Nine Transformations of the True Spirit

Chapter 360 Heavenly Thunder Talisman

Chen Yuan's heart moved, and he bowed and said, "This is a coincidence. Then I would like to ask Brother Cheng to introduce me to you. Thank you."

Cheng Xianmo smiled and said, "This is not entirely a coincidence. My old friend would come to every auction in Fanyang Market. He came a little late this year, but he happened to meet Brother Chen. Please wait for a moment, I will invite him in."

He stood up and walked out of the main hall. After a while, he led a monk in.

After Cheng Xianmo left, Chen Yuan stood in place, looking outside the door, waiting for him and his old friend to come in, and saw the face of the monk at a glance.

This man was a middle-aged Confucian scholar with a refined appearance, a short beard under his chin, a moon-white long gown, and a square step when walking. His demeanor was extraordinary.

Cheng Xianmo smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Chen, this is my old friend, Fellow Daoist Zhang Wushan, a disciple of Haoran Sect."

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, this is our distinguished guest, Fellow Daoist Chen Yuan, who spent thousands of high-quality spiritual stones to repair the magic weapon."

Chen Yuan clasped his fists and bowed, "Fellow Daoist Zhang, I am honored."

Zhang Wushan, with a hint of alienation between his eyebrows, bowed and returned the greeting, "Fellow Daoist Chen."

The three of them sat down as host and guest. Cheng Xianmo personally filled the two with spiritual tea and smiled, "Today, the two Daoists have come to our humble pavilion. However, the auction will start in half a month, and Fellow Daoist Zhang is a little late this year."

Zhang Wushan smiled slightly, "One of my uncles survived the catastrophe two years ago and formed a Nascent Soul. He came out of retreat a few days ago and held a banquet to celebrate. He invited all his friends. I followed my master to the banquet and was delayed for a few days."

Cheng Xianmo was stunned, then smiled, "Your sect is indeed the most famous sect in the world. One of the major sects, when ordinary sects have a cultivator who has formed a fetus, they will definitely invite cultivators from all sects to celebrate. "

"Cheng heard that eight years ago, your sect had preached in the mortal world for a hundred years, and the famous Confucian Xinzhai in Renzhou was about to die, but he suddenly formed a fetus. Now another Jindan cultivator has successfully formed a fetus. Is he a true disciple of your sect?"

Zhang Wushan smiled proudly: "Friend Cheng, you guessed wrong this time. This uncle is Mr. Chengli, the head of Chongde Academy. He is also a great Confucian of the time. He has many students all over the world, but his life is about to end."

"This time, Mr. Chengli succeeded in forming a fetus, which increased his life by 500 years. He studied Confucianism and Taoism in depth, and wrote books and theories. He will surely benefit the disciples of this sect in the future!"

Cheng Xianmo was surprised and said: "It is really a cause for celebration that two great Confucian scholars in your sect have successfully formed fetuses in succession."

Chen Yuan was moved. It was hard not to remind him of Qingliu Jushi that two great Confucian scholars who were about to die had successfully formed fetuses one after another.

He was about to ask about this, but then he remembered that Cheng Xianmo was beside him, so he closed his mouth, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Cheng Xianmo chatted with Zhang Wushan for a few more words before getting to the point: "Daoyou Zhang, Daoyou Chen came here to take back the two repaired magic weapons and also wanted to buy a treasure that can instantly burst out with great power."

"Such treasures are extremely rare, and our pavilion does not have any in stock. Daoyou happened to visit, I wonder if the Thunder Talisman in your hand is still there?"

Zhang Wushan turned his head and looked at Chen Yuan: "Daoyou Chen wants the Thunder Talisman in Zhang's hand?"

Chen Yuan's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, and he nodded slightly: "That's right, I wonder if Daoyou Zhang can give it up?"

The treasure in Zhang Wushan's hand turned out to be the Thunder Talisman, which was also the thing Jing Shuhan used to plot against Ji Laogui.

Zhang Wushan glanced at Cheng Xianmo with a half-smile: "It seems that Manager Cheng did not make it clear to Fellow Daoist Chen that I want to exchange this Heavenly Thunder Talisman for a thousand-year-old Thunder Palm. Can Fellow Daoist take it out?"

Chen Yuan was stunned for a moment: "Thousand-year-old Thunder Palm?"

