Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1018 Enemy Attack

Daluo Holy Land, inside the Qinglong Altar.

The green mountains and clear waters here are a peaceful and tranquil scene.

However, the disciples in the Qinglong Altar are not at peace.

In recent days, a series of shocks have occurred in the land of Shenzhou. It is said that overnight, twenty Tiangang ancestors from major sects have returned, and everyone has a premonition that something unusual is happening.

"Have you heard? Another Tiangang ancestor has returned, and the number of ancestors who have returned has reached 21!"

"Is it true?"

"I heard Elder Guo and Elder Xu say this, how could it be false? The one who recently returned is the Shanwen ancestor of the Yuhai Xianzong!"

"How come all these Tiangang ancestors have returned at once? I have been a member of the Qinglong Altar for quite a few years, and I have never seen such a situation..."

"Tsk! Not to mention that you have never seen it in this life, even if you live a hundred or a thousand lives, you will never see such a situation. This has never happened in the past. Since the founding of our Daluo Holy Land, such a thing has never happened!"

"Then why did these Tiangang ancestors return?"

"It is said that this matter seems to be related to Lu Yu..."

"Lu Yu? Is it the Lu Yu of the Dali Sword Sect?"

"Yes! It's him... This person practiced a very evil technique. In order to practice this He specially went to the ancient city of Woyun this time, intending to use the ancient ruins of the ancient city of Woyun to improve his evil skills. Unexpectedly, an accident occurred during the practice, which caused the order of the heaven to collapse and destroyed the entire ancient city of Woyun! "

"Due to this, the Nine Heavens were also in turmoil. All the Tiangang ancestors could not stay, so they came back one after another to temporarily avoid the turmoil in the Nine Heavens! "

"How did you know about this? "

"Of course I heard it from the elders... It is said that all the major sects are now very indignant and are ready to unite to punish Lu Yu, but Lu Yu's identity is extraordinary. To deal with him is likely to anger the entire Dali Sword Sect. The headquarters is still discussing whether to participate in this matter..."

"Otherwise, why hasn't the Grand Altar Master shown up for three consecutive days? He has been discussing this matter at the headquarters! "


At this time, the sun was rising, and it was originally the time for these Qinglongtan disciples to do morning lessons. But everyone had no intention of doing morning prayers, and they were all discussing the news they had heard recently.

Suddenly, a loud rumbling sound was heard.

The mountains and forests swayed, and the birds flew away in surprise.

A spring in the center of the holy altar gurgled and bubbled with white bubbles, and it boiled in an instant.

A huge blue dragon head made of bronze slowly emerged from the boiling spring water.

Everyone was stunned and looked at this scene in surprise.

After a short silence, everyone ran and shouted: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The appearance of the blue dragon head means that the enemy is coming.

This is a common sense that all the disciples of the Qinglong Temple learned on the first day of their entry, but it has never been verified for so many years.

Just like the simultaneous return of the ancestors of the heavens, this is something that ordinary disciples have never seen before.

The Qinglong Temple is the eastern gateway of the Daluo Holy Land, and its scale is extremely grand.

Tens of thousands of disciples came out in droves, running around in the vast Qinglong Altar, looking like a group of ants that had been disturbed.

In a moment, several beams of light flew over the altar.

Except for the Grand Master who was far away in the main altar, all the elders and deacons of the entire Qinglong Altar came out and commanded the disciples who were as chaotic as ants to take their positions and prepare to fight against the unknown uninvited guests.

A moment later, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in the eastern sky, even the rising sun was blocked by it.

"Look! What is that!"

Everyone exclaimed.

"It seems to be a ship..."

"How can a ship fly in the sky? It should be a mirage!"

"No! It's not a mirage. Look at the shadow it casts... This is a real object!"

"A flying ship... Could it be the floating battleship of the Yuhai Xianzong?"

"Yes! It's the Yuhai Xianzong! This is the floating battleship of the Yuhai Xianzong!"

Soon, everyone confirmed the identity of the uninvited guest.

However, a bigger problem followed...

Why did the floating battleship of the Yuhai Xianzong appear here?

Are they planning to invade the Daluo Holy Land?

There is no hatred between the Daluo Holy Land and the Yuhai Xianzong. Is it not enough for them to have an enemy, the Dali Sword Sect, and they want to provoke the Daluo Holy Land again?

This doesn't make sense...

"Elder Guo, what should we do?"

Everyone asked Elder Guo Yuan.

He is the Jindan elder with the highest cultivation and the longest seniority in the Qinglong Altar. When the Grand Altar Master is away, he is the supreme leader here.

Guo Yuan frowned, looked at the deacons beside him, and asked, "Have you received any news about the visit from the Yuhai Immortal Sect recently?"

The deacons looked at each other and shook their heads in unison, "No such thing."

Guo Yuan looked at another Jindan elder, Xu Jinyang, and asked, "Has there been any news from the headquarters?"

Xu Jinyang also shook his head, "Never heard of it."

Guo Yuan did not say anything, but used all his eyesight to look at the flag of the floating battleship again.

"Gao Yang?" Guo Yuan said in surprise, "Which member of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect is responsible for commanding this battleship?"

Xu Jinyang also looked surprised: "I have never heard of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect having such a designation before. Could it be that it was created recently?"

Guo Yuan shook his head.

As far as he knew, after the Battle of the Golden Rooster Islands, the Jade Sea Immortal Sect suffered heavy losses. Even the materials to repair the warships had to be looted and looted. How could there be any extra financial resources to build a brand new warship?

The floating battleship is getting closer and closer, and has entered the best attack range of the Qinglongtan Array.

"Elder Qi, all the ministries of Qinglong Tan are ready. Do you want to launch an attack on the invading enemy?" A deacon asked Guo Yuan for instructions.

Guo Yuan hesitated.

In fact, the safest way is to get in touch with the people on the floating battleship first, let them express their intentions, and then decide whether to take action...

But the speed of this floating battleship is too fast, and there is no time to negotiate with each other. If the other party comes with the greatest malice, it is likely that this moment of delay will lead to an irreversible situation.

After all, this is the floating battleship of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect.

Although they were the losing side in the battle of the Golden Rooster Islands, the defeat in the war did not mean that the floating warships were not strong enough.

On the contrary, the combat effectiveness of the floating warships was fully verified in that battle, and the battlefield remains left in the Jinji Islands are sufficient proof.

"Start it!"

Guo Yuan finally made a decision.

In any case, this floating battleship was approaching with great force, and it did not indicate its identity or purpose. It was obvious that the other party was at fault. Even if it caused serious consequences, it was the other party who asked for it!


The deacons went to all directions, and with one order, tens of thousands of Qinglongtan disciples immediately took action.

Under the stimulation of their real power, the entire Qinglong Altar Dharma Field was filled with breeze.

In the center of the law field, the head of the green dragon kept rising, and all the power was concentrated on the dragon's head. The waves of spiritual power fluctuated like a tide, making everyone feel palpitations involuntarily.

The offensive is about to finally launch.

But at this moment, Xu Jinyang suddenly looked stern and shouted loudly: "Stop! Stop!"

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

Xu Jinyang stared intently at the floating warship that was gradually approaching, and saw a blurry figure already standing at the bow.

"That person is Lu Yu!" Xu Jinyang stamped his feet.

Lu Yu?

Lu Yu from the Great Li Sword Sect?

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised. How could Lu Yu from the Great Li Sword Sect be on the floating battleship of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect?

However, for Xu Jinyang, he still had more doubts in his heart.

Because besides seeing Lu Yu clearly, he also saw a colorful token in his hand...

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