Nine Suns Martial God

Chapter 2104 Entering the Palace

“Father has been in the Suzaku world for these years.

It's just that because of physical problems, he can only be in a dormant state, and Suzaku's skeleton is the key to his father's recovery!

Brother, you can't argue with your father! "

The third prince sent a message to the eldest prince.

“If it were my father, of course I wouldn’t fight.

But, Third Brother, this is basically your scam. Do you think you can deceive me by just making up an excuse?

I'm not that easy to fool! "

The great prince said with a sneer.

Then he ignored the Third Prince.

"Old wizard, quickly, let me in. I must seize the time to refine the skeleton of the Suzaku, so as not to have long nights and many dreams!"

The great prince said to the old wizard.

He decided to risk everything and refine the Suzaku skeleton first.

With his realm and strength, if he could refine a real Suzaku skeleton, he would most likely be able to break through to the Emperor of Heaven in one fell swoop!

The temptation is too great!

At this moment, the old wizard suddenly flashed and rushed into the Thousand Birds Formation!

"My lord, you stay outside for now, and I'll go in and take a look."

The old wizard spoke.

"Old wizard, what do you mean?"

When the great prince saw the old wizard acting like this, he immediately felt something bad and couldn't help but ask.

"My meaning is very clear. Your Majesty, please stay outside for now. I'll go in and take a look."

The old wizard said calmly.

At this time, his attitude towards the great prince seemed much colder.

"Old wizard, didn't we agree that you would help me guard it and let me go in and refine the skeleton!"

The great prince was a little angry.

However, the old wizard just smiled coldly.

"Hold the door, no one can come in!"

The old wizard suddenly shouted in a deep voice.

A large number of the old wizard's henchmen heard the news and moved. Some were guarding outside the Ten Thousand Birds Array, and some were guarding within the Ten Thousand Birds Array. They relied on the Ten Thousand Birds Array to closely guard the entrance and exit of the palace.

"Old wizard, do you want to violate our agreement and snatch the Suzaku skeleton from me?"

The great prince roared angrily.


Your Majesty, that Suzaku skeleton is still ownerless for the time being.

Why do you think it's yours? "

The old wizard smiled coldly.


The great prince was so angry that he could not speak, knowing that this old wizard had betrayed him.

"My good brother, haven't you seen it yet?

The old wizard is actually a traitor who sneaked into our Miao people.

Over the years, he has used your status and power to bring us Miao people into chaos.

Now, he wants to monopolize Suzaku's skeleton.

Brother, after all, you are the sinner of our Miao people. "

The third prince said calmly.


As soon as he finished speaking, the red coffin where the Third Prince was sitting burst out with astonishing energy and crashed towards the Ten Thousand Birds Formation.

The dozen or so half-emperor masters in red cloaks gathered around the red coffin, and together they launched a violent attack on the Ten Thousand Birds Formation.

"Okay, let's work together first and destroy this Ten Thousand Birds Formation together!"

The Second Prince, together with a dozen of his Half-Emperor masters, also began to attack the Ten Thousand Birds Formation.

"Do it and break this formation!"

The prince's expression changed drastically, and he waved his hand one last time, ordering his men to also start attacking the Ten Thousand Birds Formation.

As a result, dozens of Half-Emperor masters joined forces to attack the formation. In addition, a large number of Miao people also began to attack the formation.

The great prince has the largest number of men!

In this way, the three princes' men are joining forces to break the formation!


Suddenly, dozens of black figures suddenly rushed out from the depths of the nearby space and charged towards the three princes' men.

All of them are half-emperor masters!

"These are all creatures of the dark faction!

It seems that the old wizard has colluded with the dark faction! "

Ye Yunfei couldn't help but shrink his eyes, a little surprised.

Under the charge of dozens of creatures from the dark faction, the three princes' men were forced to retreat continuously, and casualties began to occur.

"Get away!"

The third prince became angry, activated the red coffin, and crashed towards those dark creatures, knocking several of them away on the spot.

Because this red coffin contains Emperor-level energy, it will be very terrifying once it breaks out.

Boom boom...

Then, the Third Prince controlled the red coffin and began to attack the Ten Thousand Birds Formation crazily.

Those creatures from the dark faction rushed forward to stop them again.

The eldest prince and the second prince took their troops and attacked the formation while fighting the dark creatures.

The men and horses that the old wizard had arranged to guard the palace gate also rushed towards the three princes' men and horses.

Thus, a great chaos began.

The battle was so fierce that the whole world was shaking and seemed unbearable.

Among them, the red coffin controlled by the Third Prince was the most powerful. It could directly knock away the Half-Emperor master, and hit the formation again and again, making the Ten Thousand Birds Formation tremble continuously.

It's just that this Ten Thousand Birds Formation is very strong and it is unlikely to be broken in a short time.

"I have to go in.

Otherwise, the Suzaku skeleton in the palace will be swallowed up by the old wizard. "

Ye Yunfei looked at the battle for a moment, then suddenly appeared and strode towards the Thousand Birds Formation.

Because the old wizard had already entered the palace, Ye Yunfei knew he couldn't wait any longer.

Ye Yunfei's body movement was so fast that he traveled through the battlefield and arrived in front of the Ten Thousand Birds Formation in the blink of an eye.

"Miao Ziqiong's son!

He actually came into the Vermillion Bird Cave!"

The first prince immediately recognized Ye Yunfei and couldn't help but show anger.

He had a grandson who died in Ye Yunfei's hands!

And Ye Yunfei rescued Miao Ziqiong and Miao Xiaofei, ruining his plan.

"It's him!"

The third prince also recognized Ye Yunfei and was a little surprised.

Then, in the shocked eyes of the first and third princes, Ye Yunfei stepped directly into the Ten Thousand Birds Formation.

"How is it possible?

He can actually ignore the Ten Thousand Birds Formation?"

The first and third princes couldn't believe it.


That kid actually walked into the Ten Thousand Birds Formation!"

The other members of the Miao tribe were also very shocked and shouted.


You are looking for death!"

The troops that the old wizard arranged to guard the palace gate in the Ten Thousand Birds Formation immediately rushed towards Ye Yunfei.

Boom boom...

Ye Yunfei waved his hand and performed the Thunder God Body Art. Thick thunder appeared, carrying amazing lightning energy and struck the old wizard's men.

The Thunder God Body Art is not only an advanced body training method, but also a method that can control thunder, and can use lightning energy and laws to fight.


The old wizard's men were constantly thrown out by the thick thunder, like pieces of charred wood, with black smoke all over their bodies.

I saw dazzling and thick thunders lingering around Ye Yunfei's body, like a long silver dragon, looking very scary.

Ye Yunfei strode into the palace.

Ye Yunfei understood that he must rush into the palace quickly and snatch the Vermillion Bird skeleton from the old wizard.


Ye Yunfei's figure was as fast as lightning and he rushed into the palace in an instant.

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