Nine Suns Martial God

Chapter 3162 Entering the Heavenly Flame Realm


u0000At this time, Ye Yunfei had already arrived at a certain void in the Tianyan World Group. From a distance, he saw a large group of people guarding a space, and there were obvious spatial fluctuations in that space.

Ye Yunfei saw at a glance that there was a space entrance and exit in that space, but it had been hidden by someone using an illusion array.

"It seems that there should be the entrance and exit of the Tianyan World."

Ye Yunfei nodded, and then strode over.

There were people from the Shen family and the demon clan guarding that space.

Teams of people came and went, patrolling constantly.

The two major forces of the Shen family and the demon clan joined forces to attack the Tianyan World Group. Except for the ancestral land of the Peng family, other places have been occupied by the people of these two major forces.

Soon, Ye Yunfei came to this space.

"Boy, you are so brave."

The patrolling people of the Shen family and the demon clan immediately saw Ye Yunfei.

A group of Shen family soldiers rushed over, and the leader looked at Ye Yunfei with scrutiny and shouted.

Ye Yunfei waved his hand and slashed out a thick sword beam, which directly chopped all the patrolling soldiers of the Shen family into pieces.

"There are enemies!"

All the other patrolling teams around immediately found that something was wrong, and they all roared and rushed towards Ye Yunfei.

Ye Yunfei didn't take these Shen family and demon clan soldiers seriously at all. He strode forward, casually slashing out one thick sword beam after another, and each sword beam instantly killed a patrol team.

The 2.5 million swords returned to one method was used to deal with these ordinary people. The power was too terrible. It was simply to kill gods and Buddhas!

Previously, in the Sword Tomb of Three Thousand Worlds, the man in green had explained to Ye Yunfei that the Ten Thousand Swords Returning to One Law that Ye Yunfei was practicing now was already a divine-level swordsmanship. Using divine-level swordsmanship to deal with these ordinary people would certainly be very effective.

In a moment, Ye Yunfei killed all the people from the Shen family and the demon clan guarding this space.

Then Ye Yunfei came to a certain location in this space, where there were strong spatial fluctuations constantly rippling out.

Ye Yunfei saw at a glance that there was a spatial entrance and exit at this location, which should be the entrance and exit of the Tianyan Realm.

Ye Yunfei did not hesitate, and walked into the spatial entrance and exit in one step and disappeared.

Just as Ye Yunfei walked into the spatial entrance and exit, several figures came from a distance, with an astonishing speed.

"Who was that kid just now?

The sword technique he used is a bit like the legendary sword world's inheritance.

But how could the sword world have a sword tradition that spread to this void?"

One of the figures looked at the broken limbs and flesh everywhere in this space, as well as the sword aura and sword energy left by Ye Yunfei's sword technique, and said in surprise.

"This kid seems familiar, it seems to be Ye Yunfei from the Three Thousand Worlds who has been quite popular in recent times."

Another figure said.

"Is he Ye Yunfei?

Very good, since we have met, then we will find a chance to test how strong he is."

Another figure said.

Then, these figures emitting powerful energy followed Ye Yunfei and walked into the entrance and exit of the space.

At this time, Ye Yunfei found that he had come to a small world. As soon as he stepped into this small world, he found that the temperature had risen sharply.

In this world, there were rolling heat waves everywhere.

Looking around, the earth was covered with red land, and the rocks on the ground seemed to have been burned by a raging fire, and were all charred.

Most of the plants growing on this piece of land were red or black.

Ye Yunfei was walking on this piece of red land, and suddenly a huge red bird appeared in the sky in the distance. The bird spread its wings and glided from afar, just like a red cloud swooping down at Ye Yunfei at an astonishing speed.

Obviously, the red bird was attacking Ye Yunfei.

"Master, this guy's strength is actually equivalent to that of a perfect celestial being. What kind of demon bird is this?"

Hu Miao felt the energy emitted by the red bird and said a little surprised.

"I have never seen this kind of bird before."

Ye Yunfei shook his head.

At this time, the wind was howling, the sand and stones were flying, and the red bird had rushed to the top of Ye Yunfei's head, just like a red mountain falling down on Ye Yunfei, and the two red claws were full of power, grabbing Ye Yunfei's head.

