Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1002 Special Techniques

In the midst of lightning and flint, Lu Yu quickly took out the Feihong Sword.

He didn't dare to fight back, but blocked the attack with his sword.

The two swords intersected, making a crisp sound.

After all, Die Shuangfei is a mysterious magic weapon, one level higher than Feihong Sword, and it is cast by a top-level golden elixir expert like Yudie. The huge force suddenly makes his jaw numb, and Feihong Sword almost kills him. He took off his hands and flew out.

At the same time, the sparks burst out and illuminated Jade Butterfly's beautiful cheeks.

Lu Yu originally thought that what he saw would be a face with lost consciousness and on the verge of collapse, but he didn't expect that at this moment, Jade Die's eyes were bright and sharp, and the aura in his body was calm and powerful, as vast as the deep sea, and there was no need at all. Obsessed.

For a moment, he couldn't help but be a little stunned, what on earth is going on?

"What's wrong? Are you crazy? Or did you take the wrong medicine?" Lu Yu said.

Yudie stared at him fiercely, gritted her teeth and said, "You brat, what good things did you do just now?"

"Just now?"

Lu Yu was stunned.

Did he accidentally disturb her when he came here just now? Did it affect her movement and breathing?

But it shouldn't be. If that's the case, how come I don't feel anything at all?

"I didn't do anything. As soon as I came over, you gave me a sword directly... I also want to ask you what did you do?"

"I'm talking about what you did before, before you came here?" Yudie said still viciously.


Lu Yu blinked and thought hard.

"I didn't do anything before, I was just healing my aunt..."

Halfway through his words, Lu Yu suddenly paused.

He couldn't help but think of what Chudie had said before. Jadedie's spiritual sense was extremely sharp, and she might notice something...

Judging from her appearance at this time, could it be that she was aware of what happened to their former merging fellow practitioners, so she came here specifically to punish her?

Lu Yu carefully observed the expression on Yudie's face... She was furious, but it was not just pure anger, it seemed to be mixed with a feeling of shame and anger...

It seems that she really became furious because of the intimate behavior between herself and Chudie? She couldn't even control her own strength at that time, so she forced herself to create such a wide hole here?

The more Lu Yu looked at it, the more he felt like this...

So, he suddenly changed his tone: "You are too lenient, aren't you? We were just healing our wounds before, what's bothering you? Although you are the leader of Jade Butterfly Peak, it is good, but it is going to rain, and my mother is getting married. Man, no matter what we do, it seems to have nothing to do with you, right?"

Yudie's face was full of anger: "Yang Chudie wants to go to bed with you, I won't care about you so much, but, but..."

Her emotions were very intense, but halfway through her words, she couldn't speak anymore...

"But what?" Lu Yu asked.

Jade Die snorted heavily: "Anyway, you'd better restrain yourself in the future, at least not in front of me... Otherwise, I will definitely castrate you next time!"

Her malicious gaze made Lu Yu instinctively feel a chill on his back.

It seems that she is not just joking, but really rejects what happened between Lu Yu and Chu Die...

For a moment, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little confused in his mind.

What is going on?

Yudie had clearly accepted her as her brother-in-law before, so why did she suddenly change her mind now?

What is the relationship between these two sisters?

Lu Yu shook his head vigorously and stopped thinking deeply about this matter. He didn't have much energy to argue with her about this matter now. Instead, he said: "The sword you slashed at me just now was quite good." You're powerful... It seems that your injury has recovered, don't you need my help?"

Yudie snorted softly and raised her chin arrogantly: "Do you think I am a waste like Yang Chudie?"


Lu Yu really couldn't figure out why, inexplicably, she suddenly felt so resentful.

However, he still had to be patient and said: "Is it really okay or is it fake? Don't show off at this time. You also know the situation we have to deal with next. You can't tolerate the slightest mistake. You can't do anything." Don’t let it slip at the critical moment!”

"rest assured."

Yudie said coldly: "Over the years, the torture and suffering I have suffered are far beyond your imagination. I have figured out a set of my own healing and recovery methods in various difficulties. Otherwise, I would have died countless times!”

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled.

An exclusive set of healing and recovery methods...

The efficiency is actually comparable to that of the combined practitioners and the power of Red Lotus!

It's really hard to imagine what kind of hardships she has gone through over the years to be able to sum up such a unique set of techniques...

At this time, although the Jade Butterfly is covered with thorns and cannot be approached, it still inexplicably gives people a feeling of pity.

Well, it looks like these new members of the team are pretty awesome!

Not only can Master Gu rely on Gu insects to heal his wounds quickly, but even Jade Butterfly also has its own exclusive healing techniques...

"In that case, let's get ready and let's set off immediately!"

Lu Yu chuckled and said, "I'm sure Yue Xiujun herself would never have thought that she would become our prey when she was about to lead a large army to suppress us... Let's give her a surprise!"

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