and the Five Star Gates.

Qin Yun did not move, when he was fighting, he quietly used a powerful spiritual force to take away many bones.

He has been following Ke Mingjiang and also saw Ke Mingjiang from inside a stone house.

Ke Mingjiang is very strong. He leads the disciples of Xianying City and gets the most bones of the day.

At this time, Ke Mingjiang was in a large warehouse and got the celestial crystal nucleus!

This was also seen by the disciples of the medicine Xiangu who had just rushed in.

"Ke Mingjiang, hand over the things you got!" The young man who spoke, was full of killing.


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