Nine Suns Martial God

Chapter 2919 Heart Gate

These thirty mental tokens are what Ye Yunfei gained during this period.

Some of them were snatched from the hands of immortal masters!

If it weren't for the ever-increasing mental energy level and the time boots' blessing effect on body speed, it would be very difficult to collect thirty mental tokens.

Among the thirty mental power tokens, there are some that Ye Yunfei has already comprehended before. Now Ye Yunfei plans to thoroughly comprehend those mental power tokens that he has not yet comprehended.

"I think you should study now how to obtain the treasures left by the owner of this city through these thirty mind power tokens. It won't be too late for you to understand these tokens after you get those treasures."

Mr. Hun suddenly said to Ye Yunfei.

"I understand, but I already have thirty mind power tokens in my hand. These thirty mind power tokens have been gathered together, but there is no special reaction. I don't know how to use them for a while. Use these thirty tokens to find the treasure left by the owner of this city.

Maybe you need to understand all thirty tokens before you can sense the treasures left by the owner of this city. "

After hearing what Mr. Hun said, Ye Yunfei used his mental energy and soul energy to sense the thirty mental tokens in front of him, but there was no gain, so he said to Mr. Hun.

"Yes, you have gathered enough 30 mind power tokens and put them together, but you haven't seen any reaction from them. This city is full of dense streets one after another. How should you rely on this? Thirty tokens to find those treasures?

Maybe you really need to understand these tokens thoroughly before you can find the answer. "

Golden Horned Dragon Silkworm was also studying those mind power tokens at this time and said.

"Then you should study it carefully first."

Hun Lao didn't have any inspiration for a while, so he had no choice but to say.

Ye Yunfei sat down cross-legged, released his mental energy and soul energy, and began to comprehend the mental tokens suspended in front of him.

Time passed slowly, and Ye Yunfei was like an old monk in meditation, falling into a deep state of enlightenment.

At the same time, the Heart Refining Bead was suspended above Ye Yunfei's head, continuously absorbing and refining the mental energy existing in the surrounding space, and finally converting this mental energy into his own mental energy.

In fact, during this period of time, the Heart Refining Pearl has been absorbing and refining the mental energy in this city, so that Ye Yunfei's mental energy level has been improving.

As time goes by, Ye Yunfei's understanding of those mental power tokens becomes deeper and deeper, and his understanding of the mental power laws contained in the tokens becomes more and more profound.

At a certain moment, dazzling white rays of light suddenly bloomed from Ye Yunfei's body.

"what is that?"

Golden Horned Dragon Silkworm suddenly pointed at Ye Yunfei's body and said in surprise.

Hu Miao, Mr. Hun, the remnant soul in the Phantom Tower, as well as the two sisters of the Xiao family, the two sisters of the Peng family all saw that inside Ye Yunfei's body, a white ball appeared at the heart, blooming The white light that rolled out was like a scorching sun, shining brightly.

The dazzling white ball continues to grow in size at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The terrifying mental energy is released from this white ball, causing the surrounding space and time to slightly distort and deform, as if to suppress this space.

"The ball seems to be condensed from the energy of the mind and the laws of the mind, and it has been integrated with his heart.

In other words, this white ball has become his heart, or it can be said that this white ball is actually a transformation of his heart.

"What kind of skill is this?

It's really amazing. "

Golden Horned Dragon Silkworm shouted in shock.


The white ball has been growing, its size has become larger and larger, and the mental energy it releases has become stronger and stronger.

The billowing divine light that bloomed was filled with a mysterious and ethereal aura, and had a grand feeling that penetrated the void and obliterated the ages.

"Please don't interfere with him. His mental energy seems to be undergoing some kind of transformation!"

The remnant soul spoke.

At this time, Ye Yunfei felt that his mental energy and mental laws were rapidly improving!

The range that I can perceive in this city is getting bigger and bigger!

