Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1029: Transcendent Sect

Lu Yu said with a smile: "Master Tao's words are wrong. In fact, it's not that I want to talk to you, but that the Holy Lady Qin Yanzhen wants to talk to you. I'm just passing the message on your behalf..."

"What a messenger!"

The great elder of the general altar, Kunjia Zhenren, said: "Who are you? Why do you speak on behalf of our saint? In addition, why is the Great Luo Holy Order in your hand?"

"Why is the Great Luo Holy Order in my hand? Isn't this simple? It was naturally given to me by Her Royal Highness the Saint..."

Lu Yu replied with a smile, "As for my identity... I am ashamed to say that when Lu was traveling in the mortal world in the past, he happened to get acquainted with Her Highness the Saint, the Princess of Gaoyang, in Qianwucheng. Under the auspices of the dynasty, I was fortunate enough to marry her."

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly became uproar.

Qin Yanzhen's status as a saint of Daluo was a secret at first. It was not until Qianwu City was destroyed and Qiu Zu of the Yuan family came to ask for an explanation that everyone knew Qin Yanzhen's identity, and then they paid attention to her. It's increasing day by day.

Today, many people have studied the rise and rise of this mysterious saint. They know that she was originally from a noble family of the Dawu Dynasty. She once commanded millions of troops and was granted the title of "Princess Gaoyang" by the Dawu Dynasty. .

Everyone had heard about her marriage in Qianwucheng, but they all regarded it as a smoke bomb released by Qin Yanzhen in order to obtain the secret treasure of the Yuan family's imperial mausoleum. Unexpectedly, Lu Yu suddenly ran away now He came out and said that he was the one who got married to Qin Yanzhen in the first place?

In this case, wouldn't he become the uncle of Daluo Holy Land?

For a time, everyone found it difficult to accept.

Even Yue Xiujun couldn't help but be surprised by this. No wonder the two people had inexplicably joined forces when they were in Tianhuan Palace. He didn't expect that there was such a connection between the two, so it makes sense... …

Yudie held her forehead and said with disdain: "This guy really dares to say... Yang Chudie, little Phoenix, aren't you jealous?"

Chudie blushed and glared at her: "You... don't talk nonsense!"

She was not embarrassed because Yu Die revealed her relationship with Lu Yu, but she was more worried that Yu Die's comments would be heard by others, thus affecting his entire plan.

Yudie asked for trouble and couldn't help but curled her lips, with a look of displeasure on her face.

"Don't stop talking nonsense here! Her Royal Highness the Saint is the reincarnation of an immortal, and her status is so noble. How could she care about a soil spore like you? What evidence do you have for saying this?"

A certain strong person questioned.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "I don't need evidence. I am not telling you this to prove anything to you. I am just stating a fact objectively... As for the evidence, your sect's Holy Order of Da Luo has always been issued by the Holy Son and the Saint. It has been passed down from generation to generation and has never been passed on to anyone else, but now it has fallen into my hands. Isn’t this the most powerful evidence?”

Everyone was silent for a while.

Indeed, it is an indisputable fact that Daluo Shengling is now in Lu Yu's hands.

Originally, this token falling into his hands may not necessarily mean anything. It may also be that he used conspiracy to deceive it from Qin Yanzhen... But before, he used this Da Luo Holy Token to successfully avoid the altar. The offensive of the large formation shows that Lu Yu has been recognized by the inheritance in the token to a certain extent. This is not such a simple thing.

"Even if you and the Saint have been married, what does this mean?"

Tao Jinran said coldly: "When the Saint was in the Dawu Dynasty, everything she did was for the purpose of obtaining Panwu's treasure. That engagement was just a show on the spot..."

"What's more, according to your own statement, the Saint has now shattered the void and soared into the sky. Even if all this is true, what does it mean?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "It can at least explain one thing, that is, I have a close relationship with Her Highness the Saint. We will both suffer and prosper! The world is currently in turmoil and is undergoing an unprecedented great change. If you want to target me, It is simply unrealistic to live alone!”

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Great Elder Kunjia Zhenren frowned: "Lu Yu, what do you mean by this?"

"Isn't what I said obvious enough? Then I'll make it more straightforward..."

Lu Yu smiled coldly, and his eyes suddenly turned cold: "In the Tianhuan Palace in the ancient city of Guoyun, I killed a strong man in the Tiangang Realm named Ming Wang Fa Zun. It is said that this person is the successor of the Great Ze Realm outside the world. Therefore, he offended the Lord of Dashe, the Lord of Dashe Realm. The Lord unleashed his anger and caused a catastrophe in the nine heavens. This led to the arrival and return of the ancestors of all heavens at the same time..."

"What I want to explain is that I did not do this alone. Her Royal Highness Saintess Daluo was also involved. If you don't believe me, you might as well ask Mrs. Zhong of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect in person. Mrs. Zhong happened to be at the scene when that scene happened, and she knows the whole story best..."

Yue Xiujun couldn't help but look stunned.

Unexpectedly, being a prisoner was not enough, but he was also inexplicably pushed out as a witness...

Lu Yu ignored Yue Xiujun's astonishment and continued: "Of course, Her Royal Highness the Saint did this for a reason. It was precisely because she killed King Ming Dharma Master and devoured his heavenly creation that she was able to fly to the sky..."

"In short, this matter was done by the two of us, and the biggest advantage was taken by Her Majesty the Saint. If I alone resist this matter, do you think it is possible? Even if I agree, do you think Dazetian Will you agree?"

"So, don't take chances anymore. You think that as long as you sacrifice my head, you can appease the anger of Tianjun. That is simply impossible!"

The whole audience couldn't help but be shocked.

Many people did not know the whole story until this moment, especially the disciples of the Azure Dragon Temple around them. They had no idea that the matter would involve gods from the outer world.

Tianjun, what kind of existence is he? That's something they simply can't believe...

"Then what do you think we should do?" Tao Jinran's eyes flashed with a sharp light, "It means that our Daluo Holy Land will form an alliance with your Dali Sword Sect, and then jointly fight against the coalition forces of other major sects. "?"

Lu Yu shook his hand: "Headmaster Tao is wrong. This is not my intention, but the meaning of Her Majesty the Saint. Moreover, Her Majesty the Saint is not asking you to make such a choice. She just hopes that you will make such a choice." You can make the right decision..."

"After all, Her Royal Highness the Saint once took refuge in the Holy Land of Daluo and received a lot of care from all the teachers. She still has feelings for the Holy Land of Daluo. She also has more long-term arrangements and plans for the future of the Holy Land of Daluo... "


Tao Jinran couldn't help but be startled.

Qin Yanzhen has already soared into the sky, and he really can't imagine what other arrangements and plans she can have...

Lu Yu asked: "Has Headmaster Tao ever heard of the Bixiao Shrine in the upper realm?"

Tao Jinran said nothing, looking at him doubtfully.

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said: "In the world above nine days away, there is also a huge sect called Bixiao Shrine. Their territory spans the heavens, coexisting with the sun and moon, and dying with the stars. Even we The Bixiao Shrine in this world is just a small branch of the Bixiao Shrine in the upper world..."

As he said that, Lu Yu's eyes suddenly became evil.

"Headmaster Tao, if given the chance, would you be willing to build Daluo Holy Land into such a transcendent sect that spans the world above?"

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