Nine Sun God King

Chapter 745: Immortal

The moon is so sullen that the eyes should be fire-breathing. The cold channel: "Qin Yun, I can pinch you at any time! Just like your strength, in front of me, it is just a bug!"

Qin Yun haha ​​smiled: "You have lived for tens of thousands of years, and this strength is normal! But what is the use, is it not impossible to get the moon?"

Yue You wants to slap a slap in the face, but I can only bear it.

"Qin Yun, you first test, if it is really the late Lingwu, then I will talk to you!" Yue said: "You should also be a profitable guy? You don't want good things." Do you have a lot of good things here!"

Qin Yun also saw that the March and April very much wanted to get the moon, and although I don’t know what effect it has, it must have a great purpose.

The moon is now just a sigh of relief, so that the disciple she trained will win.

After Qin Yun cultivated the body of the fairy, it was not a big problem to fight with Xuanwu.

After thinking about it carefully, Qin Yun also put his hand on the bead.

The beads immediately lit up some light and kept flashing.

After a while, the moon was a little unbelievable and said: "This **** is really only the late Lingwu period! I haven't cultivated the mysterious Taojing!"

Qin Yun said: "You know now, how many wastes do you have?"

"You..." That was very angry in February, and I really wanted to fight with Qin Yun immediately.

However, he is a Xuanwu, even if Qin Yun is defeated, there is no glory, just a breath.

Moon looked at Qin Yun and sneered out: "If you want something, just say it! As long as you can beat February!"

"I want something that will help me to quickly cultivate the mysterious Taoist crystal. Do you have it?" Qin Yun is also welcome.

"Of course! There are Tao Jingyu and Xuan Xinjing, I will give you a hundred pounds! It is enough for you to cultivate the mysterious Taoist crystal!" The moon is quiet, and many people are bursting into amazement.

Daojing jade and Xuan Xinjing, even if it is only a pound, are very valuable!

"I have to pay a thousand pounds!" Qin Yun laughed.

With his size, one hundred pounds is definitely not enough.

"You can't think about it!" suddenly shouted in February.

"How do you react so big, do you think you have lost yourself?" Qin Yun laughed.

"Qin Yun! Twenty or thirty pounds of Daojing jade and Xuan Xinjing are enough to cultivate the mysterious Taoist crystal! The amount I gave you is three or four times that of ordinary people!"

Ordinary people three or four times, simply not enough Qin Yun.

Qin Yun smiled and said: "In any case, you are so confident that you can win in February. Even if you give me a pound, I will not be able to get it. If I lose, you will not give me one or two!"

"Well, I will give you!" The moon squinted and sneered: "When you are in a contest, if you are seriously injured, don't blame us!"

"I am afraid that you will not speak now!" Qin Yun said.

Yue You took out two small bags and handed them to Yang Shiyue. He said, "I will put things in her. If you win, she will give you. You can always rest assured?"

Yang Shiyue nodded to Qin Yun.

Qin Yun was secretly shocked. He didn’t expect that the moon was so rich that he was so rich. He now thought about how to fish her for a while.

Qin Yun embarked on the martial arts platform and has been thinking about how to go further and let Yuki take out many good things.

"Xiaoyun, this secluded wilderness is really a treasure, hiding a lot of good things!" Ling Yun said: "But for so many years, certainly many have been obtained by the moon or evil shadow!" q;

Qin Yun thinks so, so he thinks about the plan and plans to let Yuki take out more things.

"Begin!" Yue screamed suddenly, awakening Qin Yun, who was absent-minded.

Qin Yun did not expect to start as soon as the contest, but in fact, too seriously to think about things, did not pay attention.

At the beginning, Qin Yun was taken advantage of in February because of distraction.

When Qin Yun returned to God, he felt that the Thunder generally rushed in February. In his abdomen and head, he slammed a punch.


Two shocks blew out and shook the entire castle.

Qin Yun was also kicked out by the two punches and hit the enchantment.

In February, I smirked a big laugh, and I made a punch from afar. I was violently punched into a black-gold mixed faucet. All of them were concentrated on Qin Yun.

Qin Yun was beaten on the enchantment, and the body was hit by a force, and could not leave.

"This guy, there is a black dragon Wuhun! It seems to be Lei Long!" Ling Yun suddenly said, she is not worried about Qin Yun.

Qin Yun’s body of the fairy demon has a strong defense, and even if it is subjected to a strong impact, it can support it.

You must know that when Qin Yun cultivated the body of the fairy, the body was destroyed and restored again and again. Not only did it refine the tough body, but the resilience was also amazing.

Qin Yun was just not paying attention at the beginning, and he was beaten one after another.

"February, doing a beautiful job, quickly use the power of supernatural powers to completely defeat him!" Yue You was also happy, shouted.

In February, the speed of using Shentong was very fast. I saw that his chest had a black gas, turned into a dragon, and it was like a raging dragon, and rushed to Qin Yun.

