"Outer disciple?"

Qi Hong looked at Chen Yuan with even more surprise.

He knew in his heart that there was no need for Chen Yuan to lie about such a trivial matter, he should tell the truth.

He originally thought that Chen Yuan, like himself, was a leader among the Qi Refining disciples of the Lingyun Sect, but his reputation was not outstanding. He did not expect that he was only an outer disciple.

The other disciples of the two sects were also surprised. If what Chen Yuan said was true, he only became a member of the Lingyun Sect through the Immortal Ascension Conference. Before that, he was just a casual cultivator.

It is really unbelievable that a mere casual cultivator could have such strength.

The six disciples of the Guiyuan Sect kept Chen Yuan's name firmly in their hearts and made up their minds to inform their fellow disciples immediately after entering the inner ring and not to provoke this person.

It was also the first time that Ren You and the others knew that Chen Yuan was just an outer disciple of the Lingyun Sect.

Ren You didn't take this seriously, but Yang Caijun and Mu Peng couldn't help but turn their heads to look at Chen Yuan with admiration on their faces.

It is ten times and a hundred times more difficult for someone who is a casual cultivator to have such a method than for monks like them who have been trained by the sect since childhood.

Soon, the seven figures disappeared into the passage. Qi Hong took back the magic weapon first, and the others followed suit.

The long-faced disciple had a gloomy face, approached Qi Hong, and whispered:

"Senior Brother Qi, we will put these seven people into the inner circle. If Elder Xie learns about this, he will blame him..."

Qi Hong shook his head and said:

"It doesn't matter. Elder Xie just asked me to block the passage for two days before entering the inner ring and searching for spiritual herbs. If we let people in one day earlier, it won't be a big problem."

The long-faced disciple said unwillingly:

"But in the end, it is not all work. Although Chen Yuan is powerful, his magic power is limited. If he continues to delay, he may not be able to keep them."

Qi Hong sneered:

"Why should I take chestnuts from the fire for Qin Xuanning and Du Yu, regardless of the lives of all junior brothers? Isn't Qin Xuanning a true disciple? Chen Yuan and Ren You are so powerful that I can't deal with them. He should have a way to deal with them, otherwise why would he sit on them? The position of true disciple.”

His words were loud and the disciples of the Ziyang Sect heard them clearly. They couldn't help but feel good about Qi Hongda. At the same time, they felt a bit resentful towards Qin Xuanning, who was searching for spiritual herbs in the inner ring.

A Ziyang Sect disciple echoed:

"Senior Brother Qi is right! We took the risk and blocked the passage here, but we can't get any benefits. Qin Xuanning took all the advantages. It's time to let him taste the power of Ren You's flying sword!"

Qi Hong saw the changes in everyone's faces and knew that his words had an effect. He was secretly happy and sighed softly, saying:

"Poor Junior Brother Wang. There was great hope that the foundation building would be successful, but he died under Ren You's sword. It's all because of my lack of strength as a senior brother and my failure to save Junior Brother Wang's life."

The long-faced disciple has followed Qi Hong for a long time and is very good at observing words and expressions. After a moment of thought, he knew what he was thinking, and he immediately said angrily:

"Senior Brother Qi's qualifications are over. He is no less qualified than Qin Xuanning, but he has not ascended to the position of true disciple. Otherwise, he would have been given a magic weapon and talisman by the sect. That Ren You is no match for Senior Brother Qi!"

After everyone heard this, they felt a little jealous and dissatisfied when they thought of the many treasures given to Qin Xuanning after he became a true disciple.

Qi Hong secretly observed everyone's expressions, with a smile on his lips and said:

"That's all, let's not talk about this anymore. Junior brothers, if you try to survive for another half a day, you can enter the inner ring and search for spiritual herbs!"

Chen Yuan and the other seven entered Yixiantian, and after getting rid of the two disciples, they put the magic weapons into their storage bags and concentrated on their way.

The sky is about two miles long, with tens of thousands of cliffs on both sides, straight and towering. There is a narrow path in the middle, which can only accommodate a few people walking side by side. It is pitch black and cannot be distinguished.

The seven people each took out luminous pearls, fluorescent stones, lamps and other objects to light up the way forward.

A quarter of an hour later, the passage slowly widened, and everyone knew that the exit was in front of them, so they speeded up their steps.

After a while, a glimmer of light appeared in front of everyone,

Chen Yuan and Ren You slowed down at the same time. Chen Yuan took out the Dingguangjing and Chixiao swords and held them in his hands, while Ren You summoned the flying sword and was ready to go.

The other five people were startled, and then secretly praised the two for their caution. They also took out their magic weapons and slowed down.

Everyone slowly walked out of the sky, spread their consciousness, and explored the surroundings.

Chen Yuan's spiritual consciousness had the largest coverage area. He found that there were no other monks within a radius of sixty feet. He felt relieved and put away the fixing mirror and Chixiao sword.

Others also found that there was no danger outside the passage and put away their magic weapons.

Only then did they have the mood to pay attention to the scene around them. They saw a full moon in the sky, shining bright white moonlight, the Milky Way hanging upside down, and thousands of stars vying for glory. The light was as bright as day, and every plant and tree could be seen clearly.

