Chen Yuan looked at Li Tiezhu quietly, waiting for his answer.

Li Tiezhu's expression changed, and after a while, he said firmly: "I do!"

Chen Yuan said slowly: "Have you thought about it?"

Li Tiezhu knelt on the ground, straightened his upper body, looked at Chen Yuan, and said: "I don't want my parents and sister to be bullied anymore. I want to have real power. I want to get out of Qingshan Village and see the outside world. The magical weapons and monsters that the young master talks about!"

Chen Yuan smiled slightly: "Well, I will accept you as my disciple today."

Li Tiezhu was overjoyed and immediately kowtowed three times and loudly said: "Disciple Li Tiezhu, pay homage to Master!"

Chen Yuan raised his hand to help: "Get up."

"Yes." Li Tiezhu responded respectfully and stood up from the ground.

Chen Yuandao: "You are my first disciple. I don't like red tape. You don't have to kneel before me in the future."


Chen Yuandao: "As a disciple of the master, there are only three rules. One is not to bully the master and destroy the ancestors, the second is not to bully the weak by force, and the third is not to kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"Except for these three rules, no matter what you want to do, my teacher will not stop you. But if you violate these three rules, my teacher will definitely punish you severely."

His tone was not harsh, even a little flat, but it revealed a faint murderous aura. Li Tiezhu shuddered and hurriedly agreed: "Disciple, I will obey my master's orders!"

Chen Yuan's expression softened and he said with a smile: "One more thing, the name Li Tiezhu is too vulgar. If you walk in the world of immortality in the future, if you give this name, you will be despised by others. You need to choose another name, Tiezhu. This name can only be used at home."

Li Tiezhu immediately bowed deeply: "Master, please give me your name!"

Chen Yuan pondered for a moment, looked at the Qingshan Village behind Li Tiezhu, and said slowly: "Why bury the bones in a mulberry land? There is no place in life without green hills. How about changing it to Li Qingshan?"

"There is no need for a graveyard to bury bones. There is no place in life without green hills..." Li Tiezhu repeated it in a low voice and laughed, "Then the disciple will be called Li Qingshan from now on!"

Chen Yuandao: "I know that you have a pure heart and value love and righteousness, but you must remember that immortal cultivators should travel around the world and fight for the right path to achieve the great road. Even if they cannot live forever, they will die in a worthy way. Don’t be trapped in this small green mountain village.”

Li Qingshan looked solemn: "Master's teachings, disciples must keep them in mind!"

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "Okay, go back and rest early. I will teach you how to read as a teacher tomorrow."

After that, he walked down the mountain.

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, then followed Chen Yuan's footsteps and asked: "Master, won't you teach me to cultivate immortality?"

Chen Yuan said with a smile: "You haven't even read the Taoist scriptures, and you can't understand the martial arts and magical powers. How can you talk about cultivating immortals? You should first read the Taoist scriptures for a year, and then talk about cultivating immortals."

Li Qingshan looked a little disappointed when he heard this, but then he remembered something and asked: "Master, can you accept my sister as your disciple and teach her to cultivate immortality?"

Chen Yuan shook his head slightly: "Not everyone can cultivate immortality. Qinglan has no spiritual roots in her body and has no chance of becoming an immortal."

Li Qingshan's eyes dimmed, and after a while, he asked again: "Master, what is this spiritual root?"

Chen Yuandao: "Spiritual roots are placed in the Dantian. They are neither real nor imaginary. They belong to the five elements. Only those with spiritual roots can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and embark on the road to immortality."

Li Qingshan had a look of surprise on his face, but when he heard the word "Five Elements", he asked curiously: "Is there something different about this spiritual root?"

Chen Yuan said: "Yes, the spiritual roots are pure at the top and complex at the bottom. Single-attribute spiritual roots are the best, which are called heavenly spiritual roots. You have gold and water dual spiritual roots in your body, which is slightly inferior, but it is also very good. It is called the heavenly spiritual root." Earth Spirit Root.”

After all, Li Qingshan has a young mind. When Chen Yuan praised him, he couldn't help but smile. He couldn't help but ask: "Master, you are so powerful, you must have Tianlinggen, right?"

Chen Yuan smiled slightly: "My teacher has all the spiritual roots and five elements, but his qualifications are the worst."

Li Qingshan was stunned, and Chen Yuan continued: "Although spiritual roots are important, what can determine how far you go on the road of cultivation is Taoist heart and chance."

"Although your talent is good, if you become arrogant and slack off because of it, you won't be able to get far."

"Only by adhering to the idea of ​​seeking the Tao, practicing diligently, traveling around the world, and looking for opportunities can we achieve something."

The little pride that had just arisen in Li Qingshan's heart due to the earth spirit root disappeared without a trace, and he said seriously: "Yes, the disciple has remembered it."

