Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1048 Alliance

However, he did not strike down.

Tao Jinran stretched out a finger and pressed it on his palm.

Instantly, the thunder suddenly dissipated.

"No need to pretend in front of me, the old man Gunlong is still here. If he wakes up and asks me for someone, where can I find him a disciple?"

Tao Jinran sneered and lowered his voice so that only the two of them could hear.


Kunjia Zhenren's face turned from pale to flushed, as if he was embarrassed and guilty, and also aggrieved and angry. He didn't know what to say for a while.

"Okay, get up now!"

Tao Jinran said again: "I don't care whether you are real or fake. In this troubled time, you should save your strength, fight and kill the enemy, and do something more useful..."

"If you serve your life carefully in the future and no longer act on your own, then I will not pursue your fault today and give you a chance to redeem yourself. If there is a next time, I promise to make you get what you want just now, and even the old ancestor Gunlong can't save you!"

After saying that, his two sharp eyes were like sharp blades, staring directly into the eyes of Kunjia Zhenren.

Kunjia Zhenren's face turned pale and blue, and finally he bowed his head and said: "I understand..."

Tao Jinran retracted his sharp eyes, no longer paying attention to Kunjia Zhenren, and flew straight towards the floating battleship.

The floating battleship was only a few feet away from the old ancestor Gunlong, but he neither checked the situation of the old ancestor Gunlong nor asked the two old ancestors Zhaoyun and Huitang about the situation. Instead, he boarded the battleship directly and came to Yudie.

"Master Yudie, Master Chudie."

Tao Jinran stood still on the deck, bowed to the two, and nodded to Master Lian Gu beside him. He didn't even look at Yue Xiujun, who was a prisoner beside him.

Yudie's eyes lit up immediately: "Master Tao, have you dealt with the internal troubles so quickly?"

After saying that, she glanced at Master Kunjia who was in a state of dismay across from her.

Tao Jinran said: "What trouble is there? In fact, everyone is for the development of the sect, but there are some different opinions on the priority of things, which is nothing at all!"

Yudie Zhenren smiled and said: "In that case, congratulations to Master Tao! I have heard that Master Tao has a good governance. Under your leadership, the Daluo Holy Land is united as one, like an iron plate. If it seems that there may be a few twists and turns, the final result is indeed so!"

After a pause, he continued: "Since Master Tao came here so straightforwardly, it means that the master and the several ancestors of your sect have a good relationship. "Has the decision been made?" Tao Jinran smiled but did not answer. He turned his head and looked around and said, "Where is Young Master Lu Yu? Why did he come out? Is it the head of Yudie who will make the decision here, or him?" Yudie said, "That depends on what you want to talk about, Master? If it is related to the Dali Sword Sect, I will make the decision. If it is related to Fairy Yao Ji, he will make the decision..." "However, Master, you have no choice now. You can only talk to him about other things after we have discussed our previous affairs..." Tao Jinran was slightly startled. After a moment of silence, he asked, "What do you want to talk about, Master Yudie?"

Yudie said, "Lu Yu has already explained the relevant situation to you very clearly. Her Highness the Daluo Saint was also involved in the matter of the Woyun Ancient City, and she was the real mastermind behind it..."

"In front, there are the Yuhai Immortal Sect and the Wuya Immortal Pavilion stirring up trouble, and behind there is the strong pressure from the Daze Tianjun. Even though the main target of the major sects now is our Dali Sword Sect, one day they will turn their guns against the Daluo Holy Land... The Daluo Holy Land and the Dali Sword Sect are really in the same boat!"

"Therefore, we should work together to fight the enemy! Only Only after this step is achieved, can we talk about the next grand goal to be achieved! "

Tao Jinran's face was as calm as an ancient well: "I wonder how the so-called joint resistance against the enemy by Master Yudie is going to be?"

Yudie said: "Of course, we will send troops together, first break the Yuhai Immortal Sect, and then conquer the Wuya Immortal Pavilion!"

"However, this is just general talk. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. The specific strategy to be adopted should be determined by the specific situation of the enemy... Let's not talk about other things for now, there is an urgent matter to be dealt with..."

Speaking, Yudie turned her head and looked at Yue Xiujun on the side.

"The wife of the headmaster of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect was captured and has disappeared for several days. I think they have already learned that she is here now. Maybe they are planning a large-scale offensive..."

"Master Tao, why don't you use your holy altar formation to search the surrounding area to see if there are any troops from the Jade Sea Immortal Sect gathering nearby, so that we can work together to overcome this hurdle first."

As soon as Yu Die finished speaking, a beam of light suddenly flew over.

It was Xin Bowei, the master of the Azure Dragon Holy Altar.

He didn't even bother to salute, and said hurriedly: "Report to the headmaster, the people from the Jade Sea Immortal Sect are here!"

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