Nine Sun God King

Chapter 799: Ghost dragon

..*9.*2.*文.*学.*首.*发.*.*9.*2.*w.*.*bsp; Chapter 799 Ghost Dragon

Qin Yun always feels that the giant python in the iceberg hides great danger.

Lan Suyao did not say anything, because the people of Xuanyu and the group of half-orcs of the ancients were like crazy to attack the iceberg.

"We are away from a little iceberg!" said Bao Changshou.

Swordsman days, dozens of them, have all retreated to the side, worried that the opened giants will spread.

Not long after, the iceberg was smashed by the crowd.

Ling Yun said: "The iceberg should have a lot of seals, but because of the age, those seals have failed, and now it can be easily opened!"

Qin Yun's face was dignified, and then she gave a voice to Yao Fang, the third pearl of Jiuyang, but she did not answer.

This makes Qin Yun more anxious!


Finally, the group of people opened the small iceberg, and the giant python fell on the ground, hitting a bang.

"To open it, there must be something good inside!" Turtles smiled and walked over, then shouted: "We join hands and push this cover!"

A number of half-seven and Wudi, all walked over, surrounded by giant pythons, and vigorously opened the cover.

Lan Suyao is also somewhat worried and keeps a distance from the giant clam.


The cockroach's cover suddenly opened itself, and there was a large black gas rushing inside, and the cover also flew far away.


Inside the huge coffin, there were a lot of black and white things, and it was still black.

"It's a Taoist device...and a royal device!" shouted a surprise in the half of the Xuan domain.

All kinds of weapons and treasures in the earth, although they are all black, but can suddenly see what level of those magic weapons.

"Ha ha ha... I said that there are treasures inside! Qin Yun that little devil also said that there is danger!" Turtles and old people laughed, then they were a group of people, crazy to fight for the magic weapon scattered on the ground.

"Don't go!" Swordsman shouted to a few odd-grain Taoist divisions.

The strange singers who had just passed, also quickly stopped.

Turtles and old people looked at the swords and they shouted: "Don't come over, otherwise don't blame us for being unkind! This is something that belongs to us, you are not qualified!"

Lan Suyao frowned and looked at the black air suspended above it.

The black gas exudes a strong breath, and the Turtles and the Ghosts and the Kings are so excited that they have not noticed.

And Qin Yun they have noticed!

Suddenly, the black gas floating above it condensed!

It didn't take long to get together.

Then quickly become a human form!

"There is a situation!" Lan Suyao shouted.

At this time, also dropped a dark leader from the air.

This faucet is full of dragon scales, and there is a dragon tail behind the waist. The head is a black enamel faucet.

Seeing this suddenly appearing leader, Jian Yan Tian and Bao Changshou, they are also vigilant, and the heart is secretly scared, because the leader is very strong.

The group of Turtles and Elders also saw the leader, and they were afraid of it with them.

"Ha ha ha, are these gifts I gave you, are you satisfied?" the leader asked with a smile.

"This... this adult, is this what you gave us?" The worry in the heart of the turtle fairy was suddenly eliminated, and asked.

"I just said it, this is a gift for you! You can see my rebirth with your own eyes. This is your chance! Hurry up and confess to the Lord, so that you can also appreciate the power of these magic weapons!" Dumb, laughing haha.

This made the Turtles and Elders all ecstatic, and they dripped up.

Then, just after they dripped blood, the leader smiled even more happily.

"Congratulations to you, become a slave to my ghost dragon! You will be the servant of my ghost dragon from now on!" The leader laughed.

Qin Yun was shocked, this leader is actually a ghost dragon!

Turtles and cents, they are hundreds of people, and when they heard this, they were all as dead. They are half-senior on the top, but now they are slaves to others.

"You get the weapons I sent, if you don't want to be my slave, go to hell!" Ghost Dragon laughed.

Qin Yun also found that the strength of this ghost dragon has not recovered to the strongest, but it is also very powerful, and it is definitely not a half-can be dealt with.

Then, the ghost dragon looked at the sword and they sneered: "And you didn't get my gift, you can only die!"

Jian Yan Tian and Bao Changshou, quickly stood up.

"We are not afraid of you!" Swordsman said: "Come on!"

Ghost Dragon said: "You still don't deserve to fight with me! Otherwise, you and my slaves, how? If you win my slave, you can leave here!"

Although the ghost of the ghost sheep is very sad, but he does not dare to resist the ghost dragon, otherwise there is only one dead end.

Since he can't resist, it can only be accepted, and he also sees that this ghost dragon is very strong, and it is still very promising to follow him.

Ghost Sheep suddenly grew up and said: "Master, let me play! There is a guy named Qin Yun on the other side, who has a double strange spirit, is a very slippery little slippery, I want to fight with him!"

Ghost sheep pointed to Qin Yun.

