Nine Sun God King

Chapter 616: Mountain river Wuhun

Qin Yun glanced at the sword blind, but the sword blind could not see his angry eyes.

The sword, such as Yan Yue, thinks that Qin Yun may release water. He also feels that he was stupid before, so he actually had a fight with Qin Yun.

Qin Yun doesn't want to fight at all, because it will be very tired to fight, and it may hurt. If there is any benefit, it is almost the same.

After feeling the anger of the sword like Yan, the sword blindly smiled and said: "Yan Jie, Qin Yun can't beat you even if there is no water!"

"With his strength, he can't beat you at all. The reason why he puts water is probably that he doesn't want to play so tired. After all, he knows that he will definitely lose to you!"

Qin Yun nodded and said: "Women, your sword of spirit is very powerful, and it is a headache when you play."

"Plus your sword is superb, my body is also very easy to be attacked. Fighting with you is really physical and mental exhaustion, can not fight a long-lasting battle!"

He is telling the truth, and he is not sure whether he can win the sword in the end.

Sword Ruyan heard this and was satisfied with it. He snorted.

"Qin Yun can't beat Yan Jie, but it's okay to abuse Hua Xi Yue's little garbage! Hua Xi Yue is stronger, and it is only stronger than Liu Chongsheng. Qin Yun can be in the martial arts. Liu Chongsheng who defeated Lingwujing." The sword is blind.

Hua Xiyue heard these words, his face became cold and cold, and he could not worry about the sword, because the sword is here.

Qin Yun did not know that the sorrow blind had eaten something wrong. He usually did not like to cause trouble, but he actually said so many people hate it.

"Qin Yun, you can play with me!" Hua Xi Yue said coldly: "You are not the main point to be willing to fight? Just win me, give you one million Amethyst coins, you can't fight hit?"

"Hua Xi Yue, I used to sell the head of the dragon family owner to the dragon family, but sold billions of purple crystal coins. Do you think I will lack the purple crystal coin?" Qin Yunhehe smiled: "This way I will give you one million Amethyst coins. How do you play with a pig? How about?"


Hua Xiyue can also get hundreds of millions of amethyst coins.

At this time, the master of Hua Xiyue came over and said: "Qin Yun, 100 million Amethyst coins, how?"

Everyone knows that Hua Xiyue has been abused by Qin Yun in the illusion of Xianbing. This is his biggest shame.

Hua Xiyue has a mysterious body, and can't develop strength in the Xianbing illusion, so I feel that in reality, Qin Yun will definitely be defeated.

"You sent for dinner?" Qin Yun said: "I will not do it!"

"What do you want?" Hua Xi angered.

"I don't want to fight!" Qin Yun laughed: "I said, I am not strong, why are you so persistent and playing?"

The sword smiled and said: "Because he is not convinced, in the illusion of the sacred soldiers, he was miserable by you. If he does not abuse it, the anger in his heart will not swallow!"

It’s not just Hua Xi Yue, but even Tian Yaolei, Dragon Madness, and Long Yiming think so.

"Qin Yun, as long as you win me, you will get a Yuan Ling Xuan Dan!"

Hua Xiyue made a decision and said it heavily.

Yuan Ling Xuan Dan is still relatively precious, and is the same as the bones of Xuandan.

Qin Yun had eaten one grain before, and his mental strength increased a lot. If he eats more, he can quickly improve his mental strength and help him to enter the middle of Lingwu.

This made many disciples a little surprised, after all, this condition is also good.

You must know that Qin Yun is doing the competition. If he loses, he will lose. There is no loss at all.

But Hua Xi Yue is different. When he loses, he will give a grain of Yuan Ling Xuan Dan.

"Two!" Qin Yun thought, said.

"I don't have that much!" Hua Xi leaped low in the heart, because, as the sword blind said, Qin Yun definitely did not fight without income.

"That counts!" Qin Yun sighed: "I have three billion purple crystal coins, it is not too difficult to buy Yuanling Xuan Dan!"

"Two tablets are two!" Hua Xi snorted: "You can't win me anyway, even if I say you give ten, you can't get it!"

"Wait, you first take out two Yuan Ling Xuan Dan to show me!" Qin Yun said.

The sword like Yan Yan looked down on the low voice: "Mother-in-law's mother, the only profitable figure, I remember this kind of hairy profit all day!"

Hua Xiyue also took out two Yuan Ling Xuan Dan to Qin Yun, and then stored in Bao Changshou, which can make Qin Yun rest assured.

"I don't want to be a disciple of the law court, the welfare is really rich!" Chu Binyu smiled and smiled.

Jian Yantian saw that he wanted to fight, and he was also a man of Qin Yun. He was also very interested. He smiled and said: "I will arrange the enchantment by me, so as not to destroy the gate of the Xianbing Palace."

Wait a minute, his grandson will also play here. As a person who challenges the door, he is also polite in charge of this kind of thing.

When everyone thought that Qin Yun was expelled from the division, there was nothing to watch. I didn’t expect to see the match between Qin Yun and Hua Xiyue.

This kind of battle can very much reflect its own strength.

