Nine Sun God King

Chapter 795: Emperor's hall

..*9.*2.*文.*学.*首.*发.*.*9.*2.*w.*.*bsp; Lan Suyao saw Qin Yun and was surprised: "I am clear Who tied him up, who saved him?"

Qin Yun laughed and said: "Su Yao tigress, you are too small to see me, how can you tie your Qin Yun uncle?"

Bao Changshou and Jian Yantian, they saw the purple city and the water, and they guessed that Qin Yun had come.

Today, they heard Qin Yun Dalan Lan Suyao, but also anxious, they did not expect Qin Yun and Lan Suyao actually had a conflict.

"Xiaoyun, you... don't say it..." Purple Allure shouted.

"Why don't I say this? This hungry tigress, glaring at me, taking advantage of me, almost put me on, so trampled on my dignity, why can't I say her?" Qin Yun's voice resounded through the lobby. .

This also makes everyone suddenly stunned, and see Qin Yun's eyes, just like watching the dead!

"Su Yao adults, you can rest assured, I will definitely take this kid off!" Ghost Yang Jun said quickly.

"Bastard, you have to admit mistakes to Su Yao!"

"Human boy, you are dead!"

"How many lives are you not dead enough!"

"Hurry to confess to the Yuyao adults for mercy, maybe she can accept you as a slave, and you will not die!"

Now, no one can move, so they can only scream at Qin Yun.

The people of Xuan Yu and Long Jia are even more vocal about Qin Yun. They also say that Qin Yun has a double strange spirit and masters a variety of totems.

After Lan Suyao was desecrated, his face was gloomy and terrible. The blue eyes were suddenly flashing a burst of blue light and shot at Qin Yun!

After Qin Yun was shot by the blue light, the body suddenly turned into a blue stone sculpture.

" let him go!" Purple Allure quickly asked for mercy.

"Master, he is just angry to say those words!" Shui Tianzi saw Qin Yun turned into a blue stone sculpture, but also sad.

Lan Suyao said coldly: "Unless I can move in an hour, he will die! The man who has become a stone sculpture, I can't be solved by an hour, it will burst!"

So many people here are afraid of Lan Suyao, for this reason.

Now everyone is more afraid.

The golden jade bricks at the feet of everyone are golden, they are fixed, and the energy in the body is sealed. There is no power.

However, Lan Suyao can turn Qin Yun into a blue stone sculpture a few hundred meters away!

The lobby is very quiet, no one dares to speak, worried about the anger of Lan Suyao.

Everyone is afraid of her blue eyes!

In the quiet and spacious lobby, suddenly the sound of "咔嚓" came out.

It was uploaded by Qin Yunshen!

The crowd immediately focused their attention on Qin Yun’s body.

Qin Yun, who turned into a blue stone sculpture, actually cracked.

"Haha, Qin Yun is dead!" An old man from Xuanyu laughed.

"Yu Yao adults are powerful, just look at him and kill him!" Long family people also smiled proudly.

Xuan Yu and the dragon family have all praised Lan Suyao.

Purple Allure and Water Heavenly, I saw the blue stone carving cracking, and almost shed tears.

I know, after the stone sculpture cracked, it suddenly burst!

Qin Yun appeared!

Qin Yun has nothing at all, and the only crack of the blue stone on his surface.

"Haha, I am fine! I can still move!" Qin Yun laughed, then took the sleeves and walked to Lan Suyao.

But everyone is shocked and open mouth!

Lan Suyao’s move actually failed!

Even Lan Suyao was shocked, and then quickly made a blue glow from his eyes.

Those blue lights are on Qin Yun, but he has nothing at all and can continue to go forward.

Soon, Qin Yun came to Lan Suyao.

"What are you doing?" Lan Suyao suddenly had an unprecedented fear, shouting.

"Little hair boy..." Purple Allure just shouted softly.

"Yu Yao adults, your hair is very beautiful!" Qin Yun laughed and played with Lan Suyao's straight waist, and tied it to a mess.

Qin Yun’s move also caused a large group of strong people to roar wildly.

However, Qin Yun, in the crowd's loud voice, but played very happy, laughing and laughing.

Lan Suyao was so angry that her blue eyes seemed to kill.

In the roar of everyone, the most hateful thing is that Qin Yun is still afraid of playing Lan Suyao’s **** and playing the sound of “啪啪啪”.

Qin Yun’s public coming in this way is simply the life of Lan Suyao!

Then, Qin Yun picked up the beautiful jade face of Lan Suyao, and made a very loud laugh, and kissed her face.

Those who roared also stopped!

They are unbelievable, and the high-ranking Suo Yao adults are actually so insulted.

"Reassured, I am not so sloppy, so I will not light your clothes!" Qin Yun said, took out the pen and ink, and then painted the pig's head and the tortoise on Lan Suyao's face.

Lan Suyao's hair is unkempt, and her beautiful face has been painted in a mess. People are not ghosts.

