"Brother Zhang?" Yan Tongchun was stunned and frowned, "Are you talking about Senior Brother Zhang Wushan?"

"Not bad." Chen Yuan nodded slightly.

"Do you know Senior Brother Zhang?" Yan Tongchun frowned even more tightly.

"Of course, I hit it off with Brother Zhang and we have a close relationship." Chen Yuan said.

"That's ridiculous! How did you, a casual cultivator, meet Senior Brother Zhang?" Yan Tongchun sneered.

He did not believe that Chen Yuan and Zhang Wushan had any friendship, but if what Chen Yuan said was true, why did Zhang Wushan stand up for a casual cultivator at the auction?

Although he and Zhang Wushan had some differences, openly refuting him at the auction in front of a group of monks was not like Zhang Wushan's behavior.

Chen Yuan said calmly: "Senior Qingliu once saved my life, and I happened to have two Thousand-year-old Lei Tan in my hands. In order to thank Senior Qingliu for saving my life, I dedicated them all to Senior Qingliu. Brother Zhang happened to know about this. I met you again in Fanyangfang City, and we had a great conversation, and we felt like old friends at first sight."

"Thousand-year Thunder Pill?" Yan Tongchun's expression changed slightly, "Did the two martial uncles Xinzhai and Chengli get the Tribulation Thunder Pill from you?"

Chen Yuan nodded slightly: "Exactly."

Everyone looked puzzled when they heard the words "Tribulation Thunder Pill".

Although I have never heard of Millennium Thunder Tan, I think it should be a Millennium Spiritual Grass, but what is this "Thunder Tribulation Pill"? Is it related to the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation?

Only the Shipingshan man's face changed slightly, and there was no trace of disgust in his eyes when he looked at Chen Yuan.

He didn't know what Thousand-Year Thunder Tablet was, but he had heard of the Tribulation Thunder Pill, which was an ancient elixir that could reduce the power of thunder tribulation by 30%.

He had previously gone to the Haoran Sect to create a baby with the help of spiritual veins. He heard that there were two pill-forming monks who were close to their lifespan. They took this pill and successfully formed a baby. The two newly promoted Nascent Soul monks were Xinzhai. Sanren and Mr. Chengli!

Suddenly, Yan Tongchun shouted: "No matter what friendship you have with Senior Brother Zhang, you dare to humiliate Senior Shiping at the baby wedding banquet. This is an unpardonable crime!"

He suddenly stood up, his body was full of inspiration, exuding a mighty and majestic momentum, which was the unique aura of Confucian and Taoist monks, and he was about to take action.

When everyone saw this, they immediately stood up to avoid it, but the people from Shipingshan raised their sleeves and a breeze blew by, and the aura emanating from Yan Tongchun immediately disappeared.

Yan Tongchun frowned and looked at the Shipingshan people: "Senior, why don't you let me capture this beast?"

The person from Shipingshan changed his previous indifference and looked at Chen Yuan with a smile, with a kind face: "Don't worry, little friend Yan, I hold the baby wedding banquet to invite colleagues to discuss mysteries and Dharma. I don't care how much the gifts are."

"Little friend Chen took out fifty pieces of high-grade spiritual stones as a congratulation. Although it is not a heavy gift, it is not light either, let alone disrespectful or humiliating me."

"I understand Yan Xiaoyou's wishes, but today is my baby's wedding banquet. If it disturbs the elegance of all fellow Taoists and goes against my original intention, I'd better stop this matter."

Yan Tongchun's face sank: "Senior Shiping, are you going to let this person go like this?"

His master had a deep conflict with the Qingliu layman. He originally just wanted to take revenge for the past, but after learning that Chen Yuan and Zhang Wushan knew each other and offering two thousand-year-old thunder clouds to the Qingliu layman, he became more murderous, but was killed by Shi Pingshan. Being blocked by others, I felt very dissatisfied.

The person from Shipingshan smiled and said: "Young Yan is a guest, and so is Xiaoyou Chen. As a landlord, I invite the two friends to a banquet. If the two of them fight on Yulu Peak, if word spreads, it will make my colleagues laugh at me for not treating the guests well. ?”

He has a close relationship with Elder Gu. How could he not know about the conflict between Elder Gu and Master Qingliu? He naturally knows what Yan Tongchun is thinking.

But no matter how deep the conflict between the two people is, no matter how fierce the internal fighting is, it is still an internal matter within the Haoran Sect, and the people of Shipingshan will not participate in it.

He is supported by Elder Gu and will be rewarded if he successfully conceives a baby, but he will not offend layman Qingliu for Elder Gu, otherwise the gain will outweigh the loss.

When Yan Tongchun wanted to kill a casual cultivator, the people of Shipingshan would not stop him and would even help him.

But he wanted to kill a casual cultivator who had a close relationship with Zhang Wushan and had presented treasures to the Qingliu layman, and he still did so in his own name, so the people of Shipingshan could not just sit back and watch.

He secretly sent a message to Yan Tongchun: "Young friend Yan, today is my baby's wedding banquet. In front of these pill-forming monks, I can't do anything to Chen Yuan. After the banquet is over, I won't know how I will behave. Pay attention.”

