Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 001 Deadly Cherry

The land of Jiangzuo was under the rule of the Dawu Dynasty and had four major counties and prefectures: Lujiang, Hongdu, Wuyang, and Fengming.

Among Lujiang prefectures, there is a majestic city named Ding'an City. In this city, there is a wealthy family, known as the Ding'an Lu family.

It was April, the spring was bright, the grass was growing and orioles were flying.

In the Lu family's martial arts arena, a group of sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys were waving their swords, sweating like raindrops.

Coach Lu Yongfu looked at these energetic teenagers and nodded with satisfaction.

Suddenly, a figure passed by the edge of the martial arts arena.

That man was also sixteen or seventeen years old, with a handsome face and bright eyes.

But his lazy posture was incompatible with the atmosphere in the martial arts arena.

Lu Yongfu frowned.

"Master Yu, are you going out again today?"

The handsome young man's name is Lu Yu, and he is the young master of the third room of the Lu family.

Hearing this, Lu Yu smiled and said, "Yes, Uncle Fu. The weather is so nice, I'll go to the pear orchard."

"The Four Counties Martial Arts Competition will be held next month. Master Yu should hurry up and practice and go out as little as possible!"

Lu Yu nodded and said seriously: "Uncle Fu, I know, I know it in my heart."

Lu Yongfu was embarrassed to say anything. Looking at Lu Yu's leaving figure, he sighed secretly in his heart.

There are four branches of the Lu family. Since Master Lu died in Mingjian City, Lu Yu is the only one left in the third branch.

It turns out that Lu Yu was also a genius in cultivation. He awakened his spiritual veins at the age of four, opened up the acupoints all over his body at the age of nine, and reached the sixth level of the physical realm at the age of twelve.

In today's world, there are five realms of cultivation, the physical realm, the true essence realm, the returning sea realm, the golden elixir realm, and the Tiangang realm.

At the age of twelve, Lu Yu entered the sixth level of the physical realm. This talent can be said to be extremely outstanding, and his future prospects are limitless.

Therefore, the family placed high hopes on him, spent a lot of resources, and begged him to take a Wuji Heart Pill, hoping that he could soar into the sky.

But who knew that after taking this Wuji Heart Pill, he would lose his stamina and his cultivation would show no improvement. Until now, he is still at the sixth level of the physical realm and has been surpassed by many disciples who came up from behind.

In this regard, there have been many complaints among the Lu family, and some people have always asked Sanfang to compensate for the loss of purchasing Wu Ji Xin Dan.

If the third room of the Lu family does not get a good ranking in this four-county martial arts competition, I am afraid that the third room of the Lu family will cease to exist.

In the martial arts arena, a group of teenagers also started talking.

"This Lu Yu really doesn't know how to make progress. He wants to go out to play at a time like this!"

"He must have gone to the Liyuan to find Miss Buyi again."

"Miss Bu Yi is the daughter of the Bu family. She has excellent talent and appearance. Now she has reached the ninth level of physical realm. Lu Yu actually wants to take advantage of her. It's really like a toad wants to eat swan meat!"

"If Lu Yu comes in at the bottom of this year's four-county martial arts competition, I wonder if Miss Bu Yi will pay attention to him again?"

"For so many years, his cultivation has been stuck at the sixth level of the physical realm. He has not made any progress even after taking the Wuji Heart Pill. He is really useless..."

"Last year in the internal competition within the family, he had already lost to many disciples and lost the face of the third family. If he can still compete in the Four Counties Competition this year, wouldn't it be embarrassing!"

"It's a pity that Wu Ji Xin Dan, if it had been given to others, maybe we in the Lu family would have had another genius like Xiang Chen!"

"Xiang Chen, the son of the county guard, was said to be less talented than Lu Yu back then. But after taking the Wu Ji Xin Dan, his cultivation speed has been greatly improved. It is said that he will soon break through to the True Yuan realm. This year's four-county martial arts competition will definitely be for our Lujiang County Won the first place.”

"That's not necessarily true. I heard that there are many perverted geniuses in the other three counties..."

"Similarly taking the Wu Ji Xin Dan, compared to Lu Yu, he is far behind..."

Lu Yongfu suddenly shouted: "Shut up, everyone! Just mind your own business! The four-county martial arts competition will be held soon. If you want to get more rewards and subsidies, practice hard for me!"

The group of teenagers immediately fell silent and started practicing hard again.

In the pear orchard, pear blossoms are in full bloom and the garden is full of fragrance.

Lu Yu held a long sword in his hand and swung it out, bringing up gusts of breeze and blowing a pear tree in the garden to rustle down.

Under the pear tree, stood a bright girl. The pear blossoms in the garden were not as beautiful as her face.

"This move is the Flying Star Spreading Hate. Have you learned it?"

Lu Yu turned around with a smile and said to the bright girl under the pear tree.

This girl is none other than Bu Yi, the daughter of the Bu family.

She closed her eyes slightly, as if recalling the sword move just now, and after a moment, she nodded slightly.

Lu Yu handed the sword into her hand.

"Then try it."

Bu Yi took the long sword and unfolded the sword according to Lu Yu's pattern.

A sword was swung out, and stars appeared from the starting point.

call out! call out! call out!

A bright hole was pierced through the pear tree by her sword.

The same sword move has very different power in the hands of two people.

Bu Yi turned around and looked at Lu Yu proudly: "How is it?"

Lu Yu exclaimed: "Yi Mei, your talent is really amazing. You can have such power the first time you use it!"

Bu Yi smiled sweetly: "Brother Yu, it's not like you taught me well!"

Lu Yu also laughed happily.

"In this way, you have learned the entire set of Tianxing Sword Techniques. Sister Yi, tell me... will your father really agree to our marriage?"