Zhang Wushan was a little surprised: "Yes, Fellow Daoist, have you heard of the name of this thing?"

Before Chen Yuan answered, Cheng Xianmo frowned and said: "Fellow Daoist Zhang, the thousand-year-old Thunder Palm is an ancient spiritual medicine that has been extinct for many years. Even if it still exists in the world, it cannot be exchanged for a Heavenly Thunder Talisman."

Zhang Wushan shook his head and said: "This is wrong. The Heavenly Thunder Talisman in my hand was drawn by the thunder of disaster, and it is extremely powerful."

"Even if a cultivator in the early stage of the Nascent Soul is in his prime, he will be seriously injured if he is hit by this blow. Although exchanging for a thousand-year-old Thunder Palm is not enough, it is not worth it." It's a bit reluctant, but it's not a bad idea. "

Cheng Xianmo frowned even more tightly: "The Heavenly Thunder Talisman can only exert its full power in the hands of a Thunder Daoist cultivator. Why are you so stubborn?"

"Daoyou Chen is wealthy and has no shortage of spiritual stones and treasures. Why don't you change a treasure? Maybe Daoyou Chen can take it out."

Zhang Wushan said indifferently: "Daoyou Cheng, there is no need to persuade me. To be honest, I don't need the Thousand-Year Thunder Pond anymore. Even if Daoyou Chen takes it out, I won't change it. Other treasures will not enter Zhang's eyes."

Cheng Xianmo was stunned, turned his head to look at Chen Yuan, and said apologetically: "Daoyou Chen..."

"Thank you Daoyou Cheng for your help. Since Daoyou Zhang is unwilling to take action, how can I force him?" He was interrupted by Chen Yuan before he finished speaking.

Chen Yuan stood up and bowed: "My two Taoist friends, I'm leaving."

After that, he turned around and walked out. Cheng Xianmo shook his head and stood up as well: "Wait a minute, Taoist friend Chen, I'll take you a ride."

Zhang Wushan was still as steady as a rock, just nodded and said lightly: "Taoist friend Chen, take care."

Cheng Xianmo sent Chen Yuan out of the courtyard with an apologetic look on his face: "Taoist friend Zhang was born in Haoran Sect, and there are many people around him who are trying to get close to him. It's inevitable that he is a little arrogant. I hope Taoist friend Chen doesn't mind."

Chen Yuan smiled slightly: "It's okay, Taoist friend Cheng, please stay. I'll visit you again when I have time in the future."

Cheng Xianmo said: "Taoist friend Chen, take care. I'll keep an eye out for the treasures you need."

Chen Yuan walked out of the courtyard, but did not go far. He stopped at the corner of the street, stood by the road, and stared at the gate of the courtyard.

He waited for an hour. The sky gradually darkened, and the number of monks on the street gradually decreased. The gate of the courtyard finally opened slowly.

Cheng Xianmo personally sent Zhang Wushan out. After the two said goodbye, Zhang Wushan walked to the other side.

Chen Yuan followed him. Zhang Wushan obviously did not disperse his spiritual sense and did not find Chen Yuan's figure.

Chen Yuan was the same. There were many people in the market. If someone dispersed his spiritual sense and spied on others' whereabouts, it would definitely attract public anger.

The auction was about to be held. Thousands of monks gathered in Fanyang Market, including many Jindan monks. Except for Yuanying monks, no one dared to disperse their spiritual sense at will.

Chen Yuan followed Zhang Wushan all the way to the northwest corner of Fanyang Market. There were several hundreds of feet high mountains here, and pavilions and towers were built for foreign monks to live in.

Chen Yuan watched Zhang Wushan enter a three-story building with a plaque reading "Xianju Pavilion". He soon walked out and came to the foot of a mountain, climbing up the stairs.

There were few pedestrians on the mountain road. Chen Yuan followed him from a distance and watched Zhang Wushan walk into an exquisite and elegant two-story courtyard.

He waited for a while, came to the courtyard, knocked on the door with flowing light, and said loudly: "Is Daoist Zhang here? Chen Yuan is here to visit."

After a while, the door opened with a bang, and Zhang Wushan stood in the courtyard, staring at Chen Yuan coldly: "Daoist Chen is following Zhang?"

