Nine Sun God King

Chapter 608: White mask man

The reaction of the Black Corps was also very fast, and quickly shot a variety of arrows and shells against Qin Yun.

Qin Yun also threw twenty flying knife symbols!

Flying knife symbol, in Qin Yun release the strongest spirit away from control, the speed is like lightning, and instantly penetrated the body of more than a dozen black people.

Qin Yun’s points have soared by a thousand and a hundred percent!

He finally succeeded in killing the black men of the Black Corps.

This makes him very excited!

Qin Yun holds a shield and flies in the air, attracting black people to attack and controlling the flying knife.

The people of the Black Corps also found the horrors of those flying knives, and quickly stopped attacking to resist the flying knives.

A black man releases a strong force and forms a shield to block the flying knife.

Just as he blocked the flying knife, the flying knife exploded!


The sound of the small flying knife exploded, very sharp, like running through the earth and the sky, it was very harsh.

The flying knife has a small explosion range, but it is very powerful.

Because it is a very strong energy, concentrated in a small area can be released.

Although the black man could block the flying knife, but could not withstand the explosion of the flying knife, it was directly blown away.

Subsequently, many flying knives also exploded, making a series of explosions.

Fifty black men, the family has died more than forty!

Qin Yun is satisfied with the power of the flying knife symbol, because he expects to kill 30 black people is not bad.

If the black man does not resist the flying knife, he will be dried by the penetrating head.

If it is resisted, the flying knife will burst and will be killed.

The speed of the flying knife is also very fast, even if it is dodging and fleeing, it will be hit.

Qin Yun’s flying knife was used up, and the black man still had a few people left.

He flew in the past, the big knife was arrogant, and the hurricane six styles and the knives were alternately displayed.

In the other hand, the giant Tiens giant claws also appeared, and the Tiens Dragon claws were displayed.

The people of the Black Army Corps did not think that Qin Yun would be so terrible. Only five of them were destroyed in a short time.

After Qin Yun’s past, the mad attack, the violent attack.

Even if he was injured, he endured the pain, and violently urged the whole body to force the attack with the strongest nine.

"Black corps, kill me twice, now it is your turn to die!"

Qin Yun laughed wildly and looked at the black man who was killed by him. His heart was so happy.

At this time, he also discovered that the black men of these black corps were repaired as martial artists in the middle of the spirit.

However, under his crazy attack, it is difficult to get it.

Fifty black men, he was killed fifty in a moment!

He got five thousand points!

He had more than 5,000 points, and now there are 5,000 more, which is 10,000 points!

The disciples in the safe city tent, after seeing Qin Yun’s points, ran out of the tent one by one, all as excited as the chicken blood, and it is hard to believe that this is true.

They all know that the disciples of the major corps are scattered. Qin Yun cannot obtain so many points by killing those corps.

Then there is only one possibility!

The black corps was destroyed!

The mysterious black corps will die as long as it meets.

Qin Yun was also killed before, but now he has successfully revenged and destroyed the entire black army.

Qin Yun did not destroy the entire black corps, leaving the last one and the strongest.

Others in the Black Corps have black masks, only.

This last one with a white mask is clearly the highest-ranking head.

"You killed me twice, now I am killed once, how do you feel?"

Qin Yun waved a big knife and slashed at the white mask.

The black man did not speak, but was flexible to avoid the attack of Qin Yun.

The hurricane style of Qin Yun’s exhibition is very fast and it is not easy to avoid.

And the white mask man, but easily escaped.

"Xiaoyun, that person's body is very clever, has reached a state of extremes, that is, the body can naturally react and avoid your attack!"

Lingyun said with surprise: "That is to say, this person does not need to deliberately dodge, even if it is sleeping, the body can naturally react and avoid various quick attacks!"

"How could this be? Is there such a terrible realm?" Qin Yun was shocked and could not believe this was true.

"To achieve this kind of realm, at least in the semi-fairy realm!" Ling Yun's voice is dignified: "This white masked man is a semi-fairy realm, but after entering the fairy illusion, he is suppressed to be suppressed in the spirit!"

Qin Yun’s heart was horrified, and the head of the black corps was actually the existence of a semi-sacred sect.

Xianbing City is Xianmen, and there are also half-scented places. It is just unexpected that it will actually wander inside the fairy illusion.

"I want to kill this guy!" Qin Yun's heart suddenly poured into this strong idea.

On the one hand, he was killed by the black corps before, and it is rare to have such an opportunity and half-sex.

"Whether this person is interested in targeting me, I have to kill him in order to completely revenge!"

Qin Yun was very excited, and his left arm suddenly shocked, and the Tianshi’s dragon claws emerged.

Brush it!

The sacred claws of the lion's paws are like a few long knives, and the hurricane six styles are used.

Qin Yun took out his knife at the same time as his hands, and the speed reached his limit.