"Hua Xiyue has two martial arts souls, mysterious bodies, totems, and this kind of foundation is enough to be discharged into the top ten of the spirit of the arrogant state of the arrogant state!" Jian Ruyan said, she also recognized the strength of Hua Xiyue .

"What about Qin Yun? His strength is not weak. It should not be difficult to defeat Hua Xiyue!" Jianbian smiled and said: "Fortunately, he can't go to the martial arts competition, otherwise he will definitely be able to grab a position in the top ten!" ”

"He is stronger and can't beat me!" Sword Ruan was very confident. Then he looked at Jiannan, who was next to him. He asked, "Hey, you think that in Aoxing, who can be like you?" ”

"At least six, you are one of them!" said Jian Nanjun, and then looked at the gate of Xianbing Palace: "There is also one in Xianbing City! Yaoxian Valley, Canghuo Xianshan, Demon Cave Day, Demon Moon Island , have the same strength as me!"

After Jian Haotian arranged the enchantment, he said: "Do you compare weapons, do you want weapons?"

"No!" Hua Xiyue said quickly.

"Just do it!" Qin Yun is also very strong without weapons.

Of course, if he can use weapons, he does not dare to take out the Jiuyang Shen hammer, which will be seen by several old guys here.

The pressure of Hua Xiyue is not small, and there is a anger in his heart, because the conversation between Jian Ruyan and Jian Nanjun has never seen him in his eyes.

In his opinion, he and Jiannan’s strength are quite similar.

Of course, there is a sword in the sky here, he did not dare to swear to Jiannan.

The square of the gate of the Xianbing Palace vacated the venue of more than 200 meters wide for comparison.

Qin Yun and Hua Xiyue, respectively, stand on the edge of the enchantment, separated by two hundred meters, which can also play freely.

"The competition in the enchantment is not to be beaten! If you can't beat it, you will cry out and avoid losing the root bone, which will affect the future." Bao Changshou shouted.

Swordsman shouted: "Begin!"

The angry Hua Xiyue, like an angry mad cow, rushed out at the fastest speed, jumped over the sky above Qin Yun, raised his hand, and condensed a virtual image of a mountain.

The image of the mountain is crushed down and covers all areas within the enchantment.


The fallen mountain image of the mountain, the earth violently trembled, and the loud noise was heard.

Over a hundred million onlookers, all shocked and admired!

Even the old generations of many families are full of praise for this power.

The image of Dashan was pressed against Qin Yun's body, and Qin Yun was crushed on the ground, and the corner of his mouth also overflowed with blood.

Qin Yun is deliberate, because he can't show too strong strength for the time being, otherwise he can't continue to go to the pit.

He feels that it is very challenging to suppress his own cultivation and fight with Hua Xi Yue. It is a very challenging thing.

Seeing the strength of Hua Xiyue, Jiannan and Jian Ruyan, their faces changed slightly.

"Hua Xi Yue has a mysterious body and a double Dao Dan, so he can withstand the double-channel Dan instant release of the Dao Dao Li, his strength is very good!" Jian Yan Tian laughed.

"Qin Yun, I want you to see, what is the real power! You guys who rely only on Fu and weapons, do not understand the superiority of mastering powerful power!"

Hua Xiyue saw that Qin Yun was beaten, and he heard that Jian Yutian was praising him, and his heart was excited.

In order to show his strength, in order not to be underestimated by Jiannan, Hua Xiyue has used the strongest force.

Oh la la!

When Hua Xiyue saw a difficult climb, he quickly condensed a virtual image of a big river, the big river in the air, rushing to Qinyun!

Qin Yun, who was kneeling on the ground, was like a huge wave hitting the body. The body had a tearing pain and could not help but scream.

Qin Yun was beaten to the ground and was constantly hit by the power of the big river.

Hua Xiyue’s martial arts, the power of the mountains and rivers, is very shocking!

When he waved, he could condense a mountain and suppress Qin Yun. When he waved, he could condense a big river and hit Qin Yun.

"This guy is very strong in reality! It is much stronger than in the saga of the saga!"

Although Qin Yun felt the pain of his body, his Tianshi Xuan body was not vegetarian.

The muscles of the body were only slightly torn, and they quickly healed quickly. The powerful bones inside the body did not affect them at all. Peld

"Hua Xiyue's strength is like that! Your Tiens mysterious body cooperates with the Tianshi bone spirit, can have a strong endurance, even if he hits you more than a dozen times, you will not have anything!"

Ling Yuner said: "You don't have to use the power of Dao Dan, play with him, it is like a warm-up, maybe there are all kinds of battles behind!"

If Hua Xiyue knows the idea of ​​Ling Yun, it will definitely be vomiting blood!

Everyone saw that Hua Xiyue’s second move was strong and he also gave a cheer.

Just when Hua Xi was smug, he saw Qin Yun slowly climbing up.

Although it looks like a wolverine, the mouth is bleeding, but it still means that the skeleton in the body is not hurt!

Hua Xiyue saw Qin Yun up, his fists clenched tightly, and a terrible situation emerged.

"Mountains and rivers!"

Hua Xi rushed to the past, condensing the fists of the mountains and rivers, and screaming and screaming at Qin Yun.

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