Nine Transformations of the True Spirit

Chapter 219 Teleportation Array

The skinny monk did not lie, he really knew a top secret.

The Blood Spirit Sect had set its sights on a spiritual stone mine in the Guiyuan Sect and had gathered more than a dozen demon cultivators. Five days later, they were going to attack the mine. These two people were from the affiliated sects of the Blood Spirit Sect and were also involved.

This spiritual stone mine did not produce many spiritual stones, ranking last among the several spiritual stone mines under the jurisdiction of the Guiyuan Sect, but the defense was still extremely tight.

The Blood Spirit Sect had been planning for a long time, but had never had a chance to act.

Until recently, when the Guiyuan Sect had transferred a group of cultivators to the Demon-Slaying Desert, the defense of the spiritual stone mine had become much weaker, and the Blood Spirit Sect decided to take action.

According to the Blood Spirit Sect cultivator, at least twenty foundation-building cultivators were involved in this matter, including three cultivators in the late foundation-building period, and the chances of winning were very high, so the skinny monk was persuaded.

If Chen Yuan was a law enforcement cultivator of the Guiyuan Sect as he guessed, as long as he reported the matter to the sect, it would be enough to make a great contribution.

But he killed Li Ju and made enemies with Guiyuan Sect in the secret realm of Dongxu Mountain, so he naturally would not tell Guiyuan Sect about this.

Three days later, there was enough time...

Chen Yuan kept this in mind, urged his true essence, and the speed of the Duyun Boat increased a bit.

After flying for five hours in a row, Chen Yuan slowed down and landed the Duyun Boat.

This is a small mountain range that stretches for more than ten miles, thousands of miles away from Huanyue Market. The barren hills are short, the grass and trees are sparse, and there are yellow sand and gravel everywhere. The rivers are dry and the spiritual energy is thin.

Chen Yuan was slightly startled. The scene he saw from the memory of Master Qingyou was a green mountain and green water, lush forests, waterfalls and springs, beautiful scenery, like a fairyland on earth, and a densely populated place.

Thousands of years have passed, and this place has become a poor mountain and bad water, with few people.

Chen Yuan shook his head, flew slowly around the wild mountains, carefully identified the scene in the mountains, and compared it with the memory of Master Qingyou.

The terrain and landscape of this mountain range have changed a lot, and it is difficult to determine the exact location of the ancient teleportation array.

About half an hour later, he finally saw a clue, put away the Duyun Boat, and landed on a wild mountain.

This wild mountain is about a hundred feet high and bare. The loess on the surface of the mountain has been lost, leaving only gray-white rocks.

On the mountainside, there is a dark cave with a height of about ten feet. The entrance is very deep and you can't see the bottom at a glance.

Chen Yuan stroked his storage bag, sacrificed the Xuanshui Flag, condensed into a Xuanming Water Curtain, protected himself, and walked in.

The interior of the cave was dim and dark, and there was a dead silence. After walking a few dozen feet, it gradually became wider and finally turned into an empty stone hall.

Chen Yuan walked into the stone hall and stopped.

It was pitch black here, but with the deep blue light from the Xuanming Water Curtain, Chen Yuan could see the surrounding scene.

This stone hall was about an acre in size, several feet high, with a flat ground and forty-nine formation flags planted around it, but it had long been dilapidated under the erosion of time.

This was the formation set up by Master Qingyou to cover up the celestial phenomena caused by the activation of the ancient teleportation formation. After a thousand years, it was no longer usable.

On the ground in the center of the stone hall, there was a round platform about three feet in size, one foot above the ground.

Chen Yuan walked quickly to the front of the round platform and looked at it intently.

The top of the round platform was uneven, with black lines about an inch thick and winding, forming extremely complex patterns and tracks, covering the entire round platform, forming a formation.

These lines flashed with strange luster under the deep blue light of the Xuanming Water Curtain, and at a glance, they actually felt dizzy.

There were eight grooves around the formation, with some light powder scattered in them.

Chen Yuan was relieved a little. This was the ancient teleportation array that could connect Donghuazhou and Jiuxianzhou. After a thousand years, it was still intact.

He looked up and saw more than a dozen night-shining pearls hanging on the surrounding stone walls, but they had long lost all their luster.

The top of the stone hall was the same as the stone wall, grayish white and very flat, but the top of the round platform was dark yellow and much rougher, uneven, and out of tune with the surroundings.

When Master Qingyou came to Qi through the teleportation array, the power of space overflowed, but under the constraints of the array, it could not be destroyed at will. Finally, a beam of light was formed, piercing through the mountain peaks and rushing straight into the sky, attracting the Jindan cultivators of Ziyang Sect.

After Master Qingyou killed this man, he noticed the mark he left on himself, so he used a piece of earth-based spiritual material to fill the gap in the mountain peak, and then performed a magical secret technique, disguised as a natural disaster, and slaughtered all the mortals within a hundred miles nearby to ensure that the secret of the ancient teleportation array would not be leaked, and finally fled far away.

