Nine Transformations of the True Spirit

Chapter 214: Destroying the Enemy

The longevity pill is extremely precious and can save a life at a critical moment, but at this time there is still the hidden danger of Master Qingyou in Chen Yuan's soul space. He dare not be careless and can only take one pill to turn his essence into blood.

When he heard the young cultivator's voice transmission before, Chen Yuan had thought of killing the two on the spot to eliminate future troubles.

But the six sects of Qi State joined forces to fight against the two demon sects. It was a time of common hatred and hatred. Private fighting was strictly prohibited, and violators would be killed immediately.

The place where he met the two was too close to the oasis. If he was not careful and the news leaked out, attracting the monks of Ziyang Sect, even Jin Luoheng could not save him.

Otherwise, he would never let the two leave.

A day later, Chen Yuan refined the power of the longevity pill, his face became ruddy again, and his essence and blood in his body were fully restored.

He was relieved a little and wanted to meditate and practice to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

But at this moment, the voice of Master Qingyou sounded in his ears: "What do you think, young friend?"

"The Blood Spirit Sect and the Hehuan Sect have been passed down for thousands of years. Even if the six sects of Qi join hands, they are definitely not opponents of the two sects."

"The people of Ziyang Sect act domineeringly. Since they have set their sights on you, they will never let you go."

"As long as you swear to help me seize the body, I can help you avoid this disaster and no longer worry about the threats of the demon cultivators and the Ziyang Sect Jindan cultivator..."

Today, when Chen Yuan went to the Good Merit Hall to receive the Demon-Slaying Order, he talked with Zhang Zian and Wang Ran, and let Master Qingyou know about the battle between the six sects of Qi and the two sects of the Demon Dao, and used this to persuade Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan looked hesitant and asked, "Senior, can you reveal something first?"

Master Qingyou smiled and said, "As long as you make a vow, I will tell you everything."

Chen Yuan just wanted to trick him, so how could he agree? Seeing that he was very tight-lipped, he could only perfunctorily say, "I still have doubts in my heart. Please give me a few more days to carefully consider the pros and cons."

Master Qingyou smiled and said, "My friend, please do as you please, but don't blame me for not reminding you that the way to avoid the disaster must be prepared early. The sooner you make a decision, the easier it will be to avoid this disaster..."

His voice slowly lowered, but Chen Yuan's mood was aroused, like the surface of a lake wrinkled by the wind, rippling and difficult to calm down.

It is unknown how long the war between the two sects of the Demonic Path and the six sects of Qi will last. He does not want to be involved in it at all. If Master Qingyou can help him avoid this disaster, practice with peace of mind, and find the descendants of the True Spirit, it is exactly what he dreams of.

Chen Yuan struggled several times in his heart, and suddenly took a deep breath. The Chilong pendant on his waist lit up, and a cool feeling surged into his heart, helping him to slowly calm down. He slowly closed his eyes and absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

What Master Qingyou said might be true, but it was more likely to be false.

This was a war involving several large sects of the righteous and the evil, and affecting several countries. How to avoid it?

And the jade pendant was Chen Yuan's biggest secret, and it must not be exposed to others. There was a situation of life and death between him and Master Qingyou.

Three days later, in the middle of the night, Chen Yuan, who had been meditating and practicing, suddenly opened his eyes.

Master Qingyou's voice rang in his ears: "My friend has been thinking about it for several days. Is there any result?"

Chen Yuan stood up: "I will give you an answer right away."

He walked out of the practice room and came to a large stone room. He raised his hand to take down a huge stone as big as a millstone, revealing a stone window.

Looking through the stone window, the dark sky was dotted with stars, forming a flowing galaxy, hanging high above the sky, and a crescent moon was hidden in the galaxy, with a dim light.

True Man Qingyou's tone was slightly puzzled: "What do you mean, young friend?"

Chen Yuan said lightly: "Senior, you will know later."

He took out an exquisite brocade bag from his arms, put his right hand into it, and took out the jade.

"This is..."

True Man Qingyou's voice had not yet fallen, and the jade under the starlight suddenly lit up with a green light.

The next moment, the long galaxy suddenly blinked, and each star had a tiny light, which gathered together and condensed into a silver light column, falling from the sky.

"What is this jade?" True Man Qingyou's voice rang again, with a hint of surprise.

He had a high level of cultivation and had seen many magic weapons, but the most powerful magic weapon he had seen could not even shake a star, let alone move the stars in the sky.

Chen Yuan did not answer. He did not know whether the power of the Zhoutian stars would be effective for the soul of Master Qingyou. He was unsure and his eyes were quite nervous.

Success or failure, this was the key.

