Feng Yongyan saw Li Qingshan offering his flying sword and sneered: "Why, fellow Daoist, do you really want to fight me?"

He glanced at the flying sword in front of Li Qingshan with contempt, not taking him seriously at all.

Li Qingshan's flying sword was green and very plain, just like the long sword used by ordinary warriors. Under the sunlight, it reflected a cold light.

The flying sword looked extraordinary, but looking at its spirit, it was just a low-grade spiritual weapon, dull and dull, not like the spiritual weapon used by cultivators at all, not to mention the accompanying magical powers such as fire, ice, wind, blades and lightning.

Feng Yongyan had a wide vision. Low-grade spiritual weapons were like dirt, and mid-grade spiritual weapons were barely worth a look. Only high-grade and top-grade spiritual weapons were worthy of his attention. He had even seen more than one magic weapon.

Because he was not only a disciple of Bailu Academy, but also had a father who served as the academy's dean.

The rules of Bailu Academy are the same as those of mortal academies. It is headed by the headmaster and has three deans under him, all of whom are Jindan cultivators, and their status is only below that of the headmaster.

Under the dean, there are seniors and lecturers, who are foundation-building cultivators who have studied Confucianism and Taoism deeply and are responsible for teaching Confucian and Taoist classics to Qi-refining disciples.

As for Feng Yongyan, although he is also a foundation-building cultivator, his cultivation is purely based on pills, so he is not qualified to be a senior or lecturer, and can only be a hall recorder.

In mortal academies, the hall recorder is responsible for recording the teaching situation of seniors and lecturers, which is a kind of supervision over both.

But all the people in Bailu Academy are immortal cultivators, so the hall recorder naturally cannot supervise seniors and lecturers who are more proficient in Confucianism and Taoism than himself. He is called a hall recorder, but in fact he is a deacon responsible for handling miscellaneous affairs.

Only cultivators who are not proficient in Confucianism and Taoism, have insufficient potential, and have no hope of improving their cultivation will take on this position, most of whom are cultivators in the early stage of foundation building.

Feng Yongyan was the only exception. He was not good enough at studying Confucianism and Taoism, but with the elixir given by his father, the dean, he broke through the bottleneck of the middle stage and became the only middle stage hall recorder in Bailu Academy.

This situation was extremely embarrassing for Feng Yongyan, who had been spoiled and arrogant since childhood.

Although he didn't care about the improvement of his cultivation and the way to immortality, he only wanted to have fun and have fun every night, but he didn't want to be an outlier in the academy and be pointed at behind his back.

He never told others that he was a hall recorder, but only said that he was a disciple of Bailu Academy.

It was still thanks to his father, the dean, and the great joy of Bailu Academy that Feng Yongyan finally got a chance. As long as he could obtain a third-level demon pill in the Qingkang Mountains, he could make an exception and become a lecturer.

Seniors must be late-stage foundation-building cultivators, and they must have studied Confucianism and Taoism very deeply. They must be people who are expected to form pills. There are only a few in Bailu Academy.

To be a lecturer, one only needs to be at the initial stage of foundation building. If Feng Yongyan was not really unpromising, he would not be only a hall recorder with the cultivation of the middle stage of foundation building.

A third-level demon pill is nothing to Feng Yongyan. It is just a matter of a few middle-grade spirit stones. Not to mention one, even three, five, and ten are not a problem.

Who made him have a dean father?

But there is not only one dean in Bailu Academy. Feng Yongyan's dean father also has his own enemies.

He has spent a lot of effort to win this opportunity for Feng Yongyan, and he has to add a restriction-Feng Yongyan must hunt a third-level demon beast from the Qingkang Mountains within seven days and obtain a demon pill to become a lecturer.

And before entering the Qingkang Mountains, his storage bag was checked and he was not allowed to carry a demon pill.

He also carried a talisman on his body and was not allowed to leave the range of the Qingkang Mountains, otherwise he would be judged as a failure.

The enemy of Feng Yongyan's father wanted Feng Yongyan to continue to serve as the hall recorder with his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation building, and continue to become a laughing stock, so that his father's prestige would be destroyed.

Feng Yongyan could only enter the Qingkang Mountains with the positioning talisman and the storage bag that had been searched.

He couldn't even let his fellow apprentices in the academy send him a demon pill. This talisman had been worshipped in the Yuanming Hall of Bailu Academy for one night, and was contaminated with the breath of the natal Yuan lamp. As long as the cultivators of Bailu Academy approached, they would be sensed.

Feng Yongyan drove the escape light and bumped around in the Qingkang Mountains like a headless fly for five days. Today was the sixth day.

He only knew how to have fun, and his favorite thing was to play with female cultivators. He had never hunted monsters, and had never even read the most basic monster illustrations, so how could he find the traces of monsters.

The monsters in the Qingkang Mountains are often hunted by cultivators. Those who can survive are more cunning than each other and are very good at hiding. Feng Yongyan can't find them in these vast mountains.

But perhaps it was God's blessing that he actually met Li Qingshan who had just killed a tiger monster.

Feng Yongyan was overjoyed and sent down the light of escape.

Although he was a playboy, he was not stupid. He came up to ask Li Qingshan about his background so as not to provoke someone he couldn't afford to offend.

When he heard that Li Qingshan was a casual cultivator and only had the cultivation level of the initial stage of foundation building, he immediately became arrogant and prepared to rob the monster pill.

A casual cultivator in the initial stage of foundation building still needs to hunt monsters in the Qingkang Mountains. He is the lowest level of the foundation building cultivators. What is there to be afraid of?

Feng Yongyan casually flicked his storage bag, took out a sheep-hair brush, and threw it out.

