Nine Sun God King

Chapter 605: Tian Yaolei

Tian Yaolei also knows that Qin Yun is not good at dealing with it, but he is not afraid at all.

Subsequently, a large team of people, also came to the mighty.

That is the corps of Yang Shenglong and the corps of the dragon.

At this time, there are three regiments here, surrounded by Qin Yun.

Not long after, a large number of people came again. It turned out that Hua Xiyue came with his corps. It seems that they are making an appointment.

"There are a lot of people coming!" Qin Yun's face gradually dignified.

Hua Xiyue’s corps has just arrived, and there is another figure in the distance. It is also a corps, and it is the corps of Long Yuming.

The army of the Jiwo has been incorporated into the Yaolei Corps.

Therefore, the Yaolei Corps at this time is the most powerful and the number is large.

"Qin Yun, you can't fly in the wings!" Tian Yao Lei Haha smiled.

"You want to besiege me, or come up with me one by one?" Qin Yun is still calm and calm, slowly said.

Tian Yaolei looked at the head of several of the regiments of Hua Xiyue and said: "I can solve you by myself!"

Among these strong players, only Tian Yaolei did not play with Qin Yun.

Hua Xiyue, Ji Wolf, Dragon Maniac, Yang Shenglong, Long Qiaofeng... have all been killed by Qin Yun. Pbe0

If Tian Yaolei defeats Qin Yun, then he can prove that he is stronger than those people, and this can also add a lot of prestige to him.

Especially in the family power of Xianbing City, this can make him praised by the family.

"It seems that even if I win you, it is difficult to fly!" Qin Yun looked at the more than two thousand people around.

In addition to Hua Xiyue's people, others are disciples of family power, among the disciples, the youngest and strongest disciples.

Surrounded by them, it is really difficult to escape.

Hua Xi Yue said coldly: "Qin Yun, if I were you, I would definitely leave the Xianbing Magic Field immediately, which can avoid suffering!"

"Qin Yun, we have formed an alliance, which is specifically for you! It is impossible for you to enter the top ten." Yang Sheng Long Xiao smiled: "Not only in the sacred field, even in the real world, you are our goal. !"

The dragon madly said: "The killer of our dragon family has already been dispatched! If the sky is cold and the moon dances, it will become their goal. Don't think that hiding in the moon island, you will be safe!"

"Qin Yun, you will plead guilty!" Yang Shenglong threatened: "You are an old man who took our Yang family. We will not let you go. You have sent people to Xianfang City. It!"

Hua Xiyue took the anger and said to Qin Yun: "It is because of you that we have been attacked by many families in the Xianbing City. Longjia, Yangjia, Tianjia, Yaoxian Valley, and Canghuo Xianshan are all prepared. Unite to force the Fairy City and drive you out of the division!"

"Qin Yun, you have brought a lot of trouble to our Xianbing City, you are a curse!" Tian Yaolei cold and cold.

"Is it troublesome? Then why didn't you bring me trouble? Don't worry, I will solve all these troubles sooner or later!"

"You are a group of garbage, but it is only in the Xianbing Palace Yaowu. Just relying on your strength, facing the powerful disciples of other Xianmen, you can't resist a few tricks!"

Qin Yun’s voice is full of sarcasm: “You should all know that I have combined the fire and madness, and I have carved out the fire attribute singularity is also the strongest! My importance to the Fairy City is not your garbage. Imagine it!"

"You fart!" the dragon yelled: "If you are really important to the Fairy City, you have already been paid to protect the law!"

"We protect the court, but don't want this kind of thing! Even if his singular talent is no longer possible, he will never enter our law-protection hall."

Hua Xiyue’s voice was full of screams, shouting: “Qin Yun, don’t be arrogant, you are not important to us in Xianfang City! You wait and see, it doesn’t take long, several big families and medicine fairy valleys The people of Canghuo Xianshan are here!"

"In the law-protection hall, there are many old people who have already stated their intention to drive you out of the Fairy City!"

Tian Yaolei said: "Yes, many of the old people in the main entrance also support the outflow of Qin Yun!"

Yang Shenglong smiled proudly: "Qin Yun, have you heard that? You are about to be driven away, but you still think that you are important to the Fairy City!"

"You have no origins and no family, and you want to become the core disciple of Xianmen? Go dreaming!" Hua Xiyue stunned: "After you are driven out, you will be separated by your enemies!"

Qin Yun's face gradually changed. If Xianbing City drove him out, he would have to plan for the new plan.

"I have good grace for the Fairy City, and I have done a great job. They won't drive me away!"

"What's the big work? What about it? Drive away your stuff. Who cares about you? You have to know that most of the older people in our Fairy City support the drive away!" Hua Xi jumped and laughed. .

"Let's go!" Qin Yun clasped the knife in his hand and looked at Tian Yaolei.

Hua Xi Yue several of them, they are also very happy to fly to the distance, watching the battle below.