Ye Yunfei punched upwards and collided with the two red claws.

With a bang, the big red bird was knocked back by Ye Yunfei's punch.

In fact, with Ye Yunfei's strength, it was very easy to kill the big red bird.

However, Ye Yunfei had heard Peng Rou say that the Sky Flame Divine Bird was the protector of this world group. The big red bird in front of him was definitely not the Sky Flame Divine Bird, but it might have some relationship with the Sky Flame Divine Bird, so Ye Yunfei did not kill it.

The next moment, in the distant sky, one red cloud after another whistled in, at an amazing speed, and instantly arrived above Ye Yunfei's head.

A total of dozens of big red birds gathered together and swooped down on Ye Yunfei's head at the same time, intending to attack Ye Yunfei.

"You beasts, how dare you take the initiative to provoke me!"

Ye Yunfei said, then he waved his hand and slashed, and a thick sword light rose into the sky, instantly killing more than a dozen big red birds and sending them flying backwards.

Ye Yunfei still didn't kill him. Although Ye Yunfei had shown strong fighting power, those big red birds were still unwilling to let go. Dozens of big birds rushed down quickly. Ye Yunfei waved his hand and slashed out two more sword lights, killing those big birds. Dozens of big red birds were all blown away.

This time, Ye Yunfei struck harder. All the dozens of big red birds had been injured by the sword energy and finally fled away.

Ye Yunfei continued to stride forward, moving quickly on this crimson continent.

"There's a body ahead!"

Golden Horned Dragon Silkworm suddenly spoke.

Sure enough, corpses began to be scattered everywhere in front of them, including demons, humans, and many people wearing red clothes.

"These corpses belong to the Shen family, the demon clan, and it seems there is another force.

Was it because they were fighting over the treasure? "

Golden Horned Dragon Silkworm guessed.

"Ignore them, if there is the whereabouts of the Heavenly Flame Divine Bead, I will definitely get it. If anyone competes with me, don't blame me for being rude."

Ye Yunfei said, then accelerated and rushed forward.

The masters of the Shen family and the Monster Clan must have been searching everywhere in this world for the treasures left by the Heavenly Flame Divine Bird.

Expeditions and treasure hunts are sometimes very first-come, first-served, and it is very important to seize the opportunity.

"Brother Ye, I didn't expect that we would meet again."

Just as Ye Yunfei was moving forward quickly, a cry suddenly came from behind.

"It's him."

Ye Yunfei sensed the soul energy back and found that there were five or six figures chasing after him quickly. One of them was Jin Yuehai whom he had seen in the Fire Realm before.

This Jin Yuehai once entered the Fire Realm to pay homage to Cui Hong.

Except for Jin Yuehai, the others were all strange men whom Ye Yunfei did not recognize.

Ye Yunfei didn't have a good impression of Jin Yuehai, and didn't even want to fight with him, so he accelerated his speed and disappeared into the distant horizon.

"Brother Jin, this guy has such a big air that he doesn't care about you at all."

A man in yellow snorted coldly and said to Jin Yuehai.

"As a young genius, it's normal to have a little arrogance, otherwise you wouldn't look like a young genius."

Jin Yuehai said with a smile.

"It seems that many people have entered here this time, hoping to find the treasure of the Heavenly Flame Divine Bird."

Jin Yuehai looked back and saw that many people were still entering this place, so he couldn't help but speak.

"The legend of the Heavenly Flame Divine Bird is that it is a divine bird from outside the chaos, and ordinary gods would not dare to provoke it at all.

The treasure left by such a strong man must be very good. Who wouldn't want to get it? "

Another man spoke.


While they were talking, the space behind them suddenly trembled violently, and then everyone saw a chariot with billowing divine light coming from behind.

This chariot is entirely golden, with two large cyan birds pulling it in front. Every time it flaps its wings, it takes the chariot through space and teleports a long distance.

"It turns out Fairy Qingxia has arrived!"

Someone whispered in surprise.

Several men traveling with Jin Yuehai looked at the chariot with billowing light with admiration and fear, because they knew that there was a woman with great background sitting in the chariot.

Not only was this woman powerful and beautiful, the ancient force behind her was even more terrifying, and not many people dared to provoke her.