However, the white mask people can still avoid.

"Yue!" Qin Yun suddenly shouted.

Lingyun condensed a strong super gravity and released it fiercely.

The white mask did not expect Qin Yun to have this trick. After being crushed, he only felt that he was crushed by a giant mountain and fell to the ground.

Qin Yun also rushed down, and the Tiens beat the dragon claws and the black knives, using the knives, fierce and quick smashing past.

The white masked man was very strong, was punched, and his body was smashed a few times, but the gravity was smashed.


The body of the white mask man suddenly overflowed with a terrible chill!

"This guy didn't seem to use the attribute power before. Now it's finally used, and it's really good." Ling Yun said: "Xiaoyun, be careful, don't be killed."

The white mask man is the strongest in the semi-sexual situation. Even if he is cultivated in the spirit of the spirit, he is proficient in all kinds of powerful martial arts, and his combat experience is extremely rich. Peld

Qin Yun and the white masked people fought fiercely, and they were hard to beat.

What makes Qin Yun depressed is that his Xuandao was actually frozen by the other side with a strong ice cold power, and then was broken by the other side.

Qin Yun, who lost his weapon, was suddenly suppressed.

"Hey, it’s dark, hurry!"

Lingyun shouted, and then released a strong gravity to suppress the white mask.


The white mask was crushed by the shackles and the earth was shaken.

Qin Yun also took the opportunity to break into the forest that was gradually restored.

In the fairy tales, after the trees are destroyed, they can be restored soon.

Here is a dense forest, Qin Yun uses the power of shadow, hidden in the darkness, and rushes quickly.

If it is killed, it will only lose one hundred points. It is not a problem for Qin Yun.

But he didn't want to be killed, it was a very unpleasant thing.

Qin Yun thought that he would escape at once, and he knew that the white mask man was chasing death.

"The guy should use the tracing charm?" Qin Yun secretly stunned.

"You can only ran to the safe city!" Ling Yun said.

Qin Yun also has five flying knives, but he dares not to use it easily. If he is destroyed, he will be very sad.

"I knew that I left two flying knife symbols!" Qin Yun was chased very tightly, and regretted it.

The white mask man's light body method is very superb, a little bit shorter, and I also want to kill Qin Yun.

In the previous battle, the white mask man was more sloppy, almost killed, and the people of the regiment were all destroyed. This is the most angry thing.

Qin Yun in the running, suddenly felt the cold around, he looked carefully, only to see the trees around have become ice trees!

"I have to think of a way, this way, I will be killed!"

Qin Yun feels more and more powerful in the white mask. He has no weapons now, and he is very disadvantageous.

"I give it a try, can you let the roots of the tree above the yangyang Dao Dan release here!" Ling Yun was also very anxious, and quickly said.

Qin Yun used the roots of the tree to entangle people before, but here is the fairy illusion, he has not tried to succeed.

“It seems to be!” Ling Yun suddenly shouted with joy: “Prepare to fight back!”

Behind the white mask man who chased Qin Yun, when Qin Yun was bound to be killed, he was suddenly entangled by many black roots.

Qin Yun haha ​​smiled, violently jumped back to the past, the arm into a lion claw virtual shadow, the display of the Tiens Dragon claws.

The white masked man who was **** by the roots of the tree saw Qin Yun attacking and struggling for a moment, and suddenly disappeared!

Qin Yun’s lion claws caught empty!

"Go to his uncle!"

Qin Yun suddenly screamed: "If you can't beat it, you will leave the Fairy Field. What is this? The bastard, I must kill you!"

Qin Yun looked around and there was a lot of ice here, which was released by the white mask man.

He quickly took out the skin of the spirit, and took in the energy of the ice, and he wanted to refine the chasing soul.

As long as there is a lot of breath in that person, he can refine the chasing soul according to that energy.

"I don't know if I can use it in the sacred sacred field. They can look for me with the hunter spirit. I should use the chasing soul to be no problem!"

Qin Yun soon refines a chasing soul. He puts out the chasing soul and just floats in the air, and there is no movement.

"It should be that guy who left the Xianbing illusion, can't feel it!" Qin Yun snorted.

"Xiaoyun, do you see if there are any strange lines that can prevent others from tracking your soul?"

"The principle of finding people's charms should be similar to the spirit of chasing souls. When you come in, the soul is locked by the bed, so they can track your soul at any time." Ling Yun said.

She said that it is also to let Qin Yun disperse thinking, to see how to avoid the tracking of the Black Corps, and then counterattack.

"The black corps will certainly not give up, will definitely come again!" Ling Yun said again.

"Well, if I can avoid being tracked by them, then I can find the Black Corps through chasing souls and then attack them!"

Qin Yun suddenly smiled excitedly: "If you kill a black corps, you will get five thousand points, which is a good target for brushing!"

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