Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1013: Throwing dirty water

After completing the second long-distance jump, Lu Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the floating warships behind them still have the ability to pursue, because the positioning of each other has been cut off, they cannot accurately judge the specific landing point. They can only judge a rough range through the movement trajectory before jumping. It is no longer so easy to catch up again.

Master Lian Gu dragged Yue Xiujun back to the deck.

At this time, half of her face had disappeared, and the white bones were exposed on her cheeks. There were densely packed Gu worms squirming on them. Yue Xiujun had also passed out from the pain.

Seeing this scene, even Lu Yu couldn't help but be shocked.

"Damn it, how did you end up like this?"

He had been concentrating on controlling the formation device before, and did not have time to pay close attention to the scene happening at the stern of the ship. Although he knew that Master Lian Gu was torturing Yue Xiujun, he did not expect that he would torture him into this state.

"Didn't you say that I should use my own imagination and just let her breathe her last..." Master Lian Gu said a little aggrievedly.

"Don't get me wrong... I don't blame you, I just didn't expect you to be so imaginative!"

As Lu Yu spoke, he began to check Yue Xiujun's injuries.

He stared at Yue Xiujun's face covered with worms for a while, then suppressed his nausea and said: "Get rid of these treasures of yours... It seems that I have to find a way to cure her face." That's good, otherwise no one will recognize that this is the Red Embroidered Heroine when we get to Da Luo Holy Land! In that case, our plan will be greatly affected..."


Therefore, Master Lian Gu picked up the Gu worms one by one and carefully put them back into the cloth bag in front of him. His gentle and delicate appearance seemed to be protecting the most precious treasure in the world.

After Master Lian Gu finished cleaning up, Lu Yu started treatment.

Fortunately, he had Haoyuan Fairy Beauty Pill on him. He had been able to refine this pill several years ago, and he also used it to heal the scars left by the evil dragon's curse on Yang Chudie's back. The effect was It has been fully verified.

Now, as his level of cultivation has increased, his alchemy skills have also improved. This elixir is more effective than before. There is no problem in using it to restore Yue Xiujun's appearance.

It's just that the injury on Yue Xiujun's face was caused by being eaten by Wan Gu, and there was still a lot of poison on it. It was a bit troublesome to recover. He had to use the power of red lotus to take care of it carefully, remove the remaining poison from the wound, and stimulate the blood circulation in the affected area. Muscle production can help the injury recover as quickly as possible and prevent it from getting worse again.

While Lu Yu was busy treating the wound, Chudie, Yudie, and Ye Weilan couldn't help but gathered around him.

"Are we really going to Daluo Holy Land?" Yang Chudie asked.

"of course……"

As Lu Yu spoke, he moved his fingers like flying. When he raised his hand, the power of red lotus burst out from his fingertips and landed on Yue Xiujun's cheek.

In the blink of an eye, the gorgeous red lotus covered the originally bone-white face.

Only then did Lu Yu raise his head and glance at the three women in front of him: "Besides, we have no other better place to go..."

"But will Daluo Holy Land accept us?"

Yudie questioned: "Although Fairy Yaoji was once the Saint of Daluo, according to what you said, no one from Daluo Holy Land was involved in her series of actions from beginning to end. I'm afraid that Daluo Holy Land She also has no knowledge of all her actions. To put it bluntly, Daluo Holy Land is just a coat she puts on..."

"Under such circumstances, it is too late for Daluo Holy Land to avoid suspicion, so how can it take her in for her sake?"

"Perhaps we come to their door and suit their wishes. We can capture you and sacrifice you to Lord Da Ze to prove their innocence... Our visit is very likely to be like a sheep falling into a tiger's mouth! "

Lu Yu said: "Yes, it is indeed possible, but we still have to take the risk..."

"Because according to the logic you just said, we can't even go back to the Dali Sword Sect. Under the pressure of Daze Tianjun, who knows that the Tiangang ancestors of our Dali Sword Sect will not be You have the same idea, don’t you also want to sacrifice me?”

Chudie and Yudie couldn't help but be startled.

For a long time, they have regarded the Dali Sword Sect as their strong backing, and they naturally thought that the Dali Sword Sect would stand with them. Indeed, they had never thought about this issue from such a perspective.

"Of course, this is just a very extreme situation. In fact, I am very confident in our Tiangang ancestors of the Dali Sword Sect. They should not make such an extreme decision..."

Lu Yu continued.

"But even if the Tiangang ancestors will not draw their swords against me and protect me carefully, what our Dali Sword Sect will face next will definitely be a very dangerous situation..."

"If what Yue Xiujun said is true, and twenty Tiangang ancestors from the eight major sects have returned, then they will definitely put pressure on our Dali Sword Sect and demand that I be handed over, and they will even explode for this. War is not necessarily..."

"In that case, our Dali Sword Sect will face the other seven major sects alone, which will be even more dangerous than facing the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion by ourselves now!"

"Under such circumstances, the only thing we can do is to divide the seven major sects. Even if only one of them pulls the chariot, it can greatly alleviate our pressure..."

"Judging from the current situation, Daluo Holy Land is undoubtedly the family most likely to be dragged into the chariot by us... Yao Ji was once a Daluo saint. This is an indisputable fact. This is not something they want to avoid if they want to avoid suspicion. Gotta drop it!”

"Besides, if we allow them to avoid suspicion, don't we allow us to pour dirty water on them?"

As Lu Yu said this, he suddenly smiled coldly and turned to look at the unconscious Yue Xiujun again.

Everyone couldn't help but be startled, and they all understood immediately.

No wonder Lu Yu had always said that Yue Xiujun had great uses before, and he did not hesitate to spend energy to treat the injuries on her face. It turned out that he planned to use her identity to sow discord between Daluo Holy Land and Jade Sea Immortal Sect, in order to make a big deal. article.

"What do you want to do with her?" Yudie asked.

"No, no!"

Lu Yu waved his hands repeatedly, the smile on his face was as evil as a devil.

"What do you mean I want to do something to her? It's obviously the Saint of Great Luo who wants to do something to her..."

"When the Saint of Daluo ascended to the sky, she left a legacy for me. Now I am just following the will of Saint of Daluo and capturing the Red Embroidered Heroine back to the Holy Land of Daluo to be punished!"

"If you don't believe it? Look what this is!"

With that said, Lu Yu turned over his hand.

Suddenly, a token surrounded by colorful light appeared in his palm.

It is the Holy Order of Daluo that represents the status of Saintess of Daluo.

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