Nine Sun God King

Chapter 730: Crystal mountain

Although Xiao Xuanqin has died once, and the past life is still a powerful and noble fairy, but now facing the coming death, but can not help but feel nervous and a little fear.

She doesn't know if she can reincarnate. If she can't, she will die completely this time.

Qin Yun’s little sister stood behind her and seemed to feel her nervousness.

"Xiao Aunt really wants to work hard!" Qin Yun sighed in his heart.

"She should also make mistakes made before making up for herself!" Ling Yun said: "Xiaoyun, you are ready to start!"

Qin Yun used the power of shadow, hidden in the darkness, and then drilled into the ground.

The nervous Xiao Xuanqin suddenly remembered the little sister left by Xiao Yuemei and quickly turned to look at the past, only to find that Xiaoxiao disappeared.

She also remembered that Xiao Yuemei had said before that the little sister was very powerful in running away.

It’s gone now, and it’s confirmed by Xiao Yuemei.

Xiao Xuanqin sighed: "Is this really finished?"

She can't escape now, otherwise the Wuwang will go after the purple city, she can only stay here to resist.

"They walked the rivers and lakes, but they didn't learn some hidden techniques!" Ling Yun whispered: "If they are escaping, they will eliminate the breath, then nothing will happen!"

"They are too bright and they should not bother to learn the skills!"

The breath of the several kings gradually approached.

After Xiao Xuanqin felt the breath, the beautiful goose egg was full of sweat, nervous and fearful. She clasped a sword of Wang Pinling and stared at the front.

"Come here!" Lingyun shouted.

Just when the five kings were coming over, Qin Yunmeng displayed the Tiens Summoning and summoned the three heads of the Tianyu Tiens!

After he summoned the powerful Tianshi Tiens, he let the Tiens make a sound of the Tianshi Xiao Tianyin, screaming in three directions.

Hearing the screams, I knew that it was a very strong beast.

After listening to the martial arts kings, they also stopped locking Xiao Xuanqin, but immediately separated and rushed to the direction of the three heads of the Tianyu Tianshi.

Xiao Xuanqin heard the whistling of the lion that day. She also felt familiar. At this time, she felt that her ankle was caught. Her shocked moment was dragged deep into the ground.

When she reacted, she found herself being held by a person!

"Xiao Aunt, it is me!" Qin Yun gave a voice to Xiao Xuanqin: "Relax, I use the power of shadow!"

Xiao Xuanqin was shocked and angry, but in this case, she can only cooperate with Qin Yun.

She took a few deep breaths and relaxed her body, letting Qin Yun exert her power to make her hide.

"Small is you?" asked Xiao Xuanqin.

"Well! Don't blame the moon, I want her to do that!" Qin Yun said.

Xiao Xuanqin broke away from Qin Yun’s arms and only held hands with him.

One shook hands with Qin Yun, and Xiao Xuanqin remembered the Tianling Emperor's Mausoleum. At that time, she also had the inexplicable emotions because she and Qin Yun pulled her hands.

At this time, the inexplicable emotions of Qin Yun in her heart suddenly rose up, and she hated Qin Yun in her heart.

Xiao Xuanqin seems to have forgotten the things of the Kings, because she has reached the extreme in her heart at this moment.

She is very clear, if Qin Yun just shot, she will die!

It can be said that Qin Yun saved her once again. With this kindness, she should not hate Qin Yun.

"Qin Yun, is Yue Mei saying a lot of things to you, such as about your past life?" Xiao Xuanqin tangled for a while, asked the voice.

"Well! I know that I have a past life, and I know that you hate my past life very much!" Qin Yun in the dark, can not see Xiao Xuanqin, can only feel her jade hands are very soft, just a little cold.

"Xiao Aunt, my past life is my past life! Now I have nothing to do with my previous life!" Qin Yun said again: "Although I did not wake up the memory of past lives, I might wake up later! I will not wake up now." Past life memories, try to make up for the mistakes made by my past lives!"

Xiao Xuanqin thought carefully and sighed a long time and said: "You saved my life, and the grievances of our past lives have been broken! You helped me to refine my soul before, and let me through that difficult, otherwise I can't. Breakthrough, can't wake up memories of past lives!"

Qin Yun secretly admired Xiao Yuemei, deliberately let him shoot at a crucial time, only in this way, can you touch Xiao Xuanqin.

"This is good, I don't have to be lighted by you, hanging in the city gate!" Qin Yun laughed.

"Hey!" Xiao Xuanqin used a lot of power to pinch Qin Yun's hand: "Is this little girl in the moon, let you shoot later?"

"Well, she said that if you do this, you will thank me... I used to ask for it, but she won't let it!" Qin Yun said.

"This is a dead girl! Before I said that I didn't lie, I actually lied to me!" Xiao Xuanqin whispered.

