Nine Sun God King

Chapter 637: The dragon appears

Long Yongliang is a young master. If his father is not there, he is the most powerful in this city.

After hearing the voice of his voice, the people inside the Dragon House quickly opened the door and ran out of it.

As soon as they came out, they saw that Long Yongliang was caught by a person, and his head was attached with a character.

"Long Yongliang is your little master, right? Then please cooperate with me. If you anger me, his forehead will explode!" Qin Yun pushed Long Yongliang and walked into the Dragon House.

The Dragon House is very spacious. After Qin Yun entered, he saw a big square.

The people of Longfu also have some spiritual martial arts, but their strength is still too weak compared to Qin Yun.

"Don't mess around, try to meet the requirements of this big brother!"

Although Long Yongliang is very angry, he is more concerned about his own life.

Because he is very clear, this person who caught him can easily kill a few Xuanwu.

He felt that he was caught, and that only the other person wanted something.

"We are the youngest son but the son of Long Zhigui. You should know that Long Zhigui is the city owner of this city, and also the elders in Yaoxian Valley!" A middle-aged man came over and said coldly.

"Of course I know!" Qin Yun smiled and said to the middle-aged.

"Because you know, it’s not too fast to let the Lord die! Otherwise you will die!"

The middle-aged Han Han cold channel, he thinks that Long Zhigui's name should be able to shock the people in front of him.

Qin Yun laughed happily: "I don't let go, what about it? Can Long Zhigui be able to come and kill me?"

"You have to know that Long Zhi is an adult, but the elder of Yaoxiangu, the core figure of the Dragon family! You offended him, only one dead road, no matter where you flee, he will be chased by him!"

The middle-aged man, the voice is full of threats: "Many people have made trouble here, even the disciples from Xianmen have been killed one by one!"

Qin Yun can not believe this kind of ghost, he said to the middle-aged: "You give me a kneel down! You guys who give life to Long Zhi, certainly not a good thing!"


The middle-aged man was in the late period of Lingwu, and his strength was very good. Although he was the master of Long Zhigui, he is also very famous here.

Qin Yun grabbed Long Yongliang's arm and injected a violent thunder fire energy into it.

"Ah..." Long Yongliang screamed.

"Long Yong Liang, let this dog slave squat down!" Qin Yun coldly shouted.

"Achang, hurry down!" Long Yongliang shouted with anger.

"Less master... We should not be afraid of him!" Achang said quickly.

"Don't be afraid of him? Do you want me to die?" Long Yongliang shouted, but he was terribly afraid of Qin Yun.

"If he kills you, he can't run out of the city. I have already notified other families in the city. They will come over soon!" Achang said quickly.

"Hurry up!" Qin Yun said coldly.

"Achang, those Wujun are all dead, are killed by this guy! You hurry to give me a kneel, or I will die, I will not let you go!" Long Yongliang said.

“Is this true? How is it possible?”

Achang was also frightened. He thought that there were a few Xuanwu Wujuns who could handle such things.

But now, all are dead!

In the Dragon House, there is also Wu Jun in Xuanwujing, but suddenly someone came over and told Achang that the Wujun was gone.

"Achang, hurry down!" Long Yongliang felt that Qin Yun had to inject energy to torture him, and quickly shouted.

Achang, who was still very calm, had to kneel down at this time.

"Your people in the Dragon House are listening to me. I will gather all the people who are doing business in the city. I want to rob them. This is not a bad thing! If you spread it, I will dig it up. You have one eye of the Lord!" Qin Yun vigorously smashed a dragon and brave.

“Hurry up!” Long Yongliang shouted: “Call in the city to buy and sell!”

Qin Yun also saw that this square is very large, can accommodate a lot of people, and said: "Incoming other family members, their sons are in my hands!"

Said, Qin Yun put the other four sons out, they are tied up, a note on the forehead, are the kind of characters that can explode.

The sons of the five slave owners were arrested.

Everyone only thinks that Qin Yun came for the purpose of robbing money.

Not long after, many vendors in the city came in. They learned that it was an invitation from Long Yongliang, and they rushed over the night.

There are thousands of people who open shopkeepers in the city.

They are all smiling, all of them are evil, no one is a good thing.

At this time, other families of the family also came in, because they also learned that their young masters were arrested.

You must know that those who are young are very expensive, young, and they are very high, and the Wuhun is also very good.

In particular, Long Yongliang has a mysterious body.

But now it has been caught.

The people in the square also saw Qin Yun controlling Long Yongliang and several other sons, and they were shocked.

"Your previous request, we have done it, now?" Long Yongliang asked.