The dragon rushed past the speed, and Qin Yun seems to have been beaten without the power to fight back!

Xiao Xuanqin and Yang Shiyue are also very nervous!

Bao Changshou and Jian Yutian, although they know that Qin Yun’s strength is very strong, it is only when playing against Lingwu.

Nowadays, Qin Yun and Wu Jun of Xuanwujing fight, but also have the black Wu soul, and the fairy blood fairy body, the gap is reflected.

Qin Yun looked at the dragon and rushed over, his body shook, and the bones in his body made a series of crisp sounds.

He condensed all the power of the whole body, and played the best of the dragon!

The five palms were played continuously in a half-second, and then the palms of the hands merged together, igniting a sound of raging dragons.

Qin Yun’s absolute dragonpower, with the shock and thunder power, are also black!

Thunder and shock, it seems to be the perfect blend!

The thunderstorm that rushed out was in shock, and the shocked out force burst into thunder!

The power of the magical power released in February condensed a dragon, and it seemed to be invincible!

And Qin Yun Meng hit the palm, but it seems to be with infinite power!


The five dragons of Qin Yun’s dragons are hit by the dragon that has been turned into a magical power, and it will become a black fog!

Qin Yun this palm, let the presence of the half fairy and the Emperor Wu, are moving!

The moon secluded also saw the body tremble slightly!

The power of Qin Yun’s palm is definitely not exhibited in the late Lingwu period!

Even in the early days of Xuanwu, it was impossible to play such terrible power.

February is the beginning of Xuanwujing. He has a fairy body and cultivates fairy blood.

Moreover, there are black double martial arts souls, and the supernatural powers that are displayed are also very strong, and they are enough to kill Wu Jun in the middle and late period of Xuanwu.

However, Qin Yun’s palm will blast the magical power of February!

The most incredible thing is that Qin Yun was ravaged at the beginning, but now it is like nothing.

In February, the original face was full of arrogance, but at this time I felt terrified!

Only he can feel the horror of Qin Yun more thoroughly, because he knows his own power of magical power, even Wu Jun in the middle and late period of Xuanwu can only dodge, can not directly resist!

And Qin Yun not only resisted, but also smashed his cohesive power!

On the stage of the contest, there was a black gas, and the power of the dispelled magical power was incomparably arrogant.

And Qin Yun, suddenly disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind February.

February can make the moon so quiet, so it has certain skills, and the response is very fast!

A fierce body, a palm to Qin Yun!

Qin Yun also shot lightning, holding a palm in February!

The long-awaited aura, and suddenly released the super gravity!

The stock suddenly became super-gravity, and the concentration was covered in February.

Even in Xuanwujing in February, it was overwhelmed by the sudden gravity, and it fell to the ground.

That kind of power, as if on his own body, suddenly a giant mountain appeared, and he fell silently on him, punching it down.

In February, he was directly crushed to vomit blood, and he screamed on the ground.

"I surrender!"

In February, Qin Yun was wrapped in the palm of the shocking thunder fire, and he quickly shouted.

Qin Yun’s five dragons have not been beaten, and they have already won!

The most shocking thing is that Bao Changshou and Jian Yantian are half of them! Originally, Qin Yun stepped into the late stage of Lingwu, and they felt that they were very quick.

Now, it can crush this powerful opponent in February!

This kind of progress is really incredible.

Bao Changshou thought about it, and also knew that Qin Yun was with the ice star, and he could think of it. The reason why Qin Yun progressed so fast is that Ice Star is behind it.

Yue secluded to withdraw the enchantment, she did not seem so angry before, because Qin Yun's strength, has already shocked her!

Yang Shiyue came over and handed Qin Yunlian to the storage bag, and gave him a voice: "Xiaoyun, Xingjun strange spirits are also inside the storage bag, you collect it!"

"Thank you, sister Yang!" Qin Yun laughed.

"You guy, you can make the moon suffocating, this is also good!" Yang Shiyue is only communicating with Qin Yun, and did not let the moon know.

Qin Yun looked at the moon and smiled: "You still have a first month, do you want to play with me?"

Moon sighs: "He can't beat you!"

Qin Yun shook his head and sighed: "So you admit that they are all waste materials?"

"No! Because they are just losing to you! In addition to you, only a few people in the same level can beat them!" Yue You did not dare to say so.

Qin Yun smiled and said: "That I would like to thank the Queen for the gift!"

He didn't think of a good way to continue the thing of the moon, and he could only walk down the stage with a trace of regret.

"You don't go down, I want to fight with you!"

"You? You are a powerful immortal!" Qin Yun shook his head and smiled.

"I sealed my own cultivation, and was restricted to the later period of Lingwu!" Moon chilled and said: "I must defeat you!"

"If you lose to me, give me a small beggar, okay?" Qin Yun's hippie smile, his words, but angered all the men of the moon.

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