Nine Transformations of the True Spirit

Chapter 148: Treasure Talisman

Chen Yuan left Baoguang Pavilion and returned to the rented Dizi Cave Mansion to meditate and practice.

Nie Ruyue informed him that the four foundation-building monk trade fairs would not be held in the next few days, and the nearest trade fair would have to wait for five days.

According to Nie Ruyue, these four trade fairs are all conducted in private, and the identities of the participating monks must be kept confidential.

This was done to prevent the Lingyun Sect from investigating. After all, the trade fair was a mixed bag, and there were a lot of things flowing out from the six major sects, as well as demonic items, which could not be traded openly.

Five days later, Chen Yuan followed Nie Ruyue's instructions and went to a remote shop in Fang City. After paying thirty yuan of low-grade spiritual stones, he walked through a secret passage and came to a hall.

There are more than a dozen chairs placed in the hall, forming a half-moon shape, and a square table is placed in front of it.

At this time, there were already five people sitting on the chairs, either wearing black scarves or masks, covering their faces.

The aura of these five people is restrained and cannot be discerned. They are all foundation-building monks. This is also the threshold for participating in this trade fair.

Like them, Chen Yuan wore a black robe and covered his face with Luo Yan gauze, turning it into a black gauze scarf, only exposing his eyes. It not only blocked his face, but also covered his breath.

He chose a chair at random and sat down. After waiting for two quarters of an hour, more than a dozen chairs were filled one after another.

At this time, the person in charge in black robes appeared on the stage, exuding a faint spiritual pressure. He was a monk in the middle stage of foundation building and announced that the trade fair had begun.

Chen Yuan sat upright slightly. This was his first time attending the Foundation Establishment Monk Fair, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation in his heart.

A monk wearing an ape mask came on stage, touched his storage bag, and two items appeared out of thin air in front of him. He said in a hoarse voice: "Third-level monster flying needle fish demon pill, two liang of medium-grade spiritual material Qinglin mud, I want to exchange for ten pieces of middle-grade spiritual stones.”

After hearing this, Chen Yuan leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair, closed his eyes slightly, and stopped paying attention.

But these two items aroused bidding from the three foundation-building monks, and the deal was finally completed at the price of fourteen middle-grade spiritual stones.

Next, the foundation-building monks in the field came on stage one after another, taking out the treasures in their hands, either in exchange for spiritual stones, or in exchange for things.

In the past, when Chen Yuan participated in the trade fairs of Qi Refining Monks, the people participating in the trade all exchanged the items in their hands for spiritual stones and then purchased what they needed.

However, the external objects used by foundation-building monks are often quite rare.

Some rare items, such as the Yingang Stone and Huanyin Stone that Chen Yuan needs, cannot be bought even if they have spiritual stones, so many Foundation Establishment monks choose to exchange things for things.

There are also people who do not trade items, but put out spiritual stones after taking the stage and spend a lot of money to buy some kind of treasure.

Among them, the most requested item is the cultivation elixir.

Cultivation is the foundation of everything. Almost every foundation-building monk will buy elixirs before stepping down, but no one sells them.

Chen Yuan sat in the audience, watching the transactions with cold eyes and showing no interest.

The things these foundation-building monks took out were not in his eyes. Among them, a middle-grade spiritual weapon that seven people grabbed was also of mediocre power, even slightly inferior to the Spiritual Bamboo Sword.

There is not even a single high-grade spiritual weapon he wants.

But when Chen Yuan thought about it, the threshold for this trade fair was still a little low. You only need to spend thirty yuan of low-grade spiritual stones to participate, so naturally there won't be anything good.

And when they reach the level of foundation-building monks, they can practice exercises, and the gap between them becomes wider and wider.

The foundation-building monks outside the six major sects have incomplete inheritance, low strength, and generally poor wealth.

If it were not for the exchange of high-grade spiritual weapons from the Lingyun Sect's Weapon Refining Pavilion, which requires a huge amount of good deeds, and Chen Yuan only has spiritual stones in his hands, he would never come to Lingyunfang City to buy spiritual weapons.

The trade fair is gradually coming to an end, and Chen Yuan has not participated in the bidding.

It wasn't until a foundation-building monk brought out two hundred-year-old spiritual grasses, which turned out to be one of the four spiritual grasses used to refine Nanguang Dan, that Chen Yuan's eyes lit up and he spent four middle-grade spiritual stones to buy them.

The market price of Breitling Grass is more than one hundred spiritual stones. Chen Yuan bought it at this price, which was a lot of premium.

But the spiritual grass was rare and suited Chen Yuan's needs. He would buy it even if it cost more spiritual stones.

Finally, it was Chen Yuan's turn to take the stage and put out sixty middle-grade spiritual stones in order to buy high-grade spiritual weapons. Naturally, he came back in vain.

This result was also within Chen Yuan's expectation. Although the people present did not reveal their cultivation level, judging from the items brought out by everyone, no one should be a late-stage foundation-building monk.

Maybe someone has a high-grade spiritual weapon, but it is also used as a trump card and will not be sold easily.

Chen Yuan changed his target again and asked to buy spiritual grass.

He has many elixir prescriptions in his hand. Just for practicing elixirs, there are six types: Zengyuan Dan, Nanguang Dan, Qingning Dan, Yuliang Dan, Heqi Dan, and Qinglu Dan.

Among them, Nanguang Dan, Heqi Dan, and Qinglu Dan are the prescriptions recorded in the jade slips given to Chen Yuan by Jin Luoheng.

Heqi Pill, like Nanguang Pill, is a mid-stage foundation-building pill, while Qinglu Pill, like Yuliang Pill, is a late-stage foundation-building pill.