When Yan Tongchun heard this, he knew that he could not do anything to Chen Yuan. With a gloomy expression, he cupped his fists and bowed: "Junior is reckless, senior, please forgive me."

He sat down again, and everyone returned to their respective cases. They looked at Chen Yuan from time to time, with surprise in their eyes.

Feng Tiande secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was cautious by nature and did not want to offend others easily, so he did not act according to the circumstances. Because of Yan Tongchun's identity, he would confuse right and wrong, otherwise he would definitely be hated by Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan also bowed to the Shipingshan people with clasped fists and sat down again with a calm expression.

After hearing Yan Tongchun's name from Shipingshan people, he thought of a countermeasure.

The fact that he dedicated the two thousand-year-old Lei Tan to the layman Qingliu was not a great secret. After telling it in public, he was ninety percent sure that the people of Shipingshan would not let Yan Tongchun do whatever he wanted.

Things turned out as he expected. The people of Shipingshan would not offend layman Qingliu in public because of Elder Gu at their wedding banquet.

The congratulatory banquet continued, with the second row of mid-stage alchemy-forming monks presenting congratulatory gifts one after another, and then the third row of early-stage alchemy-forming monks. The value of the congratulatory gifts also gradually decreased, in line with their respective cultivation levels.

When all the monks presenting gifts, Shiping Mountain Man looked solemn and said, "I have been cultivating Taoism for more than 400 years, and have gone through hardships and difficulties. I have read the classics of the ancient sages and finally succeeded in forming a fetus."

"All the Taoist friends came to the banquet today to congratulate me on my fetus formation. I have nothing to repay you, so I will tell you some of my experiences in forming a fetus and overcoming tribulations..."

He spoke slowly and everyone immediately focused and listened attentively, forgetting the conflict between Chen Yuan and Yan Tongchun.

Chen Yuan and Yan Tongchun also put aside their distractions and kept Shiping Mountain Man's every word in mind.

Every cultivator who can form a fetus has his own unique features. The process of breaking the pill and transforming into a fetus is directly pointing to the great way of heaven and earth, and every word is extremely valuable.

Although Shiping Mountain Man will not tell you the essentials, just some superficial experiences can help everyone break through many obstacles on the road of cultivation.

For a late Jindan cultivator like Chen Yuan who was preparing to form a baby, it was even more beneficial to listen to a newly promoted Yuanying cultivator talk about his experience in forming a baby.

Shepingshanren spoke for a whole day and night before he stopped. Everyone was still not satisfied, but they also knew that Shepingshanren would not speak anymore, so they stood up and bowed, thanking him repeatedly.

After listening to this sermon, the Jindan cultivators present would take care of the disciples of Bailu Academy when they met them in the future, and it would be much easier for Bailu Academy to expand its sphere of influence.

Under the guidance of a group of foundation-building cultivators, everyone flew away from Yulu Peak and flew towards the protective formation.

Chen Yuan had been keeping an eye on Yan Tongchun. After the sermon, he stared at Chen Yuan without any concealment, with naked murderous intent in his eyes.

Chen Yuan sneered in his heart, without any fear, and stopped in front of the protective formation of Bailu Academy.

Feng Tiande personally sent Chen Yuan away and also noticed Yan Tongchun's gaze.

He took out his identity jade card and reminded Chen Yuan in a low voice: "Fellow Daoist Chen, Yan Tongchun is a true disciple of Haoran Sect. It is better for you to avoid him for the time being."

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "Thank you for your reminder, Fellow Daoist Feng."

Feng Tiande saw that Chen Yuan obviously did not listen, shook his head slightly, and did not say anything more.

He injected true essence into the identity jade card, and a spiritual light flew out, blending into the water-like formation curtain, and a passage about ten feet in size slowly emerged.

Chen Yuan passed through the passage, and the light of escape rolled up, flying away.

And hundreds of feet away, another middle-stage Jindan from Bailu Academy opened a passage, and Yan Tongchun flew out of the sect protection formation and went straight to Chen Yuan.

After Chen Yuan left the sect protection formation, he dispersed his spiritual sense and saw Yan Tongchun chasing him without concealment. His escape speed suddenly increased and flew outside the Weiming Mountains.

"Is Fellow Daoist Chen afraid?" Yan Tongchun's sarcastic voice sounded in Chen Yuan's ears.

Chen Yuan did not answer and continued to fly away, but his speed was obviously not as fast as Yan Tongchun, and the distance between them was slowly shrinking.

After escaping for dozens of miles, Yan Tongchun chased Chen Yuan a hundred feet behind him. Chen Yuan suddenly stopped and turned around.

Yan Tongchun also stopped and sneered: "Dare to snatch Yan's Zhenkong Stone, today is the day of your death!"

He sacrificed a rusty bronze sword, exuding a mighty and majestic aura, and pointed a point, and a milky white spiritual light flew out from the tip of his finger and poured into the small tripod.

A layer of faint white light was attached to the body of the bronze sword, which grew to a length of ten feet, slowly exuding a mighty aura, but it was much thinner than the aura of Yan Tongchun. The tip of the sword pointed at Chen Yuan and trembled slightly.