"Now? Hehe!" Qin Yunyin smiled coldly and released five flying knives.

The flying knife quickly punctures out and kills a large group of traffickers at once.

Other family members were also punctured by flying knives.

The Dragon House is just a scream of screams, many of which are fleeing, but Qin Yun’s flying knives are very fast, and those who want to flee are killed by flying knives in the first place.

Long Yongliang looked at the people inside, and fell down one after another, and his heart was terrified, because he was very worried that he would be killed like this.

Only a moment, the square of the Dragon House, the blood of this group of villains.

"You... don't you say you want to rob them?" Long Yongliang's voice trembled and asked.

"I am too lazy to grab them. I hate them when I see them, so kill them all!" Qin Yun laughed.

The people of Longfu were also killed by Qin Yun’s flying knife.

The people of Lingwujing did not dare to attack Qin Yun, because there were several sons in the side of Qin Yun, and they could not escape, and finally they were killed by flying knives.

"What do you want to do?" Long Yongliang cried.

"Nothing, you owe me something, I come to him to come back!"

Qin Yun sneered and said: "And, you are selling people here, forcing others to be slaves, and doing such a devastating thing for so long, you should be punished, and I am just getting them to be punished accordingly!"

The traffickers of the whole city are dead at once!

Later, Qin Yun summoned two Tianshi Tiens, killing them in the city and attacking those who bought slaves.

In just half an hour, a large number of people ran out of the city, and only the slaves were still in the city.

The knights who have been in the vicinity, after learning the situation, have also entered the city, and they are very careful to investigate the situation inside.

A few old knights, rushing to Longfu with the fastest speed, saw Qin Yun and Long Yongliang here.

"Young people, it is you!" An old knight, after seeing Qin Yun, was very excited.

"Predecessors, you have to evacuate the slaves inside, the dragon of this city will soon appear!" Qin Yun said.

Achang is still on the ground and has been scared to speak.

Long Yongliang was desperate and terrified, and shivered.

A few old knights are very excited, because for many years, they have been looking forward to such things happening, looking forward to the destruction of the city, looking forward to the punishment of those families!

Now, someone has finally done it. Pl

"Young man, what is your name?" The old knight was full of admiration and asked.

"Qin Yun!" Qin Yun smiled at the old man.

Qin Yun!

Hearing these two words, Long Yongliang shuddered, and several other sons and brothers were even more dead.

The old knights are also shocked.

Qin Yun’s name, they have heard about it very early, and they have always admired this young man, dare to confront the great family and the medicine fairy valley.

Today, this Chi Long City is also destroyed!

Several old knights, grateful, admirable and excited, quickly moved to save the slaves in the city.

Long Yongliang’s voice trembled and said: “Qin Yun, don’t kill me... my father values ​​me very much. He will promise you and return the four pieces to you!”

"I know, otherwise you have already died, like this!" Qin Yun said, controlling four flying knives and killing the four sons.

Long Yongliang saw the sons of the sons blossoming, lying on the ground and twitching, almost spit out, because of fear and want to vomit.

He has seen a lot of dead people, and he has also killed a lot of **** tricks.

But now, he is very likely to be killed, and the incomparable fear shrouds him, making him stand still.

"You kill so many people, so many swearing, actually afraid of death!" Qin Yun smiled and said.

"Uncle Qin Yun, don't kill me!" Long Yongliang cried and cried.

"That dragon? Isn't it still coming out?" Qin Yun saw Long Yongliang's frightened appearance, shaking his head and smiling.

"The dragon was in a huge pit in the backyard of the Dragon House. It was sleeping. You still don't provoke the guy. Although it is a young dragon, it can kill the king!"

Long Yongliang worried that Qin Yun would die, and he would follow him to death and quickly persuade.

Qin Yun controlled the flying knife and hit Achang.

"Ah!" Achang, who was kneeling on the ground, screamed and his Dao Dan was destroyed.

"Achang, you go to Yaoxian, tell Longzhi what happened here. If he wants to go back to his son, take the device to the Fairy Palace to find me!" Qin Yun finished, and he will give Achang a shot. Fly out.

The gates of Longfu were wide open. At this time, some people passing by were outside. They learned that such a terrible thing, they also left here.

It won't take long for this to happen.

Achang is gone, and the people inside the Dragon House are also killed.

Qin Yun put Long Yongliang into a beast bag, suspended in the air, releasing the spiritual power, and also sensing that the slaves in the city were taken away.

Later, he took out a dead man's Lingwu Dao and threw it at the backyard of the Dragon House.


After the explosion, the Dragon House swayed and a roar of roaring dragons rang.

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