A few breaths later, the silver light column crossed hundreds of millions of miles, quietly passed through the Lingyun Sect's strict protective formation, and landed on the quiet Yunyin Peak, covering Chen Yuan.

He only felt that the lake of true essence in his dantian was drying up rapidly, and a cool feeling enveloped his whole body, but his head was burning, as if a ball of fire was burning, giving him a splitting headache.

This was completely different from the previous time when he attracted starlight to his body. Chen Yuan held back his head, looked inside himself, opened his eyes, and stared at Master Qingyou in front of him.

At this time, countless silver light spots poured into the soul space, like moths, rushing towards Chen Yuan's soul.

Master Qingyou looked at these silver light spots with a very solemn expression.

The sky was full of stars, and the starlight covered his body. This was something he had never heard of or seen before. The jade pendant was either a mere show or an extremely precious treasure, more precious than all the treasures he had seen before combined!

Suddenly, the silver light spots that were rushing towards Chen Yuan paused, and all changed direction, rushing towards the soul of Master Qing You from all directions.

After the silver light touched the soul of Qing You Zhenren, it was like a spark flying into dry wood, and it immediately burned and turned into silver flames.

Countless silver flames gathered together, covering Qing You Zhenren completely, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

An indescribable pain surged up, and wisps of yellow light rose from his soul, slowly dissipating in the soul space.

Under the burning of the power of the Zhoutian stars, Qing You Zhenren's soul turned into wisps of pure soul essence and merged into Chen Yuan's soul space.

He performed several secret techniques in succession, but they were all useless. He could not stop the burning of the silver flames at all, and hurriedly said: "My friend, wait, I have a shocking secret to tell you!"

Chen Yuan looked at Qing You Zhenren who had turned into a fire man, and he was sure in his heart that the power of the Zhoutian stars was indeed effective in dealing with ghosts.

He said calmly: "Senior, as long as you tell me the truth about how to avoid the devil's calamity, I will stop. Otherwise..."

Qingyou Zhenren endured the severe pain and said: "As long as you stop, I will tell you the truth immediately!"

Chen Yuan sneered: "It seems that you still don't understand the situation. In this case, I can only send you on your way!"

As he said, he raised his hand and made a spell, muttering something.

In addition to being condensed from illusory white light, Chen Yuan's soul is no different from a human body. When he made a spell and chanted, he was also very powerful.

Qingyou Zhenren's soul had been burned for most of the time and was about to collapse. Seeing that Chen Yuan had no intention of holding back and was even going to use more powerful means, his heart sank again.

But even if he was facing a life-and-death crisis, he was not panicked at all. He said in a deep voice: "As long as you stop, I will tell you all the secrets I know, and I will definitely help you survive this calamity!"

He was worried that after he told the secret, he would lose his value and be killed by Chen Yuan.

Therefore, he would never speak before Chen Yuan stopped.

Chen Yuan shook his head slightly, a trace of regret appeared on his face, he put down his hands, stopped talking, and said lightly: "Senior has reached this point, but he still keeps his mouth shut. He is worthy of being the first cultivator under the Nascent Soul who was once famous in Qi. Since the senior is determined to die, then the junior will fulfill the senior's wish!"

Countless silver light spots continued to rush towards Master Qingyou, and the silver flame on his soul became more and more dazzling, illuminating the gray soul space.

Master Qingyou endured the severe pain of refining the soul and spoke with difficulty: "Please... stop, my friend, I am willing to serve you as my master and let you plant... soul restriction!"

Chen Yuan sneered, ignored Master Qingyou's plea for mercy, and just looked at him expressionlessly.

He also had no way to control the power of the Zhoutian stars. The gesture of pinching the fingers and chanting the spell just now was just to force Master Qingyou to tell the shocking secret.

But Master Qingyou was able to keep his mouth shut when he was on the verge of death, so Chen Yuan wasted a lot of effort.

At this moment, the endless silver light spots finally became thinner, and Chen Yuan withdrew his mind. He only felt that the cool and numb feeling all over his body disappeared, and the starlight dissipated and the true energy in his body was consumed.

Thirty breaths have passed, and this time the starlight infusion has ended.

Chen Yuan's heart trembled, and his mind attached to the soul again. The silver flame on Master Qingyou gradually became thinner until it disappeared, revealing his figure again.

Originally, Master Qingyou's soul was extremely solid, just like a real person, even his clothes and shoes seemed very real.

But now, Master Qingyou's soul is extremely illusory, as if it was condensed from smoke, and it would dissipate with a gust of wind. His eyes were blank and his expression was dull.

Chen Yuan stared at him for a while, and he still didn't say a word, his eyes were dull, and he stayed where he was.

After the silver light spot disappeared, the soul space returned to gray, but the white light floating around added some brightness.