Ye Yunfei saw many creatures in the city looking for the token of mind power. There were fierce fights everywhere for the token. He also saw many people from big forces searching for his whereabouts.

Gradually, the white ball at the heart of Ye Yunfei's body became bigger and bigger.

Fifty meters.

One hundred meters.

Two hundred meters.

The monstrous light illuminates the surrounding space to perfection. In fact, these dazzling lights are transformed from the laws of mind.

There is also a large amount of surging mental energy, like a rolling whirlpool, with the white ball in Ye Yunfei's body as the center, constantly rotating, surging, and boiling, like a vast ocean that is rolling up stormy waves. The momentum is amazing.

The terrifying mental energy pressure has completely suppressed and sealed the surrounding space.

"It's too scary. I don't dare to face such terrifying mental energy."

Golden Horned Dragon Silkworm had already hid in the Phantom Tower and said in surprise.

The two sisters of the Xiao family and the two siblings of the Peng family were also brought into the Phantom Tower by Hu Miao. The four of them simply could not cope with the mental energy and mental law released by Ye Yunfei.

I don’t know how long it took, but Ye Yunfei was surprised to find that the volume of the white sphere in his body had exceeded one thousand meters, and it was still growing.

When Ye Yunfei was hiding in this street to comprehend the token, in another street in the city.

"I finally got thirty mental tokens again!

I don’t know if I still have a chance to get the treasure left by the owner of this city!"

A young man said slowly with two mental tokens he had just obtained in his hand, with a complicated expression.

If Ye Yunfei was here, he would immediately recognize that this young man was the third prince of the Heavenly God Temple!

After Ye Yunfei robbed him of two mental tokens, he issued an order to let a group of members of the Heavenly God Temple who entered the city search for and kill Ye Yunfei everywhere, but he himself continued to look for mental tokens.

Because he was not willing to give up and wanted to try his luck again.

Now he finally got two more heart power tokens, so he finally collected thirty heart power tokens.

"I don't know if it's too late now..."

The Third Prince found a remote place nearby, waved his hand, and thirty heart power tokens appeared, floating in front of him. He was a little excited and a little worried.

Because Ye Yunfei collected thirty heart power tokens one step earlier than him, he was worried that Ye Yunfei might have obtained the treasures left by the owner of this city.

"After collecting thirty heart power tokens, how should I use these tokens to find those treasures?"

The Third Prince looked at the thirty heart power tokens floating in front of him, and he didn't find anything after looking at them for more than half an hour, let alone any clues.

"Is the secret hidden inside the thirty heart power tokens? Then I'll sense and comprehend it first."

Thinking of this, the Third Prince immediately released his heart power energy and sensed the thirty heart power tokens in front of him.

Soon the Third Prince's heart power energy sensed into the inside of those heart power tokens.

However, the level of the Third Prince's mental energy and mental law is not very high, far behind Ye Yunfei.

So he had not been able to discover the very high mental laws contained in these mental tokens before, and had never comprehended these tokens.

Moreover, in order to obtain the treasures left by the owner of this city, he spent all his energy and time on finding tokens. After getting a token, he immediately went to find the next token, and did not stop to spend time studying these tokens.

Until now, he finally took the time to study the inside of these tokens.

"The inside of these tokens seems to contain very high mental laws!"

After the Third Prince sensed the inside of these mental tokens for about half a day, he finally discovered that the inside of these mental tokens seemed to contain high mental laws.

"It turns out that these mental tokens are precious treasures, and they contain high mental laws!

Comprehending the mental laws contained in these tokens will definitely greatly improve my mental level!

It's really great!"

After discovering this, the Third Prince was very excited.

You know, although he can cultivate mental energy, his talent in this area is not as good as Ye Yunfei, and his adventures in this area are not as good as Ye Yunfei. He has been cultivating mental energy very hard and progressing slowly.

Now he suddenly got these thirty mental tokens containing advanced mental laws, which are of great help to his cultivation of mental energy. Of course, he was very surprised.

