Nine Sun God King

Chapter 621: Swordsman

Jiannan Yan also saw that Tian Yaolei was mad, knowing that it was caused by evil drugs, so he did not feel angry.

Otherwise, he was so insulted and long worried.

"I want to see, how strong you can be!" Jiannan's face full of playful smile seems to be teasing Tian Yaolei.

His attacks were strong, sometimes weak, and very calm, and they did not become self-confident because of the arrogance of Tian Yaolei.

Moreover, it seems that it is intended to irritate Tian Yaolei, let Tian Yaolei continue to go mad. Peld

The people of Tianjia are ugly.

They really want Tian Yaolei to stop fighting, but Tian Yaolei will not listen at all.

The old people present were very clear about eating the evil medicine. How terrible it was after madness, it was difficult to control himself.

The evil medicine not only enhances the strength, but also expands the violent temper in the heart, and can enhance the evil thoughts endlessly.

With Tian Yaolei, he is increasingly unable to control himself, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger.

The meat on the fist is blurred, and it can be seen that it is the black bone, which is the result of eating evil medicine all the year round.

At this time, everyone gradually learned that Tian Yaolei ate a kind of contraindication.

Of course, Tianjia will not admit such a thing. They just say that Tian Yaolei is in danger.

Bao Changshou’s face was cold and cold and said: “I didn’t expect that our disciples in Xianbing City would rely on this taboo to get strong strength!”

"We will definitely review this aspect in the future!" Ma said quickly.

Jiannan Yan looked at Tian Yaolei mad, and smiled and said: "Even if you go to the evil door, you still can't win me, the evil is not good, hahaha..."

The maddening Tian Yaolei is very terrible. Do not attack the Jiannan 不要, although the body is blurred, but the power has not weakened.

The strength of Jian Nanjun is even more shocking, and it is easy to deal with the maddening Tian Yaolei.

Jiannan’s light work, swordsmanship and road power are all amazing and have rich combat experience.

Although he was only in the early days, his strength was not weaker than that of the martial arts in the mid-term.

This is the genius of Jian Nanjun!

However, everyone immediately thought that Jian Nanjun had been defeated.

The person who defeated Jiannan was in the Imperial City.

Jiannan Yan came here with his powerful grandfather, just to find someone to avenge.

Now, that person has not appeared yet, but Jiannan Yan has experienced many battles.

Tian Yaolei has completely lost his senses and screamed in madness.

The skin seeps black blood, like a demon.

His hands have no flesh, black bones, unusual stiffness, and can strike against the sword of Tian Yaolei.

"Tian Yaolei is dead!" Jiannan said suddenly: "His soul has been eroded!"

The people of Tianjia are silent for a while, and eating banned drugs is not a glorious thing. And those banned drugs are still provided by them.

"Since Tian Yaolei is finished, I am welcome!"

Jiannan laughed and laughed, then launched a storm.

"Teaching, Tian Yaolei privately purchased the banned drugs, and I did not notice that this is my responsibility!" An old man from Tianjia, came over and said to Bao Changshou.

"Since it is your responsibility, then it will shut you for ten years and execute immediately!" Bao Changshou is cold and cold.

Subsequently, two black robe old men came out and pushed the king of the heavenly family.

Today, although Qin Yun was expelled from the division, the family forces were not good enough. The reputation was stinky, the disciples were also seriously injured and wounded, and they were all very talented disciples.

After Jiannan used a strong force, he quickly penetrated several holes in the head of Tian Yaolei.

"Oh, even if you are crazy, it is still so weak, it is disappointing!"

Jiannan looked at the fallen Tian Yaolei, and looked lonely and sighed.

Tian Yaolei, who fell in a pool of blood, trembled.

Although Jiannan was victorious, he was not happy at all, because Tian Yaolei was not his real goal.

"Hey brother, you like to challenge the strong, you can go to the later Lingwu Wushu!" Sword like Yan Yan said: "You are almost invincible at this level!"

"No, the guy who defeated me last time is very strong. He is the beginning of the spirit, I must beat him!"

Jiannan is very persistent, looking at the horse mother, said: "Ma mother, you are coming out of the guy? Is he dead? He is so strong, he should not die!"

Ma mother is full of embarrassment, only she knows that person is Qin Yun.

Based on her understanding of Qin Yun, if Qin Yun is to be played, it will cost a lot.

"If Yan, you and Jiannan beat a game, how? As long as you win, I invite you to enter the law court!" Ma Po said suddenly: "After you enter the law court, you can have higher treatment!"

Sword Ruyan also knows that there are many benefits to entering the Hufa Hall. As for the benefits, it is very secret.

Moreover, the law court has more means to make the disciples stronger.

"it is good!"

Sword Ruyan also quickly agreed, she is a very good woman, even if she knows that the opponent is very strong, I want to try.

Ma mother-in-law knows that as long as someone defeats Jiannan, Jiannan will no longer insist on finding someone to avenge.

