Nine Transformations of the True Spirit

Chapter 167: Traces of the Demonic Cult

After Chen Yuan left Leping County yesterday, he fled for a day and night, and finally arrived in Changming County late last night.

A casual cultivator accidentally encountered a demon cultivator at the tenth level of Qi Refining who was preaching here, and reported him to the Tiangang Sword Sect, and then transferred him to the Lingyun Sect.

However, this person's strength was low, and he only had the seventh level of Qi Refining. He just happened to have a magic weapon that could cover his aura, so he retreated completely after discovering this matter, and did not dare to investigate deeply.

According to the sect rules of Lingyun Sect, as long as it involves demonic cultivation, it will be handled by the foundation-building monks. Only then can Chen Yuan receive this simple sect task.

According to the mission description, as long as he eradicates the demon sect in Changming County, he can return to his clan and resume his life.

If there are foundation-building demon cultivators hidden behind the demon sect, Chen Yuan can kill them all and receive more rewards for good deeds, or he can find out and report them to the sect.

Compared with other sect tasks such as chasing down foundation-building demon cultivators and paying for level four demon pills, this task is extremely simple and is most suitable for Chen Yuan.

He is not afraid of those foundation-building demonic cultivators, but the one-year time limit requires him to complete a sect task first to avoid punishment, and then take on more difficult tasks to earn good deeds.

However, the requirement of this sect's mission is to eradicate the demonic cult in Changming County, so it is necessary to find the Qi Refining Demonic Cultivator who later preached the religion, and not to alert the snake.

So Chen Yuan first went to the home of a gentry named Ke Xiude outside the city, used ecstasy, asked about his family's situation, took a sum of gold and silver, and pretended to be a rich man.

Early this morning, he took a carriage into Changming County and came to this natural tea house to drink tea, listen to books, and inquire about news.

Foundation-building monks are restrained in their wits. As long as they don't activate their true energy, they are no different from ordinary people.

If Chen Yuan was still practicing Qi refining, he wouldn't be able to make this disguise.

As soon as he sat down and dispersed his consciousness, he discovered something was wrong.

Although all the guests, servants, servants, and accountants in the teahouse, including the storyteller on the first floor, appear to be normal on the surface, their bodies are depleted of essence and blood, their vitality is greatly reduced, and they will only have one or two years to live at most, and then they will die violently.

A kind of spell has been planted on them, which conceals the true physical condition. Even the best doctor in the world cannot see it.

This kind of magic is so clever that even Qi Refining monks cannot detect it. Only Foundation-building monks, who have transformed their souls and solidified their spiritual consciousness, can see through the truth.

Such a strange thing must have something to do with the Demon Cult.

When Chen Yuan found out about this, he felt happy, but then he remained calm, drank tea, and continued to listen to the storyteller on the first floor.

It's still daytime, so it's not convenient to do anything. It's not too late to wait until the dead of night to follow the clues and find out the reality of the demon sect.

"The old Taoist priest chased the demon, and you came and went in the sky. Here, the old Taoist priest thrust out a sword, which was so powerful that the sky collapsed. The demon on the other side opened his bloody mouth, blocking half of the sky, and bit it down. …”

The storyteller became more and more bizarre as he spoke, causing many guests to exclaim in surprise.

When Chen Yuan heard this, he shook his head and smiled, picked up the tea cup and took a few sips.

Although this Tianju fragrant tea does not contain spiritual energy, the taste is extremely good. Even Chen Yuan, who is not a tea addict, couldn't help but drink a few more cups.

A young man at the table next to him couldn't help but be delighted when he heard the wonderful part. From the corner of his eye, he saw Chen Yuan laughing. He frowned and asked: "Why is this brother laughing, but he thinks this is too fake? "

Chen Yuan put down the tea cup, raised his eyes and glanced at this person, and said calmly: "Although the world is huge and full of wonders, the storyteller said it as if he saw it with his own eyes, which is really unconvincing."

This young master was dressed in a dark blue gown and had a handsome appearance. There were two servants standing behind him. Like the others, his body's essence and blood were severely depleted and he was about to die soon.

The young master shook his head and said: "Brother, I don't know. My family has several shops in Lingyang County. More than a dozen servants witnessed this incident. At that time, there were indeed blood clouds covering the sky and blood rain falling from the sky. Lingyang The county suffered heavy casualties. Then an old Taoist suddenly appeared, splitting the blood cloud with a sword, and fled away in a flash of blood. The storyteller may have exaggerated, but it is generally true. "

Chen Yuan looked surprised, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for telling me, brother. I came to your place for the first time and never heard about this. I thought it was a storyteller who made it up, which made me laugh."

Seeing Chen Yuan admitting his mistakes so readily and with extraordinary magnanimity, the young master couldn't help but feel good about him. He stood up and came to Chen Yuan's table. He cupped his hands and said, "Qiu Xingcong, can you share the fine tea with me?"

Chen Yuan's eyes flashed, and he stood up and returned the courtesy: "Brother Qiu, please sit down. I am from Wei Wuding, a native of Yuzhou, and came to Dingzhou to visit my aunt."

Qiu Xingcong lifted up his gown and sat down opposite Chen Yuan.

The two servants brought over the teapot, cups, fruits and snacks, placed them on the table gently, bowed their hands to Chen Yuan, then retreated behind Qiu Xingcong and stood with their hands down.

Chen Yuan saw that although these two people were servants, they behaved politely. Qiu Xingcong just said that his family had a shop in Lingyang County, so he must be from a wealthy family. If he made friends with them, he should be able to find out the details of the demon sect faster.

Any missionary work, whether it is a true or heretical religion, will definitely win over wealthy people.

Such people have a wide influence. As long as they are drawn into the religion, the preaching effect will be more effective. They often hold high positions in the sect and have access to hidden things.

