Nine Suns Martial God

Chapter 2677 The 26th Battalion is a traitor



Ancestor, I will arrange the arrangements immediately! "

A man in black robes responded respectfully, then turned and left.

At this time, outside the core base of the 26th Battalion, the terrible battle was still going on. The extremely violent battle energy spread in all directions, shaking out dark space cracks in the chaotic void.


In the distant space and time, there are creatures everywhere who come to watch this battle.

The war between the light faction and the dark faction is now the top priority in the three thousand worlds, and all creatures in time and space are paying attention.

The battle has progressed to this point, and the disadvantage of the Light Faction has emerged. They are being beaten back and forth, and casualties continue to occur, making them extremely embarrassed.

"Don't be obsessed with fighting. If you have a chance, escape immediately and save your strength!"

During the battle, the leaders of the seven battalions of the Light faction continued to send messages to members of their own battalions, asking everyone to seize every opportunity to escape.

Only Leader Cang of the 26th Battalion had a complicated expression. He led the troops of the 26th Battalion quietly to the rear of the other seven battalions.

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Not only Chief Cang, but also almost half of the senior officials of the 26th Battalion also had complicated expressions, and many of them had expressions of struggle.

Only a few senior officials of the 26th Battalion had sneers on their faces, and they even had some expectations!

Right now.

"We finally arrived at the battlefield!"

Ye Yunfei's figure suddenly appeared in the distance, looking at the fierce battlefield in the distance, he said coldly.

"The dark faction actually dispatched more than two hundred earthly immortal masters!

Our bright faction has at least five or six battalions of men and horses capable of fighting.

However, it seems that the situation of our bright faction is a bit bad. Both the number of experts and the overall number are not as good as the other party. "

Ye Yunfei's soul power briefly sensed the battlefield in the distance, and he roughly understood the current situation.

"Everyone, get ready to start the massacre!"

Ye Yunfei's eyes were cold and he spoke to the top brass of the three battalions.

"I think it would be most effective if you first sneak into the battlefield yourself, and then suddenly release everyone and launch a surprise attack."

Mr. Hun said to Lin Fei.

"This is a good idea."

Ye Yunfei nodded in agreement.

So Ye Yunfei immediately used the time and space disillusionment method and rushed towards the distant battlefield.

With the significant increase in the level of space energy, the time and space disillusionment method currently used by Ye Yunfei is very clever, almost reaching an invisible and traceless state. During the movement, it is difficult for even the Earth Immortal master to detect it in time.

At this time, on the battlefield, the situation of the light faction was getting worse and worse, and the casualties were increasing.

“Chief Cang, your twenty-sixth battalion can take action!

Let's end this boring battle.

We don't have so much time to waste on this group of mortals. "

At this time, a master from the dark faction spoke coldly to Leader Cang of the 26th Battalion.

Chief Cang couldn't help but trembled when he heard this.

The other senior officials of the 26th Battalion also showed hesitant expressions.

"How about it, why don't you take action?"

The master of the dark faction sneered.


At this time, four senior leaders of the 26th Battalion suddenly stretched out their bodies and led a group of troops towards the rear of the other seven battalions of the Guangming Sect.

"That's it, let's do it."

Seeing this scene, two more Earth Immortal masters from the twenty-sixth battalion sighed, waved their hands, followed with their cronies, and charged towards the men and horses of the other seven battalions.


Let the people of the Light faction kill their own people. What a wonderful move!

If word of what happened today spreads out, it will definitely shake the military morale of the Illuminati faction and greatly undermine the fighting spirit of other Illuminati factions! "

A master from the dark faction sneered.

At this time, there were already six Earth Immortal masters from the 26th Battalion leading their troops to charge towards the other troops of the light faction. Due to the sudden incident, the troops of the other seven battalions were barely supporting the advancing step by step of the dark faction. Who would have expected that the men and horses of the 26th Battalion would launch a surprise attack from the rear, killing many people in one fell swoop. Even four Earth Immortal masters were killed by the six Earth Immortals of the 26th Battalion in the chaos. , and an Earth Immortal was seriously injured!

What's even more serious is that the battle formation of the seven battalions was suddenly broken up by the men and horses of the twenty-sixth battalion.

"Cang Tong, what are you guys from the 26th Battalion doing!"

The leaders of the other seven battalions turned around suddenly and shouted sharply almost at the same time.

"Everyone, I, Cang Tong, am sorry for you, and our 26th Battalion is also sorry for you, but we are forced to have no choice."

Facing the angry looks of other members of the seventh battalion, Leader Cang sighed and spoke.

"Cang Tong, let's put it this way, this time your 26th Battalion is in crisis and needs rescue. It is actually a trap. It is a trap set up by your 26th Battalion and the dark faction. The purpose is to lure us here, and then Surround and kill!"

The leader of a battalion asked angrily.

"Ha ha……

Yes, that's the truth of the matter.

The 26th Battalion has surrendered to our dark faction. We have set up a trap to gather you guys together and annihilate them, saving us from looking for you everywhere. "

Before Chief Cang could say anything, the Dark Faction master who had just ordered the 26th Battalion to take action laughed wildly, very proud. He wanted this effect, that is, to use the people of the Light Faction to kill the people of the Light Faction!

"Chief Cang, your 26th Battalion has done a good job. From now on, you are qualified to be slaves of our Dark Faction!"

The Dark Faction leader said loudly.

"Okay, Cang Tong, it turns out that you have colluded with the Dark Faction and surrendered to the Dark Faction with the 26th Battalion!

You traitor!"

"Cang Tong, our Light Faction will never let you go, nor will we let the 26th Battalion go!"

After hearing the words of this Dark Faction master, the leaders of the other seven battalions were shocked and angry, and they all roared.


It seems that you guys haven't seen the situation clearly. I advise you to think about your current situation carefully. You will all die here, so don't worry about other things."

An old man in black from the 26th Battalion snorted coldly and said loudly.

"I recognize you, you are Gao Yunyu from the 26th Battalion!

Gao Yunyu, you had problems with your cultivation before, which left serious hidden dangers to your body. Elder Yan from the headquarters treated you personally, otherwise you would never reach the realm of high-level earthly immortals in your lifetime. Now you actually betray the Light Sect, you are simply a wolf-hearted and dog-hearted!"

An earthly immortal master from the Light Sect cursed angrily.

"Enough, I am not interested in listening to you guys arguing here, let's do it, you 26th Battalion will be the vanguard, whoever kills more people, I will reward you heavily!"

The master from the Dark Sect said coldly.

"I will follow the orders of the envoy, please rest assured, I will do my best to kill the enemy and strive to get the reward from the envoy!"

Gao Yunyu from the 26th Battalion immediately said flatteringly.

"Well, you are good, don't worry, I will support you well."

The master from the Dark Sect said with satisfaction.

"Thank you, envoy!"

Gao Yunyu was a little excited.

At this time, the members of the seven battalions of the Light Faction were a little desperate. Originally, their strength was not as good as that of the Dark Faction. Now they found that the 26th Battalion had joined the Dark Faction. As a result, the overall strength of the Light Faction became even weaker!

"Everyone, the situation is critical. We have no choice but to fight!"

The leader of one battalion gritted his teeth and said to the leaders of other battalions.

"We have no choice but to fight. Killing one will cover our losses, and killing two will make us a profit!"

The leaders of the other battalions also nodded, knowing that they had to fight.

However, at this moment.

"You will not have the opportunity to receive the reward, because you are about to die."

A voice suddenly sounded, and then everyone saw a young man suddenly appear on the battlefield, walking towards Gao Yunyu step by step, with a cold face.

It was Ye Yunfei!

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