She was too angry to speak, because no language could express the anger in her heart.

Finally, Qin Yun also took a shot of Lan Suyao's ass, and then went to the side of the ghost sheep, he still holding the nine yang gods.

"You are a little bastard, what are you doing!" Ghost sheep angered.

"Bastard, I want to eat you, I want to eat you bit by bit..." The wind sheep also shouted.

"There is a guy who wants to eat me, he will make me sleepless, I want to kill him!" Qin Yun said, a hammer fell down.


Qin Yun’s Jiuyang gods burst into flames with turbulent power and fell on the wind sheep, turning it into ashes.

"I want to kill you..." The sound of the wrath of the ghost sheep rang and shook the entire lobby.

The people of Xuan Yu and Long Jia were also scared, and they all saw what Qin Yun did to Lan Suyao.

It can be seen that Qin Yun does not know that the sky is high and thick, and they both have hatred with Qin Yun, but now Qin Yun has a chance to kill them.

After Qin Yun killed the wind sheep, he just wanted to kill the ghost sheep, but the ground suddenly trembled.


Qin Yun saw the golden light at the foot of the crowd suddenly disappeared, and they knew that they had unsealed. He quickly tried to push through the mysterious power and rushed to the ground.


Qin Yun has just penetrated into the ground, and there are powerful attacks from all sides.

The continuous attack continued for a short while.

Turtles and old singers said: "He was ran away, the evil spirit of the evil door!"

Just now many people are madly attacking where Qin Yun is. Only Lan Suyao did not attack because she was wiping her face and finishing her hair.

She can't wait to cut the place that Qin Yun touched.

The place where Qin Yun disappeared was attacked by madness, but it was not damaged at all, showing how strong it is.

"Gui Laoxian, where did the little devil go?" Lan Suyao's voice was very calm, and her unexpected calmness was also frightening.

"I... don't know!" Turtles also felt that Qin Yun was incredible.

Many people want to kill Qin Yun than Lan Su Yao, but they can't hide the anger in their hearts. They are very excited.

Lan Suyao suddenly calmed down, and people felt that this was the tranquility before the storm.

"I want to tear the little bastard!" Ghost sheep angered his eyes.

"This... this, if it wasn't for him to kill, we might not move!" Turtles whispered: "Because there is a soul sacrifice, we are only unsealed, otherwise we will be imprisoned for a long time until someone naturally When we die, we can move!"

"Why can he move, why can he crack the power of my holy shrine?" Lan Suyao asked coldly.

"I... I don't know!" Turtles can't explain this: "I only know that we suddenly can't move, and almost became a sacrifice. It is... someone sacrificed, we can move!"

Ghost Sheep heard this and was even more angry.


Suddenly a crisp voice came out, and I saw a golden jade brick on the ground in this spacious lobby, which was actually broken.

The crowd walked over and saw that there was a dark hole there, and the underside could not be seen because there was a strong black fog blocking it.

This group of people is also discussing who will go down and see!


After Qin Yun used the Shenxuan Shentong to penetrate the ground, he came to a dark underwater, and the water flow below was very urgent, taking him to a place.

"Damn, why did I kill a guy, they can move?" Qin Yun whispered.

"Xiaoyun, after you killed the guy, his soul suddenly disappeared and was absorbed!" Ling Yun said: "I guess that the lobby needs to sacrifice souls in order to proceed to the next step!"

"Forget it, anyway, I have also completed Lan Suyao, my heart is much more comfortable!" Qin Yun remembered this matter, and laughed happily.

Originally, Qin Yun was even more embarrassed, that is, he lost Lan Suyao to Yao Fang, but he could not move Lan Suyao. It should be that Lan Suyao was sucked by the golden jade bricks on the ground.

The reason why Qin Yun can move is because Ling Yuner has just released a lot of strange blood swallowed outside.

He can break the power of Lan Su Yao's holy shrine, and it is thanks to the strange blood.

"That strange blood is really powerful, let me be unimpeded here!" Qin Yun quickly praised the spirit, if not for her to collect those strange blood, he is not so smooth.

Now, he follows a dark stream of water and drifts in one direction.

After half an hour, he felt the water calm, and then swam upwards.

When he came out of the water, he saw a luxurious palace full of purple gold.

On the front of the hall, there is a very domineering carved dragon seat that looks like the palace of the emperor.

In the middle of the temple, there is a purple gold glittering carpet, Qin Yun walks on it, there is a kind of indescribable sense of wonder, like the clouds and fog.

Soon, he came to the front of the room, sitting in the domineering chair, the panoramic view of the spacious hall, but also let him have a feeling of wanting to dominate the world.


In the black water pool in front, suddenly many people fell.

Actually it is Lan Suyao and others!

Qin Yun’s heart suddenly screamed and quickly spread through the mysterious gods, wanting to dig away!

But he was terrified, but found that he was tightly sucked on the domineering purple dragon chair, unable to escape!

Hey, more and more people are falling down, they are the people in the lobby just above!

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