"Of course!" Bu Yi said matter-of-factly, "You have passed on the Tianxing Sword Technique to me. This is the secret skill of all three members of your Lu family. Brother Yu is so good to me, and my father will definitely agree to our marriage!"

Lu Yu said excitedly: "Okay! Tomorrow I will ask the elders in the clan to come and help me propose to your father! By then, you will be the third member of our Lu family. We will participate in the four-county martial arts competition next month. Even if I If I can't get a good ranking, I still have are the Dinghai Shenzhen of our third room!"

Bu Yi blushed and twisted her body: "Brother Yu is disgusting, why do you suddenly say this to others!"


Lu Yu was stunned.

"Don't you want to...?"

Bu Yi hurriedly said: "Of course not...Brother Yu, don't worry, Xiao Buzi will definitely help you guard the third bedroom!"

The two looked at each other.

A sudden breeze blows, and the pear blossoms in the garden sway.

Pieces of petals fell, and the whole world became snowy white.

The delicate color on the girl's mouth looks particularly vivid and exudes a seductive aura...

Lu Yu couldn't help but slowly moved closer.

"Wait a moment……"

At the critical moment, Bu Yi suddenly stopped.

She hurriedly took out something and handed it to Lu Yu.

That object was as bright as the color on her lips, but it was a cherry.

"Eat it first and let it taste like cherries in your mouth... In this way, when we eat cherries in the future, we will think of this time..."

Buyi's pretty face turned red and her voice was weak and inaudible.

Lu Yu felt that his heart was about to melt, and he put the cherry into his mouth without thinking.

The cherry melted in your mouth and turned into a stream of heat, flowing into Lu Yu's belly.

Lu Yu was stunned, how could there be such a cherry?

Suddenly, there was a stabbing pain in my abdomen, like a burning fire.

Lu Yu bent over in pain and looked at Bu Yi in shock, only to see that she, who was still a little bird just now, had completely changed her face, with a cold and unfamiliar smile on her pretty face.

"Yi Mei, what's going on?"

"Brother Yu, just a set of Tianxing Sword Technique is not enough. I also want your Wuji Heart Pill. It's useless to keep it with you anyway."

"Wu Ji Xin Dan? This is impossible. Wu Ji Xin Dan has been absorbed long ago and merged with the sea of ​​​​qi in my body!"

"Nothing is impossible!"

Suddenly, a strong voice came.

Lu Yu turned around and saw a handsome and tall man walking over.

"Xiang Chen!"

The person who came was none other than Xiang Chen, the son of the county governor and known as the number one cultivation genius in Lujiang County!

Xiang Chen walked up to Lu Yu, and there was a layer of strange gas fluctuations around his body.

This is a vision that only exists in the True Yuan Realm!

Originally I just heard that his breakthrough was imminent, but I didn't expect that he has already succeeded.

He looked down at Lu Yu, who was rolling on the ground in pain, and said:

"I have also taken Wu Ji Xin Dan and am familiar with its medicinal properties. You have taken Wu Ji Xin Dan for so many years and have not made any progress in your cultivation. This means that the power of Wu Ji Xin Dan must still be in your Qi sea."

"The cherry you just ate is a dose of Thunder Fire Powder, which can activate your Qi Sea and re-refine the power of Wu Ji Xin Dan."

"It's just that if you do this, your entire Qi Sea will inevitably be broken. From now on, you will become a complete useless person, although you are already useless enough now..."

Lu Yu looked at Buyi in disbelief: "Why... why is this happening... Why on earth is this..."


Bu Yi smiled softly and snuggled into Xiang Chen's arms.

"You, a loser who has made no progress after taking the Wuji Heart Pill, do you deserve to be with me?"

"I, Bu Yi, the daughter of the Bu family, if it weren't for the Heavenly Star Sword Technique left by your father and the Wuji Heart Pill in your body, I wouldn't even let you touch it with my fingers!"

"You actually naively thought that I would marry you to help you stabilize your position as the third bedroom. It's really ridiculous. Our Bu family and your Lu family have always been at odds with each other. I wish the Lu family would fight for each other. Sanfang’s resources are so fiercely fought!”

"My Bu Yi's husband must be a dignified man who is upright and upright. Only a proud man like Mr. Xiang Chen can be my Bu Yi's destination!"

Lu Yu's heart sank. Every word Bu Yi said was like a sharp knife, piercing his heart.

His heart was like a knife, and his eyes were about to burst.

I didn’t expect that the one I loved with all my heart and soul would be such a woman!

"You are so cruel! I will fight you!"

He struggled to stand up, but before taking two steps, he fell to the ground again.

Buyi walked next to Lu Yu, her eyes full of pity.

"Stop struggling."

"You don't have to be too sad. Didn't you keep saying that you like me? Rather than leaving Tianxing Sword Technique and Wuji Heart Pill on you and wasting everything, it's better to use them to fulfill me."

"With your Wuji Heart Pill and Tianxing Sword Technique, Mr. Xiang Chen and I will definitely shine in the Four Counties Martial Arts Competition next month and outshine the rest."

"The Four-County Martial Arts Competition is held every four years. In addition to receiving generous rewards from the four major counties, the winners will also be selected by the Dali Sword Sect and accepted into their sect."

"Master Xiang Chen and I will be selected with the best rankings this year to become the strongest new disciples of the Dali Sword Sect!"

"You should feel lucky that at least your useless life has some meaning of existence."

"But you must not have any unrealistic ideas because of this... From now on, you and I will be one in heaven and one on earth. We are destined to be people in two worlds!"

After saying that, she leaned down and pressed her hands towards the sea of ​​qi on Lu Yu's abdomen.

There was a huge suction force.

Lu Yu felt that all the strength in his body was drained, his vision went dark, and he passed out.

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