"Kill!" Yan Tongchun pointed at Chen Yuan, and the bronze sword flew out quickly. The sound of fighting on the battlefield sounded in the void, and a tragic breath surged.

Chen Yuan seemed to have entered a battlefield in a trance, with the sound of fighting filling his ears. The thousands of troops on the opposite side were rushing like a tide, about to completely submerge him.

With a thought, he stimulated Zhu Yan's true blood, his black hair turned snow-white, and Zhu Yan's true fire appeared in his hands. The illusion in front of him disappeared in an instant.

In front of Zhu Yan's true fire, any soul attack is ineffective.

At this time, the bronze sword had come in front of Chen Yuan. He did not dodge, but raised his left hand and grabbed the bronze sword directly.

Yan Tongchun sneered: "Since you are seeking your own death, then Yan will fulfill your wish."

He raised his hand and pinched the seal, and the white light on the bronze sword rushed to the tip of the sword, exuding a far more majestic and righteous spirit than before, and chopped it down heavily.

The sound of the golden sword and iron horse suddenly amplified. At this moment, the sky was clear and the sun was hanging high, but the sunlight dimmed, as if covered with a layer of gray gauze, and the aura of killing filled the sky and the earth.


The bronze sword chopped Chen Yuan's left hand, making a sound of metal clashing, but it could not move any further. Chen Yuan's body did not move at all, and even his expression did not change at all.

Yan Tongchun's face was full of disbelief. The bronze sword was an ancient Confucian and Taoist magic weapon given by his master, and it was only one step away from a high-level magic weapon.

A sword slashed out, accompanied by a tragic murderous aura. Even for a cultivator in the late Jindan stage, the lightest thing would be the soul injured. Weaker casual cultivators would even die on the spot.

He did not sacrifice his life magic weapon, but sacrificed the bronze sword, just because he did not want to leave Chen Yuan any chance of survival, but Chen Yuan took the sword abruptly, and was unscathed, even his soul was not affected at all.

Yan Tongchun gritted his teeth and was about to use another trick, but Chen Yuan's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and white flames rose from his hand.

The next moment, Yan Tongchun felt that his soul was wrapped in flames, and a burst of severe pain came, and he could not help but scream.

But he reacted extremely quickly, retreating violently while gathering his righteous energy to try to put out the white flames, but to no avail.

Yan Tongchun was horrified. The righteous spirit was the most fundamental means of Confucian and Taoist monks, but it didn't work at all. What kind of magical power was this white flame?

How could Chen Yuan let Yan Tongchun think about countermeasures? While driving the Zhuyan True Fire, he rushed over.

The two were only a hundred feet apart. He came to Yan Tongchun in an instant and stretched out his hand to grab Yan Tongchun's neck.

Yan Tongchun could no longer care about the white flame. He endured the severe pain of his soul being burned, suppressed the violent killing intent that surged from the bottom of his heart, and a stone talisman appeared in his hand out of thin air, and crushed it with one hand!

A gray light wrapped around Yan Tongchun, and before Chen Yuan caught him, his figure disappeared out of thin air and appeared a thousand feet away.

The bronze sword in Chen Yuan's left hand also trembled violently, and a strong evil spirit rushed to Binghuan, covering it with a layer of light blood, and the spiritual light suddenly dimmed.

Chen Yuan frowned, and his left hand loosened. The bronze sword turned into a stream of light and flew back to Yan Tongchun.

Yan Tongchun had already mobilized the power of his soul to extinguish the white flame, but he was still seriously injured. His soul was much more illusory, his eyes were full of bloodshot, his head was splitting, and the violent killing intent in his heart surged like a tide, lingering for a long time.

Chen Yuan's figure shook and continued to rush up. A trace of fear flashed in Yan Tongchun's eyes. Without saying a word, he sacrificed a flying boat and turned to escape.

The flying boat was so fast that Chen Yuan couldn't catch up, so he stopped and said lightly: "I will spare your life today, but don't be presumptuous in front of me in the future, otherwise I will kill you even if I offend Haoran Sect!"

His voice was not loud, but it was a voice transmission, which was clearly transmitted to Yan Tongchun's ears.

The flying boat did not slow down, and Yan Tongchun did not reply. It disappeared in the sky in a moment.

Chen Yuan sneered, turned around and flew away with a flash of light.

Yan Tongchun thought that he was a true disciple of Haoran Sect, with extraordinary talent, and the skills he practiced were also the top secrets of Haoran Sect. He was invincible in front of the cultivators of the same level, and Chen Yuan would not be his opponent.

But Chen Yuan refined Zhu Yan's true blood, and he was a descendant of the true spirit. It was just a matter of time for him to be invincible at the same level.

Only a monster like Kun Feng, who was also a descendant of the true spirit, could not lose to him when fighting.

The true disciples of the ten major sects like Yan Tongchun were just chickens and pottery dogs, and they had to rely on the stone talisman to save their lives.

When Chen Yuan refined the true spirit blood in Kun Feng's demon pill and mastered the art of teleportation, he would not be able to escape death no matter how many stone talismans he used! (End of this chapter)

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