Looking around, you can see the rolling hills in the distance, the beautiful flowers and grasses everywhere, the trees are lush and green, and there is a sense of vitality everywhere.

While everyone was looking at the surrounding scenery, Ren You bowed to Chen Yuan and said:

"Fellow Daoist Chen, now that we have reached the inner ring, let's break up."

Chen Yuan replied:

"Fellow Taoist, please do as you please."

Ren You bowed to Xue Lin and others again, and then left with Yang Caijun and Mu Peng.

After the three people left, Xue Lin, Song Qingru, and Core looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Before charging into the formation, the seven of them decided to hold back the disciples of the Guiyuan Sect and attack the disciples of the Ziyang Sect to open a gap.

But the disciples of Ziyang Sect all have top-grade magic weapons and are quite powerful. The leader is not inferior to Gu Zhaoshi in strength. If they want to achieve results quickly, they must concentrate their strength and fight against each other without distracting themselves.

This requires someone to hold back the disciples of Guiyuan Sect and prevent them from helping.

There are seventeen cultivators outside the narrow sky. Even if Ren You takes action, he dare not say that he can hold back the disciples of Guiyuan Sect and one or two disciples of Ziyang Sect, so that others can concentrate their strength to deal with the disciples of Ziyang Sect.

In the end, Chen Yuan volunteered to take on this task.

Everyone had never seen Chen Yuan take action, so they were half-believing and half-doubting about it, but Ren You knew that Chen Yuan's strength was not inferior to his own, and expressed his approval.

Afterwards, everyone sneaked into the passage within a hundred feet, and Chen Yuan and Ren You took action first, attacking and killing two disciples of Ziyang Sect, and then they took action together to subdue the disciples of the two sects and enter the passage.

Chen Yuan used five magic weapons at the same time, fighting against eight and killing one. Xue Lin and the other two were shocked. In front of Chen Yuan, they treated him like a foundation-building cultivator and dared not be careless.

Xue Lin thought for a moment and said;

"Chen... Senior Brother Chen, what are your plans next?"

Chen Yuan glanced at the three people and said lightly:

"Chen still needs to collect spiritual herbs, the three of you are free to do as you please."

After saying that, he stepped on the ground and floated away.

Xue Lin opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when he saw Chen Yuan's back, he closed his mouth again.

He originally wanted to explore the inner ring with Chen Yuan, but seeing that Chen Yuan had no intention, he had to give up. He turned to look at Song Qingru and said with a wry smile:

"Junior Sister Song, Senior Brother Chen is very powerful and looks down on us. It seems that only you and I can join forces."

Song Qingru had never thought of this before. Her beautiful eyes were clear and she said softly:

"Senior Brother Xue, let's set off now. Ziyang Sect and Guiyuan Sect have been searching the inner ring for at least a day. I don't know how many spiritual herbs they have taken away."

Xue Lin nodded and bowed to He Xin:

"Junior Brother He, see you later."

Then, he and Song Qingru looked in a direction and walked away. After a while, they disappeared into the dense forest.

He Xin sighed when he saw everyone leaving, and chose a different direction from them and walked forward.

He originally wanted to collect spiritual herbs with Xue Lin and Song Qingru, but the two looked down on him, a man with a broken arm, so he didn't want to go and make trouble.

After Chen Yuan left, he walked two miles and stopped, found a secluded place, took out a soul-restoring pill, swallowed it, and closed his eyes to meditate.

In front of the two sect disciples, he seemed calm, but in fact he was very nervous.

He controlled five magic tools at the same time, and used a top-grade magic talisman and three high-grade magic talismans to block two rounds of attacks from eight people. His magic power was greatly consumed and he had no strength to fight again.

Fortunately, Qi Hong weighed the pros and cons and took the initiative to admit defeat, so Chen Yuan did not show his cowardice.

But he still did not dare to show any weakness in front of Ren You and the other six people, in case they had bad intentions.

Until this time, he finally had time to restore his magic power.

A quarter of an hour later, Chen Yuan opened his eyes again, and his magic power was fully restored.

He stood up, shook his head slightly, and sighed.

The five spiritual roots cultivators are inherently weak, not only the cultivation speed is slow, but the magic power in their bodies is not pure enough.

Only by breaking through the foundation building stage can the gap between him and those cultivators with true spiritual roots and earth spiritual roots be narrowed.

If he had not had to enter the inner ring of the secret realm this time, he would never have fought against eight people alone and put himself in danger.

Chen Yuan's thoughts flowed, and his determination to build the foundation became more determined.

He took out the secret map and compared it carefully with the jade slip given by Elder Xu, then looked up at the Big Dipper, identified the direction, and headed east.

The black spiritual grass recorded on the secret map helped Chen Yuan pass through the Black Wood Mountain smoothly, giving him more confidence in what the map said.

If the secret map's description of the inner ring is correct, that place should not have been discovered by the disciples of various sects.

And only when he finds this place can he really hope to build the foundation.

Thanks to EricWSC for the reward!

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