Chen Yuan smiled slightly and was very satisfied with Li Qingshan's attitude.

But he didn't say anything. Dao mind and opportunity are of course important, but for low-level monks, Dao mind is difficult to cultivate and opportunities are hard to find. Qualification is the most important thing.

If he hadn't been a human being in two lives, died once, had a firm heart to seek the truth, and possessed rare treasures like the Jade Jue, with his Five Elements Spiritual Root qualifications, he would not even be able to break through the bottleneck in the later stage of Qi refining, and he would have turned into a handful of loess.

The reason why he accepted Li Qingshan as his disciple was not only based on his character and aptitude, but also extremely important factors.

Half a month ago, when Chen Yuan taught Li Qingshan and Qinglan how to read and digit for the first time, both of them were extremely smart, unlike the children of Orion who had never read a book.

People with spiritual roots are often smarter than ordinary people.

On a whim, he dispersed his consciousness and checked the two people's dantian.

Then he discovered that although Qinglan had no spiritual roots in her body, Li Qingshan actually had both gold and water spiritual roots and was extremely talented.

Chen Yuan had the idea of ​​recruiting a disciple at that time. Li Qingshan had earth spiritual roots, so he had no worries about building a foundation, and his elixir formation might also be high.

If there is a Jindan disciple, there will be an extra capable helper, and you don't have to do everything yourself.

But accepting a disciple is a big deal, and it should not be done rashly.

Chen Yuan was once used by Li Guanshi, and he also saw Jing Shuhan and Wang Lin fighting against Ji Laogui to the death. He hated it and would never exploit his disciples, so that the master and the disciple turned against each other.

But he didn't want the disciples he carefully trained to have bad intentions and bad behavior, which would only cause disasters and even betray the master and ancestors.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry to accept a disciple, but first investigated Li Tiezhu's character.

From Li Tiezhu's words, it is not difficult to know that the Li family has caused a trouble and will come to the door soon, otherwise he would not propose to Li Dalong to ask Chen Yuan to help the Li family sue the officials, nor would he ask Chen Yuan to teach him the Five Classics.

So he taught Li Qingshan and Qinglan to read and write while recovering from his injuries, waiting for trouble to come.

Today, Li Fugui and Li Wenju came to force Qinglan to be a concubine. If Chen Yuan took action, he could immediately rescue the Li family, but he chose to watch coldly and see how Li Qingshan would respond.

He only secretly stopped Li Mi when she was about to rush forward and Li Wenju when she was about to take the opportunity to humiliate Qinglan.

Li Qingshan's performance did not disappoint him. Although he faced a strong enemy, he did not retreat and was brave and fearless.

After Li Fugui and his son left, Li Mi begged Chen Yuan to help, but he was very sensible and stopped her. He was deeply grateful for Chen Yuan's teaching, did not ask for excessive returns, and was sharp-minded. He saw the situation clearly and did not make unnecessary compromises.

That night, Li Qingshan wanted to attack and kill Li Fugui and his son, and Chen Yuan deliberately advised him to endure the humiliation and analyze the pros and cons.

But after recognizing the situation, Li Qingshan still chose to fight to the death at the risk of his life, which made Chen Yuan more satisfied.

The best choice is a gentleman's revenge, which is never too late after ten years. But if Chen Yuan wants to accept a disciple, he naturally wants to accept a disciple who values ​​love and righteousness, rather than a smart person who is so rational that he is almost ruthless and watches his relatives fall into the fire pit.

After he handed the Feiyun Sword to Li Qingshan, he repeatedly hinted with words to induce him to kill.

But Li Qingshan was not blinded by hatred. He spared the servants of the Li family and other people in the Li family, and only killed Li Fugui and Li Wenju.

With a sharp weapon in hand, the killing intention arises naturally. When a person has absolute power, he will no longer suppress his nature.

But Li Qingshan still did not kill innocent people indiscriminately in this situation, which is rare.

Moreover, he was clear-minded and endured the humiliation of kneeling on the ground, and spared the servant who forced him to kneel down, so as not to expose his identity. He was brave and resourceful.

Chen Yuan would not accept a person who killed innocent people as his disciple. If he was stronger than others, he would kill people like grass. After entering the world of cultivation, he would also regard low-level cultivators as ants.

The world of immortal cultivation respects strength, but there are also hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the world of immortal cultivation.

If you rely on your strength to bully the weak, you will sooner or later provoke cultivators you can't afford to offend, and it will also bring trouble to Chen Yuan.

Li Qingshan is extremely talented, loyal, brave and resourceful, and does not kill innocent people. Although his character is a bit rigid, it is harmless and is a good piece of unpolished jade. That's why Chen Yuan accepted him as his apprentice. (End of this chapter)

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