"Yan Mei, do you want me to release water, deliberately lose to you, let you enter what kind of protection temple?" Jiannan laughed and laughed.

"You put water on me, just look down on me, my sword is like Yan is not the kind of villain." Jian Ruyan took a look at Qin Yun, a cold cry.

Qin Yun said: "Women, then I wish you victory, enter the law court! At that time, there are also quiet Meng to accompany you!"

Liu Jingmeng nodded quickly and smiled sweetly: "Like Yan Jie, I have no friends in the Hufa Hall. If you go in, we must become good friends!"

"Quiet Meng, even if I can't enter the guardian hall, I can be your friend!" Jian Ruyan smiled at Liu Jingmeng, she couldn't be fierce to Liu Jingmeng.

The sword is like a face!

The sorcerer, the sword, the sword, and the sword are all the cousins. They grew up together, but they went to different sects and walked out of their own path.

Jianxian Pavilion is a powerful fairy door. It is said that most of the disciples are from the swords.

The disciples of the swords are almost the same stinky temper. They are all kind of arrogant and cold, and they are also very strong.

Jiannan smirked and said: "Yan Mei, you enter so many phoenix city, I see what you have grown up! If you regress, it means that Xianbing City can't!"

"I have made great progress in Xianbing City!" When Jian Ruyan spoke, his hands suddenly appeared two swords, one black and one white, which were the sword of the spirit and the sword of the life.

"Yan Jie's true strength, yin and yang **** sword!" said the sword blind.

"This name is too evil!" Qin Yun laughed.

"It was her own." The sword blind smiled.

Jian Haotian also wants to see how much his own children are, and I am very much looking forward to this competition.


Jian Ruyan knows that Jiannan is very strong, so he took out a very strong strength from the beginning, holding a pair of swords, plundering like a phantom, and his body is ghostly and fast.

The swords flying over the past are like Yan, and the two swords are thorns. They flash a large black and white alternate sword shadow, like a storm formed by the angry sword, and they rush to the sword south.

"This is a yin and yang sword!" Although the sword blind can not see, but can sense a variety of breath, whispered surprised.

At this time, Jian Nanjun also displayed his supernatural powers.

A burst of swords, shocking and rushing in all directions.

The two swords collided, and the turbulence caused, the enchantment trembled fiercely. Jian Haotian had to strengthen the enchantment!

Finally, Jian Ruyan and Jian Nan are close.

The two men and three swords, smashing each other's crossfire, collided with a burst of flash, the two swords are also constantly screaming, very terrible.

The disciples of those big families saw the strength of Jian Ruyan and Jiannan, and they were deeply impressed.

The people of Yaoxiangu and Canghuo Xianshan gradually became dignified.

Because the sword is like Yan and Jian Nan, they are very good disciples.

In the short-term martial arts hegemony, it will certainly appear.

At that time, the outstanding disciples of all the factions will go to the hegemony, which is the most intense.

Those who are watching in the distance can also see what is called a true genius. It is very young, and there is a spiritual repair in the early days.

What is even more frightening is that it was just in the early days of Lingwu, but it was comparable to the strength of Lingwu in the middle and late!

If it is an ordinary martial artist in the middle and late period of Lingwu, facing the sword like Yan or Jiannan, there is no grasp of victory.

The battle is very fierce, Qin Yun also sees the true strength of Jiannan, really strong.

"Xiaoyun, this Jiannan is really very powerful. When he played with you last time, he was defeated by you without using the strongest strength. No wonder so unconvinced!" Ling Yun said.

"Well, if I play with him again, it will definitely not be so easy!" Qin Yun said.

"Not necessarily, if you play with him again, if you use weapons, you may be able to make quick decisions quickly!" Ling Yun said: "The master has a trick, sometimes it is a trick!"

Jiannan 浒 face the sword like Yan, really did not release water, has stabbed the sword like Yan Yijian, penetrating the shoulder!

The sword was so painful on the shoulders, and the sword was slowed down a lot, making her rhythm suddenly messed up.

"I admit defeat!" She quickly retreated to the edge of the enchantment and shouted.

Jiannan Yan also quickly chased the past, the sword tip is low on the other shoulder of the sword, if the sword does not admit defeat, the sword will pierce.

"Yan Mei, your progress is quite big, not bad!" Jiannan nodded.

The sword sighed like a sigh, then walked out of the enchantment and looked at the horse mother, saying, "I lost!"

"Even if you lose, I will consider investing you in the law court!" Ma Po shot the shoulders of the sword.

Liu Jingmeng also quickly sent medicine to the past.

Jiannan Yan also came over to see the injury of Jian Ruyan.

Bao Changshou looked at Ma’s mother-in-law and said: “Ma’s mother-in-law, our disciple of Xianbing City, shouldn’t be able to fight a few? We’re in Xianfang City, do you really have a disciple who can compete against Jiannan’s?”

Ma’s mother sighed and said: “There are some, now... now we are expelled from the Fairy City. Last time... the last time I defeated Jiannan’s, Qin Yun!”

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