Previously, because of the protection of Lan Suyao, Ghosts could not kill Qin Yun, and they would also stop them.

Now, it is a rare opportunity for Ghost King.

"Double strange spirit? Great, you go to kill him, remember not to ruin his body, I want to extract his strange soul!" Ghost dragon looked at Qin Yun, only very excited.

Qin Yun was low in the heart, but now he can't play.

"Qin Yun, that guy is much stronger than you, can you beat him?" asked Jian Yantian.

"No problem!" Qin Yun went out.

Lan Suyao just looked around, she can't act rashly now, because she also feels that she can't beat the ghost dragon.

After Qin Yun went out, he asked: "If I win, let us leave, you can't eat!"

The ghost dragon laughed: "I never lie!"

Qin Yun does not believe in the words of the ghost dragon, but now is a good opportunity to delay the time.

The ghost dragon must have the cultivation of the immortal, which means that Yaofang can come out here.

As long as he waits for Yao Fang to leave the customs, he is not afraid of ghosts.

Ghost Sheep holds a black, long hook, which is the device he just got.

Xuan Yu and the dragon family people think that Qin Yun can't beat the ghost sheep, and know that Qin Yun is bound to die today, but they are not happy in their hearts.

Because Qin Yun is finished, it is not them who benefit, but what the ghosts are.

Moreover, they also have to be slaves to the ghost dragon.

Qin Yun took out the Holy Blade!

After he took out the knife, everyone was slightly stunned.

Everyone knows that Qin Yun is a singularist and certainly has good weapons.

But now the knife in his hand is very worn and full of cracks.

"Little devil, if you don't play a wonderful thing and make me look bored, I will make you die very badly!" Ghost Dragon sneered: "Do you fight with this weapon?"

"To deal with this dead sheep, there are no weapons, I can kill him!" Qin Yun sneered.

The strength of the ghost sheep is equivalent to the king of the king!

If Qin Yun can use weapons, he can withstand the King of Wu with his repairs at this time.

"Shepherd, if you take this kid, I will reuse you!" said the ghost dragon.

"Master, I will definitely win him!" Ghost Yang is very confident and happy.

"The slavish sheep head, you don't be too happy!" Qin Yun clenched the soul of the Holy Blade, suddenly rushed over.

Ghost Yang has been waiting for Qin Yun to come over!

When Qin Yunyi passed, he took a knife and slashed it. It was a knife-like move. It was a knife, and it shot a fierce martial art, with a strong soul-seeking power.

The ghost sheep swayed the long hook in his hand and hit the soul of the soul of Qin Yun.


A crisp sound echoed in this frozen underground square.

The weapons of Qin Yun and Ghost Yang Jun violently hit!

Ghost Sheep stood in the same place, and Qin Yun was beaten out.

At this time, Qin Yun also profoundly realized the power gap between himself and Ghost Yang.

Everyone saw that the knife in Qin Yun’s hand was not damaged at all, and they all snorted.

Even the ghost dragon is very interested in Qin Yun’s soulful blade.

Qin Yun did not use the Jiuyang Shen hammer, but also afraid to be recognized by the ghost dragon, and then directly came to snatch.

After Ghost Yang Jun took Qin Yun to fly, he saw that Qin Yun’s weapons were not damaged. At the same time, the body also burst into red light and rushed to Qin Yun.

He instantly came to the side of his body, hitting the long hook in his hand and attacking it fiercely.

The long black hook, braving the unique red power of the ghost sheep, with a very awkward evil, in the attack, the sound of the wind!

Qin Yun has a difficult dodge. He can't use the knife to resist now, because it will be hit, and the arm will be hurt so much!


The long hook of Ghost Sheep suddenly trembled and overflowed with the violent red awns, which shook many of the ice here.

Qin Yun also had to use the Holy Blade to resist the heavy hook!

The Holy Blade and the Long Hook collided again, and the red and black waves surged, sending out successive shocks, and the square shook!

And the Holy Blade of the Wraith was also blown out, hitting the ice on the wall and being buried by a large piece of ice.

"Qin Yun, you are finished, hahaha..." Ghost Yang laughed and hooked Qin Yun's neck with a hook.

Just as the ghost sheep laughed loudly, Qin Yun quickly released the power of the Tiens Beast!

He used it once, but it didn't run out, and then pressed back on the power of the Tiens Beast.

Now he can release it again!

Jian Yan Tian and Bao Changshou are also preparing to shoot, but they see Qin Yun's breath suddenly increased!

Ghost Yang Jun also felt it, but he didn't have time to react. His handsome face was madly pumped by Qin Yun's fist!

"Dead sheep, you are finished!" Qin Yun shouted.

In the short blink of an eye, Ghost Sheep was beaten and swollen, and the head of the sheep was beaten into a pig's head.

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