Nine Sun God King

Chapter 793: Dead City Monster

The strongest of the ghost sheep is only the ghost sheep, but he has just played with the tiger, so he can no longer play.

The tiger head does not know why this young man suddenly emerged, why should they help the tiger knights, because they are riding a family, but they are not waiting to be seen here.

"Who are you sending out?" Qin Yun took out the Holy Blade of the Wraith, and because this kind of battle can use weapons, he dared to jump out.

As long as he can use weapons, he will not lose.

"Well, we also sent a younger one!" Ghost Yang laughed and shouted: "Wind sheep, you come to fight with him!"

The wind sheep that came out, it seems to be just a teenager, it is shorter than Qin Yun.

However, the horns on the head of this wind sheep are relatively large, larger than most ghost sheep.

After the tiger’s head saw it, he said coldly: "Ghost sheep, the young man you sent out is too strong!"

It can be seen that the bigger the horn, the stronger the strength.

"I am also here to be fair, only to send a young man!" Ghost sheep laughed.

"Hey, young man, let's go! The guy named Feng Yang is very strong. Don't look at him as a teenager, but it was born for thousands of years!" Tiger head said to Qin Yun.

It’s no wonder that it’s so powerful when it’s been born for thousands of years.

Qin Yun not only did not mean to go, but was even more excited. He knew that he had just stepped into the late Xuanwu period and had not fought yet.

Although the wind sheep is very likely to be the king of Wuwang, Qin Yun is not afraid at all, and it is very interesting.

"Big head brother, although I don't know you, but I respect you very much! Today, I will try my best to help you fight off this group of ghosts!" Qin Yun said.

" respect me?" The tiger's big eyes widened, unbelievable. If he was a tiger rider, then he felt normal.

The young man in front of him is a foreigner!

Not only the tiger's head, but even other tiger rides, they are all wrong.

"The guy with a sick brain, what is the respect of the tiger riding family?" Ghost Yangjun sneered: "Less nonsense, hurry!"

Feng Yang looked at Qin Yun and licked his lips and said, "I really want to eat him. He has a delicious feeling on his body!"

This wind sheep has a short sword in his hand and looks very bad.

The soul of the soul of Qin Yun’s hand seems to be worse, not to be worn, and there are some cracks. Plus, the dress on his body looks very shabby, and it doesn’t look like a very powerful look.

"I want to eat and eat..." The wind sheep suddenly smiled sharply, and when the body called, it turned into red light and rushed to Qin Yun.

"You go eat it!" Qin Yun yelled, and swept a knife in front of him, suddenly bursting into a fierce shock.


The earth suddenly cracked, and the houses that collapsed around were suddenly shattered by shock waves and turned into a dust.

Qin Yun's knives swept out, and the undulating waves that were shot were covered, and the area covered was very wide, so that the group of ghost sheep were quickly suspended in the air.

The boy named Feng Yang, who was also shocked by Qin Yun suddenly, flew to the distance.

"Eat and eat... I want to eat you!" The wind sheep was angry, and the eyes burst out with red mist and leaped from the ground.

The strength of Qin Yun also shocked the tiger head and the ghost sheep.

Because this power is not what they are familiar with.

The angry wind sheep, like crazy, holds a short sword, like a red fast thunder and lightning, and instantly rushes to Qin Yun's side.

"You only have to eat it!"

Qin Yun sneered and slashed his knife. In an instant, hundreds of knives smashed out, and the sword of the sorcerer's sorcerer's blade also took the power of a cold soul.

The sky is full of shadows, such as the gale that rushes out under the gloom, overwhelming, overlapping and rushing winds.

Although the Holy Blade is seriously damaged, it is much stronger than the Tao.

The second attack of the wind sheep was blocked again, and it also felt that the soul was bitten by some, and some pain.

"Go to **** and eat it!"

Qin Yun stepped on the sneak peek, and in a moment he came to the wind sheep and slammed it.


A red horn ring suddenly appeared, hitting the soul of the soul of Qin Yun!

Qin Yun, who clings to the holy blade of the soul, only feels that the arm is numb, and then quickly retreats.

"This game, we lose!"

Ghost Yang was not so proud before, and did not dare to look at Qin Yun, because the wind sheep was almost done.

"Bastard!" Qin Yun's hand hurts a little, low.

Ghost sheep cold channel: "Young people, you are not a tiger riding family, just give us a little more attention, actually want to kill our ghost sheep people!"

Qin Yun sneered and said: "It is the **** who wants to kill me. Why can't I kill him?"

The wind sheep has been taken away, and in the distance, Qin Yun yelled, obviously not very convinced.

The ghost of the ghost sheep suddenly became cold and angry: "You are arrogant again, believe it or not, I will kill you now?"

