Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1046 Not Qualified

As Lu Yu entered the cabin, things on the ship came to an end for the time being.

But the surrounding undercurrents did not stop.

Such a big commotion here has long attracted the attention of the surrounding shrines. Countless Daluo Holy Land disciples came from all directions to see what was going on, but they were stopped by Patriarch Gunlong. The "spider web" laid out blocked the outside.

At this time, as Patriarch Gunlong was cursed, this "spider web" also lost its effectiveness, so these people poured in one after another and came to the "first scene" in person.

Ancestor Gunlong was seen standing steadily in the air, his body motionless, like a sculpture, and the scene was completely silent.

When these later Daluo Holy Land disciples saw this scene, they were very shocked and didn't know what happened. However, the elites from all the holy places around them, led by Gong Bi'e, were silent, and no one could answer their doubts.

Fortunately, there are disciples of the Azure Dragon Shrine around. Under the restrictions of the "spider web", although they did not rush over, the execution field of the Azure Dragon Shrine is right next to the floating battleship, and the two sides are only a few miles apart. From such a distance, they could still witness the whole thing with their own eyes.

In the end, after being narrated by the disciples of the Azure Dragon Holy Altar, these people finally understood what was going on, and they couldn't help but become even more surprised. There was a buzzing discussion at the scene.

"What! Ancestor Gunlong has fallen under Lu Yu's spell?"

"It's not Lu Yu's curse! It's the divine punishment of Her Majesty the Saint!"

"I thought Patriarch Gunlong was entering meditation..."

"Even Ancestor Gunlong was restrained. Doesn't this mean..."

"It's true! Everything about Her Royal Highness the Saint is true! Lu Yu didn't lie!"

"I've said it a long time ago! How could this be false? Have you ever seen anyone pouring tens of thousands of top-quality elixirs directly into the square? Besides the immortals from the sky, who else would be so generous?"

"Actually, I have known this for a long time! At the Danwu Conference, Yuan Family Qiu Patriarch asked more than twenty real-life strong men to help him come to the house to prosecute the crime, but Her Majesty the Holy Lady subdued them without any effort. …I knew from that moment that she was special!”

"Now Yuan Family Qiu Ancestor is not at a loss. If what Senior Brother Lu Yu said is correct, he has already overcome the tribulation and ascended with the help of Her Royal Highness the Saint..."

"Not just a loss? It's a huge profit!"

"Since all of this is true, doesn't it mean that Her Majesty the Saint really wants to lead our Daluo Holy Land to prosper beyond the Nine Heavens?"

"God bless our Daluo Holy Land. I didn't expect that our Daluo Holy Land would have such an amazing person!"

"It was not the strategy set by our ancestors back then, so we had such an opportunity..."

"The Patriarch Daluo is wise! Her Royal Highness the Saint is wise!"

All Da Luo Holy Land disciples were greatly shocked.

Things quickly escalated, and countless people's opinions were quickly reversed. No questioning voices were heard at the scene.

Even Gong Bi'e and others, who originally had the strongest objections, had nothing to say at this time. What else could these later disciples say?

Not long after, another ray of light came rushing towards him, but it was Master Kunjia.

However, everyone was in excitement at this time, and no one bothered to salute the great elder of the general altar.

Master Kunjia didn't care about this, and went straight to Ancestor Gunlong, calling twice in a row: "Master, Master..."

When he didn't get any response, he turned his attention to Gong Bi'e not far away.

"Master Gong Tan, what on earth is going on?"

Gong Bi'e looked depressed and said bitterly: "Great Elder, we were wrong... Ancestor Gunlong was defeated at the hands of Lu Yu..."


Master Kunjia's eyes widened with disbelief.

"What exactly is going on!"

Then, Gong Bi'e told the whole story.

The more Master Kunjia listened, the more frightened he became, and he finally said: "So, Master, the old man is acting like this right now, is he under Lu Yu's spell?"

Gong Bi'e said: "Lu Yu performed well, but it is said that the Immortal Divine Punishment was taught to him by Her Highness the Saint. The purpose was to punish those who offended her, and Patriarch Gunlong had just bowed his head to apologize to Her Highness the Saint... …”

As he said that, Gong Bi'e couldn't help but shrink his neck. He didn't know whether his behavior was an offense to the saint, or whether he needed to bow his head and apologize like Patriarch Gunlong...

"Since you have already apologized, why haven't you released Master?" Master Kunjia asked.

"It is said that the spell is too complicated, and Lu Yu needs to prepare it in advance."

Master Kunjia still wants to ask again.

But at this moment, Yudie walked out of the cabin.

Master Kunjia's eyes narrowed, he immediately stopped talking, and turned to walk towards Yudie.

At this time, the battleship no longer had any defensive barriers, and was just like an open square, with access no longer subject to any restrictions.

However, just as he was about to board the ship, a figure suddenly stopped him.

"Your Excellency, please stay! With the permission of my Master Lu, no one is allowed to enter!"

But it was Master Lian Gu.

Although Lu Yu did not tell him to prevent others from boarding the ship, it was obvious that Lu Yu was "brewing" the spell to lift the spell at the moment. It might be a critical moment for him to perform his work. How could he allow outsiders to come forward and interfere?

Therefore, even if he has seen that this person's status is extraordinary and his cultivation is extraordinary, he must stop him.

Master Kunjia couldn't help but change his expression.

To him, Patriarch Gunlong is a Tiangang Patriarch of the sect, but to him, Patriarch Gunlong is not only the Patriarch of the sect, but also his mentor, and the reason for this is that In this situation, it was precisely because of his request to report that he could not care about the comfort of Patriarch Gunlong?

Originally, he wanted to come forward and ask for an explanation, but unexpectedly, he was stopped by a heretical cultivator on his own territory.

Master Kunjia was about to have a seizure when the crisp voice of Yudie came from the side: "It turns out that the great elder of the general altar has arrived... Master Lian Gu, please let him in!"

Master Lian Gu hesitated for a moment, looked at the direction of the cabin, and finally retreated.

Kunjia Zhenren also restrained his anger, stepped forward, and asked Yudie: "Where are the people from Lu Yu? Why haven't you lifted the spell on Patriarch Gunlong?"

Yudie glanced at him and said, "Didn't I just say that? We are making preparations..."

"Brewing? It's already been a quarter of an hour. Does it need to be brewing for so long?"

Yudie sneered and said: "Do you think the immortal family's spells are a joke? The great elder himself is also an outstanding person, how about you try it yourself?"

Master Kunjia suddenly choked.

Jade Die added: "In addition to the need to brew to understand the law, we also need to 'bring' other things... However, I think you are not qualified, Great Elder, for this matter, so go and invite Master Tao!"

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