Nine Sun God King

Chapter 577: Fairytale

After Chu Binyu arranged Qin Yun, he hurried away.

Qin Yun looked at the sword blind and curiously asked: "Which is the fairy field like the East?"

"Qin Yun, you have to enter the Fairy City, and even this kind of thing has not been investigated?" The sword blindly grinned and said: "The fairy illusion, but the things left by the celestial soldiers in the wild, Then, over the years, it has been improved by the Fairy City and it is getting better and better!"

Qin Yun felt more interesting. He thought that it was just a place. I didn't expect it to be a thing.

"Let's say, the fairy illusion is a fantasy! It is said that some foreign disciples and righteous disciples will get a special bed. The bed is a bit like a coffin. If you break in, you can go to a fantasy!"

The sorcerer’s blind paused and continued: “But our body is still in that bed, only consciousness enters the illusion! The illusion can connect all people’s meanings together and build a virtual fantasy!”

"In this fairy illusion, although everything is virtual, but the strength is also very real, in short, a very mysterious place!"

"In the sacred field of the sacred soldiers, you can conduct various battles and testes. Even if you are injured, you will be fine. At most, you will only feel the pain. In this way, you can do all kinds of crazy battles in the sacred illusion. ""

After Qin Yun heard it, he was very interested. He wanted to feel the magic of the fairy tales quickly.

The sword is blind and clear: "The sacred illusion is the unique thing of Xianbing City. The most powerful place is to temper the flesh in the illusion of the sacred soldiers, but it will become stronger in reality. It’s not clear, in short, we have the opportunity to discover the magic in the future!”

Qin Yun chose a room and arranged it for a long time. Chu Binyu came again.

This time, he brought a mysterious man with a man in a black robe and a fight.

The black robe came and took off the fight, showing a beautiful face of a fox, and the person who came was the fox quiet fairy of the moon.

"Fox elder, hello!" Qin Yun smiled.

"Let's talk slowly." After Chu Binyu left, Qin Yun took Fox Jingxian to the room he had just packed up.

Fox Jingxian smiled charmingly: "Qin Yun, congratulations on becoming a foreign disciple of Xianbing City!"

"What is this good congratulations?" Qin Yun looked at the sorrowful charm of Fox Jingxian, haha ​​smiled.

"I didn't expect you to be so fast, let Xiao Yuelan and Feng Honglan join us on the Moon Island. I have to be grateful to you. They are all very good disciples! And... that is, Kirin Grandma and Bai Xiaoying, also They are very good beasts."

Fox Jingxian noodle with a soft and charming smile, beautiful flashing, is really grateful to Qin Yun.

"Fox elders, big sister and second sister are the people of Tianjia and Yuejia. I am worried that these two families will go to find their troubles!" Qin Yun said.

"We are on the island of the moon, not even those fairy gates, let alone the five clan!" Fox Jingxian smiled gently: "Moon Lan and Honglan join us in the moon, the moon palace does not know, you Don't talk about it everywhere, wait until they dig a little more and come over!"

"Fox elders, you are so close to the moon palace, you have no problem?" Qin Yun is somewhat worried.

"What are you afraid of? The strength of the Moon Palace is not as good as our Moon Island, otherwise they will not need to be close to the medicine fairy valley!" Fox Jingxian snorted: "There are many disciples in the Moon Palace, all complaining in their hearts." Because they hate those fairy doors!"

"Fox elders, I want to use the golden totem to go to the heads of the three homeowners of Yangjia, Tianjia and Longjia... Well, there is also the old head of the dragon in the medicine fairy valley, which is to take away four of us. The guy on the ancient road!" Qin Yun said.

"No problem, I will help you release a reward as soon as possible! Your reward for this award is more attractive than the previous Shangdao." Fox Jingxian smiled.

Qin Yun saw Fox Jingxian promised, and he was relieved. This is the means he used to deter the big families.

"Qin Yun, someone told me to tell you something!" Fox Jingxian is full of charming smile jade face, suddenly become serious, and the voice is also depressed.

"What is it?" Qin Yun asked.

"Be careful of the new teaching of Xianbing City!" Fox Jingxian whispered: "Who is the new master of Xianbing City, we are currently investigating, but there is no information, only know that this new teaching is very strong. ""

"I will pay attention to this! I have a lot of enemies in this fairy palace. I am always cautious." Qin Yun nodded and then asked: "Who told you to tell me?"

"That person is not allowed to say it! And it is not for you to be wary of being killed by the new master, but to keep you away from that teaching, and not to go too close, so as not to happen other things."

Fox Jingxian is only responsible for the announcement, and does not understand the reasons. The face is puzzled: "This new teaching seems to be not a bad person, but it just keeps you away."

