Nine Sun God King

Chapter 667: Star Dao Dan

Qin Yun madly kills the big star magic over there, and harvests a lot of stars Dao Dan. His two lions are very brave and energetic, plus strong strength, against those big stars, it is easy to win. .

Qin Yun, just holding a sword and attacking as a knife, although some are not easy, but this is the best weapon he can get now.

"If I can use the Jiuyang Shen hammer, killing these things is like mowing!"

In order to save physical strength, Qin Yun will try to avoid using a very strong force to attack, but also rely on cleverness to attack.

One of the key points of the knife type is how to use the cleverness, with a very light force, it can produce a great power, reaching the realm of four or two.

Although Qin Yun is not good enough, but now it is not too costly to kill the big star.

Because the movements of the two Tiens are very large, they can be known from afar.

Now, Jiannan Yi rushes to Qin Yun, and there is a very strong Liang Yuanhai behind him.

"Jiannan is coming!" Ling Yun said suddenly.

"What does this **** come over?" Qin Yun quickly summoned the two Tianshi Tianshi to leave, so as not to be stared at by Jiannan.

Jiannan 浒 This guy is very aggressive. If you find that the two lions are very strong and attacked by him as a king of Warcraft, then it is troublesome.

"Not just a guy in Jiannan, there are people behind!" Ling Yun said: "I remember that guy, it seems to be a disciple of Yaoxian, but it has changed a look! Is it... magical?"

"How can this be?" Qin Yun saw Jiannan rushing over, there is a bad feeling.

"Jian Nan, what are you doing over?" Qin Yun shouted.

"Qin Yun, I will give you a present! You are not a guy who hates Yaoxiangu very much? The guy behind me, the medicine fairy valley!" After Jiannan came over, he laughed: "Hurry up and thank me!" ”

"I thank your mother's uncle!" Qin Yun saw Liang Yuanhai so powerful, suddenly shouted: "Jian Nan, you **** is not very good war? How to bring this thing to me!"

Qin Yun is trying to kill the big star demon and get a little more stars.

"I don't have time now, I am going to chase down what Magic Star Overlord... That guy is amazing, I can't let him run! So, I will bring this Liang Yuanhai to you." Jiannan 浒The child passed by Qin Yun.

After Liang Yuanhai saw Qin Yun, he suddenly became angry: "Qin Yun, you are the enemy of our medicine fairy valley!"

"How did you become this guy?" Qin Yun felt the extremely strong evil of Liang Yuanhai, and could not help but frown.

"This is what the Overlord gave me!"

Liang Yuanhai originally wanted to kill Qin Yun. After he was demonized, the kind of ** in his heart would be more intense.

Jian Nan has already run far!

Qin Yun does not intend to fight with Liang Yuanhai, he wants to save power against the Magic Star Beastmaster.

"Jiannan 浒 this bastard, I thought he was a rather stupid coward, I did not expect it to be so treacherous!" Qin Yun turned and ran, chasing Jiannan.

Jiannan saw Qin Yun chasing over and suddenly shouted: "Qin Yun, are you doing dry hair?"

"I want to bring that guy back to you, I am going to hunt the beast!"

Qin Yun is also somewhat angry. If it is not a guy brought by Jian Nanzhen, he will be able to kill the big star magic very comfortably.

"Qin Yun, your strength is good, even if you can't beat that guy, you won't be killed!" Jiannan shouted: "Don't let him bother me!"

"Wang Ba Gu, I also have my own things to do! Why do you want to kill the magic star overlord, and let me deal with this evil demon!" Qin Yun angered.

"I don't care, anyway, I don't want to fight with that guy!" Jiannan said, suddenly smashed the ground.

Qin Yun looked at the hole and groaned.

"This bastard, actually will hit the hole, is he a mouse?"


Liang Yuanhai, who was chased in the back, punched a fist and punched it in a few kilometers. When he passed the ground, he left a deep gully on the ground.

Qin Yun angered to the extreme: "I will kill this guy first, then go to Jiannan to settle accounts, the **** is too much!"

The punching strength of the bangs, although very strong, but Qin Yun jumped into the air to avoid.

"Jiannan 浒 this weak chicken, certainly not enough power, quickly kill this guy, only gave it to me!" Qin Yun fell from the air, swayed the sword.

Liang Yuanhai's strength is very strong, but because it has just been demonized, the state is very unstable.

Seeing Qin Yun attacked, the body swelled up fiercely, and the arm suddenly became black and smashed, like a claw, reaching out into the air and grabbing Qin Yun. Pq:6

On the palm of Liang Yuanhai's palm, Qin Yun's swordsman also burst into a violent turbulent lightning power, which provoked a large violent thunder.

"what happened?!"

Qin Yun was shocked. He didn't think of his sword. He was actually caught by Liang Yuanhai.

"Ha ha ha ha ... garbage ..." Liang Yuanhai madly laughed and said: "This is my strength... the power that the overlord gave me, hahaha..."

