Nine Suns Martial God

Chapter 772 Purple Mystic Pill

Shiyan City, Wanbaoxing.

Wanbao Bank is a large-scale and powerful commercial bank in the Northern Wasteland, with branches in most cities in various states.

Ye Yunfei walked into Shiyan City, inquired about it, and came to the street where Wanbao Bank was located.

This is a majestic five-story building, splendid and resplendent, showing the financial strength of Wanbao Bank in every aspect.

Ye Yunfei walked into the lobby on the first floor.

The area in the hall is very wide and filled with shelves selling various items needed by warriors.

A large number of customers were shopping for items, which was very lively.

More than a hundred young and beautiful maids with coquettish figures and cool clothes are guiding

"Sir, what do you want to buy?"

A maid walked over with her waist twisted and asked Ye Yunfei with a professional smile.

"I'm not here to buy anything. I heard that your Wanbao store has an auction house. I want to auction some pills."

Ye Yunfei said.

“May I ask what level of elixir you want to auction?

The elixirs auctioned at our Wanbao auction venue must be at least a first-grade Dao elixir, and they must be confirmed by our treasure appraiser and deemed to be of auction value before they are allowed to be auctioned.

If the young master's elixir is a treasure elixir, please take it back. "

The maid smiled and said.

Although her smile was bright, there was a hint of contempt in her eyes.

Because Ye Yunfei's clothes looked too ordinary.

Unlike the children of wealthy families, nor the high-spirited disciples of great religions.

So the maid didn't think Ye Yunfei could get any valuable pills.

"Then ask your treasure appraiser to come out."

Ye Yunfei said.

"Young master really wants to auction?"

That maid

I was stunned for a moment, could it be that this unspectacular boy in front of me really had Taoist elixir?

In the Northern Wasteland, treasure pills are relatively common.

Those big forces can produce many eighth-grade or even ninth-grade treasure pills.

However, the number of Dao Pills is rare and very precious.


Ye Yunfei said.

"Well, sir, please come with me."

The maid hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded and led Ye Yunfei towards the back door.

Although she felt that the boy in front of her was not like a rich man and should not be able to produce any high-level elixirs, Wanbao's rules were very strict. Every maid must try her best to serve every customer and make every customer return satisfied.

Once a dissatisfied customer complains, Wanbaohang will punish the maid accordingly.

Therefore, the maid had no choice but to patiently take Ye Yunfei to see the treasure appraiser.

Soon, we arrived at a small living room behind the hall.

"Sir, please wait here for a while and drink a cup of tea. I'll go ask the treasure appraiser now."

The maid said and left.

After a while.

The maid came with a lean old man.

"I wonder what elixir the young master wants to auction?"

the old man asked.

Ye Yunfei took out a jade bottle and handed it over.

The old man opened the jade bottle and looked at it with some doubts.


"Fourth Grade Dao Pill!"

Immediately, the old man's expression completely changed. He couldn't believe it, was extremely shocked, and exclaimed.

Fourth-grade Dao elixirs are already among the top elixirs for the Northern Wilderness Territory.

Even the four most powerful forces, Jiuhua Holy Land, Tianxuan Holy Land, Li Clan, and Tiandao Academy, may not be able to easily obtain a fourth-grade Taoist weapon.


What's more, Ye Yunfei's jade bottle contains ten fourth-grade Taoist pills.

Fourth grade Dao elixir!

When the maid heard this, her delicate body trembled, and her pretty face was filled with astonishment.

When she looked at Ye Yunfei, there was no longer any contempt in her eyes, but awe and admiration.

This must be a wealthy and low-key young man!

Maybe he is the prince of a big clan or force!

Therefore, the maid began to look at Ye Yunfei with a bit of ambiguity and a secret look.

"Fourth-grade Dao Dan, are you going to auction it at Wanbao Auction House?"

Ye Yunfei said.

“Of course the auction!

Sir, what is the name of this fourth-grade Dao elixir, and what is its main function? "

The old man said quickly.

Although he could recognize that these were fourth-grade Taoist elixirs, he could not identify the specific names.

"If the Void Spirit Pill is taken by a warrior in the late stage of the Great Mysterious Pill Realm, there is a 80-90% chance of breaking through to the Yuan Soul Realm.