"But now is not a good time to comprehend these mental tokens. I should first find a way to get the treasures related to mental energy left by the owner of this city. I guess those treasures are more useful.

After getting those treasures, I will spend time to comprehend these thirty mental tokens."

The third prince said to himself.

However, in the following time, no matter how the third prince studied the thirty mental tokens, he couldn't figure out how to find the treasures left by the owner of this city through these thirty mental tokens.

"Damn it, there is no reaction at all!

What's going on?"

Gradually, the third prince became impatient.

"Could it be that the boy surnamed Ye has already obtained those treasures?"

Third Prince could not accept it, but he knew that this possibility was the greatest.

"Maybe he has not obtained those treasures yet, I'd better study them carefully."

Third Prince still had some luck in his heart and comforted himself.

Then Third Prince forced himself to study the thirty mental tokens.

But no matter how he studied, tried all kinds of methods, and thought of all kinds of possibilities, he still got nothing in the end.

"Damn it, could it be that the boy surnamed Ye really got those treasures!

How could he, a character like an ant, be qualified to get those treasures!

Those treasures should belong to me!"

Third Prince became more and more irritated. He stood up and walked around in the street. His voice became louder and louder. The last few words he said had turned into a roar to the sky.

"It seems that the boy has really got the treasures left by the owner of this city. Otherwise, the thirty tokens I collected would not have no reaction. It must be because those treasures have been taken away by that boy!"

The Third Prince had a ferocious face, gnashing his teeth, and his eyes were filled with endless anger.

"Those treasures belong to me!

Even if the boy surnamed Ye got them temporarily, they must return to my hands in the end!

I swear!"

Finally, the Third Prince forced himself to calm down, waved his hand, and collected the thirty heart power tokens.

"Pass my order, from now on, go after this boy with all your strength!

Find him at all costs!"

Soon after, the Third Prince found the people of the Heavenly God Temple and issued an order.

Although the Third Prince was only a mid-level immortal, he was the Third Prince of the Heavenly God Temple and had a high status. With his order, all the people of the Heavenly God Temple began to send voice transmissions to each other, passing the order to the communication tokens of every member of the Heavenly God Temple.

"Also, issue a bounty order, promise a high reward, and arrest this kid!

No matter who it is, as long as you catch that kid and hand him over to me, I will not only offer a huge reward, but also I, the Third Prince, owe him a favor. If you need any help in the future, you can come to the Heavenly God Temple for help!"

The Third Prince issued such an order again.

The members of the Heavenly God Temple were secretly surprised when they heard the Third Prince's order.

A huge reward is actually nothing to the Third Prince, because it is well known that the Heavenly God Temple is not only a well-known big force in the Chaos Void Sea, but also very rich, with a large-scale industry, and it is simply rich.

What is really valuable is the favor of the Third Prince. If there is any help in the future, you can ask the Heavenly God Temple to help!

Such a promise is really precious!

Soon, the members of the Heavenly God Temple spread the bounty order issued by the Third Prince himself.

"Why did that kid surnamed Ye provoke the Third Prince of the Temple of Heaven to such an extent that he actually issued a bounty order in person to offer a bounty for him!"

"I found that the kid surnamed Ye is really too arrogant and too troublesome. Now there are three bounties against him!"


After the bounty order issued by the Third Prince spread, it soon attracted many people's discussions, and everyone expressed shock.

At this time, in a certain street, Ye Yunfei was still comprehending the thirty heart power tokens in a small formation space.

At this time, the volume of the white sphere at the heart position of Ye Yunfei's body has exceeded two kilometers. It is slowly rotating, releasing terrifying heart power energy and blooming with rolling divine light.

"My heart power energy level has undergone a qualitative leap in a short period of time!"

Ye Yunfei was very excited.

"Yes, this young man has a good talent in heart power energy and is qualified to obtain the treasures I left behind."

At this time, there was a hidden will in the city that had been paying attention to Ye Yunfei, speaking in a voice that no one could hear.

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