When the foundation-building monks present saw Chen Yuan listing more than a dozen types of one-hundred-year-old herbs and several three-hundred-year-old herbs, they all felt shocked and began to guess Chen Yuan's identity.

This person is either an alchemy master or comes from a cultivating family. Otherwise, he would not have so many spiritual stones. He first wanted to buy high-grade spiritual weapons and then collected so many spiritual herbs.

A foundation-building monk took out three hundred-year-old herbs, which were auxiliary medicines for refining Qinglu Pill and Yuliang Pill. He asked for five middle-grade spiritual stones, and Chen Yuan bought them.

But other than that, no one took out the spiritual herbs. Chen Yuan waited for a moment, put away the spiritual stones on the table, returned to his seat and sat down.

After Chen Yuan, two more foundation-building monks came on stage to trade items, but the items they brought out were all mediocre, and Chen Yuan did not participate in the bidding.

At this point, the trade fair was over, and Chen Yuan only harvested five hundred-year-old spiritual herbs.

In the next month, he participated in two more trade fairs, but also gained little. He only bought five hundred-year-old spiritual herbs, but did not collect a furnace of elixirs.

The only unexpected surprise was that he met a monk selling a three-hundred-year-old spiritual herb, which was one of the main ingredients for refining Qinglu Dan, and was bought by Chen Yuan for ten medium-grade spiritual stones.

These two trade fairs, like the first trade fair Chen Yuan participated in, had very low thresholds, and the participants were of varying quality, and they could not bring out any good things.

However, this fourth trade fair was completely different.

According to Nie Ruyue, the person behind this underground trade fair was rumored to be a Jindan elder of Lingyun Sect. Rare treasures often appeared at the trade fair, and it was said that even magic weapons had appeared.

Moreover, the threshold for participating in this trade fair is extremely high. It is held once in March, and you need to pay five medium-grade spirit stones to participate.

Even for a foundation-building cultivator, five medium-grade spirit stones are not a small amount, which is enough to keep most people with meager wealth out of the trade fair. Those who participate are all wealthy people.

The threshold for the trade fair is so high, and the spirit stones are not collected in vain.

The person in charge guarantees that all the items at the trade fair will never be fakes, and he personally goes to the auction every time to auction some rare items so that those who participate in the trade fair will not go in vain.

It is more like an underground auction than a trade fair.

If Nie Ruyue, as the person in charge of Baoguang Pavilion, had not had a high status in the Nie clan and had a lot of spirit stones in his hands, he would not even know the existence of this trade fair.

If Chen Yuan wanted to buy a high-grade spirit weapon, this trade fair would be the best opportunity.

However, a trade fair had just been held one and a half months before Chen Yuan came to Lingyun Market, so he waited in the market for a month and a half before he had the opportunity to participate.

One day, Chen Yuan came to a shop called "Cai Fu Zhai" in the market and walked in.

The shop was spacious and crowded with customers. There were all kinds of magic talismans on display, from low-level magic talismans to top-grade magic talismans, and even five low-grade spiritual talismans.

Several Qi-refining monks were greeting guests. A young monk came up to them. He sensed that Chen Yuan was a foundation-building monk and knew that he was a monk. He quickly bowed and saluted: "Is this senior here to buy a talisman?"

Chen Yuan's face was covered with a veil to hide his face and his breath. He said in a rough voice: "I heard that your temple has a treasure-gathering talisman for sale, which can create something out of nothing and gather spiritual stones. I wonder if it is true or false?"

The young monk heard this, his eyes flashed, he smiled, raised his hand and said: "This temple does have a treasure-gathering talisman, senior, please follow me."

Chen Yuan followed the young monk and came to a quiet room on the second floor.

The young monk bowed and said: "Senior, please wait a moment, I will go and invite the shopkeeper of this temple."

Chen Yuan nodded, sat down in the quiet room, and waited quietly.

After a while, a middle-aged monk with a beard walked into the quiet room and bowed, saying, "Fellow Daoist, are you here to buy the treasure-gathering talisman?"

Chen Yuan stood up, bowed in return, and said in a rough voice, "Yes."

The middle-aged monk said indifferently, "This treasure-gathering talisman has extraordinary effects. It costs five medium-grade spirit stones per piece. After it is sold, it cannot be returned or exchanged. Would you accept it?"

Chen Yuan did not say much. He stroked the storage bag, took out five medium-grade spirit stones, and raised his hand to hand them over.

The middle-aged monk took the spirit stones, then took out a blank talisman paper and handed it to Chen Yuan: "This is the treasure-gathering talisman. Please keep it."

Chen Yuan took the talisman paper and put it into the storage bag without even looking at it.

The middle-aged monk smiled: "Fellow Daoist, please follow me. The treasure-gathering meeting is about to begin."

Chen Yuan nodded, followed the middle-aged monk, walked out of the quiet room, and went to the first floor.

Unlike going upstairs just now, Chen Yuan went downstairs this time and took a different staircase to a narrow room.

The middle-aged cultivator took out a formation plate, pinched the magic formula with his hands, and injected a trace of true energy into it.

The ground was faintly aura, and silently opened to both sides, revealing a stone staircase.

The middle-aged cultivator walked in first, and Chen Yuan followed.

The stone staircase meandered down, then flattened, and turned into a passage paved with bluestone strips.

The passage was extremely long. The two walked for a quarter of an hour before a stone staircase slanting upward appeared in front of them.

The two walked up the stone steps, and a heavy stone door appeared at the end. In front of the door stood two cultivators wearing oil-painted masks from ordinary dramas, emitting a faint spiritual pressure. They were all cultivators in the early stage of foundation building.

When the two saw the middle-aged cultivator, they nodded, made way, and cast the magic formula at the same time to open the stone door.

The middle-aged cultivator turned around, looked at Chen Yuan, and raised his hand to invite him: "Daoyou, please come in."

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