Chen Yuan's soul and Qing You Zhenren's soul were both suspended in the void, boundless and silent, as if they were in the void.

Chen Yuan frowned and waited for a while, then slowly floated in front of Qing You Zhenren's soul, but he still had no reaction.

Chen Yuan looked at him carefully, and raised his hand to grab him.

He grabbed Qing You Zhenren's neck with his right hand, but it was empty and passed through Qing You Zhenren's soul.

Qing You Zhenren's illusory soul, like smoke and fog, trembled, and really turned into a ball of yellow smoke, floating towards Chen Yuan and merging into his soul.

The next moment, a huge memory poured into Chen Yuan's mind, and his mind was blank, and then he was drowned by this torrent of memory, and he was immersed in it.

After a long time, Chen Yuan woke up from this memory, opened his eyes suddenly, and stared blankly ahead.

At this time, the sky was bright, and a warm sun shone on Chen Yuan. Unconsciously, a night passed quietly.

Chen Yuan slowly exhaled, put the jade back into the brocade bag, put it in his arms, then blocked the stone window with a huge stone, walked slowly to the practice room, sat down cross-legged, and his face was full of fear.

True Man Qing You died under the power of the Zhou Tian stars, but he took the initiative to leave a body of consciousness, which was obtained by Chen Yuan.

True Man Qing You had a profound cultivation, a long life, and a lot of experience. His consciousness suddenly poured into Chen Yuan's mind. Under the huge impact, Chen Yuan's own consciousness was almost wiped out.

Fortunately, his soul was condensed, his consciousness was strong, and his mind was extremely firm, so he barely withstood the impact of this consciousness.

True Man Qing You almost succeeded. If Chen Yuan's consciousness was a little weaker, he would have become a foolish person at this time, and his life would be worse than death.

But he took such a big risk, and the gains were equally huge.

Chen Yuan's mind entered this memory, which was equivalent to spending his whole life as Qing You Zhenren. He knew everything about Qing You Zhenren's life.

Qing You Zhenren was not from Donghuazhou, but came from another continent across hundreds of thousands of miles through an ancient teleportation array!

That continent was called Jiuxianzhou, which was vast, rich in spiritual energy, and full of spiritual materials.

Qing You Zhenren was a disciple of a large sect, Wentian Sect, but a thousand years ago, Wentian Sect was suddenly destroyed by a powerful enemy. Qing You Zhenren fled with the Wentian Ding magic weapon and fled to Donghuazhou through a hidden ancient teleportation array.

But when he teleported, he made a huge noise, affecting a radius of 100 miles. He was discovered by a passing Jindan cultivator from Ziyang Sect, who rushed over and mistakenly thought that it was a Yuanying cultivator's cave residence.

Ziyang Sect cultivators have always been domineering, and the Jindan cultivators in the sect are even more arrogant. They immediately wanted to capture Qing You Zhenren and torture him about the Yuanying cultivator's cave residence.

After the sect of True Man Qing You was destroyed, he was full of anger. In order to cover up the secret of the ancient teleportation array, he immediately used thunder and lightning to kill this early Jindan cultivator.

But before he died, this person used a secret technique and left a mark on True Man Qing You.

True Man Qing You immediately fled far away, but soon two middle Jindan cultivators of Zi Yang Sect, one in front and one behind, came to him following the mark and were easily killed by him.

Zi Yang Sect would naturally not give up, and sent two late Jindan cultivators to chase and kill True Man Qing You.

Jiuxianzhou has rich spiritual energy, and the strength of the cultivators is already higher than that of Donghuazhou. When True Man Qing You fled, he took several magic weapons of Wentian Sect, which made him even more powerful.

He first trapped one person with Wentian Ding, and then killed another late Jindan cultivator with all his means, and then killed this person.

Five elders of Zi Yang Sect died in succession, including two late Jindan cultivators, which shocked the whole sect.

The then head of the sect, Taoist Lu Hong, personally took action to hunt down Qing You.

At that time, Qing You had reached the peak of Jindan and was preparing to form a baby. There were few rivals at the same level, and he was the best in Qi State below Yuanying.

But in front of a Yuanying cultivator, he could only flee for his life, and was even forced to self-destruct his magic weapon to stop Taoist Lu Hong's steps, which was embarrassing.

In the end, he managed to escape, but many magic weapons were destroyed, he was seriously injured, his consciousness was damaged, and he had no hope of forming a baby.

After this incident, Qing You could only stay away from Qi State and find a place to practice in seclusion.

After recovering from his injuries, in order to repair his consciousness and find spiritual objects for forming a baby, Qing You quietly returned to Qi State, set up a formation, concealed the momentum of activating the teleportation formation, and sneaked back to Jiuxianzhou through the ancient teleportation formation.

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