Chen Yuan stroked his storage bag, took out a dozen night-shining pearls, waved his hand, and these night-shining pearls flew out and embedded into the stone wall, casting soft light, and the stone hall suddenly became bright.

He put away the Xuanshui flag, looked down at the formation on the round platform, stepped on the ground, flew to the round platform, and landed in the center of the formation.

The ancient teleportation array here is well preserved, but the teleportation array at the other end is unclear. It needs to be tested to know whether the teleportation array is still unobstructed.

He stroked his storage bag, and eight medium-grade spirit stones appeared out of thin air on his palm. With a wave of his hand, the spirit stones flew accurately into eight grooves.

These eight spirit stones have different colors, and they are the eight attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, wind and thunder.

Chen Yuan took a deep breath, stroked his storage bag again, took out the black token that Yu Qing gave him, and injected a trace of true energy.

After getting the memory of Master Qingyou, he knew that this token was called Qiankun Token, made of Qiankun Stone, and contained a unique spatial force that could help cultivators resist the spatial pressure generated during teleportation.

Yu mistakenly thought that Qiankun Token was the token to open another cave of Master Qingyou, but it was the registered disciple's random guess.

The ancient teleportation array spanned the continent, and the distance was too far, so the spatial pressure generated was extremely great, enough to cause the physical body of a Jindan cultivator to collapse.

Cultivators below Yuanying must hold Qiankun Token to complete the teleportation.

After Chen Yuan injected the true essence, the cloud pattern on the back of the black token lit up slightly, but dimmed after a while, and the teleportation array did not respond.

Chen Yuan smiled bitterly, raised his hand, took eight medium-grade spirit stones into his hand, put them away, and then took out eight high-grade spirit stones, looked at them reluctantly, and sprinkled them into the eight grooves.

Master Qingyou used this ancient teleportation array several times, and he used high-grade spirit stones to activate it.

Chen Yuan was hoping for the best, so he tried it with a medium-grade spirit stone. It didn't work, so he had to use a high-grade spirit stone.

He took a deep breath and continuously injected true energy into the Qiankun Order.

The cloud pattern on the back of the black token lit up slightly, and eight high-grade spirit stones exploded. The eight black lines connecting the grooves were dyed with eight colors of gold, green, red, blue, yellow, white, blue, and silver, and quickly extended to the middle of the formation.

After a breath, the entire formation was dyed with eight colors, mixed together, and turned into a slightly grayish silver-white color, which was extremely strange.


The teleportation formation made a buzzing sound, and silver-white light quickly rose from the edge of the formation, forming a beam of light that enveloped Chen Yuan and illuminated the entire stone hall like daylight, and the next moment it would soar into the sky.

At this moment, Chen Yuan stopped injecting true energy into the Qiankun Order, and the silver light suddenly disappeared. A huge tearing force came, and Chen Yuan's face turned pale, and a trickle of blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Actively interrupting the transmission will trigger the backlash of the space force. Fortunately, Chen Yuan's body is strong and he only suffered a minor injury. It's not a big deal.

The ancient teleportation array slowly dimmed, and the complicated lines turned back to black, and everything returned to its original state.

Chen Yuan raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The teleportation array can be activated, which means that the teleportation array at the other end is intact.

This experiment used eight high-quality spirit stones, but it also gave him an extra way out.

As long as he saw that the situation was not good, he could use the teleportation array to escape to Jiuxianzhou, away from the disputes between good and evil, and from then on, the sea was wide for fish to leap, and the sky was high for birds to fly!

Chen Yuan was in a very good mood, and the corners of his mouth were full of smiles. After a long time, he calmed down.

He raised his hand and waved, and a breeze blew, sweeping away the spirit stone powder in the eight grooves.

One experiment required eight high-quality spirit stones. This ancient teleportation was really a gold-eating beast.

Moreover, among these eight top-grade spirit stones, three are extremely rare ice, wind, and thunder spirit stones, which are even more precious.

Fortunately, the five top-grade spirit stones that Chen Yuan got from Master Qingyou just happened to contain these three attributes, otherwise he would not be able to exchange for eight top-grade spirit stones with different attributes even if he used up all the 120,000 good deeds.

But after using up these eight top-grade spirit stones, he only had two top-grade spirit stones left, which were still the most common water and fire attributes. He needed to raise six top-grade spirit stones of other attributes to activate the ancient teleportation array.

He did not lack middle-grade spirit stones, but if he replaced them all with top-grade spirit stones, cultivation would become a problem.

It seems that he must go to the spirit stone vein of Guiyuan Sect.

Chen Yuan originally planned that if the ancient teleportation array was intact, he would sell some five-hundred-year-old spirit herbs in exchange for top-grade spirit stones.

But now that he had received news of the spirit stone vein from the skinny monk, he naturally had to try it first to see if he could fish in troubled waters.