Taking it by masters with Yuanhun Realm strength will also have a great auxiliary effect on upgrading and breakthroughs, and can increase the possibility of breakthroughs by more than 30%. "

Ye Yunfei said.

Last time, Ye Yunfei gave the six Great Mysterious Dan realms of the Tang clan a fifth-grade Taoist pill. After taking it, they would definitely achieve a breakthrough.

What Ye Yunfei is now putting up for auction is the fourth-grade Dao Dan Xu Ling Dan. After taking it, there is an 80-90% chance of a breakthrough.


The old man was extremely shocked after hearing what Ye Yunfei said.

You know, there are countless Daxuandan realm warriors in the Northern Wasteland, but they have been unable to break through and become Yuanhun realm masters despite their hard training.

Once this kind of Void Spirit Pill is taken, there is an 80% to 90% chance of a breakthrough!

If it is true, the value is so great that it is impossible to


If a certain force obtained this bottle of Void Spirit Pill, wouldn't it be possible to create ten masters of the Soul Realm immediately?

What's more, this kind of Void Spirit Pill can also increase the possibility of upgrading breakthroughs for Yuanhun Realm masters by 30%!

So, even a master of the Yuanhun realm would try to snatch it!

For a warrior's upgrade breakthrough, increasing the possibility by 10% is something that can be desired, let alone 30%!

Therefore, the old man immediately realized how valuable this bottle of Xuling Pill is!

It can be said that once it is auctioned, many forces will come to grab it after the news spreads!

"Sir, do you really want to auction this bottle of Xuling Pill?"

The old man confirmed with Ye Yunfei in a trembling voice.


When can the auction be arranged? The sooner the better.

I don't want to wait too long.

Is it okay today?"

Ye Yunfei nodded.

"Sir, it's definitely not possible today.

Every auction in our Wanbao Auction House must be reported to the headquarters and approved by the headquarters before it can be held.

The earliest, we have to wait until tomorrow."

The old man said.

"So, I may have to trouble you to wait in Shiyan City for a day.

I will report to the headquarters immediately and try to arrange an auction tomorrow.

By the way, sir, the Dahuang Stone Field in Shiyan City is holding a large-scale gambling stone conference.

It is said that it has attracted many gambling stone enthusiasts to participate.

Sir, the gambling stone tradition in Shiyan City has a long history and is famous throughout the Xuanhuang Star Region!

If you are interested, you can also go and have a look."

The old man said.

"Gambling stone conference?"

Ye Yunfei was stunned.

Ye Yunfei naturally knew the so-called gambling stone.

In some

mining areas, special stones with a long history are often dug out.

These special stones often contain various valuable crystals, and even some priceless treasures.

Of course, there may be nothing, just a piece of stone that is a little older.

These special stones are a bit special. Even masters with strong soul power cannot use soul power to detect what is hidden in them. They must be cut open to know.

"Okay then.

I'll wait in Shiyan City for a day.

I hope you can arrange the auction tomorrow."

Ye Yunfei thought for a while and said.

"Okay, don't worry, sir, I will try my best to arrange the auction tomorrow."

The old man was overjoyed when he saw Ye Yunfei agreed to the auction.

"By the way.

I need a batch of fantasy-level magic weapons, the more the better.

I also need a batch of herbs and cultivation resources, and I have recorded the specific names in this jade slip.

This bottle of purple Xuandan auctioned crystals, you can help me exchange them all for fantasy-level magic weapons, and the herbs and cultivation resources I need."

Ye Yunfei took out a jade slip, threw it to the old man, and said.

"Okay, I understand."

The old man took the jade slip and said respectfully.

He knew that the young man who could take out so many fourth-grade Dao Dan must be very important.

It is very likely that he is a descendant of a major force from the Holy Land!

So, how dare he neglect it!

"Stone gambling conference, I haven't participated in such an event for a long time.

I remember that there seems to be a secret technique for identifying stones in geomancy.

I wonder if it is useful?

Let's go and have a look."

After leaving Wanbaohang, Ye Yunfei walked towards the location of the Dahuang Stone Quarry.

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