The cold eyes pierced his face like two sharp swords, but Chen Yuan didn't care at all, and smiled: "Daoist Zhang, don't you want me to come in and sit for a while?"

Zhang Wushan narrowed his eyes slightly: "If Daoist is only here for the Thunder Talisman, please go back!"

Chen Yuan shook his head: "The Thunder Talisman is just one of them, there is another important thing that Chen wants to tell Daoist."

Zhang Wushan was silent for a moment, and his body turned sideways: "If Daoist can't explain it, Zhang will never give up!"

Chen Yuan walked into the courtyard and went straight into the main hall. The two sat down. Zhang Wushan still stared at Chen Yuan, with murderous intent in his eyes, and the pressure of the late Jindan stage filled the room.

Chen Yuan had no doubt that he would take action immediately if there was a disagreement.

But there was no fear on his face, and he smiled and said: "If I am not mistaken, Daoist Zhang wanted to exchange the Heavenly Thunder Talisman for the Millennium Thunder Pill before, so he should want to refine the Thunder Pill and let Daoist's two uncles have babies, right?"

Zhang Wushan said coldly: "Yes."

Chen Yuan said: "Daoist Zhang doesn't need the Millennium Thunder Pill now, and Daoist's two uncles should have taken the Thunder Pill."

Zhang Wushan's eyes became colder: "Daoist Chen, are you following Zhang just to say this nonsense?"

Chen Yuan said again: "Then I wonder if Daoist Zhang knows that the Millennium Thunder Pill used to refine these two Thunder Pills was made by your sect elder Qing Mr. Liu, did you bring it back from overseas? "

Zhang Wushan was startled, and the murderous aura in his eyes disappeared without a trace: "How do you know this?"

Chen Yuan was quite surprised: "Fellow Daoist Zhang also knew this?"

Zhang Wushan looked at Chen Yuan suspiciously: "Of course, Mr. Qingliu is Zhang's master, how could I not know this, and where did fellow Daoist Chen know it from?"

Chen Yuan was stunned. He saw that Zhang Wushan had a close relationship with the two Haoran Sect monks who were about to die, and his relationship with Mr. Qingliu should not be bad either. He wanted to throw out his relationship with Mr. Qingliu to buy the Heavenly Thunder Talisman, but he didn't expect that he was actually Mr. Qingliu's disciple.

Chen Yuan clasped his fists and bowed, saying solemnly: "So, Fellow Daoist Zhang is Senior Qingliu's disciple. I am sorry for my disrespect."

"To be honest, Senior Qingliu once saved my life overseas."

"The two thousand-year-old thunder lilies are what I presented to Senior Qingliu in order to repay Senior Qingliu for saving my life."

Zhang Wushan was stunned for a moment, looking up and down at Chen Yuan, with a look of surprise on his face: "Fellow Daoist Chen is the male favorite who was almost captured by the Golden Feathered Eagle Demon King?"

Chen Yuan was stunned and said: "Fellow Daoist Zhang has also heard about this?"

Zhang Wushan laughed: "After Master came back from Yuqing Sea, he talked about this matter, saying that the two thousand-year-old thunder lilies were given by an unlucky friend, but he never mentioned Fellow Daoist Chen's name. Fellow Daoist almost had the chance to spend the night with the Demon King, but missed the great opportunity, which inevitably made him People are sighing. "

Chen Yuan looked very embarrassed: "Daoyou, please stop joking. Chen almost fell into the tiger's mouth. Thanks to Senior Qingliu's rescue, I was able to save my life."

Zhang Wushan put away his smile and bowed: "Daoyou Chen gave me the thunder talisman, which helped my two uncles to survive the thunder tribulation and successfully formed a baby. Zhang is very grateful. If Daoyou Chen had told me about this earlier, it would not be a big deal if the Heavenly Thunder Talisman was given to Daoyou. "

Chen Yuan sighed lightly: "To be honest with Daoyou, Chen provoked a big enemy in Yuqing Sea and dared not easily reveal his identity in front of outsiders. If it weren't for seeing that Daoyou Zhang was a disciple of Haoran Sect and had a close relationship with the two great Confucian scholars, I would not dare to tell the truth. "

Zhang Wushan was surprised and said: "With Daoyou Chen's strength to hurt the Golden Feathered Eagle Demon King, who can make Daoyou so afraid?" "(End of this chapter)

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