Chen Yuan made up his mind, stepped down, floated down, and left the stone hall without making any arrangements.

For thousands of years, no one has discovered the ancient teleportation array, so he naturally would not add unnecessary details and leave traces.

After Chen Yuan walked out of the cave, he sacrificed the Duyun Boat, identified the direction, and flew eastward.


Lingming Mountains are located in the west of Bozhou, stretching for hundreds of miles, with mountains and dense forests, many beasts, and few people.

But even in this wild place, some people who went into the mountains to hunt and collect herbs have seen immortals flying, which attracted rich people to go into the mountains to seek immortals.

However, these people who entered the mountains would encounter poisonous miasma without exception, and they would die in severe cases or seriously ill. Over time, no one dared to enter the mountains anymore.

On this day, at the top of a peak twenty miles away from Lingming Mountains, cultivators successively fell into the light of escape.

These people were introverted and all were foundation-building cultivators. Some wore the standard blood robes of the Blood Spirit Sect, while others wore various costumes. They were divided into two groups, clearly divided.

The leader of the Blood Spirit Sect was a burly man, who looked to be about forty years old, with a full beard and a hearty smile on his face.

But whether they were Blood Spirit Sect cultivators or external cultivators, they all looked respectful in front of the burly cultivator and did not dare to be arrogant at all.

This person was named Yue Zishan, a Blood Spirit Sect cultivator with a late foundation-building cultivation. He liked to kill mortal opponents and collect the essence of wronged souls. He was powerful and cruel, and ranked eighth on the six sects' bounty list.

Next to Yue Zishan, there stood a beautiful female cultivator with a plump figure and a pair of beautiful eyes that seemed to have a thousand styles. She wore a skirt with a bare collar, revealing most of her snow-white and plump chest.

She wrapped her hands around Yue Zishan's left arm and leaned against him. The white snow on her chest trembled slightly with his movements, as if it was about to jump out at the next moment, which was particularly eye-catching.

But all the monks were afraid of Yuezi Mountain's reputation and did not dare to look at it. Only a few lustful people couldn't help but take a peek.

From time to time, Yue Zishan turned his head and whispered to the female cultivator, and then he would burst out laughing, seemingly extremely happy.

All the demon cultivators present knew that Yue Zishan was extremely lustful, and as long as he captured the female cultivators of the Six Sects alive, he would first rape her and then kill her to take her blood.

If this girl can be noticed by him and taken with him, she must be very charming and win his favor.

About an hour passed, and a total of twenty-four monks fell on the top of the mountain. After that, another quarter of an hour passed, and no more light fell.

Yue Zishan suppressed his smile, slowly took his arm out of the hand of the beautiful woman, turned to look at a tall and thin monk behind him, and said in a deep voice: "Junior Brother Yin, how many people have you contacted in total?"

The tall and thin monk looked around and said: "My younger brother has contacted a total of eleven people, including Wu Hai of the Bone Hidden Sect, Tai Henling and Mo Gansheng... These four people have not arrived yet, why not wait a little longer?"

A short and fat old man said expressionlessly: "Junior Brother Yin, we are gathered here. We are only twenty miles away from the Lingming Mountains. We may be noticed by the Guiyuan Sect monks at any time."

"These monks from small sects have always been greedy for life and afraid of death. They must be afraid and break their promises temporarily. If they keep waiting, they will only miss the opportunity."

"Junior Brother Yue said that he would be able to break through the Guiyuan Sect Spirit Mine this time, so I was ordered by Elder Liu to lead three junior brothers to help. Could it be that without these five people, it would be impossible to break through the Spirit Mine?"

This man was also wearing a bloody robe, and he was one of the few monks present who showed no pretense to Yue Zishan.

The tall and thin monk frowned and was about to retort when Yue Zishan suddenly laughed: "What Senior Brother Liu said is true. Yue had been eyeing this spirit stone vein two years ago and finally waited until the Guiyuan Sect was transferred. A group of foundation-building monks are weak in defense and must not miss this opportunity!"

He spoke openly, but deep in his eyes, there was a cold look.

The Blood Spirit Sect's attack on the Guiyuan Sect Spirit Mine was co-hosted by him and the pudgy old man.

The two people have similar cultivation levels, and the pudgy old man has Master Jie Dan as his backer, so there is no need to sell his face.

And even if he was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to show it.

The short and fat old man was nothing, but Elder Liu behind him was a prominent figure in the Blood Spirit Sect. He had only practiced for a hundred years before forming a golden elixir. He also had Elder Taishang as his backer and had a very profound background.

If there was a quarrel with the short, fat old man and he was allowed to make some slanderous remarks in front of Elder Liu, Yue Zishan's life in the Blood Spirit Sect would be difficult.

He no longer waited, waved his hand and shouted: "Let's go!"

After saying that, Yue Zishan took up the escape light, followed by a group of monks, and twenty-five escape lights pierced the sky and flew towards the Lingming Mountain Range.

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