Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 105 Stars Passing Like the Sea

Encouraged by Jiang Feiyan, Lu Yu was more determined to comprehend the Star Sword Art.

Unknowingly, several days had passed.

In the past few days, Lu Yu immersed himself in the mountains of books and seas of literature, never leaving the Sutra Tower. Sometimes he was so hungry that he took out the dry food prepared in advance from the Qiankun bag and ate a few bites to fill his stomach.

However, as his comprehension became deeper and deeper, Lu Yu felt more and more confused.

He felt a faint light in his heart, but he could never touch it.

He tried to explore again and again with expectation, but he ended up in a dead end again and again.

This experience of going from the edge of hope to the abyss of disappointment again and again made Lu Yu almost despair.

Just as Jiang Feiyan said, comprehending this fragment of sword art was a pure waste of merit, time and energy.

On the seventh day, Lu Yu finally gave up looking for a needle in the haystack of the stratum, returned to the fifth floor, and picked up the fragment of the Star Sword Art General Outline.

He forced himself to forget all his deductions and thoughts, and return to the time when he first came here, to experience the mysterious feeling in his heart when he first saw the fragment of this sword art.

The vast sky, the stars are gone like the sea...

Throughout the whole article, it is still the first two sentences that make Lu Yu feel the most, as if his heart is throbbing.

But why is it so?

The vast sky, the disappearance of the stars is like the sea, huge in number, magnificent...

What a beautiful picture!

Lu Yu has seen the real vast starry sky.

When he first operated the Nine Turns Nirvana Art, for some reason, his soul peeked into the vast world outside the nine heavens, which deeply shocked him.

He couldn't help but compare the pictures in these two sentences with the vast world in his mind.

Suddenly, Lu Yu was shocked, and he seemed to feel something in his heart.

Stars are gone like the sea?

If the disappearance of stars is as numerous as the sea, where do the stars come from in the sky?

So, in fact, the passing of stars does not mean real disappearance!

The passing of stars only represents the alternation of stars!

It is indeed the simplest truth!

This simple truth is the key to solving all puzzles.

Extending this truth to the Star Sword Art, it is the basic swordsmanship under the general outline catalog, just like the stars in the sky, which is not immutable, but can be alternating with each other!

As soon as he thought of this, Lu Yu's thoughts suddenly became clear.

His breathing became rapid.

If he were to say that he could use alternate swordsmanship, he would have mastered a set at this time. This set of swordsmanship is not only extremely powerful, but also highly compatible with the Star Sword Art!

This is the Heavenly Star Sword Art left by his father.

Suddenly, Lu Yu saw a ray of fascinating dawn from this dilapidated book.


At the same time, in another area of ​​the Sutra Tower.

Xu Yichen walked out of the practice room with excitement.

He finally did it!

After so many days of hard training, he finally learned all the basic sword techniques under the general outline of the Thunder Sword Art and integrated them.

Due to the limitation of his cultivation, he cannot display the full power of this sword art for the time being.

But the true meaning of this set of sword art has been deeply engraved in his body. As long as he completes the unity of the five elements and returns to the sea of ​​tranquility, he can immediately display the Thunder Sword Art.

Looking at the Dali Sword Sect for so many years, there are only a few who can learn the Thunder Sword Art with the body of the True Yuan Realm and have the true meaning of the sword art engraved in their bodies. Among the existing disciples, there is no one.

His talent and talent have been fully reflected at this moment.

"Brother Xu, did you succeed?"

Seeing the expression on Xu Yichen's face, Zhao Yanwu also became excited.

He participated in the whole process of Xu Yichen's comprehension. If Xu Yichen succeeds, it means that he will also have a promising future.


Xu Yichen nodded gently. Although he tried to keep restraint, the proud expression between his eyebrows was revealed.

"Senior Brother Xu is also a rare genius!"

"With a body in the True Yuan Realm, he comprehended the true meaning of the Thunder Sword Technique! Senior Brother Xu's move has rewritten the history of our Dali Sword Sect!"

"From now on, no one in the entire Dali Sword Sect can surpass Senior Brother Xu!"

"Even the Qingyun List will be rewritten immediately because of Senior Brother Xu!"

Zhao Yanwu was full of excitement, and flattery came like a tide.

Xu Yichen's mouth curled slightly.

"Let's go to Jianzhen Pavilion!"

"Yes, yes, let's go to Jianzhen Pavilion!"

Zhao Yanwu echoed repeatedly.

Jianzhen Pavilion is an area connected to the Sutra Pagoda. Its structure is somewhat similar to the practice room, but its function is completely different.

The practice room is used to practice the skills and moves in the secret book.

Jianzhen Pavilion is used to evaluate the power of the learned skills and whether the skills have been mastered.

It is only related to the proficiency of the individual's skills, and has nothing to do with personal cultivation.

In other words, if an ordinary disciple in the Flesh Realm and a true disciple in the Return to the Sea Realm perform the same sword technique in Jianzhen Pavilion, if the true disciple's sword technique is not mature enough and has not been mastered, the power displayed in Jianzhen Pavilion will be less than that of the ordinary disciple in the Flesh Realm.

At this time, there are already many disciples in Jianzhen Pavilion who are testing their newly learned skills.

Xu Yichen and Zhao Yanwu strode over. Before they arrived, Zhao Yanwu was already shouting.

"Everyone give way! Senior Brother Xu is here! He wants to try the Thunder Sword Technique!"

Everyone's attention was immediately attracted.

"What? Thunder Sword Technique?"

"Did I hear correctly?"

"Someone actually understood the Thunder Sword Technique!"

"Go and see the excitement!"

Xu Yichen stepped into Jianzhen Pavilion.

He was still in the tower at this time, but his field of vision was already outside the Buddhist Scripture Pagoda.

And to outsiders, he was already floating in the mid-air outside the Sutra Pagoda.

These are all the results of the special formation.

Inside and outside the tower, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

Xu Yichen took a deep breath to suppress his excitement.

Then, he picked up the sword technique and threw the sword high into the air. At the same time, the true meaning of the sword in his body surged out.

Suddenly, dark clouds rolled in and lightning flashed.

The power of the elders and deacons is comparable to that of ordinary elders and deacons.

The crowd suddenly started talking again.

"It is indeed the Thunder Sword Technique!"

"This Senior Brother Xu is really amazing!"

"Xu Yichen is so talented that he ranks thirteenth on the Qingyun Ranking. This is too unworthy of his name!"

"One day, I will also learn this sword technique!"

Thunder light descended from the sky, and the dazzling brilliance illuminated the faces of all the disciples.

Xu Yichen walked out of Jianzhen Pavilion. Under the surprised, envious and admiring eyes of everyone, he couldn't help but feel high-spirited and full of ambition.

His eyes swept through the crowd one by one, trying to find two familiar figures among them.

Like him, these two people have been staying in the Scripture Pagoda for many days, and they have both read the "Sun-Chasing Sword". I wonder if they are also watching me among the crowd at this moment.

Seeing that he has mastered the Thunder Sword Technique, I wonder how these two people will feel?

However, the result disappointed Xu Yichen. He did not find these two people in the crowd.

Jiang Feiyan didn't care. He especially wanted to see what the guy named Lu Yu would look like when he saw him perform the Thunder Sword Technique.

Xu Yichen was feeling a little boring.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

In the sky, bright stars suddenly lit up.

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