"Tian Yaolei should be the strongest early spiritual martial arts in our Xianbing Palace?" said the dragon madly.

"That is of course, Tian Yaolei has taken many of the first contests!" Although Yang Shenglong did not want to admit it, but he can only accept such facts.

"If he is really strong, then he will take Qin Yun!" Hua Xiyue said something uncomfortable.

Tian Yaolei took out a hammer and looked proud. He said: "Qin Yun, you will lose a thousand points today, hahaha..."

Said, Tian Yaolei slammed into a hammer.

When the hammer fell, it released a strong thunder and fell like a waterfall on Qin Yun.

Qin Yun was beaten by the thunder and lightning, but he still steadily waved a knife to resist the sledgehammer that Tian Yaolei bombarded.

Last time, when Qin Yun was attacked by Tian Yaolei, it was a martial art.

Nowadays, he is a spiritual martial art, much stronger than before.

Tian Yaolei can feel the strength of Qin Yun's strength, because at the last time, he suddenly played Qin Yun without fighting back.

Now when he attacks Qin Yun, the power he plays is more fierce than before.

However, Qin Yun seems to block his attack with a light knife.

Tian Yaolei body Rayman flashed, and once again held up the sledgehammer.


Raised the sledgehammer, igniting the powerful thunder in the air, and then bombarded it on Qin Yun.

Qin Yun quickly released the shocking power, wrapped the body, and then retreated away from Tian Yaolei.

Qin Yun’s body was once again violently attacked by a strong thunder.

Although the mad thunder burst into a loud noise, Qin Yun seems to have nothing at all.

"This guy's melee strength is terrible!" Qin Yun does not dare to approach Tian Yaolei now, because he has not figured out how strong the other side is.

Tian Yaolei looked very scary under the body, but hidden a terrible explosive power.

Yang Shenglong and others who watched the battle in the sky saw that Qin Yun could resist two attacks in succession, and they were all very surprised.

They are all very aware of the strength of Tian Yaolei, don't say it twice, even if it is hit, it is very terrible.

Qin Yun was able to withstand two attacks, which really made them unexpected.

Tian Yaolei was also secretly scared, and then burst into a loud, burly body, turned into a lightning, and instantly rushed to Qin Yun.

At the moment he flew in the past, he also raised the giant hammer in his hand. Once in the past, he would throw down the giant hammer and smash it in one go, fierce and fierce!

The slamming Raymond, like an angry dragon, danced to the four sides and roared.

Qin Yun did not evade, but slashed his knife.


Qin Yun’s knife hit the past and hit the hammer twice in rapid succession. He played two strong turbulent forces and shook the lightning power from the inside of the hammer!

Tian Yaolei had to release the violent as the dragon and the thunder, but now Qin Yun hit two times, shaking the power, the rhythm suddenly messed up.

Fortunately, his combat experience is very rich. After he has recovered the hammer, he avoids the knives that Qin Yunqi has come over, and then quickly condenses his power and slams it again.

"Lei Long Jin! This is a heavenly martial arts!" Hua Xi Yue frowned: "Qin Yun seems to be able to block this power!"

"Qin Yun definitely has hidden secrets, which makes him become so strong." Yang Shenglong said that he was envious of the power of Qin Yun.

The dragon screamed with a sullen face: "Be sure to grab him and then force this secret! This guy doesn't have any mystery, nor is it a double Dao Dan. It can be so powerful. It must have been used in ancient times. Secret technique!"

They looked at Qin Yun and Tian Yaolei and they were more equal.

"Yue, prepare!" Qin Yun suddenly said, and then avoid the angry thunder that Tian Yao Lei fell.

Thunder and lightning on Tian Yaolei, like the incarnation of Raytheon, released a kind of lightning, those lightnings are like flexible ropes, winding Qin Yun.

"Qin Yun, I am the strongest early spiritual martial arts in Xianbing City, let me end you!"

Tian Yaolei saw Qin Yun being entangled in thunder and lightning, smirking and jumping to the sky above Qin Yun, and the sledgehammer was also fiercely degraded.

Qin Yun’s body was slightly shocked, and the power of the earthquake supernatural powers poured out, and the amount of lightning that bundled him was scattered!

Qin Yun after breaking free, quickly flew to tens of meters away.


Tian Yaolei’s power was hammered down and a big crater was found on the ground.

Hua Xi Yue several people, are secretly pity.

At the same time, I was also amazed at the power of Qin Yun, and I was able to break the kind of lightning bundle.

Angry Tian Yaolei, angry and screaming, rushed to Qin Yun.

Just as he was near Qin Yun, a very heavy invisible force fell sharply, like a transparent giant mountain, pressed against Tian Yaolei.

The flying Tian Yaolei was so heavily stressed that after the body fell, the face slammed on the ground and was extremely embarrassed.

"Tian Yaolei this guy, I told him before, Qin Yun has such a strange power, he actually did not beware..." Dragon whispered: "We are besieging Qin Yun together, don't let him kill Tian Yaolei !"

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