Qiu Xingcong smiled and asked, "I wonder which family Brother Wei is the mistress of? Maybe she knows my mother."

Chen Yuan knew that this was a common practice for squire children to ask about their origins in order to build friendship.

He could choose not to answer, or be vague about the past, but Qiu Xingcong would definitely not have a close friendship with someone who had no background, and would never interact with him again in the future.

And all the guests in the teahouse were depleted of energy and blood, so the Demon Sect must have a deep control over the Changming Sect.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Chen Yuan did not dare to cast spells at will. If he wanted to make friends with Qiu Xingcong, he had to win his trust.

Fortunately, Chen Yuan was cautious by nature and did not act casually just because he was a foundation-building monk. He had already made preparations before entering Changming County.

Chen Yuan replied: "Wei's aunt married into the Ke family."

Qiu Xingcong was startled, and then suddenly said: "Brother Wei, are you talking about Uncle Ke Xiudeke, who was once the chief registrar of Changming County and now lives in Enji Village outside the city?"

Chen Yuan said in surprise: "That's right. Brother Qiu also knows this uncle?"

Qiu Xingcong smiled and said: "My father and Uncle Ke have been friends for many years. Qiu went to Ke's house once four years ago. However, he has been busy with his studies in recent years and has not been out of the city for a long time. I wonder how Uncle Ke's health is?"

Chen Yuan said, "Brother Qiu, I'm thinking about you. My uncle is in good health. But he bought a dark cloud riding on the snow last month. When he was riding, he accidentally fell off the horse and his left leg was slightly injured. He will be raised now." It’s almost done.”

When Qiu Xingcong heard this, the smile on his face grew wider: "I have heard my father talk about this. He also said that Uncle Ke's equestrian skills were not good and the BMW was covered in dust. If it were him, he would definitely tame the Dark Clouds and Snow Horse. Be obedient.”

Chen Yuan's heart moved and he said with a smile: "Since your father intends to help my uncle to train the horse, Wei will go back immediately, inform his uncle of the matter, and personally deliver the precious colt to your residence."

Qiu Xingcong said happily: "My father likes BMWs the most, so I have to thank Brother Wei for this!"

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "It's a trivial matter. Please wait a moment, Brother Qiu. Wei will go and get the treasure right now."

He bowed his hands, stood up, walked down the stairs, and left the teahouse.

Qiu Xingcong watched Chen Yuan walk out of the teahouse, the smile on his face slowly faded, he pondered for a moment, raised his hand to call a servant behind him, and ordered: "You rush back to the mansion now and ask Butler Liu if Uncle Ke's main wife's surname is Wei. , where is the family name?”

The servant respectfully accepted the order, turned around and left quickly.

Qiu Xingcong felt relieved, drank tea, and continued to listen to Mr. Shu's stories.

He once heard someone say that there were bad people who deliberately befriended the children of wealthy families with ulterior motives, so he had to be on guard against them.

Although he did hear his father talk about Ke Xiude falling from his horse, there were many people who knew about it. To be cautious, he still wanted to investigate Wei Wuding's identity.

When Qiu Xingcong ordered the servants, although Chen Yuan had already walked out of the teahouse, he heard clearly through his spiritual consciousness.

He smiled slightly, got on the carriage in which he came, and headed out of the city.

Before he entered Changming County, he asked clearly about the situation of Ke Xiude's family. Except for his false identity, everything else he said was true.

It happened that Ke Xiude's main wife's surname was Wei, who was from Yuzhou, so he used the pseudonym Wei Wuding, not afraid of Qiu Xingcong's investigation.

However, he originally just wanted to forge an identity to avoid attracting the attention of people in the Demon Cult. Unexpectedly, he met Qiu Xingcong, who was acquainted with Ke Xiude, and it took no effort at all.

An hour and a half later, the carriage drove into the Ke family manor in Enji Village. Chen Yuan got off the carriage and ordered the butler to bring the horse on the snow.

The housekeeper was suspicious, but he didn't dare to disobey and brought the BMW over with his own hands.

He had never seen this young man before, but this morning, he suddenly came to visit and said he was the nephew of his mistress Wei.

The mistress and the master were both extremely surprised and specially ordered the servants in the village that no matter what the young man ordered, they must do it, otherwise they would be severely punished.

This is the effect of ecstasy. With Chen Yuan's current cultivation level, if it is used once on a mortal, the effect can last for more than ten days.

Ecstasy will cause slight damage to the souls of mortals, but when the matter is over, he will take the elixir to Ke Xiude and Wei as compensation.

Chen Yuan rode on the black cloud riding on the snow horse, and his anger was slightly released. This horse with a strong personality immediately became extremely obedient.

This horse traveled very quickly and returned to Tianju in less than an hour.

A servant next to Qiu Xingcong was waiting outside the door. When he saw Chen Yuan coming back on a BMW, he immediately came up to greet him. He bowed his hands and said respectfully: "Master Wei, my young master is upstairs. I will go and invite the young master." Come down, sir, please wait a moment.”

Chen Yuan nodded, dismounted and waited. After a while, Qiu Xingcong walked out of Tiantianju Tea House quickly, followed by the two servants who came up to him.

Chen Yuan raised his hand and caressed the horse's head: "Brother Qiu, please look, this is the black cloud riding on the snow."

Qiu Xingcong circled the BMW, his eyes were shining, and he laughed and said: "What a thousand-mile horse! If Brother Wei is a believer, please follow Qiu to the house to talk about it. My father will definitely know this horse when he sees it." Treat Brother Wei as a guest!"

Chen Yuan's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: "Then it's better for Wei to be respectful than to obey."

There are some things today, so the update is a little late. Sorry, the third chapter may not be written, so book friends don’t have to wait.

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