"Do not worry, I will remember in my heart!" Qin Yun also felt strange.

"Then we will see you next time, I am busy to arrange other things!" Fox Jingxian smiled: "I am running outside now, I am busy!"

"Fox elders, waiting for you to relax afterwards, you have to take me to travel a wilderness." Qin Yun laughed.

"No problem!" Fox Jingxian glared at the charming eyes.

"To the fox elder, can you do me a favor? I am looking for a person, she is called Qi Meilian..." Qin Yun told some of Qi Meilian's things, and told her to help her.

He not only entrusted Hu Jingxian, but also entrusted the shepherd to laugh through the singular hall.

After Fox Jingxian promised Qin Yun, he left the Xianbing City.

Because she is doing business, and the relationship with Xianbing City is also good, there are special access tokens, can often come here.

Soon after Jing Jingxian left, Chu Binyu came.

After Chu Binyu came, she took out two beds and placed them in the yard.

The two beds are recessed in the middle, and there is a lid, which is a bit like a coffin.

But the material used to make the bed looks very strong and special.

"This is what you enter into the fascinating field of the stalwart. You put it in your own room. As long as you leave the celestial palace, you can't connect the sacred saga!"

Chu Binyu said: "I originally thought that it would take a few days to prepare for you. I didn't expect the efficiency of the law-protection hall to be very fast. I just got it!"

Qin Yun and the sword blind, after dropping blood on these two beds, they took it back to their room.

Then they came out and listened to Chu Binyu's rules about the sacred field.

"In the fairy illusion, everything is virtual, only the power is real! So you can use your own powerful power to kill the killer, kill a guy, you can get two points, if It’s a martial artist who has killed the martial arts in the martial arts and can get four points!”

"The more points, the higher the ranking. The points can be exchanged for exercises, weapons, symbols, armor, mounts and various magic weapons, so you must use the points because it will affect your ranking!"

"The martial arts list of our Xianbing City is determined according to the points of the Xianbing illusion. There is only one martial arts list in total. The right-hand disciple of Lingwujing and the foreigner disciples of Wudao Jiuzhong are together in a martial arts list! ”

"So, if you have a martial art, you will be able to hide far away from the martial arts who are in the spirit of the martial arts! Because they have more points and more equipment, after you go in, there are no weapons, even the sword of the life. Can't release it!"

Chu Binyu said here, looked at the sword blind.

"Zhuang, after we entered, can we only be empty-handed?" Qin Yun thought that he could rely on his own weapons after entering.

"Yes! It is an illusory world. After you go in, you can only bring strength into it!" Chu Binyu smiled and said: "There are sometimes elders in it. If you can successfully kill the elders, you can get the points." Also more."

"After you go in, pay more attention to the corps inside. It is also very strong. If you can, you can join a corps! Unfortunately, if Ke Mingjiang is not seriously injured, it is best if you join his corps."

"In the inside, you can't cheat, that is, you can't be willing to kill others. Otherwise, killing and being killed, deliberately cheating and earning points, will be deducted a thousand points, as a punishment!"

"Well, you can try it now, try to rush into the top ten. Only enter the top ten, can we represent our Fairy City, play the martial competition in the proud star state!"

Chu Binyu felt that Qin Yun and the sword were blind. It was difficult to get into the top ten, but he did not say it. He worried that Qin Yun and the sword blind would feel lost.

Qin Yun and the sword are blind, each returning to the house, and then lying in the mouth of the coffin.

After lying in, Qin Yun had a very comfortable feeling, and then consciousness gradually became confused, like entering a dream.

When he opened his eyes, he saw himself in a beautiful prairie, and there was only one sun in the air.

"Xiaoyun, this is an illusory space, but it enhances the sense of reality, and connects many people's consciousness together, allowing many people to enter the same 'dream' and then fight in this 'dream'. Practical combat can enhance the use of martial arts and increase rich practical experience!"pb

Ling Yun also felt very magical and amazed.

"In this 'dream', I am restricted, can't imagine the weapons I want!" Qin Yun tried, and could not make Jiuyang Shen hammer.

"Yes, this is the power of the fairy illusion, can build a real world of conscious fantasy! The advantage is that when there is brutal competition here, there will be no death or injury, but also to enhance the disciples Strength." Ling Yun smiled: "This is a good thing, you have to use it!"

Qin Yun nodded and then plunged to a place.

Just when he had just ran for half an hour, he met a group of horse-riding people, both men and women. From the perspective of strength, they were all martial artists.

After they saw Qin Yun, they rushed over and spoke without saying anything, they began to attack Qin Yun.

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