Liang Yuanhai is like crazy, laughing and then vigorously cutting off the sword of Qin Yun.


Liang Yuanhai’s arm also overflowed with a violent violent wave, and Qin Yun was flying.

Qin Yun grabbed the broken sword and was shocked to the extreme.

"Yue, how did this become so strong after the demonization?" Qin Yun was shocked by that power and asked: "The guy always said what the overlord..."

Ling Yun said quickly: "Be careful, dodge!"

Qin Yun quickly avoided Liang Yuanhai from the flying dragonfly.

The maddening Liang Yuanhai, the speed and strength of the surge has increased a lot, after flying over, fiercely chasing Qin Yun.

Qin Yun quickly showed his death and disappeared, disappeared!

"You can't escape!" Liang Yuanhai smiled and quickly chased Qin Yun. He seemed to know Qin Yun's whereabouts.


Liang Yuanhai’s arm was smashed in the past, like a terrible giant axe falling.

Qin Yun Meng's body to avoid!

It was just a thrilling moment. He felt that even if he had the celestial body, he could not resist the terrible arm.

"This guy should be given the power of the Star Magic King!" Ling Yun said: "The core of the magic star breeds a large number of star spirits, and those star spirits also have kings, if I don't If you guess wrong, the king will be attached to a World of Warcraft!"

"The Warcraft King is the one that Jiannan smashed and killed?" Qin Yun said, repeatedly evading Liang Yuanhai's attack.

Liang Yuanhai is also angry, because he has not succeeded on several attacks, and he has always been avoided by Qin Yun.

After the demonization, he was very violent. At this time, he couldn’t calm down, and he kept yelling and attacking Qin Yun with the strongest force.

"Jiannan 浒 对 的 魔 魔 魔 , , , , , , , , , , , 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑

"Would you like to summon the Tianshi Tiens?" Qin Yun asked.

"Xiaoyun! You have to do your best to beat this guy, but that is also very hurt for you." Lingyun hurriedly said: "Even if Yuelan comes to help you, it is not so easy to take this guy! ”

"Is there no way?" Qin Yun gnawed his teeth and repeatedly evaded Liang Yuanhai's crazy attack.

"The body of this guy must have a star spirit, and it is still a strong one, which means that his Dao Dan is also the kind of white Dao Dan who has the power of the stars." Ling Yun said.


Qin Yun’s abdomen was suddenly punched and flew to the distance!

That Liang Yuanhai was so terrified that the speed, strength and perception reached the extreme.

"Xiaoyun, there is a way to make it easier for this guy to get rid of, but...but there is a certain risk!" Ling Yun said: "It is the power to devour the stars of his Dadan. The reason is because I am risky. Unsure, is the power of the stars in his Dao Danli the purest!"

"If not, then you may be in trouble if you swallow it in!"

Qin Yun said: "Try it and you will know. If you go on like this, I will not be able to get out of it. If they come over, they will drag them down!"

Said, Liang Yuanhai has already swept over.

Lingyun controlled the release of the power of Mingyang Dao, and condensed a super gravity, which was pressed against Liang Yuanhai.

Liang Yuanhai was crushed by the sudden super gravity. The body suddenly struggled to move. Qin Yun quickly rushed over and grabbed Liang Yuanhai. He pressed him to the ground and locked the hands behind his back.

"Begin!" Qin Yun shouted.

Ling Yuner also controlled the soul of Wuyang, and began to devour the power of Liang Yuanhai Dao Dan.

"Successful, it is the power of pure spirit!" Lingyun said with joy: "This guy will definitely continue to mad, and constantly release the power of Dao Dan, so that you can easily absorb it!"

"If this guy is smart, he can resist your power to swallow.

Qin Yun also felt that the constant power of the stars, madly poured into his Mingyang Dao Dan, quickly refining into pure spiritual power, poured into the head, poured into the purple spiritual star crystal.

"If you have a little more of this guy, I might be able to break through!" Qin Yun laughed.

"It's not so easy to break through! Your situation is special. If you want to spiritualize the month, you should still need some specific conditions... Hey, if you see Miss Yang, she might have a better way!" Ling Yun said.

Qin Yun’s martial arts soul, the speed of swallowing the power of the stars, is very fast, and it takes a long time to swallow a lot.

Liang Yuanhai struggled wildly and yelled. If he stopped releasing power, Qin Yun would stimulate him and make him crazy.

In this way, Qin Yun can continue to devour the power of the stars released.

Suddenly, the evil spirits in the air fierce and surged in one direction.

"Overlord is going to evolve completely, hahaha... I am going to be saved soon!" Liang Yuanhai said with a smile.

Ling Yuner quickly accelerated the speed of engulfing. Liang Yuanhai’s Dao Dan was also taken a little by the time. After a while, there was only one empty shell left.

Qin Yun killed Liang Yuanhai!

"We havetened to the past, don't let the Magic Star Overlord evolve successfully!" Ling Yun said very worriedly: "Otherwise, we may all be very dangerous!"

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