Qin Yun laughed and said: "Dead sheep head, you have to come, who is afraid of who!"

The injured tiger head, and quickly rushed over: "Ghost sheep, you just suddenly shot, you have already intervened in this battle!"

"You are lucky!"

Ghost Sheep looked at the big head of the tiger's head with angry eyes, biting his teeth, and then flew away with them.

Qin Yun suddenly felt that all the tribes in this mysterious wilderness had any scruples about the tiger riding family, so they did not dare to do it.

The tiger riders are not too strong, and a Wudi can sweep them, but no one dares to do it.

Qin Yun looked at the ghost sheep to leave, and said: "This dead sheep, I will kill him sooner or later!"

The tiger head said: "Young people, what is your name? Thank you so much!"

"My name is Qin Yun!" Qin Yun looked at the open city gate and asked: "What is inside? Why are so many people rushing in?"

The tiger head sighed: "I don't know, I only know what is sealed inside, and it can destroy this wasteland. And our family has been responsible for guarding since ancient times, and it is not for people to attack the city gate!"

Qin Yun said: "Big head brother, I want to go in and see, leave!"

He did not leave the city gate. After all, this is the place where the tiger riders hang.

"Little brother, you can go in here!" Tiger head suddenly shouted.

"Is this okay? This is the place where you have been hard!" Qin Yun said with some embarrassment.

"How about the hardships? The other three gates are open, you can go in, I am here, just to fight for a sigh of relief!" The tiger's head also understood that they kept the gate, and there was no use at all.

"Big head brother, what is the powerful thing inside?" Qin Yun looked at the gate of the city, black and lacquered.

"I don't know! In general, there is danger. If you really want to go in, you have to be ready to die at any time!" said the tiger.

"Big head brother, then see you again!" Qin Yun finished, and flew to the door.

After he entered, he felt a cold wind blowing.

The road that went in was a black mist and could not see the things around.

After carefully flying for a while, he finally penetrated the black fog and came to the street, where it was dark and dark, and the wind was full of scent.

It is really a city, with many magnificent buildings.

The spacious street is empty.

The houses on both sides of the street are covered with many black sticky things.

There are many such things on the street, and Qin Yun has stepped on it, like a sticky soil.

"This is blood!" Ling Yun shouted.

"What blood is like this?" Qin Yun pinched a little and felt a strange energy.

"I don't know, in short, it is a very strong creature! It should be fighting in the air, so many of this blood has been spilled, and it has been for many years!" Ling Yun said.

The blood so exposed can be preserved for many years, and it feels terrible to think about it!

You know, there are many dead horses here, but they don't let these strange black blood disappear.

Qin Yun twisted his head and found that the black soil he had stepped on had actually recovered his original appearance.

"There is a strong resilience!" Qin Yun exclaimed.

"This is a good thing, I want to swallow it in!" said Ling Yun.

Qin Yun’s body has a black gas, and the black gas produces a strong suction, which absorbs the black strange blood that has sprinkled around.

"Yue, let's absorb these strange blood, no problem?" Qin Yun was worried.

"Temporarily sealed inside the meditation, no problem!" Ling Yun said: "Xiaoyun, you walk around, try to collect more of these strange blood!"

There is no one in the area where Qin Yun is located. Everyone else came in from the other three gates.

Those people will not run around, but go straight to the huge building in the middle of the semicircle.

When Qin Yun saw it, he could see the middle of the taboo dead city through the dim light, and there was a huge building with a hemisphere.

But he did not go in immediately, and it is certainly the most dangerous.

Qin Yun will collect some black strange blood, put it into the third bead of Jiuyang Shenque, let Yao Fang see what is the blood.

"Qin Yun, where are you? Tell me quickly!" Yao Fang asked.

"I am in a wasteland, and then came to a taboo dead city..." Qin Yun told Yao Fang about the coming in.

"Qin Yun, you have come to a place where you can't!" Yao Fang's voice seems to be in a hurry: "The place where you are, seal the son of Long Xian Emperor!"

"The son of Long Xian Emperor?" Qin Yun was a little shocked.

"Long Xian Emperor practiced sanctification, so he was no longer in the fairyland, and went to the holy land! And one of his sons is also very good, and he has the potential to become the hegemon of the immortal. I heard that afterwards, it became evil and vicious. People, they were jointly sealed by the strong men of the Xianhuang in the spiritual waste!" Yao Fang said. Qz35

Yao Fang finished, and confused whispered: "And those blood, is a dragon's blood... but those dragon blood is special, although it is black, but not evil! Strange, that guy should be sealed up Why are there so many blood spills? Is there any other powerful guy inside?"

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