Of course, everyone in Jin Yuehai's group has a distinguished background.

“You guys are here also for the treasures left by the Heavenly Flame Divine Bird?

I hope you won't compete with me, otherwise, I won't show mercy. "

A cold female voice came from the golden chariot.

"Look, Xu Tianjian is here too."

At this moment, a man next to Jin Yuehai suddenly pointed back,

I saw a man standing high in the sky far behind, with his hands behind his back, striding into the air.

"It seems that there are quite a few experts here this time."

Jin Yuehai looked at the man coming from the sky, frowned and said.

If Ye Yunfei were here, he would immediately recognize the man who was striding in the air with his hands behind his back. He was the man who had ten innate bones before.

Of course, four of the ten innate building trees have already fallen into the hands of Mr. Hun and been refined and absorbed by Mr. Hun.

"Are you here too?"

At this time, Xu Tianjian had already caught up with Jin Yuehai and his group, glanced at Jin Yuehai and others, and then said coldly.

"Brother Xu, remember to be merciful when you discover the treasure of the Heavenly Flame Divine Bird."

A man said with a smile.

"Everyone just depends on their ability."

Xu Tianjian glanced at the man, said coldly, and then continued to stride forward.

At this time, Ye Yunfei had already penetrated deep into the Heavenly Flame Realm.

Along the way, Ye Yunfei constantly encountered attacks from some strange-looking birds and beasts.

Most of these birds and beasts are characterized by their red appearance, and the energy they emit is fire energy.

In fact, the energy and laws that exist in this Heavenly Flame Realm are mainly fire energy and fire laws.

Ye Yunfei moved forward and encountered many volcanoes along the way, and there were even several burning seas of fire on the ground.

And since most of the plants in this world, including trees and grass, are red in color, from a distance, both grasslands and forests look like patches of red sea of ​​fire.

In short, this is a red world.

"They are right ahead, catch up!"

"They have already escaped into the volcanoes, let's split up and outflank them!"

At this time, Ye Yunfei heard shouts from ahead, and then saw a group of volcanoes ahead.

Volcanoes are dotted all over the place, some are silent, some are erupting, and a large number of people are rushing into the volcano group.

“Those are the people of the Shen family and the Yao clan!

Who do they seem to be hunting?

Are there people from the Peng family in this world?

Are they hunting down the Peng family's men? "

Mr. Hun said to Ye Yunfei.

"Let's follow up and take a look."

Ye Yunfei thought for a while, then increased his speed and rushed towards the volcanoes in the distance.

This volcano group covers a very vast area and is dotted with a large number of volcanoes. Some volcanoes are erupting violently, with fiery red magma rising into the sky, rolling and boiling, waves rising into the sky, and the red liquid having an astonishing temperature.

As soon as Ye Yunfei entered the range of this volcano group, he heard several huge beast roars coming from ahead.


There are many crocodiles crawling out of the volcano here.

These crocodiles are very powerful. "

Someone in front shouted in surprise.

Then Ye Yunfei saw some huge fiery red crocodiles rushing out from the craters that were erupting with hot magma.

These crocodiles are covered in blazing flames, are extremely powerful, and have very rough skin.

After these fiery red crocodiles rushed out of the crater, they immediately attacked the men of the Shen family and the demon clan.

The Shen family and the Yao clan immediately detached a group of troops to deal with these crocodiles crawling out of the crater.


Ye Yunfei was walking through dense volcanoes one after another, when suddenly a huge beast roar came from the crater of a nearby erupting volcano.

Then a huge fiery red crocodile climbed out of the crater, jumped in the air, and pounced on Ye Yunfei.

Ye Yunfei was already prepared. He dodged and punched the crocodile directly in the head. The crocodile was thrown back and fell into the crater again.

"These crocodiles are so powerful."

Ye Yifei was a little surprised.

Although Ye Yunfei had already punched the crocodile and threw it back, Ye Yunfei could sense that the strength of this crocodile was astonishing, and its skin was rough and thick, so it did not suffer any damage.

"The combat power of this crocodile is at least equivalent to that of a junior demigod. It is really too strong!"

Ye Yunfei said in surprise.

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