Qin Yun is not worried about them now, because Xiao Yuemei definitely has a way to help them hide.

"Xiao Aunt, you don't want to be angry with her!" Qin Yun said quickly.

"Forget it, we are all right now!" Xiao Xuanqin did not see Qin Yun's face, just talking to him, I feel very good.

"Xiao Aunt, then I will see you with a mask in the future?" Qin Yun asked again.

"I don't know, wait until I see your face and say it!" Xiao Xuanqin sighed: "Qin Yun, your past life is too much to hate, I can't let it go!"

"It doesn't matter, Ice Star sister is like this before, but now it's alright!" Qin Yun laughed.

"Ice Star Sister? Ice Star? She is also dead?" Xiao Xuanqin did not know about Ice Star.

"Not dead, she is inside the fairy palace!" Qin Yun quickly told the ice star, Xiao Xuanqin.

After listening to Xiao Xuanqin, I felt incredible: "Ice Star, Moon Rose, Moon Lan and Shih Yue, actually bypassed you... Also, after all, you didn't wake up memories of the past, you are not that bastard! And you still save They have helped them, and they have made up for the debts owed by previous generations intentionally or unintentionally!"

"I am not as good as them, I should not care about you, because you are not the **** at all, Qin Yun, I am sorry!"

"Xiao Aunt, it doesn't matter!" Qin Yun smiled and smiled.

He did not tell the ice star to kiss him, otherwise it would definitely make Xiao Xuanqin begin to doubt life.

"Then you hate me?" Xiao Xuanqin's cold and soft hands gradually warmed up.

"Why should I hate you?" Qin Yun laughed and said: "Xiao Aunt, do you still remember the Tianwu Emperor's Mausoleum? The coffins below, that is a big mystery, and I still got the beastmaster's strange spirit, that is the soul. Xuan pen!"

Xiao Xuanqin nodded: "Those coffins can send the dead inside out... Because most of the people who can be buried inside are Xiao family, there is a possibility that there will be dragon blood in the body! They are all sent to a fairy tomb. I may be able to resurrect later!"

"The above-mentioned martial arts kings were all led by my meditation Tianshi, we are safe!" Qin Yun smiled and said: "We can go up and meet with Yuemei!"

Xiao Xuanqin whispered: "If the water fairy sees you, it will definitely be happy! She knew that I hate you before, but always mentioned you in front of me! Although you did not wake up the memory of past lives, but give The ability of a woman to fill a soup is as powerful as her previous life?"

"Xiao Aunt, I have not done anything that I am sorry for in your previous life, that is..." Qin Yun scratched his head and said.

"You used to be very greedy in past lives, and like to play with the feelings of women, and then abandoned, although the scam is not swindling, but it is incomparably abominable!" Xiao Xuanqin said that Qin Yun's past life, still a little angry.

"Qin Yun, I don't want to tell you too much about your past life. If you wake up to remember, it will definitely get worse. You are so good now!" Xiao Xuanqin said.

"Well, let's go up!" Qin Yun has now changed back to its original state.

He took Xiao Xuanqin and came to the ground.

Xiao Xuanqin took out the conch, and they contacted them.

"Xuanqin! Where are you? Come, we found protection, it may be the star of the falling star, a crystal mountain! There are many people coming over!" The voice of the purple city is very anxious.

After Xiao Xuanqin and Qin Yun heard it, they looked at each other and worried about them.

"Allure, do what you can, we will pass now!" Xiao Xuanqin finished, put away the voice conch, and rushed with Qin Yun.

In order not to let those Wuwang discover, Xiao Xuanqin let Qin Yun show the power of shadow to hide, in addition, she would like to pull Qin Yun's hand.

Ling Yun laughed and said: "Xiao Yun, this Xiao Aunt is also a woman who is boring! The feelings for you are very deep, more boring than the ice star, hahaha..."

“How can it be less?” Qin Yun said: “I can’t feel anything!”

"If she doesn't have feelings for you, she will never change her attitude so fast! She hated you so much before, but when I saw you, I immediately felt soft!" Ling Yun laughed and said: "She was so persistent in her past life. Killing you, obviously it is to love and hate you, she must have been cheated by you!"

"Don't say it!" Qin Yun snorted.

Qin Yun also let those lions in the meditation domain return to the meditation domain. In order to lead the martial arts, the celestial Tiens also suffered a minor injury. q;

At this time, Xiao Xuanqin took out the conch conch and heard the voice of the purple city. "Xuanqin, we are not in the place just now. You can find us through the new position of the conch!"

"What's wrong?" asked Xiao Xuanqin.

"Although we first discovered it, but we came to a group of people, occupying the treasure!" Shui Tianzi was very angry: "You come over to us! Those guys are Wuwang, I am not playing!"

After Xiao Xuanqin positioned through the voice conch, he then said to Qin Yun: "Qin Yun, do you have the means to deal with Wu Wang?"

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