He didn't sacrifice the defensive spiritual weapon. Is it necessary to defend against an initial casual cultivator?

Feng Yongyan had almost never fought with other cultivators, and he didn't need to fight with other cultivators to have a constant supply of cultivation resources.

But he was still very confident that he could kill the ignorant cultivator in front of him with just a little trick.

There are many Confucian and Taoist monks in Renzhou, and there are also many monks who use brushes as spiritual tools. For example, in Ningzhou, where the Cangjian Palace, one of the ten major sects, is located, flying swords are everywhere.

This sheep-hair brush is a fine product among the top-grade spiritual tools, far superior to the low-grade flying sword in Li Qingshan's hand.

But this low-grade flying sword is in the hands of a sword cultivator.

Li Qingshan raised his hand and pinched his fingers, shouting: "Split!"

The flying sword split into three sword shadows, a total of four streams of light, which shot out and slashed towards Feng Yongyan on the opposite side!

Facing an opponent in the middle stage of foundation building, Li Qingshan went all out when he came up. The high-grade sheep-hair brush that Feng Yongyan sacrificed made him extremely alert.

Although this person is extremely arrogant, his cultivation is not low, and the spiritual tool in his hand is even more extraordinary. He must be a strong enemy.

The two were only more than ten feet apart, and the flying swords were extremely fast. The four flying swords arrived in front of Feng Yongyan in the blink of an eye.

The sheep-hair brush is indeed a top-grade spiritual weapon, full of spirituality, protecting its master by itself and blocking a flying sword.

But the other three flying swords went around, and pierced Feng Yongyan with thunder.

Feng Yongyan didn't react at all, just staring blankly at the flying swords.

But at the moment when the flying sword pierced him, a jade pendant on his waist flashed, and a white light shield wrapped him tightly, blocking the three flying swords.

Ding Ding Ding!

Three crisp sounds rang out, the white light shield was intact, and the four flying swords flew back.

Feng Yongyan suddenly woke up: "The art of splitting light into shadows? You are a sword cultivator!"

There was no more contempt in his eyes when he looked at Li Qingshan.

A sword cultivator in the early stage of foundation building is still a sword cultivator, and a sword cultivator who can split into three sword shadows. How could he be his opponent?

Feng Yongyan's hair stood on end, and cold sweat ran down his body. If it weren't for the treasure given by his father, the dean, to protect him, he would be dead now.

Li Qingshan was shocked when he saw his flying sword was blocked. As expected, this person had such a powerful protective treasure on him, which easily blocked his flying sword. He was really hard to deal with.

He looked solemn, pointed at one point, and shouted: "Kill!"

Four flying swords shot out again. Li Qingshan had just entered the foundation building stage, and his cultivation was too low. He only knew the sword cultivation magic of splitting light into shadows, which was also his strongest means.

For now, he could only break the circular light shield with continuous attacks.

He only had 50% of his true energy left. With his cultivation in the early stage of foundation building, he split three sword shadows and consumed more true energy. He could only hold on for a hundred breaths at most. If he couldn't break the circular light shield, he would die.

Li Qingshan didn't even think about escaping. He didn't have much true energy, and his cultivation was one level lower than Feng Yongyan. This person had endless treasures in his hands, so he should not be short of flying boats. It would be easy to catch up with him.

Ding ding ding ding!

The brush wanted to protect its master, but was circumvented by the flying sword. The four flying swords slashed on the circular light shield, and the clear and pleasant sound was connected, just like the ancient zither that Feng Yongyan had heard in the brothel in the mortal world.

Feng Yongyan trembled all over. Although the circular light shield blocked the flying swords, the four flying swords were only a few inches away from him. For the first time, he realized what the four words "body death and Tao disappearance" meant.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Another pleasant zither sound. Feng Yongyan looked at Li Qingshan in horror, raised his hand to call back the brush, and turned to escape.

Li Qingshan was stunned.

He couldn't shake the circular light shield at all. Feng Yongyan was almost invincible. As long as he waited for his true energy to run out, he would win naturally.

But he actually fled in a panic.

But after Feng Yongyan escaped for dozens of feet, he suddenly stopped and turned to look over.

Li Qingshan's heart sank. It seemed that he was doomed today.

But he would never let himself be slaughtered, and pointed a point, and the four flying swords attacked again.

As long as his true energy is not exhausted, he will not give up!

Ding ding ding ding!

Feng Yongyan listened to the sound of metal clashing, which was like a death warrant, and his heart trembled. He flicked his storage bag with his right hand, and a light pink incense appeared in his hand.

He looked at Li Qingshan with resentment, and cast a fireball spell with his left hand to light the incense.

A wisp of light pink smoke rose up and slowly dissipated in the air.

Li Qingshan didn't understand, but he immediately looked inside himself, and his spiritual sense swept through his body inch by inch to prevent Feng Yongyan from doing anything.

But after a careful inspection, everything was fine, and this thin incense seemed to be of no use.

Li Qingshan withdrew his spiritual sense, and there were still some doubts in his heart, but now was not the time to be distracted. He had to break through the circular light shield before his true energy was exhausted.

He continued to control the flying sword to attack, but Feng Yongyan put away the light pink fragrance, took a last look at Li Qingshan, and turned away.

Li Qingshan was startled, then retracted the flying sword, turned around and flew out of the valley.

Feng Yongyan's behavior was strange and confusing, but since he retreated with a great advantage, Li Qingshan naturally fled immediately to prevent him from coming to his senses and returning to fight again.

He was not going to hunt monsters anymore. The demon pill and materials of a third-level tiger monster could be exchanged for a bottle of early foundation-building pills for him to practice for a period of time. (End of this chapter)

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